Resume - Jessica, the Potato

9450 Gilman Dr. #68216
La Jolla, CA, 92092
Jessica Lin
(714) 955-2824
June 2017
University of California, San Diego
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
Major GPA: 3.867
Overall GPA: 3.790
Current / Planned Courses
Previous Courses
 Advanced Data Structures (C++)
 Components & Design Techniques for Digital Systems
 Theory of Computability
 Computer Organization & Systems (C, C++, Asm)
C++, Java, C, Assembly, AngularJS, HTML, CSS, Python
Data Structures, Object Oriented Design
Head CSE Tutor
CSE Department, UCSD
 Managed the grading of programming assignments for 300 students.
 Led discussion sections to introduce programming assignments.
 Tutored for Computer Organization & Systems and Intro to CS & OOP.
Programming Competition Committee Chair
Women in Computing, UCSD
 Organized and coordinated the quarterly 2.5 hour Beginner’s Programming
Competition, meant to inspire and encourage beginner students in CS.
 Increased participation by 73% to 199 competitors, with 30% females.
Software Engineering Intern
Intellisis Corporation
 Developed a web application to increase the usability and intuitiveness of a
voice biometric secure login tool.
 Languages: Angular Javascript, HTML, CSS
 Concepts: HTTP Services, Local Storage
Engineering Practicum Intern
 Designed and implemented a source-to-source obfuscation tool for the C
programming language from scratch.
 Developed the tool framework and my obfuscation techniques using
Google’s build system and writing build specification files.
 Tested my work by writing unit tests with GoogleTest.
 Languages: C++
Program Leader
Techie Girls
 Co-founded and organized this annual one to two week camp to inspire a
total of 45 middle school girls with no prior experience in technology.
 Collaborated with fellow Program Leader to design a curriculum for web
design, game design, programming, and application development.
 Languages: HTML, Python, Kodu, AppInventor
Conference Participant
 National Scholarship Recipient for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women
in Computing
 Qualcomm Women’s Collegiate Conference
o Networked with Qualcomm employees and other motivated students.
o Learned to maximize workplace productivity using my own strengths.
Artificial Intelligence Student
Stanford University
 Modeled concepts behind autonomous cars with my “Autonomous Turtle”.
 Languages: Java
Sept 2014 – Present
Sept 2014 – Present
Oct 2014 – Present
June – Sept 2014
June – Sept 2014
June – Aug 2013
Aug 2014
March 2014
Aug 2013