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«-XVW*R *OREDO,PSDFW&HOHEUDWLRQ 2FWREHU 2QH*RG2QH:RUOG2QHOLIH«-XVW*R <XUL\2NVDQD6HPHQLXN7UDQVQLVWULD -XOLDLQWHUSUHWHU0ROGRYD Yuriy and Oksana lead a church in the Communist state of Transnistria. They hold evangelical outreaches in the city on a weekly basis, perform musical projects at schools and colleges, oversee a rehabilitation ministry for prisoners, addicts, and alcoholics as well as running a children's home for orphaned children. They have 3 children of their own. .DUHQ+DVVDOO&HQWUDO$VLD 0LPL(YHU\3UHJQDQF\6XSSRUW6HUYLFHV Providing support, encouragement, and resources to women facing unplanned pregnancy, and promoting sexual integrity until marriage in the community. Mimi and her husband, Rick, live in Durham, NC. 0LFKHOOH'LQJIHOGHU6DWHOOLWH3DQWU\ Filling hands and warming hearts in our community! The Satellite Pantry provides food and household items to those who are in need. Michelle and her husband, Mike, have 5 children and live in Chapel Hill, NC. Karen has been working in a rural region of the former Soviet Union since early 2004. She has been on a team that is working to see people develop in all aspects of life – physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually. Her main focus has been working with local nurses to promote health education for their communities. 'DYLG0HODQLH.RHUWV7KH1HWKHUODQGV David and Melanie are the leaders of Levend Water Church in Delft. Their vision is to see people impacted by Jesus, so they will, in turn, impact their community. They are building unity with the pastors in their city, developing leaders, and using written media to impact their world. They have 2 daughters. /XLV1RUD2OLYLHUL0LQLVWHULR$OFDQFH \5HFRQFLOLDFLyQ -HDQ'DYLVRQ&RPSDVVLRQ0HG,QWHUQDWLRQDO Luis & Nora minister to the Hispanic community in Durham, Carrboro, and Chapel Hill. Their goal and purpose is the ministry of reconciliation, making disciples of all nations, and teaching all the things that Jesus taught. They have 2 children. &KULV6XH+DOODUHQ7LGHZDWHU&KXUFK3ODQW CMI is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian organization whose purpose is to provide medical care with an emphasis on meeting the spiritual/emotional/physical needs of those served. CMI provides opportunities for anyone to experience short term medical/humanitarian missions. Jean has 3 sons. Chris and Sue are going to be planting a new church in Tidewater, VA. They are currently on staff at Manna Church in Fayetteville where they have been mobilizing the church through prayer and evangelism. Chris has also been the leader for RUSH ministries which is an evangelistic outreach to school campuses. They have 8 children. 7RP-XOLH-RKQVRQ*&,(DVWHUQ(XURSH Tom is the Executive Director of GCI Eastern Europe and is involved with leadership development and prayer networking. He and Julie also oversee the 4-month discipleship school designed to train and prepare potential ministers for service on the field. They have 4 children. &OHP)HUULV7UDYHOLQJ3URSKHWLF0LQLVWU\ -HUU\1DQ'DOH\*UDFHOLIH&KXUFK3ODQW Jerry and Nan have planted a new church in Columbia, SC, that will infect the city with the Gospel and become a churchplanting training center. Jerry was the founder of Grace Church and he and Nan have 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren. Clem serves on the GCI executive board and Grace Church’s oversight team. He spends most of his time traveling in the US and worldwide, strengthening the local church through prophetic ministry. Clem and his wife, Mary Jane, live in Durham and have 4 children.