Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING: PART II CONTINUOUS CARDIAC OUTPUT IN THE LAST LECTURE… • We monitor patients to – Guide therapeutic interventions – Allow early detection of organ dysfunction in order to avoid organ failure – Identify y the need for changes g in treatment strategy gy • Cardiac performance can be assessed and therapeutic interventions directed using simple physiologic equations Michael L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM Director, Surgical Intensive Care Units Orlando Regional Medical Center POTENTIAL SOURCES OF ERROR IN THE PAOP ASSUMPTION Is ventricular geometry unchanged? Is ventricular compliance unchanged? Is there mitral valve disease? IS catheter properly positioned? Preload = LVEDV = LVEDP = LAP = PAOP PAOP and CVP are accurate ONLY when these potential sources of error have been eliminated Are intrathoracic or intra-abdominal pressures elevated? INTERMITTENT CO TECHNOLOGY • Cardiac output (CO) is traditionally determined by the “thermodilution technique” – Iced saline is injected into the right atrium – The temperature of the blood flowing past a thermistor on the tip of the PAC is measured – A “thermodilution “thermodilution curve” is created • If CO is high, the cold saline flows through the heart quickly and blood temperature returns to normal as the saline bolus rapidly moves through the heart • If CO is low, blood flow is slower and blood temperature remains lower longer Revised 01/13/2009 • Traditional intracardiac filling pressures ((ie ie., ., PAOP and CVP) are inaccurate in the critically ill surgical patient VOLUMETRIC VARIABLES • Volumetric technology allows measurement of – Right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) – Right ventricular end end--diastolic volume index (RVEDV) • RVEDVI can b be used d as an estimate ti t off iintravascular t l volume or “preload” status • RVEDVI is independent of zerozero-pressure references and changing ventricular compliance – It is unaffected by the majority of potential sources of error which plague PAOP and CVP THERMODILUTION CURVE • As the iced saline bolus flows through the right atrium and ventricle, the intracardiac blood temperature decreases and then returns to normal • The area under the curve determines the CO • Accuracy is dependent upon multiple factors – Respiratory cycle – Injection technique – Regular heart rate / stable CO 1 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM INTERMITTENT VOLUMETRIC TECHNOLOGY • In the early 1990’s, volumetric PAC’s were introduced capable of measuring beat beat--to to--beat temperature changes • Required a modified PAC – Rapid response thermistor ¾To T detect d changes h in i temperature rapidly idl – Intracardiac electrodes ¾To determine heart rate using the R R--R interval – Multi Multi--hole injectate port ¾To ensure more thorough mixing of the injected saline in the right atrium CONTINUOUS CO TECHNOLOGY INTERMITTENT VOLUMETRIC TECHNOLOGY Two problems remained 1. RVEF varies with the respiratory cycle and timing of injection 2. Intermittent measurements provide only a “snapshot” of the cardiac function when a “moving picture” is needed • BeatBeat-to to--beat temperature changes allow determination of stroke volume (SV), RVEDVI, and RVEF as well as CO Revised 01/13/2009 Peak-Inspiration Mid-Expiration RVEF .39 RVEF .29 • Energy to the coil is turned on and off in a pseudopseudo-random pattern • Pulmonary artery blood temperature is measured continuously • Promotes improved resuscitation by providing a constantly updated CO assessment not previously available • These curves are combined mathematically to construct a traditional thermodilution curve RVEF .46 • A wire coil on the surface of the PAC heats (rather than cools) the blood in the right atrium • Reduces measurement variability – Averages respiratory cycle variation – Standardizes “injection” technique – Eliminates inconsistency associated with irregular heart rates • By correlating the changes in blood temperature with when the thermal coil was heated, a series of thermal curves are generated Mid-Inspiration RVEF .51 CONTINUOUS CO TECHNOLOGY • In the early 2000’s, continuous CO measurements became available – Utilizes continuous pulsed thermal energy instead of intermittent iced saline CONTINUOUS CO TECHNOLOGY End-Expiration CASE PRESENTATION • 76 year old male with claudication – Past medical history • Hypertension • Coronary artery disease • Congestive heart failure • Diabetes mellitus • Arteriogram Aortoiliac occlusive disease • Procedure Preoperative optimization Aortobifemoral bypass graft 2 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. 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Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM PREOPERATIVE OPTIMIZATION INTERMITTENT METHODOLOGY • A volumetric PAC is placed the day prior to operation in high risk patients 5 4 Cardiacc Index • Patient response to fluids and vasoactive medications is assessed • Cardiopulmonary function is optimized in an attempt to reduce morbidity and mortality 3 2 1 • Patient resuscitation is continued postoperatively Preoperative Optimization Operation Postoperative Resuscitation 0 10/16 14:24 10/16 19:12 10/17 0:00 10/17 4:48 10/17 9:36 10/17 14:24 10/17 19:12 10/18 0:00 10/18 4:48 Hours PREOPERATIVE OPTIMZATION 5 5 4 4 1 0 3 2 1 Preoperative Optimization Operation Postoperative Resuscitation 10/16 14:24 10/16 19:12 10/17 0:00 10/17 4:48 10/17 9:36 10/17 14:24 10/17 19:12 10/18 0:00 10/18 4:48 Dobutamine 2 IVF 3 IVF Cardiac index Cardiacc Index CONTINUOUS VOLUMETRIC TECHNOLOGY 0 10/16 14:24 10/16 19:12 10/17 0:00 10/17 4:48 Hours Hours PREOPERATIVE OPTIMZATION 150 0.6 125 0.5 75 0.4 0 10/16 14:24 IVF 25 10/16 19:12 IVF 50 Dobutamine CED DVI 100 10/17 0:00 0.3 0.2 10/17 4:48 Hours Revised 01/13/2009 3 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. 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Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM 2 0.5 0.4 75 50 0.3 1 25 0 0.2 0 10/17 12:00 10/17 7:12 10/17 14:24 10/17 9:36 POSTOPERATIVE RESUSCITATION 0.6 IVF NTG IVF IVF 125 IVF 150 IVF NTG IVF IVF Dobutamine POSTOPERATIVE RESUSCITATION 4 10/17 14:24 Hours Hours 5 10/17 12:00 IVF 10/17 9:36 Dobutamine 10/17 7:12 0.5 100 2 0.4 75 . 3 CEDV VI Cardiac Index 0.6 . 100 Release RLE 125 Release LLE Cross clamp Induction 150 CEDV VI 3 INTRAOPERATIVE COURSE Release RLE Cardiac Index 4 Release LLE Induction 5 Cross clamp INTRAOPERATIVE COURSE 50 0.3 1 25 0 10/17 14:24 10/18 0:00 Hours BENEFITS OF VOLUMETRIC TECHNOLOGY • The previous graphs demonstrate that significant physiologic changes go undetected by conventional intermittent monitoring technologies • Patient response to interventions is immediately apparent using continuous CO monitoring • Patient resuscitation is much more efficient and goal--directed goal Revised 01/13/2009 0.2 0 10/17 19:12 10/17 14:24 10/17 19:12 10/18 0:00 Hours THE VALUE OF RVEF AND RVEDVI • Numerous studies have demonstrated the value of volumetric measurements in resuscitation of the critically ill – Diebel et al. 1992, 1994, 1997 – Eddy et al. 1994 – Chang et al. 1995, 1996, 1998 – Cheatham et al. 1994, 1998, 1999 4 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. 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Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM THE VALUE OF RVEF AND RVEDVI RVEF TECHNOLOGY • RVEDVI is a valuable indicator of resuscitation adequacy in the following patient populations – General / vascular surgery – Trauma – Burns – Sepsis – Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) – Intra Intra--abdominal hypertension (IAH) – Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) • RVEF was originally intended to estimate the contractility of the right ventricle – RVEF is too dependent upon afterload and the right ventricle too weak to maintain contractility ¾Increased afterload decreases RVEF • RVEF, however, allows calculation of the right ventricular endend-diastolic volume index (RVEDVI) ¾A volumetric as opposed to pressurepressure-based assessment of preload SVI RVEF RVEDVI = • RVEDVI is independent of pressure references and is not confounded by – Changing compliance – Elevated intraintra-thoracic pressure – Elevated intraintra-abdominal pressure p • Positive end end--expiratory pressure (PEEP) has a number of effects on the heart and lung – Decreases venous return – Decreases CO – Increases SVR – Decreases pulmonary compliance – Increases intrathoracic pressure • RVEDVI can be confounded by – Irregular heart rate and/or rhythm – Mitral valve disease – Incorrect catheter placement • ARDS and IAH / ACS also result in increases in intrathoracic pressure that can affect cardiac function RVEDVI IN ARDS r= 0.24 p=0.01 20 100 PEEP 15-29 cm H2O 0 30 100 20 50 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 7 1 CARDIAC INDEX 200 3 4 5 30 r= 0.82 p<0.001 150 2 6 7 PEEP 30-50 cm H2O 2 3 4 5 6 CARDIAC INDEX 7 8 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 CARDIAC INDEX 7 8 2 3 4 60 r= 0.72 p<0.001 100 1 5 6 7 CARDIAC INDEX r= -0.30 p=ns 40 20 0 0 0 7 50 0 1 3 150 10 0 2 200 r= 0.04 p=ns 20 50 1 CARDIAC INDEX 100 0 0 0 CARDIAC INDEX PAOP 0 Revised 01/13/2009 r= -0.36 p=0.003 40 150 10 0 PEEP 6-14 cm H2O r= 0.52 p<0.001 200 PAOP RVEDVI PEEP 5 cm H2O RVEDVI IN ARDS r= 0.08 p=ns 30 200 CI HR x RVEF INTRATHORACIC PRESSURE VOLUMETRIC VARIABLES 300 = 0 0 1 2 3 4 CARDIAC INDEX 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 CARDIAC INDEX 5 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. 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Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM HEMODYNAMIC EFFECTS OF ARDS 450 RVEDVI AND ARDS 40 400 • PAOP provides erroneous information that may lead to inappropriate patient interventions CI 350 30 • RVEDVI is a superior predictor of preload status in patients on PEEP 300 250 20 200 PAOP • Volumetric PA catheters are indicated in any patient with ARDS and those who require PEEP > 15 cm H2O 150 10 100 RVEDVI 50 0 • Each patient requires resuscitation to optimize CO and tissue perfusion rather than to an arbitrary PAOP value 0 5 6-14 15-29 30-50 cm H2O • PAOP provides contradictory information concerning preload status • The negative effects of PEEP are typically not seen until > 15 m H2O ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME • Characterized by the presence of IAH and one or more of the following signs: Oliguria Abdominal distention Refractory oliguria Elevated airway pressures Hypercarbia Hypoxemia Refractory metabolic acidosis Elevated intracranial pressure RVEDVI IN INTRA-ABDOMINAL HYPERTENSION 70 • Use of PAOP and CVP in patients with IAH may lead to inappropriate therapy • RVEDVI is a more accurate estimate of intravascular volume status than PAOP in patients with IAH / ACS RVEDVI IN INTRA-ABDOMINAL HYPERTENSION 70 45 r = - 0.33 35 40 30 30 25 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 5 0 9 30 25 20 15 10 10 0 0 35 40 10 0 40 20 15 20 r = - 0.33 45 50 PAOP 50 50 r = - 0.33 60 r = - 0.33 40 CVP PAOP • Increased intraintra-abdominal or intrathoracic pressure elevates intracardiac pressures by an amount that is unpredictable 50 60 5 0 0 0 1 2 CARDIAC INDEX 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 1 2 CARDIAC INDEX 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CARDIAC INDEX r = 0.68 CARDIAC INDEX 70 40 30 20 10 0 r = 0.69 200 80 60 40 10 20 PAOP Revised 01/13/2009 30 40 50 150 100 50 20 0 0 250 100 RVEDVI 50 PEAK AIR WAYPR ESSU RE 120 r = 0.44 60 IAP HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING IN IAH/ACS CVP – – – – – – – – Cheatham et al. Crit Care Med 1998 0 0 10 20 PAOP 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CARDIAC INDEX 6 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM CORRELATION WITH CI HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING IN IAH / ACS Variable r p RVEDVI 0.69 <0.0001 PAOP - 0.33 <0.0001 CVP - 0.32 <0.0001 PIP - 0.30 <0.0001 Paw - 0.16 0.02 IAP - 0.05 0.40 PEEP - 0.04 0.53 • CI correlates significantly better with RVEDVI than with PAOP or CVP • PAOP and CVP provide erroneous information and may lead to inappropriate therapy • RVEDVI is a superior predictor of patient response to fluid challenge • Right ventricular function PAC’s are the catheter of choice in patients with IAH / ACS Cheatham et al. J Trauma 1998 RVEDVI AS A PREDICTOR OF SURVIVAL • Several studies have demonstrated improved patient outcome with the use of volumetric PAC’s – RVEDVI > 110 mL mL/m2 /m2 (RVEF 0.39) (Miller) • Decreased MSOF and death – RVEDVI > 120 mL mL/m2 /m2 ((RVEF 0.34)) ((Chang) g) • Improved visceral perfusion • Decreased organ dysfunction and failure – RVEDVI > 130 mL mL/m2 /m2 (RVEF 0.37) (Cheatham) • Improved survival from IAH / ACS KEY POINTS TO INTERPRETING RVEF & RVEDVI VALUES “OPTIMAL” RVEDVI • Initial studies suggested that an RVEDVI of 130130-140 mL/m2 was optimal – This oversimplifies what is actually a complex and dynamic relationship • RVEDVI and RVEF are “mathematically mathematically coupled” coupled – RVEF must be taken into consideration when assessing the adequacy of RVEDVI RVEDVI = SVI / RVEF ≅ 1 / RVEF KEY POINTS TO INTERPRETING RVEF & RVEDVI VALUES 1) RVEDVI reflects preload status 2) RVEF reflects contractility and afterload 3) Ventricular contractility and compliance are constantly changing (Eddy 1995) 4) For a given preload status, as RVEF changes, RVEDVI must also change Revised 01/13/2009 RVEDVI must ust be interpreted te p eted in conjunction with RVEF 7 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. 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Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM “FAMILIES” OF STARLING CURVES RVEF • 20-29% • 30-39% • > 40% 6 CARDIAC INDEX 5 “FAMILIES” OF STARLING CURVES • As RV contractility changes, patients move to a new Starling curve and the target RVEDVI must change RVEF 0.20 4 RVEF 0.30 3 RVEDVI RVEF 0.40 2 1 0 50 100 RVEDVI 150 200 CARDIAC INDEX “RVEF CORRECTED” RVEDVI CONCLUSIONS “Optimal” RVEDVI RVEF Normal Critically ill 200 mL/m2 240 .30 150 mL/m2 180 mL/m2 .35 125 mL/m2 150 mL/m2 .40 100 mL/m2 120 mL/m2 .50 50 mL/m2 60 mL/m2 .20 mL/m2 • Critically ill patients can have widely disparate levels of ventricular function • Optimal RVEDVI, PAOP, or CVP values must be determined for each individual patient • RVEDVI is superior to PAOP or CVP in determining preload recruitable increases in CI – Especially true when cardiac filling pressure interpretation is confounded by conditions such as shock, ARDS, and ACS HEMODYNAMIC VARIABLES CASE STUDIES The following are a series of patient scenarios that illustrate the key points from the Hemodynamic Monitoring lectures Preload Contractility Afterload PAOP CI SVRI CVP LVSWI* PVRI RVEDVI RVSWI* SVI RVEF RVEF * Assumes preload and afterload optimized Revised 01/13/2009 8 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM PATIENT 1 PREOPERATIVE OPTIMIZATION GOALS • 74 yo male 2 weeks S/P ABF bypass – PMH: CAD, MI x 2, NIDDM CI > 2.5 L/min/m2 LVSWI > 40 (g (g--m/m2) • Initially seen at an outside hospital with hypotension, abdominal pain, low UOP Ca--vO2 Ca < 5.5 mL O2/ dL blood • Transferred to ICU via helicopter on dopamine DO2I > 600 mL L O2/m / 2 VO2I > 170 mL O2/m2 RVEDVI > 100 mL/m mL/m2 RVEF > 0.40 • Surgeon diagnoses ischemic left colon and plans exploratory laparotomy; requests preop evaluation • Indications for PA catheter: – Pre Pre--operative optimization PATIENT 1 PATIENT 1 Parameter 09:51 CI (L/min/m2) 2.6 HR (beats/min) 109 LVSWI (g(g-M/m2) 15 RVEF (fraction) 0.28 RVEDVI (mL (mL/m /m2) 83 PAOP (mmHg) Parameter Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented? A: The patient’s UOP and RVEDVI both suggest hypovolemia. The patient’s CI, RVEF, and LVSWI suggest decreased contractility. This should always be corrected first by ensuring adequate preload. 15 SVRI (dyne.sec.cm-5/m2) 1683 SvO2 (fraction) 0.69 DO2I (mL (mL O2/m2) 423 VO2I (mL (mL O2/m2) 125 Urine output (mL (mL/hr) /hr) 10 PATIENT 1 Parameter 10:49 17:15 4.3 2.6 HR 102 92 LVSWI 40 18 RVEF 0.42 0.37 RVEDVI 130 76 SVRI 2900 mL L IVF 10 500 mL EBL 1083 250 mL UOP 1764 SvO2 0.73 0.61 The patient goes to the operating room and returns with the parameters listed. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? 23 DO2I 710 458 VO2I 217 139 Urine output 40 110 Revised 01/13/2009 09:51 10:49 CI 2.6 4.3 HR 109 102 LVSWI 15 40 RVEF 0.28 0.42 83 130 RVEDVI PAOP 15 SVRI 1683 SvO2 0.69 1000 mL IVF 1000 mL of IVF is administered and the patient’s UOP and RVEDVI respond. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? 10 1083 0.73 DO2I 423 710 VO2I 125 217 Urine output 10 40 A: The patient’s preload is adequate, but afterload (SVRI) has fallen. The patient meets the preoperative optimization goals and is allowed to go to the operating room. PATIENT 2 CI PAOP These parameters are discussed in the “Oxygenation Parameters” lecture. You may want to come back and review these cases again after reviewing that lecture. A: The patient’s preload is inadequate and the SVRI has increased to compensate given the hypovolemia. Further fluid resuscitation is indicated as the patient has responded well to this previously. • 18 yo male with bilateral femur fractures following a MVC • Admitted to ICU for acute respiratory failure 12 hours following intramedullary nailing of his femurs – Progressive ARDS requiring PEEP / FiO2 • “Pulmonary fat emboli syndrome” – Blood loss requiring fluid resuscitation • Indications for PA catheter – Refractory shock – Progressive ARDS 9 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM PATIENT 2 PATIENT 2 Parameter #1 CI (L/min/m2) 2.1 HR (beats/min) 140 RVEF (fraction) .43 43 RVEDVI (mL (mL/m /m2) 60 PAOP (mmHg) 12 PEEP (cm H2O) 10 FiO2 (fraction) .40 UOP (mL (mL/hr) /hr) 10 Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented? A: The patient’s preload is inadequate as evidenced by the tachycardia and low UOP and RVEDVI. Fluid resuscitation is indicated. PATIENT 2 #1 #2 CI 2.1 2.9 HR 140 110 RVEF .43 43 .38 38 RVEDVI 97 PAOP 60 2000 mL IVF 12 PEEP 10 10 FiO2 .40 .40 UOP 10 50 15 The patient is given 2000 mL of normal saline. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? A: Although the patient’s UOP has improved, his CI, RVEF, and RVEDVI remain low. His PAOP is 15, but he is on PEEP of 10 cm H2O making his transmural “true” PAOP less than that. As is common for such patients, he still needs more fluid. PATIENT 2 Parameter #1 #2 #3 CI 2.1 2.9 3.5 HR 140 110 90 RVEF .43 43 .38 38 .42 42 RVEDVI 60 PAOP 12 97 1000 mL 122 IVF 15 15 PEEP 10 10 10 FiO2 .40 .40 .40 UOP 10 50 60 Parameter #3 #4 CI 3.5 2.4 HR 90 120 RVEF .42 42 A: The patient’s CI, HR, RVEF, RVEDVI, and UOP are improving. You elect to monitor his progress. RVEDVI 122 PAOP 15 Six hours later, his SaO2 slowly drops to 0.90. What intervention is appropriate at this time? PEEP 10 18 FiO2 .40 .60 UOP 60 5 The patient is given another 1000 mL of IVF. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? PATIENT 2 .28 28 PEEP 87 25 You increase the PEEP serially to 18 cmH2O and FiO2 to 0.60. His ARDS is worsening with a chest x-ray showing bilateral patchy infiltrates His UOP has infiltrates. fallen. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? A: The increased intrathoracic pressure is impeding venous return to the heart. Further IVF is warranted. PATIENT 3 Parameter #3 CI 3.5 2.4 3.1 HR 90 120 105 RVEF .42 42 .28 28 .30 30 RVEDVI 122 PEEP 87 PAOP 15 25 27 PEEP 10 18 18 FiO2 .40 .60 .50 UOP 60 5 35 Revised 01/13/2009 Parameter #4 • 25 yo male S/P GSW to inferior vena cava #5 IVF 115 • Transferred to ICU following “damage control laparotomy” for ongoing hemorrhage – “Bogota bag” in place covering the open abdomen With IVF administration, his CI, HR, RVEDVI, and UOP all improve. RVEF remains decreased due to the increased right ventricular afterload from ARDS and PEEP. • Patient remains hypotensive with elevated arterial lactate and low urinary output • Indications for PA catheter – Refractory shock – Oliguria 10 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM PATIENT 3 PATIENT 3 Parameter #1 (L/min/m2) 2.3 HR (beats/min) 150 RVEF (fraction) .38 38 RVEDVI (mL (mL/m /m2) 43 PAOP (mmHg) 5 CI IAP (mmHg) 15 PIP (cm H2O) 36 UOP (mL (mL/hr) /hr) 2 Parameter Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented? A: The patient’s preload is inadequate as noted by the low CI, RVEDVI, PAOP, and UOP. His IAP is moderately high and will needed to be watched closely. Fluid resuscitation is needed. PATIENT 3 #1 #2 #3 CI 2.3 2.5 1.8 HR 150 120 160 RVEF .38 38 .31 31 .25 25 RVEDVI 43 IVF 53 IVF You give additional saline to try and improve visceral perfusion. IAP and PIP continue to rise. You call the surgeon back and inform him of the patient’s recurrent ACS 49 PAOP 5 18 30 IAP 15 22 35 PIP 36 52 87 UOP 2 10 0 Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? A: The patient needs immediate abdominal decompression for his severe ACS. PATIENT 3 CI 2.3 2.5 HR 150 120 RVEF .38 38 .31 31 RVEDVI 43 1000 mL IVF 5 53 PAOP IAP 15 22 PIP 36 52 UOP 2 10 18 1000 mL of saline is given, but minimal response is seen. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? A: The patient’s preload remains inadequate. His PAOP, IAP, and PIP are all rising rapidly. You recommend revision of the patient’s Bogota bag, but the surgeon says he doesn’t believe abdominal compartment syndrome is present. Parameter #3 #4 CI 1.8 2.9 105 HR 160 RVEF .25 25 .42 42 RVEDVI 49 Exp Lap 108 PAOP 30 16 IAP 35 14 PIP 87 48 UOP 0 50 The surgeon reluctantly reopens the abdomen and finds ongoing bleeding. This is controlled and a larger Bogota bag is placed. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? A: The patient is still hypovolemic (low CI and RVEDVI. Further IVF administration is warranted as is serial monitoring of the patient’s IAP. PATIENT 4 #3 #4 #5 CI 1.8 2.9 3.4 HR 160 105 88 RVEF .25 25 .42 42 .40 40 RVEDVI 49 PAOP 30 16 22 IAP 35 14 13 PIP 87 48 46 UOP 0 50 45 Revised 01/13/2009 #2 PATIENT 3 Parameter Parameter #1 Exp Lap 108 IVF 130 • 56 yo female admitted to ICU with acute cholecystitis – PMH: unremarkable • Blood cultures demonstrate Enterococcus faecalis The patient responds appropriately to the additional IVF. He demonstrates evidence of good organ perfusion and his IAP remains at an acceptable level yp , oliguric, oliguric g , tachycardic y • Patient is hypotensive, hypotensive • Indications for PA catheter – Refractory shock – Oliguria 11 Hemodynamic Calculations II – M. L. Cheatham, MD, FACS, FCCM PATIENT 4 PATIENT 4 Parameter #1 Parameter (L/min/m2) 1.3 HR (beats/min) 160 RVEF (fraction) .42 42 RVEDVI (mL (mL/m /m2) 38 PAOP (mmHg) 3 CI SVRI (dyne.sec.cm-5/m2) 4500 UOP (mL (mL/hr) /hr) 0 SvO2 (fraction) Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented? A: The patient is in severe septic shock. She is markedly hypovolemic. Immediate fluid resuscitation is warranted. .41 PATIENT 4 3 liters of IVF are administered with some response. Appropriate broad-spectrum antibiotics are started. #2 CI 1.3 2.2 HR 160 120 RVEF .42 42 .40 40 RVEDVI 38 PAOP 3 3000 mL 118 IVF 15 SVRI 4500 2100 UOP 0 10 SvO2 .41 .68 Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? A: Further fluid resuscitation is warranted as the patient’s systemic perfusion remains inadequate. PATIENT 4 Parameter #1 #2 #3 CI 1.3 2.2 2.3 HR 160 120 110 RVEF .42 42 .40 40 .30 30 RVEDVI 38 PAOP 3 15 17 SVRI 4500 2100 1900 UOP 0 10 22 SvO2 .41 .68 .67 IVF 118 IVF 150 Additional IVF is given with a decrease in RVEF and rise in RVEDVI. CI and UOP remain low and SVRI is dropping. You recognize that increased contractility and afterload is needed. Q: What therapeutic changes should be implemented now? A: You initiate a norepinephrine infusion to raise the patient’s afterload and improve contractility. CONCLUSIONS • Volumetric pulmonary artery catheter monitoring is a valuable tool in the care of the critically ill • RVEDVI is superior to PAOP and CVP in predicting response to resuscitation • RVEDVI must be interpreted in conjunction with the RVEF • Continuous hemodynamic monitoring provides time critical information that is useful for guiding resuscitation Revised 01/13/2009 #1 Parameter #3 #4 #5 CI 2.3 0.9 2.6 HR 110 110 130 RVEF .30 30 .13 13 0.22 0 22 RVEDVI 150 PAOP 17 26 22 SVRI 1900 540 1100 NE 220 NE IVF 170 UOP 22 0 25 SvO2 .67 .44 .62 The e pat patient e t de develops e ops severe septic shock, but with time, additional IVF, norepinephrine, and antibiotics, her shock state improves. CONTINUOUS CO MONITORING • Continuously updated – Preload (RVEDVI) – Contractility (CI) – RV afterload (RVEF) – Oxygen transport balance (SvO2) • Provides a comprehensive assessment of cardiopulmonary function 12