Public Speaking Calendar for the 7-Week Rotation Unit 1: Introduction to Communication, Unit 2: Listening, Unit 3: Nonverbal Communication, Unit 4: Speech Organization, Unit 5: Informative Speaking HW= Today’s Homework. Week 1 2 3 Monday Tuesday Start of the Icebreaker Rotation Activity Introductions: Rules, Rewards, Consequences HW: Classroom Contracts HW: None Assign: Brown Bag Speech Discuss: The Comm. process? Wednesday Introduction to Public Speaking Thursday Assign Interview Speech. Work on interviews Discuss Why we study Comm. Friday Expectations Give Interview Speeches HW: Comm. Survey HW: Write out speech HW: None Activity: “Sports metaphor” to Comm. Process Intro to Public Speaking Assessment. Discuss: Audience Expectations Work on assignment Activity: “Worst Audience member ever!” HW: Planning Worksheet HW: None Give Brown Bag Speeches. HW: Bring items in for speech HW: Study for Test HW: None Introduction to Listening Discuss Listening Types, Facts, and Myths Listening Exercise: “Pope and Rabbi” Activity HW: Self Evaluation HW: Listening Survey HW: Work on Brown Bag Speech HW: None HW: None Listening Test Assign Truth or Lie Speeches Discuss Speech Transitions and Conclusions Discuss: Nonverbal Communication Continue Nonverbal Communication HW: None HW: None Discuss Listening Barriers Peer Evaluation 4 HW: None HW: Speech Planning Sheet HW: Write speech Intro/ conclusion 5 Finish Nonverbal Communication Give Truth or Lie Speeches Finish Speeches Finish Speeches Assign Informative Product Speech HW: Self Evaluation HW: Self Evaluation HW: Self Evaluation HW: Speech Planning Sheet Go to Computer Lab to Research Continue research Discuss: Transitions, Introductions and Conclusions Activity: Speech Writing Workshop HW: Cont. Research HW: Finish Research HW: Write your Intro and Conclusion Give Informative Speeches Give Informative Speeches Norman Rockwell Paintings Activity HW: None Discuss: What is good research? 6 Discuss: Citing your sources Activity: “The good, bad, ugly.” HW: None 7 Go to Computer Finish Creating your PowerPoint to build your Speech PowerPoint HW: Finish speech draft Finish Informative Speeches Conclusion to Public Speaking. HW: Finish PowerPoint HW: Bellwork Packets Due HW: Self Evaluation HW: Self Evaluations HW: None