Why NPA? The National Parking Association is the preeminent association serving the parking industry. NPA provide access to quality education, research, and networking to advance your career. Industry Research. NPA’s best in class research provides strategic information that allows members to focus their efforts on providing exceptional customer experiences and take advantage of emerging market trends. 1112 16th Street NW Suite 840 Washington, DC 20036 GETINFORMED. GETCONNECTED. GETAHEAD. IAMNPA AREYOU? Connect with the Industry’s, Premier Parking Professionals. Professional Development. The Certified Parking Professional program is a practical, comprehensive curriculum designed to assist you and your staff in preforming your duties in an effective and professional manner. The CPP certification sets performance and service benchmarks and is the standard against which excellence and professionalism are judged. Industry Leadership. NPA provides research and networking to assist parking industry leaders as they adapt to industry changes and trends. Through networking, research and education NPA provides the tools and insights that help you formulate and implement strategy. WeAreParking.org “Our operation is more efficient and we’re able to provide a higher level of service to our customers, thanks to NPA, which allows us to keep up with current trends in the parking industry. Each type of customer presents different challenges, and NPA helps us exceed their needs.” LEE SONNENBERG Associate Director, Transportation and Parking Services, Texas Tech University JOIN NOW! JOIN JOIN THE THE FASTEST FASTEST GROWING GROWING PARKING PARKING ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION IN IN NORTH NORTH AMERICA AMERICA NPA NPA NPAisisisthe the theleading leading leadingparking parking parkingindustry industry industryassociation association associationfor for forin-depth in-depth in-depth industry industry industryresearch, research, research,advocacy, advocacy, advocacy,business business businessbest best bestpractices practices practicesand and and lifelong lifelong lifelonglearning. learning. learning. Why Why WhyNPA? NPA? NPA? Benefi Benefi Benefits ts tsof of ofMembership: Membership: Membership: Networking Networking Networking Opportunities: Opportunities: Opportunities: Fair Fair FairTax Tax TaxPolicy Policy PolicyForum Forum Forum Sector Sector SectorPeer Peer PeerNetworks Networks Networks Winter Winter WinterLeadership Leadership LeadershipForum Forum Forum CPP CPP CPPSummit Summit Summit Parking Parking ParkingPower Power PowerNetwork Network Network Member Member MemberDiscounts: Discounts: Discounts: Industry Industry IndustryLeading Leading LeadingResearch Research Research Cutting-edge Cutting-edge Cutting-edgeEducation Education Education &&&Training Training Training Online Online OnlineLearning Learning LearningWebinars Webinars Webinars Books Books Books&&&Reference Reference ReferenceManuals Manuals Manuals CPP CPP CPPCertifi Certifi Certification cation cationProgram Program Program Name Name Name Title Title Title Company/Organization Company/Organization Company/Organization Address Address Address City City City State/Postal State/Postal State/PostalCode/Country Code/Country Code/Country Phone Phone Phone Personal Personal PersonalE-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail Business Business BusinessCategory Category Category PAYMENT PAYMENT PAYMENTINFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION Free Free FreeAccess Access AccessTo: To: To: Parking Parking ParkingMagazine Magazine Magazine Industry Industry IndustryIssue Issue IssueAlerts Alerts Alerts Online Online OnlineMember Member MemberDirectories Directories Directories WeAreParking.org WeAreParking.org WeAreParking.org Membership Membership MembershipCategory Category Category MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIPCATEGORIES CATEGORIES CATEGORIES Dues Dues DuesAmount Amount Amount SELECT SELECT SELECTYOUR YOUR YOURMEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIPCATEGORY CATEGORY CATEGORYFROM FROM FROMTHE THE THEFOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL $$$ Check Check Checkenclosed enclosed enclosed Charge Charge Chargemy: my: my: American American AmericanExpress Express Express Commercial Commercial CommercialOperator/Valet— Operator/Valet— Operator/Valet— Facility Facility FacilityOwner/Operator Owner/Operator Owner/Operator VISA VISA VISA MasterCard MasterCard MasterCard Account Account AccountNumber Number Number TTT LKI LKI LKI TOO TOO LICY LICY LICYTOO PO PO TAX TAXPO RRRTAX FAI FAI FAI xe xesss Ta Taxe ggTa in ing rk rkin Pa Pa Park ely ely ely ctiv ctiv ctiv Effe Effe te teteEffe oca oca oca Adv Adv totoAdv How How Howto to to to eee Guid Guid Guid AAA yyy ocac ocac ocac Adv Adv Adv ts tsts sroo sroo sroo Gras Gras Gras Fees Fees Fees ort ort ort Airp Airp Airp Off Off Off Fair Fair Fair for for for ap apap Roadm Roadm Roadm rces rces rces Resou Resou Resou aa a Agend Agend Agend Action Action Action Expiration Expiration ExpirationDate Date Date Signature Signature Signature Date Date Date Number Number Numberof of ofLocations Locations Locations PPaarrkkin ingg Novembe Novembe Novembe rr2014 r 2014 2014 Commercial Commercial Commercialand and andValet Valet Valetmemberships memberships membershipsare are areCorporate Corporate Corporatememberships. memberships. memberships. 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