Domain_C_files/Ender's Game Student Quiz

Ender’s Game Name:___________________________ 1. Who is more popular: Demosthenes or Locke? 2. When Graff visits Valentine at school he reveals something he knows. What is it? 3. Ender is back on Earth and Valentine visits him. Where does their conversation take place? 4. What animal does Ender kill during their conversation. 5. Who travels with Ender to Command School? 6. What is the name of the planet Ender is sent to? 7. Who is Ender’s teacher? 8. What does Ender spend most of his free time doing? 9. What do the two officers in the beginning of Chapter 13 decide to do about Demosthenes and Locke 10. Graff tells Ender that he has how long to train to be a commander? 11. What interesting thing does Ender’s teacher say about the Buggers (it has to do with how they all died)? 12. Who/what is Dr. Device? 