The People Vs. Columbus

The People Vs.
Conquest Definitions
Ethnic-People who share a
common cultural background
including ancestry and language
Ethnocentrism-The belief in the
superiority of one’s own ethnic
Conquest- To take by force
Discover- To be the first to find
something, a place, an idea
Indigenous People- People who
first populated an area, who are
native to a place. (Native
Empire- A group of lands under
the rule of one ruler
Civilization- A highly developed
culture usually with an organized
religion and laws
Traditional- Living as one’s
ancestors have lived
Plantation- A large farm on
which a single cash crop is
Slave- A person owned by
another for the purpose of
providing labor
Colony- The overseas
settlements used for producing
wealth for the parent country
Read and review over the evidence sheets in your packet.
Discuss terms used in criminal proceedings
Prepare opening and closing statements
Take notes and create arguments and counterarguments
Understand different historical perspectives
Research punishments for genocide and murder
Understand the purpose and the major steps taken in the
trial process
 Understand the parties in a criminal trial and the roles of
attorneys, judges and jury
Court Procedure
Judge gives preliminary instructions
Prosecution gives the opening statement
Defense will follow with their opening statement
The prosecutor calls the first witness (direct examination)
The Defense questions the witness (cross-examination)
Witnesses can present physical evidence at this time. For
example a document
When the prosecution calls all their witnesses the defense may
call theirs
Rebuttal-the prosecution may bring more evidence but only to
disprove any new evidence brought out by the defense.
Closing arguments-when both are complete
Roles in the Role Play
12 Jury Members (given a
observational handout)
Prosecution Witnesses
 Antonio de Montesinos
 Bartolome de las Casas
 Cacimar (Tainos)
 Cacica (Tainos)
Defense Witnesses
 Julieo Iglesias (Crew)
 Keith Hernandez (Crew)
 King Ferdinand
 Queen Isabella
 Christopher Columbus
Prosecution (2 lawyers)
Defense (2 lawyers)
Bailiff (Mr. P)
King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella sponsored
Columbus’ trip, & supplied him with the tools to
claim new territory
When the Tainos refused to fight back against
Columbus’ actions, Columbus did not & could
not see the harm he was doing
Columbus was merrily an exlplorer in a quest to
find a shorter route to the Indies, & did not
intend to harm the Tainos
The system of Empire valued property over
people, & the more a person owned, the more
secure they were
Columbus had to return to Spain with gold &
Taino slaves to help prove the earth was round,
otherwise, for many years later people would
believe they would fall off the earth
King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella ordered
Columbus to return to Hispaniola to find more
gold + return home with more slaves. They
could have easily rejected this thought
Columbus ordered his men to spread terror
among the Tainos by cutting off their hands
+ sending dogs to hunt them down
Columbus invaded the Tainos’ land + the
place they called home
Columbus’ plan was to go to India for spices
while taking a shorter route, but he still
invaded the Tainos’ land
Columbus started as an explorer, but later,
became a conquer of the Tainos
Columbus refused to release the Tainos,
even after they made it clear that they
wished to leave
When Columbus arrived on Hispaniola
when there were over 3 Million Tainos, but
by 1592 only 200 remained
Columbus made the Tainos slaves, even
though he had his own crew to do his grisly
 Complete a Pro
and Con graphic
organizer focused
on Christopher
 Conquest
Vocabulary Quiz