Cell Project

Cell Project
Name: __________________ DUE Date: ___
Project Choices
1. Cell Board Game
2. Cell Model
3. Cell Song
4. Children’s Book
5. Original Project Created by Student
Project Summaries
1. Cell Board Game
Design a board game in which players travel through either a plant or animal cell by traveling from organelle
to a finish line. The board game must have questions that need to be answered in order for the player to
advance spaces. Or design a board game in which players travel around a board answering questions while
picking up organelles to complete their paper cell model. Many different versions of a board game can be
created with this project choice. The final product will be photocopied and played by the class.
2. 3-D Cell Model
You will create a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell. Depict the various cell parts/organelles in your model
using materials that relate to or are analogous to their function. Although this may not be possible with
every organelle of the cell, you will be surprised how many you can come up with given a little creativity.
The cell must have depth (3-D). You structure analogy cell must relate to a common theme (like things you
would find in a factory). You will present your model to the class.
3. Cell Song
You will rewrite the lyrics to a popular appropriate song of your choice. The new lyrics must incorporate the
cell organelles and their functions. The new lyrics need to be appropriate and flow with the original music
(meaning stay in tune with how the original artist performed it). Your song must be performed to the music
either in front of the class, or prerecorded and played for the class.
4. Children’s Book
You have been hired by a children’s book company to produce a children’s book about cells. The topic of
your book is to introduce all of the characters (organelles) of either a plant or animal cell, and how the
characters work in the cell from day to day. Remember that the book is for children and it must be colorful
and exciting. You can make a hard copy of your book that I will photocopy for your presentation to the class
or an electronic copy can be submitted that must be printed and put together to share.
5. Original Project Created by Student
If a student has another creative idea to display their knowledge of a plant /animal cell, the student may
discuss this with the teacher in order to agree upon an acceptable grading rubric. DO NOT create your own
project without teacher approval.
NAME: ____________________________________________
Cell Board Game
Design a board game in which players travel through either a plant or animal cell by traveling from organelle
to a finish line. The board game must have questions that need to be answered in order for the player to
advance spaces. Or design a board game in which players travel around a board answering questions while
picking up organelles to complete their paper cell model. Many different versions of a board game can be
created with this project choice. The final product will be photocopied and played by the class.
The following organelles MUST be drawn into the game and
recognizable: mitochondrion, Golgi body, rough/smooth ER,
nucleus, Chloroplast, ribosomes (free and attached), cell
membrane, vacuole, chromosome and lysosome.
The game MUST incorporate 30 question cards. An answer
sheet must be incorporated into the game.
The game MUST have a list of rules and/or instructions as to
how to play the game fairly.
Make the game challenging but fun.
The “board should be colorful, neat, and organized.
The game is creative.
Game “pieces” should be included.
The game has a thematic title.
The game MUST be at least the size of an open file folder.
Played by the class or a group with in the class.
Points Earned
NAME: ____________________________________________
3-D Cell Model
You will create a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell. Depict the various cell parts/organelles in your model
using materials that relate to or are analogous to their function. Although this may not be possible with
every organelle of the cell, you will be surprised how many you can come up with given a little creativity.
The cell must have depth (3-D). You structure analogy cell must relate to a common theme (like things you
would find in a factory). You will present your model to the class.
The following organelles MUST be incorporated into the animal
cell: cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, Golgi body, rough
ER, ribosomes (free and attached), Smooth ER, nucleus,
chromosomes, cell membrane, vacuole and lysosome.
The following organelles MUST be incorporated into the Plant
cell: Chloroplast, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, Golgi
body, rough ER, ribosomes (free and attached), Smooth ER,
nucleus, nucleolus, chromosomes, cell membrane, Cell wall,
vacuole and lysosome.
The cell must be 3-D.
The plant cell must be rectangular in shape and the animal cell
must be circular in shape.
All parts of the cell must be labeled clearly. Labels can be in the
form of little flags or stickers. Either the part name must be
written on the label or letter labels can be used with a key
Your representations of the organelles must be similar to the
functions of the organelles; for example a battery could take
the place of the mitochondrion.
Be unique and creative in the design. The structure analogy will
be themed; for example, things found in a kitchen or how they
are observed under the microscope.
A typed chart of each organelle and its function must
accompany the model.
Class presentation.
Points Earned
NAME: ____________________________________________
Cell Song
You will rewrite the lyrics to a popular appropriate song of your choice. The new lyrics must incorporate the
cell organelles and their functions. The new lyrics need to be appropriate and flow with the original music
(meaning stay in tune with how the original artist performed it). Your song must be performed to the music
either in front of the class, or prerecorded and played for the class.
The following organelles MUST be described by structure and
function in the song: cytoplasm, mitochondria, Golgi body,
rough/smooth ER, ribosomes, nucleus, chromosomes, cell
membrane, vacuole and lysosome.
Lyrics match up with musical beats, measures and breaks.
Lyrics are appropriate for school and in tune with the original artist
that performed it. Do not force rhyme or fit words where they
don’t belong.
Lyrics are typed. Bold all of the cell organelles in the lyrics.
The section referred to as the chorus is italicized. The chorus
should be a repeatable verse.
Song tempo is fast, fun, and catchy. Music accompanies song lyrics.
Performed for the class.
Points Earned
NAME: ____________________________________________
Children’s Book
You have been hired by a children’s book company to produce a children’s book about cells. The topic of
your book is to introduce all of the characters (organelles) of either a plant or animal cell, and how the
characters work in the cell from day to day. Remember that the book is for children and it must be colorful
and exciting. You can make a hard copy of your book that I will photocopy for your presentation to the class
or an electronic copy can be submitted that must be printed and put together to share.
The following organelles MUST be drawn into the children’s
book and recognizable: mitochondria, chloroplast, Golgi body,
rough/smooth ER, ribosomes, nucleus, chromosomes, cell
membrane, Cell wall, vacuole and lysosome.
Each character MUST have a description of their work that is
done in the cell from day today.
The children’s book should appeal to a young audience. The
young reader will be able to follow the story.
Make the story creative and appropriate for a child.
The story is from the perspective of a main character that you
The setting is in either and animal or a plant cell.
The character should encounter a “problem’ in the story.
The book has a cover with the book’s title, a colorful
illustration, and the author’s name.
The book need to be at least 10 pages long.
Each page should have a colorful illustration to go with the
The story is neatly written or typed.
Class presentation.
Point Value
Points Earned
NAME: ____________________________________________
Cell Cartoon Poster
You are running a science summer camp for 5th graders. Your job is to create a cartoon that is
poster size to help teach the 5th graders about animal and plant cells. Humor is needed, or perhaps
the ability to play on words for greater comprehension. You need to compare and contrast the
structures and functions of the cells in your cartoon. The carton will be presented to the class.
The following organelles MUST be incorporated into the animal
cell: cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, Golgi body, rough
ER, ribosomes (free and attached), Smooth ER, nucleus,
chromosome, cell membrane, vacuole and lysosome.
The following organelles MUST be incorporated into the Plant
cell: Chloroplast, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, Golgi
body, rough ER, ribosomes (free and attached), Smooth ER,
nucleus, chromosome, cell membrane, Cell wall, vacuole and
The plant cell must be rectangular in shape and the animal cell
must be circular.
Your representations of the organelles must be similar to the
ones seen in class; for example, your nucleus can not be square.
Be unique and creative, but most importantly, appropriate with
the humor used.
A typed cartoon of each organelle and its function must
accompany the cartoon(s).
The cartoon(s) must be poster size so that it can be read by an
entire class. This criterion can be modified. You may create
one long cartoon or several shorter cartoons
The cartoon(s) must explain concepts about the cell organelles
(function, structure, positioning in the cell, etc.).
Class presentation.
Point Value
Points Earned
NAME: ____________________________________________
Cell Resort Travel Guide
You will design a travel guide about a new exotic cell resort. You must include a poster size map of
your resort, and in your guide you will give a description of all resort amenities (organelles and
their functions). The description of each amenity must relate the cell organelle to the function it
would have at the resort. Your cove page should include a catchy slogan that is inviting to your
guests. You will present this to the class as a pitch to get them to want to visit your resort.
Guide the describes the resort’s amenities using the following
organelles: Mitochondria, chloroplast, Golgi body,
rough/smooth ER, ribosomes, nucleus, chromosome, cell
membrane, vacuole, cell wall and lysosome.
Amenities match up with function. The guide explains the
Poster size map of the resort with a key for the map.
Cover page with a catchy slogan that is inviting. Theme used
throughout map and guide.
Cell parts/amenities can be located easily on the map an in the
Text is neatly written or typed.
Guide will have colorful illustrations that make you want to go
to the resort.
Class presentation that pitches the audience to sign-up to go to
the resort.
Point Value
Points Earned