Hyperplasia of Type 2 Pneumocytes Following 0.34 ppm Nitrogen Dioxide Exposu re: Quantitation by Image Analysis RUSSELL P. SHERWIN, M.D. VALDA RICHTERS, Ph.D. Department of Pathology University of Southern California School of Medicine 2025 Zonal Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90033 ABSTRACT. Swiss Webster male mice were exposed to intermittent 0.34 ppm nitrogen dioxide for 6 wk. Quantitative image analysis showed increased Type 2 cell numbers in each of the three lobes measured, with and without adjustment to alveolar wall measurements for lung volume normalization (e.g., P < .037 for Type 2 cell number adjusted to alveolar wall perimeters, combined lobe analysis of variance). The exposed animals dominated the upper quartile ranking of the cell number/alveolar area ratio computations (P < .025), which implied the presence of an especially susceptible subpopulation of animals. The Type 2 cell increase is believed to result from damage and loss of Type 1 cells, the reversibili­ ty and progression of which are presently unknown. The data also suggest an in­ creased size of the Type 2 cell, and possibly slight atelectasis and/or edema of the alveolar walls. IN EARLIER STUDIES, a lactate dehydrogenase stain­ ing method was applied to the selection and quantita­ tion of Type, 2 pneumocytel~ tQllowing exposure of guinea pigs t9 a supraambientT(:~cve'l of nitrogen dioxide (N0 2 ).1,2 Subsequently, a se"miautomated image analysis metQodology was applied to the same material and a high level of correlation was found between the manual and the automated quantitations. 3 . 4 An enlarge­ ment of the Type 2 cell was also shown to accompany the increase in Type 2 cell number. s The increase in Type 2 cell number, or Type 2 cell hyperplasia, implies a corresponding damage to and loss of Type 1 cells. A replacement of the thin Type 1 cell by cubiodal cells has long been recognized as a common denominator 306 and early event for diverse kinds of destructive lung!' diseases,6J and it is now well established that the Type 2 cell is a major contributor to this replacement. A review of Type 2 cell hyperplasia in response to various noxious agents has recently been presented by WitschV while Evans and his associates have presented data showing a correlation between the extent of Type 1 cell damage and Type 2 cell proliferation. 9 The present study is the first to test for a Type 2 cell increase following an ambient level of N0 2 exposure (0.34 ppm). It is also the first application of a computer assisted image analysis methodology to a large volume quantitation, i.e., approximately three million Type 2 cells counted, along with other measurements, in 0003-9896/82/3705-0306 Archives of Environmental Health Sept ~ separate analyses of three lung lobes from 120 animals. The short-term significance of finding a Type 2 cell hyperplasia in the lungs of mice exposed to an ambient level of N0 2 is some loss of functional reserves due to a replacement of the ultrathin Type 1 cell by the relative­ ly thick Type 2 cell. The long-term significance is the potential for irreversible damage to the Type 1 cell with persistent Type 2 hyperplasia, as suggested by studies of high level (12-18 ppm) N0 2 exposure,lO and .ultimately a loss of alveolar function and/or structure with progression of the l'lO 2 effects to the type 2 cell and other components of the alveolus. METHODS A colony of 120 Swiss Webster male mice were received as young adults having a mean weight of 20 g. They were subdivided into two equal groups with ap­ proximately equal weight distributions. They were housed in stainless steel environmental chambers that were identical in construction and that provided a horizontally directed laminar air flow. All handling pro­ cedures were common to each group, including cage cleaning and changes of food and water supplies. Animals were fed a standard mouse diet and were given both food and water ad libitum. Chamber temperatures were essentially identical at 22°C ± 2°C. The relative humidity was that of the ambient environ­ ment, and was generally constant between 50% and 60%. Half of the animals in the colony were exposed to 0.34 ppm N0 2 for 6 hr/day, 5 days/wk, for 6 wk. The details of the environmental chambers and the N0 2 delivery system have been reported earlier, in­ cluding the use of a newly developed silicone fluid method for supplying a highly controllable, constant supply of N0 2 to the exposure chamber. 11 In brief, N0 2 was applied to the air intake of the exposure chamber through the continuous flow of a medical grade 500 centistoke silicone fluid containing a stabi­ lized quantity of N0 2 • The inflow of air was filtered (HEPA, fiberglass, and Purafil) and equally divided to each chamber with a mixing device for the control chamber to expose the incoming air to a pure silicone fluid. The N0 2 levels in the chambers and in the room were monitored through a fritted bubbler (Saltzman) test, a continuous Saltzman fluid apparatus (Beckman), and by a periodically calibrated chemiluminescent detector (TECO). Following the 6-wk exposure period, mice were killed in groups of 15 pairs (30 animals) each day by an intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 ml (60 mg/ml) sodium pentobarbital. Each lung was removed from the chest cavity with the trachea intact and placed on a dry ice cooled Petri dish. The lungs were slowly, and by gentle perfusion of the tracheobronchial tree, inflated with a 6% gelatin solution (pH = 6.8-7.0) until the lung volume approximated that of the thoracic cage. The lung was placed in a refrigerator to allow the gelatin to solidify and then the lobes were separated, wrapped in aluminum foil, and. quick frozen in liquid nitrogen. The frozen lungs were transported on dry ice to a deep freeze where they were stored at - 85°C. Frozen sec­ September/October 1982 [Vol. 37 (No. 5)J tions (15 J-L) of each lobe (ten sections for each lobe) were obtained and lyophilized for 1 to 1.5 hr. After lyophilization, the slides were brought to room temperature and a lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) reac­ tion carried out for eight of the ten sections. As a rule, 240 slide preparations, representing three lobes from four pairs of animals, were obtained with each section­ ing procedure. The details of the LDH reaction have been reported earlier. J,21n brief, after a reaction time Qf generally 15 to 20 min, the incubating medium was drained, and the gelatin removed by immersing the slides in 38°C distilled water. The slides were then fixed in 10% calcium formol, rinsed several times in distilled water, air dried, and mounted in glycerin jelly. The present study is based on three independent quantitative image analyses of left lung, right upper lobe, and right lower lobe. Each slide was divided into four quadrants by two intersecting lines, and the quadrants consistently numbered from one to four clockwise. Orientation of apex and base was kept cons­ tant and the first of the eight sections taken was the most lateral in the sagittal plane of the lung. With 120 animals, eight slides per lobe, and four fields per slide, a total of 3840 fields per lobe were available for image analysis, and for the th ree lobes a grand total of 11,520 fields. Image analysis. One field within each of the four previously demarcated quadrants of each lung section was selected for analysis. The first field acceptable to the one person responsible for the quantitation (K. K.) was used for analysis, i.e., the field was considered to be technically satisfactory for lung structure integrity and for LDH staining of the Type 2 pneumocytes. Bron­ chi and vessels were moved out of the counting area if sufficiently peripheral, or were deleted through the use of an image editor. Focal areas of the lung section that were technically unsatisfactory were also deleted. The gray values for detection were selected as follows. (1) For the Type 2 pneumocytes, one of two discriminators was set at a level which resulted in no change between the area of a Type 2 pneumocyte as seen in the video display of the microscopic image, and that observed in the positive electron image displayed by the detector system. The numbers of Type 2 cells detected were "fine-tuned" by observing how well the electronic detection of the Type 2 cells was matched to the "flagging" signal on the video display. Also, the detected image and the field as seen through th'e microscope were compared. Checking the accuracy of . detection was facilitated through the selection of reduced field areas (accept mode) and comparing hand counts with the electronic counts. In addition, detec­ tion and measurement functions were checked at the beginning and end of analytical "runs" through the use of test grids supplied by the manufacturer. (2) A second discriminator was used for the measurement of wall area, alveolar wall perimeters, and linear intercepts with respect to alveolar walls. Comparisons between microscopic fields and electronic images were made to effect the best representation of the alveolar wall area, and at a level where background "noise" was minimal. 307 :E 01 .~ 0.. o o uj =i 11 ~ ~0. Q) .0 iU E '0 c:: ro .~ ro c. 'E £; ro > .0 Q) c:: '(3 '5 Q) :2 '0 i:: ro ..a :.:J <ii c:: a 1ij Z Q; ':5 The measurements of wall area were made with and without a "sizing" factor (~1O p- thickness). A com­ plete listing of the measurements made and the com­ putations that were applied is provided in Table 1. Type 2 cell identification. As stated in the initial report, 1 all cells of the alveolar wall show some LDH activity. However, an essentially specific selection of the very strongly reacting Type 2 cell can be achieved for image analysis quantitation 3- 5 by controlling the en­ zyme reaction time and the gray value settings of the image analyzer. While rounded macrophageswithin the alveolar lumina may also be strongly positive for LDH, they are rarely present in the lung sections analyzed since the gelatin inflation procedure used washes out most of the luminal contents. Elongated macrophages in the alveolar interstitium are excluded by the relatively weak LDH response of the stretched out cytoplasm and by a sizing factor of the image analyzer. A comparison of Figure 1A (frozen section of mouse lung and LDH reaction) with Figure 1B (1 p­ epoxy embedded section of mouse lung and LDH reac­ tion) shows that the LDH positive cells are Type 2 cells. Identification of the Type 2 cells in the epoxy sections is in accord with the criteria defined by Kauffman and her associates. 12 A more detailed investigation of the Type 2 cell and macrophage populations based on ultrastruc­ tural cytochemistry will be reported separately.13 Of pertinence, the latter study has shown that the excep­ tionally strong LDH response of theType 2 cell reflects not only its large size and rounaed configuration, but also a very strong LDH activity of mitochondria, nuclear heterochromatin, and less consistently, lamellar bodies. Of further pertinence, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labeling of macrophages, combined with the LDH reaction, has shown a negative HRP up­ take by the LDH positive Type 2 cells and a random distribution pattern for the HRP positive macro­ phages. 13 Cell population studies of the mouse lung are very limited, but Haies and his co-workers have reported a 3.2% macrophage population for the rat lung as compared to 14.5% for the Type 2 cell. 14 RESULTS The principal finding of the study is an increase in the numbers of Type 2 pneumocytes in the lungs of mice exposed intermittently to 0.34 ppm N0 2 for 6 wk. The "Type 2 cell increa.?e was found in all three of the lung compartments analyzed, i.e., the left lung, the right up­ per lobe, and the right lower lobe. Table 2 is a sum­ mary of the data analysis for representative measure­ ments of the left lung. Most measurements of Type 2 cell numbers showed increases for the exposed animals at highly significant (P - 0) le\!els. The increases were found with and without normalization to wall area, i.e., mean numbers of Type 2 cells per field, or mean numbers of Type 2 cells per field divided by the amount of wall area. Highly significant increases in Type 2 cell numbers were also found for the right upper lobe and the right lower lobe, as indicated in Table 3, "all data by fields (t test)." In addition to tests based on fields, an analysis of 308 Table I.-Measurements by Image Analyzer "A. Direct Measurements 1-3) B. Numbers of Type 2 cells, ~ 8 fl, 10 fl, and 12 fl in diameter 4) Area of Type 2 cells (~1O fl) 5) Alveolar wall area (+ 10) 6) Alveolar wall area (~1O fl sizing) minus Type 2 cell area 7) Perimeter of alveolar walls 8) Linear intercepts of alveolar walls Ratio Measurements 9-11) Ratio of numbers of Type 2 cells to alveolar wall area (Type 2 sizing of ~ 8 fl, ~ 10 fl, and ~ 12 fl) 12-14) Ratio of numbers of Type 2 cells to area modified alveolar wall area (3 Type 2 cell sizings with wall area minus Type 2 cell area) " 15-16) Ratio of numbers of Type 2 cells to sizing modified alveolar wall area (Type 2 cell ~ 10 fl and wall area with ~ 10 fl sizing, with and without subtraction of Type 2 cell area) 17) Ratio of Type 2 cell area (~1O fl) to Type 2 cell (~1O fl) number 18) Ratio of Type 2 cell number (~1 0 fl) to alveolar wall perimeter 19) Ratio of alveolar wall perimeter to alveolar wall area NOTE: Except for numbers of Type 2 cells, values are expressed in picture point units per field. One picture point (Pixel) unit ~ 3.176 square micra. variance (Table 3) was carried out for each of the three lung lobes based on animal. The numbers of Type 2 cells (with and without adjustment to wall area) were again higher for the N0 2 -exposed animals, but the dif­ ferences were statistically significant only for the right ". lower lobe (Table 3). When the data from all three lobes were combined and subjected to an analysis of variance based on animal (Table 6), the increase of Type 2 cells for the exposed animals was highly signifi­ cant for Type 2 cell numbers without alveolar wall nor­ malization (P < .001) and with normalization to alveolar wall perimeter (P < .037), and of borderline significance for normalization to wall area (P < .092). To test for especially susceptible animals, or high responders to N0 2 , Type 2 cell numbers were evaluated according to upper quartiles by animal and upper five percentiles by field. The levels of statistical significance are presented in Table 3. For all tests, the_ exposed group of animals was dominant for high Type 2 cell/alveolar wall ratios, i.e., increased numbers of cells per alveolus. The dominance was highly signifi­ cant (P < .05 to P - 0) for all analyses by field; the up­ per quartile analysis by animal was also highly signifi­ cant bufonly for the left lung (Table 4; P < .025). The mean area per field of the Type 2 cells, Le., total area of Type 2 cells per field divided by total number of Archives of Environmental Health Sep "- « ~ :E OJ .~ , C­ o () cri ~ >. . .0 ¥ , u ~c. Q) · .0 10 E -0 r::: ro ~ Ctl o · -0 1.= t£ Ctl > .0 Q) r::: '0 'C Q) ::2 '0 ~ rn is :.:J "iii c: 1:2rn 2 Fig. lA. Lactate dehydrogenase activity of mouse lung. The Type 2 cells of the lung from a control animal are located primarily at the corners of alveoli and have a characteristic perinuclear deposit of formazan pigment. Ultrastructural histochemical studies have shown that the deposits are largely mitochondrial in location, and that a heterochromatin selectivity for the nucleus contributes to the perinuclear emphasis. Other cells of the alveolus, including macrophages in the walls, are weakly active for LDH and are not detected by the gray value setting of the image analyzer. (X64 @ 35 mm negative) Q; -E C c: .S: 1: .,g; C <..: Q; :£ Type 2 cells per field, was also greater for the exposed animal group but the level of significance was border­ line for the most part (Table 3), P < .02 (RUt) and P < .1 (LL & RLU. In Table 5, an analysis of the combined data from all lobes by animal, the Type 2 cell area dif­ ference is at a borderline level of significance (P < .136). The exposed animals also had a greater amount of alveolar wall area, the increase being statistically signifi­ cant for analyses by field (Tables 2 and 3), but falling short of significance by animal (Tables 3 and 4). When the area of Type 2 cells was subtracted from the wall area in the computations, the level of significance for the difference was generally but not invariably lowered, or resulted in differences that were not signifi­ cant. Note that in Table 4, Upper Quartile Analysis by Animal,' there was no significant wall area difference, but at the same time the ratio of wall area to number of Type 2 cells (the inverted ratio was used to avoid small fractions) was high Iy sign ificant. The linear intercept measurement received very limited analytical study; in general, the findings tended to parallel those of the alveolar wall (Table 2). The data analysis also included an evaluation of the influence of lung site on the cell and wall findings. Table 6 provides two examples of the quantitations. September/October 1982 [Vol. 37 (No.5)] Each lobe of the lung was cut in a consistent fashion, beginning with the most lateral or peripheral surface of the lung (No.1 slide) and ending with the most medial or central lung section (No.8 slide). The eight slides generally represented a total thickness of lung of ap­ proximately 150 J-t, i.e., usually 15 slices were made to obtain the eight slides needed. While the tissue thickness of the 16 slides represents a relatively small percentage of the lung volume, a broad sampling of dif­ ferent parts of the lung is obtained, i.e., whole lung sec­ tions in the sagittal plane with the four sampling sites being apical anterior and posterior, and basal anterior and posterior of each lobe. A search for topographical differences was limited to comparisons of the eight slides, with the four fields of each slide averaged. The analysis (Table 7) indicated that different levels of the lung, from the periphery(lateral) towards the hilum(medial), varied significantly in Type 2 cell numbers, but not cell area, and varied significantly in wall area and p_erimeters. The ratio of wall area to Type 2 cell number (inverted to avoid the small fraction of cell number to wall area) was not different between levels. The control and exposed animals had similar dif­ ferences, i.e., there were no differences with respect to group. Of interest, statistically significant group-slide in­ teractions were noted with wall area (P = .034) and 309 ·E ,:f: .... 'a·c j C :t. · u II :; Q l: II C u :~ C C (i ] ~ f c .! f­ 1.1 11 II I Fig. 1B. Epoxy embedded (1 IL) section of mouse lung. This preparation permits identification of the Type 2 cells through finer cytostructural detail, in particular a surface or interstitial location of the Type 2 cell and rounded, osmiophilic bodies that are often within vocuoles (arrows). Compare with the lDH section, and not that some alveolar corners do not exhibit Type 2 cells in the plane of section. (X252 @ 35 mm negative) with Type 2 cell numbers for those cells equal to or greater than 12 It in diameter. DISCUSSION This is the first demonstration of an increase in Type 2 cells in the lungs of mice exposed to an ambient level (0.34 ppm) of N0 2 • Earlier studies reported hyperplasia and hypertrophy following the exposure of guinea pigs to a supraam bient level (2 ppm NO 2).2-5 The increase in Type 2 cell number was consistently present in the three separate analyses of left lung, right upper lobe, and right lower lobe (Tables 2 and 3). The strongest support comes from the combined analysis of variance (all three lobes; Table 6, notably: (1) increased numbers of Type 2 cells per field (P < .001); (2) in­ creased numbers of Type 2 cells adjusted to alveolar wall perimeter (P = .037); and (3) increased numbers of Type 2 cells adjusted to wall area (P = .092). Moreover, there appeared t6 be a subpopulation of animals that was especially susceptible to the effects of N0 2 • A ranking of numbers of Type 2 cells adjusted to wall area showed the left lung of the exposed animals to be clearly dominant (Table 4, Chi square (x 2 ) by animal; P < .025). The use of a ratio.computation of numbers of Type 2 cells divided by the amount of wall area, or perimeters, 310 is a means of controlling for variation in the final volume, i.e., gelatin inflation of the lung was not strictly controlled for a constant final volume, and field editing varied with the needs of each lung section, However, there are other controls for the evaluation of Type 2 cell numbers, in particular the alternate processing and analysis of 120 control and exposed animal lungs. Variations due to technical factors would be expected to cancel out over the 3840 fields (32 per animal) analyzed. The analysis has shown that both the direct measurements of Type 2 cell number and the ratio computations indicate a Type 2 cell hyperplasia in the lungs of the exposed animals. In fact, the ratio com­ putations understate the statistically significant in~ creases in Type 2 cell number since there was a trend towards a greater amount of alveolar wall (area, in­ tercepts, and perimeters) for the exposed group of animals (Tables 2, 3, 4, and 6). The trend towards a greater amount of alveolar wall area, although not statistically significant at times when the Type 2 cell increase was highly significant (e.g:, Table 4, upper quartile analysis) and although other­ wise not consistently increased at statistically significant levels, -is nevertheless probably real. Table 3 shows a consistent increase for all three lobes of the lung (t test analysis), Also, the analysis of variance for the com- Archives of Environmental Health E ~ "t: a: 'c 'c :c.: 'u It 3 <1 C It C u £ c c .ti '.s-= (l t o .c ~ Se~ Table 2.-Partial Listing of Data Analysis of Left Lung Control Animals Mean SO Exposed Animals Mean SO T Value df Prob.2-Tail -0 Direct Measurements '­ 229.2 108.2 250.9 123.2 5.31 3192 Area of Type 2 cells 2722.6 2265.4 3129.1 2885.2 4.42 3210 -0 Area of alveolar wall 4076.4 2352.1 4236.7 2351.6 1.93 3211 0.05 Perimeters of alveolar walls 2622.4 1180.6 2747.9 1231.4 2.95 3211 0.003 Linear intercepts of alveolar walls 7786.0 3526.6 8229.4 3749.4 3.45 3210 0.001 Number of Type 2 cells Computer Ratios Alveolar wall area -<­ Type 2 cell number 88.61 34.43 82.84 28.82 -5.16 3207 -0 Type 2 cell area .;­ Type 2 cell number 10.64 3.99 1091 4.94 1.70 3206 0.09 Alveolar wall perimeter -<­ Alveolar wall area 6.86 1.04 6.88 0.96 0.54 3210 0.59 Alveolar wall perimeter .;­ Number Type 2 cells 120. 8 -4.12 3072 -0 37.3 115.7 32.0 NOTES: Direct Measurements for this table: 1) Type 2 Cells 2: 101" (longest diameter). However, significance was the same for Type 2 Cells 2: 8 I" and 2: 121". 2) Alveolar wall area -<- 10. When alveolar wall areas were "sized:' i.e., wall thickness reduced by 10 1", or reduced by subtracting Type 2 cell area, no significant differences were found, P < .44 and P < .14, respectively. Ratio Measurements for this table: Type 2 cells 2: 101" (longest diameter) and alveolar wall area with thickness reduced by 10 1", i.e., same sizing for cells and wall area. However, all ratios of wall area to cell number, regardless of sizing for cells and wall area, gave equivalent results. - Table 3.-Summary of Key Statistical Analysis' . Lung Lobes Type of Analysis Type 2 Number Type 2 Cell No. Wall Area Type 2 Area Type 2 No. Wall Area Alveolar Perimeter BV (ield.' t-Test All data LL II RUL# RLL ** -0 -0 -0 -0 < .003 -0 <.1 < .02 <.1 < .05 -0 -0 <.003 -0 -0 Upper quartile t RUL RLL -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 <.1 -0 <.001 -0 Upper 5% LL RLL RUL -0 -0 <.002 -0 < .05 <.01 -0 < .003 < .8(NS) < .18(NS) -0 <.007 < .44(NS) -0 -0 < .42(NS) < .42(NS) By animal Chi square Upper quartilet LL <.05 <.025 Analysis of variance§ RLL < .002 NS <.1 < .07 NS <.01 • AII,results: findings for exposed animals greater than those of controls. t See Upper quartile by Animal, below, for Left Lung Analysis. t For RUL and RLL, no significant differences for the most part. § For RUL and LL, no significant differences. II LL: Left Lung # RUL: Right Upper Lobe •• RLL: Right Lower Lobe September/October 1982 [Vol. 37 (No.5)] 311 Table 4.-Chi-Square Analyses of Contingency Tables' (left lung) Alveolar Wall Area + Type 2 Cell Numbers (> 10 ,,):1: Number of Type 2 Cells (~8 ,,)t l Alveolaf Wall Area Total -­ U -­ -­ -­ l -U­ 13 X 38 19 57 X 44 C 47 10 57 -­ C 41 85 29 114 Total -- -­ Total X' ~ 3.75 (P < .05) 16 -­ -­ X' 85 29 ~ 0.42 (NS) Total -L­ -­ Total -­ U -­ 57 X 48 57 -­ C 37 -­ 20 -­ 57 -­ 114 Total 85 29 114 5.60 (P < X' ~ 9 57 .025) , Animals are classified as being part of the upper quartile (U) or the remainder (L). A significant X indicates an association between being in a particular group and belonging to the upper quartile. Measurements are mean values per field. t For Type 2 cell (~1O ,,) and Type 2 cells (~12 ,,) of the left lung, (,05 < P < .1). :t: For right upper and lower lobes, P - O. Table 5.-Examples of Data from left lung of One Exposed and One Control Animal' Number of Type 2 Cells (~8 " Diameter) Slide Exposed (N ~ 50) Control (N - 44) 1 413.21 ± 130.68 ± Alveolar Wall Area + 10 Slide Exposed (N ~ 50) 373.95 ± 136.80 1 5153.46 ± 2389.66 4780.49 ± 2471.45 4868.93 ± ± 2046.57 4958.29 ± 2144.32 2220.94 5125.63 ± 2443.20 Control (N = 44) 2 396.83 124.03 381.24 ± 122.92 2 3 396.24 ± 152.46 386.21 ± 135.83 3 4887.84 4 381.38 ± 146.46 368.42 ± 130.55 4 4724.43 ± 2266.62 4811.73 ± 2227.94 5 381.46 ± 129.49 380.45 ± 120.08 5 4693.89 ± 2065.82 5049.82 ± 2199.71 6 370.63 ± 133.03 ± 117.47 6 4616.77 ± 2043.88 4593.34 ± 2121.44 7 396.43 ± 146.23 340.69 ± 104.91 7 4922.87 ± 2421.41 4342.06 ± 1796.00 8 384.75 ± 141.29 369.32 ± 106.83 8 4696.41 ± 2100.02 4694.45 ± 1773.50 350.02 Mean, Slides 1 - 8 390.10 E I~ 'a :, 'cC : t. 368.77 4820.42 4794.45 , " ~ (J NOTES: The alveolar wall area is given in pixel or picture point units. 1 pixel unit ~ 3.2 ,,'; conversion to area in square micra requires a correction factor for area "erosion" by the 8 " sizing factor used. , Mean values for each of eight slides (four fields per slide) for control and exposed animals. The lungs were sec­ tioned consistently in a lateral and medial order, with the first slide the most lateral and the eighth slide the most medial. bined three lobes showed an increase at a borderline level of statistical significance (P < .07; Table 6). Un­ fortunately, limitations of the initial programming ob­ viate further evaluation of the wall thickening. Also, the question of slight atelectasis cannot be answered. In the latter respect, the almost identical ratios of perimeters to wall area for the two groups, especially for a t test analysis with a very high degree of freedom (Table 2), may reflect slight atelectasis, in addition to wall thickening, contributing to increases in both perimeters and area. Speculatively, some increase in wall thickness would be expected in view of demon­ strated increases in both the protein content of alveolar 312 lavage fluid 1s ,16 and of the lung tissue in general",'B following ozone and N0 2 exposures. One final consideration in support of an increase in the numbers of Type 2 cells is a topographical factor. There is strong evidence that the proximal alveoli, and associated bronchioles, are the main sites of oxidant damage. 9 Assuming that relatively little damage has .oc­ curred in the distal alveoli of the N0 2 exposed animals of this study, the Type 2 cell increase that we report is again conservative since the unselective analysis would resuft in a "diluting out" effect by the distal alveoli. Similarly, clustering (2 or more Type 2 cells abutting each other) understates the hyperplasia. A more de­ Archives of Environment,ll He,llth c ~ c .~ :£: ta fo w Ie 3 ec Se Table 6.-Key Findings of Combined Data Analysis: left lUAg, Right Upper lobe, and Right lower lobe df F* Signif. of F .Numbers of Type 2 cells (~8 fl) Group lobe Group x lobe 1 2 2 10.268 14.925 0.690 0.001 0.000 0.502 Alveolar wall area Group lobe Group x lobe 1 2 2 3.294 59.592 0.796 0.070 0.000 0.452 Numbers of Type 2 cells (~8 fl) + alveolar wall area (cell/area ratio) Group lobe Group x lobe 1 2 2 2.854 48.097 0.008 0.092 0.000 0.992 Numbers of Type 2 cells (~8 fl) + alveolar wall perimeter (cell/perimeter ratio) Group lobe Group x lobe 1 2 2 4.378 47.531 0.326 0.037 0.000 0.722 Type 2 cell area Group lobe Group x lobe 1 2 2 6.957 12.103 0.801 0.009 0.000 0.450 Type 2 cell area + Type 2 cell number Group lobe Group x lobe 1 2 2 2.237 13.066 0.683 0.136 0.000 0.506 NOTES: For all analyses, the values were greater for the exposed animal group. The ratios of Type 2 cells to alveolar wall area and to alveolar wall perimeters were calculated as inverse functions to avoid very small fractions, and conver­ sion gave increased values for the exposed group. For all tests, residual was 327 and total was 352. * F = F statistic. Table 7.-left lung: Microscopic Slide as a Repeated Measure* P Values GS Interaction § P Values Group (G}t P Values Slide (S):I: ~lOfl ~ 12 fl .371 .406 .514 .008 .014 .041 .134 .109 .070 Type 2 cell area .431 .457 .101 Type 2 cell numbers ~ 8fl Wall area .949 .036 .034 Alveolar wall perimeters .819 .041 .100 .327 .120 .693 (d. Fig. 2) Wall area (~8 + No. Type 2 cells fl) * Two-factor analysis of variance. t G indicates whether significant differences exist between Exposed and Control Animals. :I: S shows differences according to slide number (1-8). § GS indicates interactions between Sand G. tailed area sizing is needed to "erode" the aggregates for the evaluation of clustering. In earlier studies/os an increase in Type 2 cell size as well as number was found after N0 2 exposure. This was also true for the present study, but at borderline levels of statistical significance for the most part (Tables 3 and 5). An increase in size is in accord with cell edema and other manifestations of cell damage recent- September/October 1982 [Vol. 37 (No.5)] Iy reported at the ultrastructural level. 19,20 Damage to the Type 2 cell has serious implications for the ~ever­ sibility ofType 1 cell damage since the Type 2 cell is the progenitor cell for the Type 1 cell. The generally large variation in the data can be at­ tributed, in part, to technical factors mentioned earlier. Many are being ameliorated in ongoing studies, as, for example, the use of a shading corrector for the 313 analyzer and a detailed analysis of total and edited fields. However, a large part of the variation is believed to be due to individuality of lung sampling sites as well as to the animals themselves. Table 7 demonstrates that most of the measurements showed statistically signifi­ cant differences between the eight slides', i.e., com­ parisons of slide one for each of the 120 animals, and two through eight thereafter as repeated measures. There did not appear to be any group differences, but there were statistically significant interactions. While the limited analysis of sites does not permit conclu­ sions, it can be expected that the topographical dif­ ferences in structure and function that are well recognized for the human lung will also be found to some extent in all mammalian lungs. Another major factor contributing to the variation of the data is the presence of indigenous organisms in the mammalian lung and the varied degree of opportunis­ tic expression of these organisms, Of the diverse kinds of infectious and parasitic agents present in the mouse lung as clinically silent or opportunistically expressed pathogens, a relatively overlooked one is the unbigui­ tous retrovirus. The virus is well known for its relation­ ship to various types of neoplastic diseases, but there is relatively little information on its potential for non­ neoplastic pathogen ic effects/D,22 and there is little if any data on its relationship to lung disease in the mouse. Germanely, we have noted a relationship be­ tween levels of retrovirus expression (high and low ex­ pressor strains of mice) and the frequency of macro­ phage congregation on lung cells in culture,23,24 and N0 2 exposure has been shown to facilitate the expres­ sion of retrovirus in the spleen albeit not in the lung. 2s It should be emphasized that specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice harbor the retrovirus, and that the SPF state is dif­ ficult to maintain in transit from the vendor and in the laboratory. Moreover, there are many unresolved problems concerning murine inflammations of the lung, in particular the extent of subclinical lung disease in the mouse and the agent or agents responsible for endemic murine pneumonia. 26 The significance of the cell population change found after 0.34 ppm NO 2 exposure, a level slightly higher than the present air quality standard for California (0.25 ppm 1 hr average), is the potential of air pollution to ac­ celerate the depletion of structural and functional reserves of the lung, That there is widespread lung reserve depletion in the well population is evident from just two aspects of the growing problem of lung disease. There is a well recognized deterioration in lung function with time, 27 and emphysema, one of many Silently destructive lung diseases, is present in more than trace amounts in the majority of adult lungs from hospital 2B- 30 and Medical Examiner 30 autopsies, While emphysema and chronic lung disease in general are unquestionably exacerbated by air pollution, the influence of pollution is believedto be relatively minor compared to the role of cigarette smoking. 3D However, Ishikawa and his associates have reported a marked in­ crease in the severity of emphysema that they attribute to a syneristic effect with smoking. 31 The cell popula­ 314 tion shift implied by the present findings, and by other reports of Type 2 cell hyperplasia due to diverse kinds of noxious agents, B are also in accord with a synergistic effect of poor air quality on emphysema and lung disease in general. In effect, a cell population shift is a common denominator and early lesion for emphysema and other destructive lung diseases. Further, em­ physema is basically an irreversible depletion of lung reserves ("vanishing lung disease") that progresses covertly from subtle cellular alterations to clinical manifestations. Thus, it is generally agreed that symp­ toms and signs of emphysema are not reliably diagnos­ tic until at least 50% of lung reserves have been lost. Clearly, there is a need for more sensitive pulmonary function tests and for pathological measurements of '.~ lung reserve depletion, In the latter respect, the quan"i' titation of Type 2 cell hyperplasia by image analysis afel' fords a very high level of sensitivity for the measureJi~ ment of early adverse effects. For end stage quantita·~i tion, e.g., inventories of alveoli according to absolute: numbers and relatively structural integrity, there is special need to extend image analysis quantitation to the establishment of reversibility and the rate of reserve depletion. (1J > .0 (l) c:: '(3 :.c a.r (l) :2 '+­ c c:e:t 19. ~ * * * * * * * * * * We thank Kestutis Kuraitis for technical assistance with the analysis. Michael Jones, Nancy Chang, and Dr. Stanley Azen with the data analysis, Dr. Arnis Richters with the NO, exposure, and the Medical Science Imaging Group of the University of Southern California (Robert Erbe and Dr. Werner Freil with the data processing. This study was supported by Contract A6-218-30 from the State of California Air Resources Board. Submitted for publication April 23, 1982; revised; accepted for publication August 3, 1982. Requests for reprints should be sent to: Russell P. Sherwin, M.D., Department of Pathology, University of Southern California School of Medicine, 2025 Zonal Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033. ********** REFERENCES 1. Sherwin, R. P.; Winnick, S.; and Buckley, R. D. 1967. Response of lactic acid dehydrogenase·positive alveolar cells in the lungs of guinea pigs exposed to nitric oxide. Am Rev Respir Dis 96: 319-23. , 2. Sherwin, R. P.; Dibble, J.; and Weiner, j. 1972. Alveolar wall cells of the guinea pig. Increase in response to 2 ppm nitrogen dioxide. Arch Environ Health 24: 43-47. 3. Sherwin, R. P.; Margolick, J. B.; and Azen, S. P. 1973. An automated determinations of ratios of Type 2 pneumocytes to alveolar wall area using an image analyzer. Am Rev Respir Dis 108: 1015-18. 4. Azen, S.; Margolick, J. B.; and Sherwin, R. P. 1977. An ex- . peri mental model and automated methodology for the analysis of the effects of ambient levels of air pollution on the lung. Applied Math Computation 3: 95-102. 5. Sherwin, R. P.; Margolick, j. 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