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Colonizing the Greater Antilles: Genocide & History

Colonizing the Greater Antilles
• I will be able to Identify way in
which the Spanish could be
responsible for the genocide of
the indigenous people.
• I will be able to state what could
have been done differently.
• I can state ways in which the
Spanish could be responsible for
the genocide of the indigenous
• I can state what should have
been done differently.
Return to Hispaniola: high hopes a hard reality
• Columbus first wanted to build towns which the Spaniards would then trade the ‘Indians.’ Queen
Isabella gave the task or collecting stores. The priest a Columbus got 17 ships and 1200 men. This
included builders, mason and carpenters along with the resources to begin working on the first town
in the ‘Indies.’
• To organize this trade, they had merchants and clerks. They also brought a map-maker who would be
helpful for voyage to would take place other than to Hispaniola.
• They had a priest who would be there to convert the indigenous Americans to Christians.
• When Columbus saw the Kalinago settlements he had written that they were the savage people but
appear healthy and smart which would make good salves. This was when they were travelling back to
through Lesser Antilles Islands.
• When the colonist had arrived at Hispaniola, they way Columbus described it is not he way it looked.
All the Spaniard that were left behind were killed by the Tainos and the fort was destroyed. As a
result, Columbus then captured an imprisoned the cacique who was the leader of the attack.
• When Columbus crew start to build, they did so far away from fresh water. Which led to plants
wilting from the salty soil. And men were dying from fevers because of the mosquitoes found in
the swamp that was close by.
• Expedition were sent to find gold, but instead found Tainos which were farming people who had
no money value. Gold could be panned from rivers, but no mines were there to find gold.
• Columbus did not stop he took 3 ships to explore further west. And sailed to Jamaica but quickly
went on to Cuba. For a month, the ships explore south coast before returning to Hispaniola.
• Back in Hispaniola, the Spaniard stop working on building the towns and instead forced the Tainos to
give them food and assaulted their women. As a result, the Tainos who wee polite started to fight the
invaders. As the cacique wife Anacaona lead them.
• The Tainos did not have as advance weapons to help defend and attack. Which lead to thousands
dying in a very short period.
• Now that there was no hope in trading with the Tainos in order to pay back the Spaniards, Columbus
made them pay taxes. Every male over 14 had to fill a hawk’s bell with gold. Children and women had
to supply 12 kilograms of spun cotton every 3 months. Tainos who failed to pay taxes had to work
several week free labor.
• Upon Columbus return to Spain, he found that Queen Isabella and some of the Spanish merchant
were annoyed because he did not find wealth in the Indies. The merchants believed that it was all a
rues to enslave the Tainos and bring back sell. Queen Isabella said that it was her duty as a Christian
to covert the Tainos not enslave them.
• There were complains of the Columbus brothers going to Spain so, Queen Isabella sent Francisco de
Bobadilla to Hispaniola to act on her behalf. His first act was having the Columbus brother arrested
and sent them back to Spain.
• Isabella then forgive him a granted permission for Columbus to sail his fourth voyage to the
Caribbean. Were he went to Santo Domingo to claim his taxes that he had taken from the Tainos. He
sailed five months along the Coast of central America than turned his “worm-eating ship” to north
again to Hispaniola.
• His ships were not capable of this voyage and because of this it sunk close by St Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. It
was almost a year before the hired someone to collected Columbus and the survivors.
• According from the oxford dictionary genocide is “the deliberate killing of a large number of people
from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”
• 1. When Columbus left the Spaniards stop working on building a town and instead forced the Tainos
to give them food and assaulted their women. This enrage the Tainos because the Tainos were
peaceful a treat the Spaniard with respect, and they started to fight because they weapon were not
as advanced as the Spaniard who had Anacaona who was the cacique wife. As a result, thousands of
Tainos died in a very short period. This could have made them responsible because, instead of
respecting the Tainos thee assaulted their women and started the reason for war.
• 2. They enslaved the Tainos and when on the voyage half of the Tainos died for the cold, because they
didn’t give them any extra clothing. This would have made the responsible because, the lead to the
death of hundred a Tainos when they could have given them extra clothing the help bare the cold.
• The Spaniards could have showed the Tainos same respect the Tainos
showed them. They shouldn’t have assaulted the women and instead
could have stay on the plan where they would trade with them.
• They should have given extra clothing to the Tainos to keep the warm
during the voyage because, it would have helped the stayed warm.