My Grade Tool – Blackboard CE6 -

My Grades Tool in Blackboard (I)
Creating Columns in Grade Book
Entering Grades
o To Enter a Single Grade for One Student
o To Enter Several Grades for One Student
o Entering Grades for Multiple Students
Adding My Grade Tool for Students to View Grades
Part I. Creating Columns in Grade Book
1. From the Teach tab, under Instructor Tools, click “Grade Book”
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2. From the Grade Book screen, click “Create Column”, and form the Action
Links menu, chose the appropriate grade column type.
o Consist of letters and/or numbers (e.g., name, User ID, student
number, phone number)
o Strictly numerical information (e.g., numeric grade, student number,
phone number)
o Calculates final grades
Letter Grade
o Generates letter grades that correspond to the numeric grades in a
specific numeric, calculated, or quiz column
o Contains letters and occupies several lines (e.g., addresses or
Grading Form
o Uses Grading Forms
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3. Fill the corresponding fields. Click “Save”.
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4. A new Grade Column is created.
Part II. Entering Grades
You may enter grades individually or for multiple students. You can also override
any grade using the same basic steps.
Ö To enter a single grade:
1. At the Grade Book, locate the student and then the corresponding column.
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2. Enter the new grade, you may choose to enter a comment. Click “Save”.
Note. The comment is for course instructor to view only. Students will not be
able to see this comment.
3. The grade of Sample Midterm for Demo Student is now entered.
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Ö To enter multiple grades for individual students:
1. At the Grade Book, locate the student and select “Edit Member”.
3. In the Edit Member screen, which displays all gradable columns, enter the
grade for the appropriate column. If you want to include a comment to be
saved in the Grade Book’s Audit History, enter it in the Comment text box.
Click “Save”.
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Ö To enter grades for multiple students:
1. At the Grade Book, click on the name of a grade column, and then click “Edit
2. For each student, enter the grade in the Change to text box. If you want to
include a comment to be saved in the Grade Book’s Audit History, enter it in
the comment text box. Click “Save” to finish entering grades.
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Part III. Adding My Grade Tool for Students to View Grades
1. From the Build tab, under Designer Tools, click “Manage Course”.
2. Click “Tools”.
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3. Under Student Tools, select “My Grades”, then click “Save”.
4. To verify the result, go to Student View. “My Grades” should now be visible to
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