VISION To unleash human potential by creating life changing solutions for personal fulfillment and economic independence. Travion Ivy, Construction Student PROGRAMS & SERVICES • Training/Certificate Courses. Prepares individuals for employment in a specific field. Current offerings include: Office Technology (Basic Clerical, Accounting/Computing, Secretarial Refresher and Medical, Legal or Executive Administration), Office Support Specialist, Retail Sales, Carpentry, Highway/ Heavy Construction, Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), and Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). Classes in Certified Medication Technician and Insulin Administration are coming soon. Maria Burns, Award of Excellence Winner IMAGE Job Point is Missouri’s premier employment center and community development corporation. Since 1965, we have been linking people and jobs. •Employment Services. Equips individuals with the tools for a successful job search. Individualized services facilitate the best matching of interests, skills and experiences with employer needs. Once employment is secured, follow-up support is extended for job retention. •Employment Services with Supports. Assists individuals with significant disabilities to identify appropriate work goals and secure and successfully retain employment. Ongoing support is provided during job tryouts, work readiness, development of employment opportunities, coaching and long term follow-up services. •YouthBuild. Assists disadvantaged youths to advance educational levels, obtain skills training in the construction field, develop leadership abilities and advance towards high-growth, high-demand occupations. Participants build affordable housing in our community’s most impoverished neighborhoods, and improve public infrastructure. •Community Housing Development. Addresses the deficit of affordable housing. With assistance from the City of Columbia, Job Point’s YouthBuild students construct new homes for sale to income-eligible individuals and families. Participants also assist other community organizations with construction and rehabilitation of homes and other structures. 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Airiane Cairns and Zach Vaughn were honored as the Award of Excellence recipients. • KOMU 8 served as the Title Sponsor for our Annual Awards Banquet. Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital was selected as Employer of the Year. Missouri Division of Youth Services was acknowledged as Partner of the Year. Steve Powell was recognized as Volunteer of the Year. Tammy Thomas was honored as Job Point’s Employee of the Year. • Heart of Missouri United Way allocations provided skills training for high-risk older youth. As a funded partner, Job Point once again achieved Pacesetter status in its internal United Way employee campaign, with 100% eligible staff participation. Sekou Gaidi, Award of Excellence Winner SPECIALIZED SERVICES FOR • Adults with disabilities •Individuals who are unemployed or underemployed •People with social, economic, legal and/or educational disadvantages •Persons with physical or mental health conditions, including injuries •High risk youth ages 17 1/2 + • Through a partnership with AmeriCorps, several YouthBuild graduates earned a scholarship to further their education upon completion of at least 450 hours of community service. Mayor McDavid formally acknowledged our volunteer efforts and the organization was nominated for the Columbia Daily Tribune’s HERO award. • YouthBuild and Civic Youth Corps participants conducted a wide range of service projects such as working at the local food pantry, assisting with the Columbia Values Diversity Breakfast, and participating in the Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service, as well as volunteering at a not for-profit child care center and for the City of Columbia. • Becky Curry Roe was elected Vice President of the Randolph County Council of Social Service Agencies. Gary Taylor was appointed as Vice President of the National YouthBuild Directors’ Association, and was selected for the American Express Leadership Academy. • Our inaugural Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning class was held in April, complementing our existing trades programs in Carpentry and Highway/Heavy Construction. • In the spirit of community, Job Point staff volunteered with the Show-Me State Games for the 15th consecutive year. Staff also participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure fundraiser in October. As well, Job Point employees sponsored a family through the Voluntary Action Center’s holiday gift program for the sixth season in a row. • Job Point was awarded $1.1 million from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) over a three year period to enhance its YouthBuild activities in Boone County and expand to Randolph County. • In partnership with Assistance League of Mid-Missouri, the 26th annual Comedy Night Show and Auction was sold out and raised nearly $18,000 for Job Point. Sponsors were Joe Machens Dealerships, Frank & Liz Aten/Matt & Kate Pitzer, The Bank of Missouri, Boone County National Bank, Columbia Orthopaedic Group, Commerce Bank, Deja Vu Comedy Club, DeSpain Cayce Dermatology Center & Medical Spa, Hawthorn Bank, Horton Animal Hospitals, The Insurance Group Inc, Landmark Bank, MBS Textbook Exchange Inc, MFA Oil Company and Smith Lewis LLP. Job Point is deeply indebted to Fred DeMarco for initiating this remarkably enduring event and keeping it fresh for over a quarter of a century. In addition, we recognize the indomitable Bob Pugh for his many years of serving as a comedian. • A City of Columbia Community Development Block Grant was approved for skills training scholarships in Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC). Additionally, City Community Services funding allowed continuation of our Job Works program, offering employment assistance for residents who are economically disadvantaged. • Gavin Bryan of Manor Roofing & Restoration was crowned Columbia’s 5th Local Celebrity Apprentice by Mary “The Boss” Wilkerson. The event, featuring 15 contestants in four teams, raised community awareness and over $22,000 for Job Point. • In partnership with Preferred Futures Healthcare Academy, Job Point continued Certified Nursing Assistant training in Columbia. Three classes were held in 2014 with 30 students graduating. • Columbia’s City Council approved $68,809 to further our Affordable Housing Development Initiative. These grant funds will allow Job Point to build one home in Columbia’s Ward 1, with YouthBuild participants completing the work. Through this project, the house will be sold to an income-qualifying buyer with down payment assistance available. • Our technology needs received a boost when AP Green Foundation donated $10,000 for new computers and a network upgrade, while the Heinkel Foundation granted $13,000 for modern servers. CORE VALUES •Integrity •Able and Adaptable •Collaborative Spirit •Clarity in Communications •Excellence in Customer Service • As a Partner in Education with Douglass High School, Job Point staff provided students job seeking tips, assisted with job fairs in the spring and fall and provided tours of our facility and home building construction site. • We embarked on a new initiative in partnership with the Veterans Administration and Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide skills training and employment assistance for veterans in the federal compensated work therapy program. • We co-hosted a Disability Forum for candidates vying for election to the Columbia Public Schools Board of Education and City Council. A series of monthly Lunch ‘n Learn sessions was launched to celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act. • Mark and Carol Stevenson graciously contributed an historic $100,000 toward our youth trades programs. • We welcomed Steven A. Smith as our Interim President & CEO after bidding a fond farewell to Jim Loveless. Derrick Cooper, Employed at Wendy’s MISSION Job Point promotes the abilities of individuals seeking employment through innovative training, education and business partnership, enriching the communities where we work and live. FY2014 OUTCOMES • 518 persons served • Average hourly wage was $10.01 • 72% of adult job seekers maintained employment for at least 90 days • 96% of customers were satisfied with our services FY2014 FINANCIAL REPORT SUPPORT & REVENUE Contributions & United Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $551,166 Grants & Contract Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,359,759 Purchase of Service Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $868,673 Home Sales, Net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,446 Other Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,433 Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,688 Lakeela Mings, Office Technology Student Jermaine Thompson, HVAC Graduate Employed at Peters Heating & Air Conditioning NaQuelle Evans, CNA Graduate Employed at Lenoir Woods TOTAL REVENUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,854,145 EXPENSES Client Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,708,645 2014-15 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Matt Garrett, Chair Director of Audience Development KOMU 8 & Mid Missouri’s CW MEMBERS Nick Allen Owner, President Manor Roofing & Restoration Tina Workman, Vice Chair Vice President of Accounting and Assistant Treasurer Shelter Insurance Companies Suzanne Bagby Health Benefits Advisor Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital Chuck Bowman, Treasurer President Monarch Title Company, Inc & MHD Management Services Greg Berg Senior Vice President Central Trust & Investment Company Ellen McLain, Secretary Senior Director of Advancement, Office of Gift Planning & Endowments University of Missouri August Nielsen, Member At-Large Human Resources Director Veterans United Home Loans Frank Aten, Past Chair Director of Debt and Investment Research, CFA Public School Retirement Systems of Missouri Tom Elliott, DDS Thomas M. Harrison Attorney Van Matre, Harrison, Hollis, Taylor & Elliott, PC John Mullette Vice President, C & S Enterprises, Inc General Manager, Culligan Water Conditioning Erica Pefferman President The Business Times Company Alexander Plummer Underwriter State Farm Insurance Companies Amanda Wooden Executive Director, Center for Career & Professional Development Stephens College Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $109,203 LOCATIONS 400 Wilkes Boulevard Columbia, MO 65201 573/474-8560 215 East 5th Street Sedalia, MO 65301 660/815-0889 423 East Logan Street, Suite 104 Moberly, MO 65270 573/823-2885 710 North College Street, Suite F Warrensburg, MO 64093 660/422-2893 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $177,535 TOTAL EXPENSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,995,383 OTHER CHANGE IN NET ASSETS. . . . . . . . . . . $1,436 NET CHANGE IN ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – $ 139,802 BALANCE SHEET Current Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $674,951 Net Fixed Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $64,612 Other Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $286,773 TOTAL ASSETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,026,336 Current Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $291,560 INTERIM PRESIDENT and CEO Steven A. Smith TOTAL LIABILITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $291,560 Temporarily Restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $186,720 Unrestricted/Designated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $312,629 FUNDED PARTNER An equal opportunity organization committed to a diverse workplace. Job Point’s comprehensive vocational services are accredited by CARF, the Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission. Unrestricted/Undesignated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $235,427 TOTAL NET ASSETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $734,776 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . $1,026,336 *This Financial Report is based on 15 months of operations, as Job Point’s fiscal year changed from July/June to October/ September effective October 1, 2014. Job Point fulfills its mission through the assistance of Missouri businesses. We salute the following companies for creating employment opportunites in fiscal year 2014. A L Andrews Janitorial Services ABC Supply Company, Inc The Add Sheet Advantage Nursing Services Alternative Opportunities, Inc AZZ/Central Electric The Bluffs Burger King C & C Construction Capital Plaza Hotel Capital Region Medical Center Chester Bross Construction Company Christian Service Company City of Columbia City of Moberly Columbia Detailing Columbia Healthcare Center Columbia Housing Authority Columbia Landcare, LLC Columbia Mall Columbia Manor Care Center Craftsmen Masonry & Restoration, LLC Crown Linen Service Daddy Ray’s Denny’s Domino’s Pizza Doolittle Trailers Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc Engineered Plastic Components, Inc Fulton Diner Fulton Nursing & Rehabilitation GSN Staffing Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hosptial Heisinger Bluffs Holiday Inn Executive Center Home Depot Hy-Vee Independent Living Resource Center Integrity Home Care Iron Skillet Restaurant ISS Facility Services Jani-King Jefferson City Area YMCA Job Finders Employment Services Labor Ready Lakeview Health Care & Rehabilitation Center Lea’s In-Home Daycare Lowe’s Home Improvement Manpower, Inc Mark Twain Redi-Mix Maximus McDonalds MERS Goodwill Mexico Plastics Company Mid America Brick Minnix Electric Missouri Auto Auction Missouri Department of Transportation Missouri National Guard Missouri River Regional Library Missouri Staffing Moberly Area Community College Moberly Nursing & Rehabilitation News Tribune Nomad Construction, Inc North Village Park Care Center Oasis Landscaping & Irrigation The Ovid Bell Press Parkside Manor PetSmart Phoenix Home Care Pizza Hut ProEnergy Services Professional Cleaning Services Propak Logistics Pyramid Home Health Services Right at Home Riverdell Care Center Riverview Nursing Center Ruby Tuesday Sam’s Club SaunaSpace Scholastic Sears Serve, Inc Sofia’s Sonic Drive-In South Hampton Place Steak ‘n Shake Subway Super 8 Motel TGI Friday’s Theresa Open Arms Tiger Tots Child Development Center Tom Atkins Building Maintenance Management Toys R Us University of Missouri University of Missouri Health Care UTI Logistics Wal-Mart Wendy’s Whitehaven Community Living Wolfe Construction Woodley Building Maintenance Work Rite We graciously thank the following individuals and businesses who have given generously in 2014. Dr. and Mrs. Mark and Carole Adams AdKarma Ms. Emily Albertson Mr. and Mrs. Lynn and Diane Allen Allen P. and Josephine B. Green Foundation Ms. Kim Ancell Mr. Drew Anderson, Financial Rep. Northwestern Mutual Mr. Marc Anderson, Financial Rep. Northwestern Mutual Ms. Michele Angerer Assistance League of Mid-Missouri® Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Liz Aten The Bank of Missouri Ms. Jennifer Barth Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Donna Bechtold Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Donna Beckett Ms. Kimberly Bell Bezler Law Firm Mr. and Mrs. John and Patty Blakemore Bleu Events and Catering Ms. Alyssa Blevins Ms. Jesse Bodine Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Vee Boehm Boone County National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Pam Bowman Ms. Allie Bradbury Honorable Michael and Katie Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Susan Brooks Brown, Willbrand, Simon, Powell & Lewis, PC Dr. and Mrs. Pete and Donna Buchert Ms. Ada Buckman Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Amy Burks Ms. Heidi Buxton Caledon Virtual, Inc Mr. and Mrs. David and Melissa Carr Dr. and Mrs. Ronald and Judy Carter Casey Buckman Photography CenturyLink Chipotle Mr. and Mrs. Rob and Rosemary Christianson Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Marilyn Clark Classic Tile, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Billie Coachman Mr. John Collier Columbia Center for Dentistry Columbia CPA Group, LLC Columbia Daily Tribune Columbia Insurance Group Columbia Real Estate Commerce Bank Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ellen Condron Mr. and Mrs. Allan and Tania Cook Ms. Samantha Cook Ms. Nancy Cooper Ms. Christine Corcoran Corporate Identi-T’s & Universi-T’s, Inc Country Club of Missouri Courtyard by Marriott D Sport Engraving Dairy Queen Dave Knight Law Offices Deja Vu Delta Systems Group Mr. Fred DeMarco and Ms. Kathe Milner DeSpain Cayce Dermatology Center & Medical Spa Dickey’s BBQ Pit Mr. Mark Drymalski Ms. Sophie M. Dubbels Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Joy Dunafon Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Jane Duncan Mr. and Mrs. John and Marilee Dunn Ms. Grace Elder Dr. and Mrs. Tom and Sheri Elliott Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc Ms. Carolyn Ezzell Ms. Laura Farmer First State Community Bank Dr. and Mrs. Greg and Sondra Flaker Flat Branch Home Loans Fletcher Honda Ms. Pat Flow Fohey Family Farms Ms. Sara Fougere Mr. Ian Franz Ms. Julia Galosy Mr. Timothy Gerding Gerding Korte & Chitwood, PC, CPA Gerke & Associates, Inc GFI Digital Ms. Cortney Gilbow Mr. and Mrs. Don and Sharon Ginsburg Goodman Air Conditioning & Heating Gotcha! Mr. and Mrs. Frederick and Carol Green Ms. Lisa Guillory Mr. Gary Hague James and Adelaine Harding Trust Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Sara Harper Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital Mr. Rex Havens Hawthorn Bank Mr. Gerard Hempstead Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Veronica Herzing Mr. and Mrs. Perk and Marilyn Hoecker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Sue Hoevelman Ms. Mary Hoffman Smith Horton Animal Hospitals Mr. and Mrs. Lynn and Pat Hostetler Mr. and Mrs. John and Anita Hubert Ms. Angela Huhman Hulett Heating & Air Conditioning Company Mr. and Mrs. John and Mary Humlicek Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Linda Hutton Hy-Vee The Insurance Group, Inc Mr. John Jacobs Joe Machens Dealerships Joe Machens Toyota-Scion Ms. Shirley Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Kathy Kahrnoff Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Chris Kaisher Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Lisa Kayser Ms. Jessica Kespohl Kimber Media Kliethermes Homes & Remodeling, Inc Mr. Daniel Knight KOMU 8 & Mid Missouri’s CW Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Chris Koukola Mr. Michael Kravchick Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Mary Kuligowski Ms. Robin LaBrunerie Landmark Bank Ms. Sherryl Laws Ms. Eileen Long Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Connie Loveless Lowe’s Home Improvement Lucky’s Market Macaroni Grill Mr. and Mrs. David and Marcia Machens Dr. and Mrs. Justin and Melissa Malone Manor Roofing & Restoration Massage Envy Mr. Rick Matheny Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Robin May Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Barb Mayer MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc Ms. Sue McDaniel Ms. Julie McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Patricia McDonald Ms. Ellen McLain MDM Enterprises Ms. Joan Menser MFA Foundation MFA Oil Company Miller Family Foundation, Inc Miller, Bales & Cunningham, PC Missouri Cotton Exchange Missouri Employers Mutual Ms. Donna Moessner Ms. Sherry Moller Monarch Title Company, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Molly Monroe Moresource, Inc MO-X Mr. and Mrs. John and Jenny Mullette Naught-Naught Agency Mr. Curtis Nelson Dr. Tyler K. Nivens Ms. Ginny Northcutt Mr. Jerry Olson Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Brenda Overkamp Ms. Jenna Cousin Pahde Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Elaine Pate Ms. Denise Payne Mr. and Ms. Jason and Jennifer Peck Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Erica Pefferman Ms. Patricia Pelaccio Ms. Angela Percival Peters Heating & Cooling Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Kate Pitzer Mr. Alex Plummer Mr. and Mrs. Al and Sheila Plummer Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Viola Powell Preferred Futures Healthcare Academy Privitt Auto Service, Inc Professional Contractors & Engineers, Inc Providence Bank Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Amy Pugh Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Audra Pulliam Ms. Nancy Rahner Red Barn Signs Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Elizabeth Reid Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael and Nelly Roach Mr. and Mrs. John and Wren Roark Dr. and Mrs. Scott Robinson and Cindi King Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ellen Roper Mr. and Mrs. Urban and Linda Rudroff Dr. and Mrs. Brett and Sally Russell Mr. Scott Schaefer Schnucks Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Elizabeth Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Susan Schuppan Ms. Theresa Seeman Shakespeare’s Pizza Mr. Brian Shannon Shelter Insurance Companies Shelter Insurance Foundation Drs. Allyn Sher and Barbara Tellerman Signs Now Ms. Nancy Silver Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Leah Beth Simon Mr. Brad Sites Mr. and Mrs. John and Marie Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. and Jane E. Smith Ms. Cassandra Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. and Sharon Smith Smith Lewis, LLP Attys Spectrum Studios Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Penny St. Romaine Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Vivanne Stacy Mr. and Mrs. Patt and Cheryl Stansberry Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Bonnie Steinmetz Stephens College Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Nancy Sterling Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Carol Stevenson Stone Creek Properties, LLC Strand Mr. and Mrs. Wes and Pamela Stricker Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Tamara Sundvold Mr. and Mrs. Christian and Kimberly Tadrus Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Ann Taylor Teller’s Gallery & Bar Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Lou Tennyson Ms. Gail Thomas THRIVE Tiger Family Chiropractic Dr. and Mrs. James and Linda Tomlinson Ms. Karol Towns Ms. Lauren Towns Ms. Maddy Towns Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Nancy Traylor True Media University of Missouri Health Care University of Missouri Human Resources Van Matre, Harrison, Hollis, Taylor & Elliott, PC Varsity Clips/Varsity Nails Veterans United Foundation Veterans United Home Loans Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Betsy Vicente Mr. and Mrs. James and Kimberly Voight Mr. and Mrs. Al and Barb Wagner Wal-Mart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Diane Wanserski Mr. and Mrs. Hank Waters and Vicki Russell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watkins and Elizabeth Freese Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Hiram and Jane Watson Ms. Misty Werkmeister Dr. and Mrs. John and Sally Williams Ms. Heather Williamson Mrs. Margaret Wingo Ms. Jessica Winkelmann Woodcrest Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Tina Workman Mr. and Mrs. David and Paula Zerrer