A book review is a type of expository writing. Your book review will

A book review is a type of expository writing. Your book review will count as
a Comp/Grammar grade and as a sample of your expository writing. Make
sure you follow the requirements, review the sample book reviews, and look
over the rubric as you write your review.
1. Write a three paragraph review of the book you read. Each paragraph should clearly illustrate your ideas and give
supporting details from the text to explain your ideas.
Paragraph 1 – a short summary of the story without giving away the ending (at least 5 to 8 sentences)
Paragraph 2 – discuss features of the story (at least 5 to 8 sentences)
• your connections
• your thoughts about the author’s style
• your thoughts about the structure used for the story
• your thoughts about the graphics or images included in the story
• favorite part or character and reasons why
• the theme or moral of the story
Paragraph 3 – book recommendation (at least 4 to 5 sentences)
• read or not read the text and your reasons explaining why
• type of reader who might enjoy the book and your reasoning
2. Draw a picture of key images that you visualized while reading the book
3. Include the title of the book and the author, as well as your name as the reviewer
Below are some sample book reviews written by 5th grade students and were published on-line through Spaghetti®
Book Club. Also included are comments about the development of each paragraph to help guide your book review.
The Chocolate Touch
Written by Patrick Skene
Illustrated by Margot Apple
It all started when John found a funny old coin. The man at the
chocolate store was more than pleased to trade John a box of chocolates for it.
John loved chocolate more than anything else in the world, but he was
disappointed with what he found in the box. Then his life turned upside down.
You must read the book to find out what was in the box and how it changed his life.
My favorite part was when John became annoyed with his parents. This story reminds me of my life and the crazy addiction I have to
candy like John has with chocolate. The character I liked in the book was the candy store guy because he is scheming behind John's back. The
special thing I get from this book is that I can have a craving for chocolate and it won't totally ruin my life if I don't eat too much of it.
I recommend this book to kids who love chocolate because it is a funny book about chocolate. If you like chocolate you're going to
love this book. The thing that might interest readers is that it has a special, magical thing in it which you will discover on your own when you
Reviewed by Brett H - student in Mrs. Wilson's 5th Grade Class 2004-2005
Spaghetti® Book Club - http://www.spaghettibookclub.com/review.php?review_id=6913
Comments from Mrs. Drew – Paragraph 1 is fairly well developed. Paragraph 2 needs supporting details to link
Brett H’s ideas. Paragraph 3 needs more specific details.
The Invention of
Hugo Cabret
Written by Brian Selznick
Reviewed by Skylah W. (age 11)
Hugo lives in the walls of a busy train station where his survival
depends on secrets and anonymity. He fixes the clocks in the train station
and keeps the gears going. His father died in a fire at a museum because he
was locked in a closet while making an automaton and he couldn't get out.
Hugo is hiding so the station inspector doesn't ship him away to an orphanage. He meets a girl and they accomplish something very hard. You'll
have to read the book to figure out the rest.
Do you like a book that is long? I don't, but I picked up this book thinking it was long but it is mostly pictures. When I started reading
it, I loved it because it was short and such a good story. I don't even have a favorite part because all of it was good. I thought Hugo was the best
character because he was really mysterious. All the pictures are black and white but it tells most of the story. It is a chapter book that won the
Caldecott, an illustration award and that is unusual.
I think you should read this book. It is amazing, mysterious, and extraordinary and puts you on the edge of your seat. If you ever
decide to pick up a book I would get this one.
Skylah W. is a student in Mrs. McCormick's 5th Grade Class 2010-2011
Comments from Mrs. Drew – Paragraph 1 is well developed. Paragraph 2 uses supporting details to link Skylah
W’s ideas. Paragraph 3 needs more specific details.
Created by: Theresa Drew
Eagle Springs Elementary
A Long Way from Chicago
Written by Richard Peck
Reviewed by Hudson W. (age 11)
This book is about a boy and his sister named Mary Alice. They
had to move away from their parents in Chicago and go and live with their
crazy grandma during the Great Depression. They are always doing something
crazy, like putting mice in milk or going fishing at the sheriff’s private gun
club. They have to survive a year with their crazy grandma.
This is a very funny book about kids and their grandma who is
always up to mischief. The best part is when she pulled the shotgun on the
Cowgill boys. This book is different from any other book I read because it is
funny and realistic. If you like grandma you should read the other book in the
series called A Year Down Yonder. Both of the books were so good they won the Newbery Award.
I loved this book and you should read it. This book has a crazy grandma always up to something nuts. If you like history and comedy
this is the book for you. So try reading The Long Way from Chicago. You will not be disappointed!
Hudson W. is a student in Mrs. McCormick's 5th Grade Class 2010-2011
Comments from Mrs. Drew – Paragraph 1 is well developed. Paragraph 2 uses supporting details to link Hudson
W’s ideas. Paragraph 3 gives specific reasons to read A Long Way from Chicago.
Dragon Rider
Written by Cornelia funk
Illustrated by Cornelia Funke
Reviewed by Rebecca S. (age 11)
ROAR! Do you believe in dragons? Well, you will after you read Dragon
Rider. Firedrake and his trusty brownie Sorrel embark on a journey like no other.
They are going to the legendary Rim of Heaven. A warning of humans coming to flood their caves doesn’t make the other dragons believe. Only
Firedrake takes this warning seriously. So off they go and on their way they encounter strange things, a rat, a golden indestructible dragon, and
many more mythical creatures. The ending will make you quiver with happiness, fright and interest. Cornelia Funke’s style of writing will
enslave your mind and you won’t want to stop reading!
This book was one of my favorite of all time! Cornelia Funke was very imaginative with her ideas. Who would think brownie spit and
dragon fire could show a person’s true form, genius! My favorite part was when Sorrel, the brownie, had to dress in pajamas, so she could go into
the city without being noticed! She looked hilarious! My favorite character is Nettlebrand because whenever something made him mad, he ate it
just like that! This book’s illustrations were beautiful! I loved Funke’s pictures because they were black and white. You had to use your
imagination to fill in the colors!
I would definitely recommend this book, because Funke puts so much energy into everything she writes. Every page you turn more
and more excitement pops up! If you’re a kid who likes to read about adventures, then this is the book for you! If you are the perfect reader you’ll
love the plot, characters, settings, genre and illustrations. Will you take the challenge to read this book? I hope you do!
Rebecca S. is a student in Mrs. McCormick's 5th Grade Class 2010-2011
Comments from Mrs. Drew – Paragraph 1 is well developed and hooks the reader. Paragraph 2 needs supporting
details to link Rebecca S’s ideas. Paragraph 3 is well developed and gives specific
Created by: Theresa Drew
Eagle Springs Elementary