January 2016 newsletter

The Lynn Teacher
A Publication of Lynn Teachers Union, Local 1037
January 2016
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) is considering a
new charter school in Lynn: Central Square Charter School.
If approved by BESE members when they vote in February 2016, the school would open in
2017 and eventually enroll 640 students in grades 5-12.
Stand up for Lynn Public Schools and our students by submitting written comments
opposing the proposed charter school. Send your comments by January 6, 2016, to the
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, c/o Charter School
Office, 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148; or by email to charterschools@doe.mass.edu.
When writing to DESE, consider the following points:
1. The proposed Central Square Charter School will not add value to Lynn students; it merely aims to replicate
practices already employed effectively in the Lynn Public Schools.
The application asserts that LPS only has “pockets of innovation,” and that the new charter school will better meet the
needs of Lynn students in areas such as project-based learning, community-based learning, social-emotional learning, and
arts and movement.
Let DESE know these claims are false. In your comments, tell them all about the innovative and effective practices that
you use every day with your students.
2. Public funds should only be used for schools that are truly public.
Charter schools are publicly funded but typically operate like private schools. They often: a) fail to serve as many highneed students as their sending districts, especially SPED and ELL students; b) use a hyper-disciplinary model and other
practices that drive out students who don’t fit their paradigm; and c) are unaccountable to parents, taxpayers, and local
officials, who have no oversight authority.
3. Lynn students can’t afford the broken promises of charter schools.
Charter schools already drain more than $15 million from the Lynn Public
Schools. If this new charter school is approved, an additional $8 million
would be diverted from our public schools, cutting further into the academic
programs, enrichment activities, and social services our students need and
The full application can be read at http://www.doe.mass.edu/charter/news/2015-1109CentralSquare.pdf.
From the President
Upcoming Events
Dear members of the Lynn Teachers Union:
Good Day.
Fingerprinting of School Department Personnel
The seven unions representing the employees of the Lynn
Public Schools have formed a coalition in order to deal with
the impact of Chapter 459 of the Acts of 2012 which requires
the School Committee to conduct Background Checks and
Fingerprinting of all school department staff.
The union coalition and I have regularly met with
representatives of Lynn School Committee since September
of 2014 to negotiate over any policies or procedures that will
be utilized with these background checks as well as the
impact on the coalition’s members. While significant
progress has been made over the last 15 or so months – the
Lynn School Committee refuses to reimburse bargaining unit
members for any of the costs associated with the Fingerprintbased Background Check.
Attend the January Membership Meeting to contribute to and
support the work of our union to secure a Fingerprint-based
Background Check agreement that is good for kids and fair to
educators which shares the financial burden of this legislative
Executive Board Meeting – 1/13 – Union Office
– 3 p.m.
Membership Meeting – 1/20 – Union Office –
3 p.m.
Open meeting of second grade teachers – 1/27 –
Union Office – 3 p.m.
Leadership training for members of the LTU’s
executive board and union committees – 2/8 and
2/22 – Union Office – 3:30 to 5:50 p.m.
Retirement Workshop with Gary Brenner for
members of the Lynn Retirement Board – 5/5 –
Union Office – 3 p.m.
Retirement Workshop with Marie Ardito – 5/17
– Union Office – 3:15 to 5:15 p.m.
LTU Trivia Night – 5/19 – Prince Pizza – doors
at 5 p.m. and the event at 6 p.m.
2013-2016 Contracts with the Lynn School
Comings and Goings
Elizabeth Gaeta, Linda Drugan, Loretta Christoforo and
Annie Prince-Chez have retired – thank you for your service
to our students and schools!
LTU member Lauren Mezzetti was appointed as the LEHS
Science Department Head - congratulations and best wishes!
We Remember
LTU member Eileen Pierro recently passed. The LTU
extends its sincere condolences to the Pierro family and
Negotiations with the Lynn School Committee
A request was sent to the Lynn School Committee to
commence negotiations on subsequent contracts/collective
bargaining agreements. The teachers’ negotiating team will
be convening in late January and a negotiating survey will be
released shortly thereafter.
The teachers’, paraprofessionals’ and therapists’ collective
bargaining agreements continue in full force and effect until
August 31, 2016.
Happy New Year,
Brant Duncan
LTU members were recently sent a hard
copy of their respective 2013-2016 contract
with the Lynn School Committee - teachers
(pink), paraprofessionals (yellow) and
therapists (green).
Additionally, electronic copies of the three
contracts were emailed to LTU members
with personal email addresses on file at the
union office.
Please contact your building representative if
you did not receive a hard copy of your
contract or if you are not receiving email
from the LTU.
The Lynn Teacher is published and printed by:
Lynn Teachers Union
Local 1037 AFT AFL-CIO
679 Western Avenue
Lynn, MA 01905
President: Brant Duncan
First Vice President: Colleen McElligott-Liporto
Second Vice President: Catherine Deveney
Secretary Treasurer: Paul Mailloux
Corresponding Secretary: Diana Luciano
Recording Secretary: Sheila O’Neil
Sergeant at Arms: Richard Newton