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Date: ___________________ DRIVER ROUT E EXAMINER GVWR TRANSMISSION MANUAL 1 LEFT 2 3 TURNS Approach 4 1 RIGHT 2 3 ROAD TEST FINISH INTERSECTIONS Approach S T FREEWAY Merge On Freeway Driving traffic check…… both hands……. gears…………. yield……………. lane……………. outage…………. Exit R speed, enter……………………. speed, through………………… stay in lane…………………….. regular traffic checks………….. Stopping L L R Stop parallel, curb………………… not blocking traffic, hydrant.. not rolling……………………. signal off/4-ways on………... set parking brake…………… R Resume traffic check………………… 4-ways off/signal on………... release parking brake……… traffic check…………………. roll back……………………… not stall engine……………… smooth acceleration……….. traffic check…………….. signal…………………… merge, spacing………… decelerate in exit lane…. ramp speed…………….. cancel signal……………. Completion traffic check……. correct lane……. accelerate……... RAILROAD CROSSING Approach Std traffic/train check…… 4-ways……………… decal, coast…………. right lane…………….. STUDENT DISCHARGE Pass Approach traffic check………………… amber warning lights on… moves to right……………… Stop Stopping neutral, foot on brake stop 15-50 feet……… full stop/door………… traffic/train check……. Discharge communicate to students…. traffic check………………… red lights & stop arm…….. student check……………… Crossing gears………………….. traffic/train check…….. outage………………… stop……………………. Student Crossing traffic check……………….. student communication…… student check……………… Completion cancel 4-ways………… traffic/train check……... correct lane…………… accelerates…………… weight/clearance sign... used clutch improperly (shifting, double clutch, didn’t ride)…………… used gears improperly (rev/lug engine, clash gears, or coast)……….. used brakes improperly (smooth braking, no riding or pumping)…….. improper steering (both hands)…………………………………………... disobeyed traffic laws (seatbelt, speed, signals, lane use, etc.)…...…. puts vehicle over curb, solid traffic lines, lane markings, etc. ………… traffic checks…………… following distance……… lane…………………….. speed…………………… Drive Through TRUCK/BUS SIGN 735-6884 (10-14) T unnecessary….. smooth………... gap, stop line… full stop……….. roll back………. Complete Turn GENERAL DRIVING S ……....unnecessary..……. ………….smooth…………. ………..gap, stop line…..… ………….full stop………… ………wheels straight.…… …………roll back…………. ……….traffic check….……. ………..correct lane………. ….accelerate, move right… ………..cancel signal…..… U R ROADSIDE STOPS/START URBAN/RURAL HWY regular traffic checks…………... Approach checks cross traffic…………….. traffic check…………………. select proper lane……………… signal on…………………….. keeps vehicle in lane………….. correct lane…………………. speed, flow-of-traffic…………… deceleration………………… following distance……………… coast………………………… CURVE ROAD TEST START AUTO traffic check…………….. signal…………………… spacing, no stop, merge. cancel signal……………. ………traffic check………. ……both hands, gears…… ……….speed, yield………. ………..wide/short..……… traffic checks……….. signal……………….. spacing……………... smooth change…….. cancel signal……….. DATE OF TEST traffic check…… decelerate……. coast………….. correct lane…… Turning L 4 ROAD TEST SCORE ………traffic check……….. …………signal on…..……. …….decelerate, coast..…. ……….correct lane………. If Stop LANE CHANGES Company: _________________________ Policy #: __________________________ Exp. Date: _________________________ Passing Score is 30 errors or less ODL LOCATION Insurance Resume 1 2 shuts all doors………….…. warning lights off………….. stop arm off………………… traffic check………………... accelerates................…….. 1 2 3 4 5 GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE FAILURE (applicant…) 1. causes or contributes to an accident....................................... 2. refuses to perform any maneuver........................................... 3. commits a dangerous act: a. that would result in an accident if not for others.................. b. that forces the examiner to assist....................................... c. unwittingly putting a vehicle over curb or sidewalk............. d. stalling vehicle or creating other serious traffic haz. .......... 4. a. passes a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk for pedestrians or a school bus with flashing red lights............................... b. makes dangerous attempt to turn from the wrong lane...... c. attempts to run a red light or stop sign or violates RRX law 5. cannot operate vehicle or is dangerously inexperienced........