Ender's Game: Chapters 7 & 8 Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions – Chapters 7 & 8
Chapter 7
 Who is Graff talking to this
 Which name are we given?
Chapter 7
 Who does Ender meet in this
 And why do you think they are
Chapter 7
What are the key events in
this chapter?
 Alai and Ender
 Meeting Petra and Bonzo
 Practicing with the Launchies & Petra
 Obeying orders – Disobeying orders
 Bonzo’s leadership
Chapter 7
Speaking with Petra, Ender silently
identifies the adults in charge as the
“enemy” (p. 85).
Why is this significant?
Chapter 7
Explain the Battles:
 What is different during a battle?
 What are “Stars?”
 How do you win?
 What are the “ratings?”
 How do you know when a soldier is
Chapter 7
What does Ender learn about
leadership from Bonzo?
 Authoritarian or Authoritative?
Find me three quotes to describe
the problems with Bonzo’s
leadership style.
Chapter 8
What do we finally learn
during the opening
dialogue, between Graff
Chapter 8
What is the “Strategos?”
What is the “Hegemon?”
What is the “Polemarch?”
Chapter 8
Define the following terms:
 Xenophobia
 Genocide
 Xenophobia is a dislike and/or fear of that
which is unknown or different from oneself.
The term is typically used to describe a fear or
dislike of foreigners or of people significantly
different from oneself, usually in the context
of visibly differentiated minorities.
“Xenophobia.” Wikipedia. Apr 28th 2010. Web. April 21st 2010.
"any of the following acts committed with intent to
destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial
or religious group, as such: killing members of the
group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to
members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the
group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing
measures intended to prevent births within the group;
[and] forcibly transferring children of the group to
another group."
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Chapter 8
"Fairness is a wonderful
attribute. it has nothing to do
with war" (p. 97).
Do you agree or
disagree with Graff?
Chapter 8
“[Ender ] believed, but the seed of
doubt was there…it changed
everything, to have that seed
growing. It made Ender listen more
carefully to what people meant,
instead of what they said. It made
him wise” (Card, p. 111).
Chapter 8
Describe the different
leadership styles Ender has
encountered through…
 Bonzo
 Rose
 Dink
Chapter 8
“Battle school doesn’t create
anything. It just destroys”
(Card, p.109).
What do you think of
Dink as leader?
Chapter 8
“And then a worse fear, that he was
a killer, only better at it than Peter
ever was; that is was this trait that
pleased the teachers…I’m the
bloody bastard you wanted when
you had me spawned. I’m your
tool” (Card, pp. 118-9).
Chapter 8
The face in the mirror
represents a personal crisis for
Whose face is it and why is this
Ender’s biggest fear?