WorldVentures Marketing, LLC Income Disclosure Statement

WorldVentures Marketing, LLC
Income Disclosure Statement – Usage Requirements
WorldVentures’ mission is to create more fun, freedom and fulfillment in people’s lives through the
merging of great life experiences, financial opportunity, personal development and contribution. At
WorldVentures we continuously strive to live our mission every day. Most importantly, the company
and its Representatives continue to focus on being good corporate citizens.
While many of our Members join WorldVentures to enrich their lives through exceptional and affordable
global, local and daily experiences, many Members who are Representatives also focus on the
WorldVentures business opportunity as a way to increase the financial potential, personal development
and professional development in their lives.
When presenting or discussing the opportunity to start a WorldVentures business it is extremely
important that you are honest and transparent about the amount of work and effort required.
Remember, it is somewhat like going to the gym in that you get out of it what you put into it and there
are no shortcuts. If you do not present the business properly, it can create unrealistic expectations or
misrepresent someone’s chances of being successful. WorldVentures is committed to “Doing it Right”
and the Income Disclosure Statement (IDS) was created with that intent. Following these simple rules
will help to ensure that the WorldVentures business is presented fairly and accurately, which is of
particular importance when discussing or giving examples of Independent Representatives’ earnings.
1. Every time you make a representation regarding income or earnings opportunities under the
WorldVentures Compensation Plan or business, you must present the official WorldVentures IDS from
the current year or the very latest update available. You must always use the IDS in its entirety and
unaltered. Please keep in mind that when you make claims about improved lifestyle, nice houses, or
cars, this can also be considered an earnings claim. If in doubt, you should err on the side of caution and
also present the IDS in these situations. This means that at all public events, travel parties, hotel
meetings, luncheons, or any other time you make a Business Overview Presentation or other
presentation which includes a representation regarding income or earnings, every attendee and
prospect must have a copy of the IDS.
2. You must clearly draw attention to the IDS during your presentations and include it as a slide or
screen during online presentations or presentations using PowerPoint or other similar media. You
should always encourage your attendees and prospects to review the IDS and ask questions. In order to
answer any questions, you should familiarize yourself with the IDS as well.
3. During a presentation, meeting, or live conference call, specifically address the fact that most people
do not earn a commission. You must always disclose what the “typical” Representative is likely to earn.
Since only around 20%of Representatives earn anything, you must disclose that this is typical. As with
most things in life, this business takes work, and you will only get out of it what effort you put into
it. Most people don't apply themselves, don't commit the time that it requires, or they simply are not
skilled or experienced in presenting the business and not willing to learn the skills it takes to be
successful. It is precisely for these reasons that you should be open and transparent about success rates,
so that you don’t set false expectations resulting in individuals who claim that you misrepresented the
business to them. This could lead to people putting the responsibility for their lack of success on you,
instead of taking personal ownership in their success themselves. There are critical skills that can be
learned including learning how to present our products which may help you to more successfully retail
our products, building a team and recruiting Independent Representatives, and training others to do the
same. You may point out the average annual commission amount of our entry-level Representatives as
well as a couple of our higher ranks. You should always be sure to specifically point out the low
percentage of Representatives that have attained those higher ranks.
4. When giving an income testimonial, you must also show the IDS and identify the rank in the chart at
which you fall so the audience can determine that only a small percentage of people in the program
achieve that rank. If you are in a group setting make sure the IDS is shown before the first testimonial
and make it clear it applies to all testimonials given in that setting. You must only use approved earnings
claims or approved income success stories. When asking for approval for your income success story put
your income in context. You should describe the hours you worked, the sales of WorldVentures
products you made, your efforts devoted to building your team’s sales, and the geographic area(s) in
which you work your business. You should also disclose any significant costs to you in developing your
business. Again, remember that “lifestyle” or “time-freedom” representations count. Never show
checks or cash! Requests for approval should be submitted to – please
allow 5 business days for approval.
5. Only TRUE statements about your income will be approved, no exaggerations or misrepresentations.
Income discussed in connection with the WorldVentures opportunity must be derived solely from
WorldVentures commissions, overrides, and bonuses.
6. You may only discuss another Representative’s income if it is found in a corporate produced
marketing piece containing the IDS (i.e. - the Voyager magazine, the Business Overview Presentation, a
video, or other corporate produced pieces) that includes a reference to that Representative’s income.
You must present the corporate produced marketing piece unaltered and in its entirety and you may not
discuss aspects of a Representative’s income outside of the details presented in the corporate produced
marketing piece being utilized.
7. Similarly, you may only make hypothetical income projections if they are found in a corporate
produced marketing piece which contains the IDS (i.e. - the Voyager magazine, the Business Overview
Presentation, a video, or other corporate produced pieces). You must present the corporate produced
marketing piece unaltered and in its entirety and you may not create your own hypothetical income
8. If doing an online presentation, provide the prospect with the URL to the IDS chart on the website.
9. If doing a live conference call or other audio presentation specifically say “go to
and click on the link at the bottom of the page that reads Income Disclosure Statement.”
10. Certain states have additional laws that regulate the way in which income or earnings may be
represented. You may not make any income or earnings representations, use any presentation that
contains income or earnings representations, or use the IDS in Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland,
Massachusetts, or Wyoming.
11. Remember that you may only use the IDS in the United States and Canada. It should NOT be used
internationally. If you are a Representative outside of the United States or Canada and engaged in
business with prospects in the United States or Canada, you must also adhere to these guidelines.
By strictly adhering to these guidelines and making sure your team members do the same, we can all
protect the company and the incredible opportunity we offer.