FRENCH III SUMMER ASSIGNMENT Le but (goal) cet été est de ne pas perdre ou oublier ce que vous avez appris pendant l’année. C’est important que vous continuiez à écrire, à écouter et à parler français pendant l’été. Je vous donnerez du travail à faire qui vous aidera à vous préparer pour la classe l’année qui vient. N’attendez pas à la dernière minute pour commencer le travail. Vous devez le faire tout le long de l’été. Je veux que le Français soit partie de votre vie quotidienne. Travaillez un peu chaque semaine ! Mlle Lopez I. SPEAKING ASSIGNMENTS: Be prepared to make a 2 minute presentation in French when you get back. Remember, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT so practice speaking in French in front of the mirror or practice with a French classmate. You will be able to use one note card with 5 bullet points only. Each bullet point will be a keyword or two to guide you through your presentation. Use your own words and your own vocabulary! Choose one of the following topics: A. Mes vacances d’été/ My summer vacations B. Mes buts pour cette année scolaire/ My goals for this school year C. Qui suis-je? / Who am I? Make 2 note cards with your name and your 5 bullet points. You will turn both cards in to me upon return to class. You will get one note card back when you present. Presentations begin on the 2nd day of school! II. LISTENING ASSIGNMENTS 1. Immerse yourself in French. Have fun with the language and watch Le Petit Nicolas on YouTube. Watch three shows of your choosing and write the words phrases and sentences you can understand. Watching it more than once or pausing and playing the video over and over will help you understand more. Choose one episode and summarize it French. Scroll down and find a copy of the worksheet needed to complete the assignment. Le Petit Nicolas (due 1st day back) Titre de l’émission 1. Mots et phrases que je comprends.( Write legibly) 2. 3. (30 points) Titre de l’émission Synthèse/Summary _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ SAMPLE VERB REVIEW SITES We will spend the first few days of class reviewing verb tenses in French. At this stage, you should be comfortable with the following: présent, passé composé, imparfait, and future. Please spend some time this summer reviewing the 4 tenses mentioned above for regular and irregular verbs (common verbs i.e. aller, faire, avoir , être etc.). Visit the following websites for help with these conjugations. You will find several video clips explaining the. These links are not required, only available as a resource. Feel free to use notes, and other websites to review. You can expect a verb test on the 5th day of school. Présent: Know the 3 type of regular verbs endings. –er verbs/-ir verbs and –re. Make sure to know the conjugations of aller, faire, avoir and être. Passé Composé: Imparfait : Passé Composé vs Imparfait : Futur : Know the conjugations of aller, faire, avoir and être in all 4 tenses!