Unit II – The Executive Branch Name(s) The Cabinet Web Quest

Unit II – The Executive Branch
The Cabinet Web Quest
Directions: The 15 executive departments do much of the work of the Federal Government. Often called the Cabinet departments, they are the traditional units of
federal administration, and each of them is built around some broad field of activity.
For this activity you will investigate specific Cabinet Departments and research the priorities of each.
The following website will provide links to each of the Cabinet departments: http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/cabinet.html
Define “Cabinet”:
Cabinet Members 
The Constitution makes no mention of the term “cabinet”
to the President
Each department is headed by a Cabinet Secretary who is
Formed by heads of 15 executive departments (grown overtime)
by the President, and
Cabinet Department
Cabinet Department
Cabinet Secretary:
Cabinet Secretary:
Purpose of Department:
Purpose of Department:
Major issue facing Department:
Major issue facing Department:
Interesting or surprising fact:
Interesting or surprising fact:
Visual Representation
Visual Representation
by Senate.
Cabinet Department
Cabinet Department
Cabinet Secretary:
Cabinet Secretary:
Purpose of Department:
Purpose of Department:
Major issue facing Department:
Major issue facing Department:
Interesting or surprising fact:
Interesting or surprising fact:
Visual Representation
Visual Representation
Current Event Watch: Skim news releases and look for references to organizations shown in the chart on page 417.
*It is preferred that you find recent releases that are related to one of the 4 cabinets described above.
*Print out 1 or 2 releases and summarize:
Title of the article
Date of the article
Brief summary of the article