Psy 244 Grading Rubric for Child Observation Assignment 1. Descriptions 2. Links with course materials (applies only to second child observation paper) 3. Style Score: _______ Excellent The student describes the child, the conditions of observation, the child’s developmental skills or behaviors (in two or more areas), and how interactions with others might contribute to these skills of behaviors. The description is exceptionally clear and insightful. Very Good The student describes the child, the conditions of observation, the child’s developmental skills or behaviors (in two or more areas), and how interactions with others might contribute to these skills of behaviors. The description is generally clear and insightful. The student demonstrates remarkable understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she flawlessly integrates description with linkages to course materials, drawing upon no fewer than three relevant concepts. The paper contains no (or very few) errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization are exceptionally clear. The student demonstrates very good understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she competently integrates description with linkages to course materials, drawing upon no fewer than three relevant concepts. The paper contains very few errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization are clear. Good The student describes the child, the conditions of observation, the child’s developmental skills or behaviors (in two or more areas), and how interactions with others might contribute to these skills of behaviors. The description is generally clear, but does not demonstrate particular insight. The student generally demonstrates good understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she draws upon some relevant concepts, though not always the most appropriate ones. Needs Improvement The student fails to meet one or more of the criteria outlined in the assignment handout. Otherwise, the description is generally clear, but not particularly insightful. Poor The student fails to meet more than one of the criteria outlined in the assignment handout. The description is generally unclear and not particularly insightful. The student demonstrates shallow understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she makes on sporadic reference to relevant concepts and often not the most appropriate ones. The student demonstrates little understanding of and insight into course materials. He/she makes only vague and often incorrect reference to course concepts. The paper contains a few errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization are generally clear, with some lapses. The paper contains multiple errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization do not meet college-level standards. The paper contains extensive errors in spelling, word choice, punctuation, or sentence structure. The style and organization do not meet college-level standards.