Parent LovNotes #14 - Cobb County School District

Parent LOV Notes
Our Motto: Excellence, Honor and Service
Issue #14
What’ Going On In the Building?
Lovinggood Community,
As we approach the holiday season, I am compelled to speak about the recent tragedy that took place in Connecticut on Friday,
December 14th. It has devastated us all. It is an unfortunate horrid incident that will never be forgotten and if it hurts us as deeply as
it does, we can only imagine what the families are experiencing as a result of it. Our hearts go out to all involved and our prayers are
with them. Considering this time of year, it will be extremely difficult for many of us as we remember this devastation.
As a result of the incident, I’m sure your level of concern for your child’s safety has increased, and rightfully so. I want to assure you
of a few things as I speak passionately about the intentions of the county and myself, to protect our students. Aside from being
cognizant at a much higher level now, we are taking precautionary measures, on top of the many resources provided by the county.
Along with the support of the public safety department, we have campus officers, identification security at the entrance of the school
and surveillance in the school.
Here are a few things that have been if effect but I want to reiterate them as reassurance to you.
All faculty members are expected to wear their ID badges
Visitors must sign in on the computer but must confirm with the secretary what they are visiting for. If the visitor is
meeting with a teacher, the teacher will have to come to the front of the building to meet the visitor and escort them to the
meeting destination. No one is allowed to walk the campus without a visitor’s badge and check in with the front office.
Cobb County police officers and other county officials will be present in the schools this week as extra support for building
Even though, drills are already embedded in the school safety plan, we will review the code red drill this week and conduct
an emergency drill to prepare our students and staff for emergencies.
Transportation changes will continue to be scrutinized and parents must be able to show identification for check outs, as
I know this is all very disturbing and frightening, but I want to assure you that I am in high communication with the county
receiving great guidance in reference to handling this with care. I encourage you to think on good things and enjoy your families,
especially now, like never before. We should be grateful and perhaps now there will be less emphasis on material items and more on
living, laughing and loving. Well wishes to you!
Angela Stewart
The School Council: The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, December 18th at 8:00. Open to all.
Please look for the School Council link coming to the webpage with detailed information about the
school council, members, meetings and goals. This meeting will be held in the Professional
Development Room.
The same day, but in the evening is…..“Face Time with the Principal” & (Bring Your Own
Device)BYOD Forum – Tuesday, December 18th at 6:00pm in the Theater: Along with
providing you with a platform for questions and concerns, we need your thoughts, your input and
ideas on this initiative that we are looking to implement in the near future here at Lovinggood.
What Parents Need to Know
Revised Academic Plan: The current plan format for teachers is weekly lesson plans that address
instruction, assessment, specialized instruction and differentiation. As we embrace the Common
Core Standards, we are excited to plan lessons per unit beginning January 7th. Teachers are planning
with the end in mind and also embedding a remediation plan within the lessons. This will ultimately
change the need for the 5-3-0 policy. More information on the Unit plan and how it will affect student
achievement will be shared at the Face Time meeting on December 18th. Hope you can join us.
Reality U is a financial literacy event that will be held on Thursday, December 20th for all 8th grade
End of Year Envelopes for Report Cards: Please feel free at any time to send in a $1.00 payment to
cover the cost of a large manila envelope and postage that will be needed to mail your child’s end of
the year documents. This is at your convenience. It is something we will ask for just after CRCT this
Students to wear IDs soon: After several discussions, this will not be a student requirement. The IDs
and lanyards were ordered at the beginning of the year and because enrollment never really ends, it
will not be possible to mandate that all students wear an ID. It will be optional. A student can choose
to wear it or not. There will be no consequences in reference to IDs, it will not be a requirement.
Hopefully, as they grow and mature, they will understand the necessity of wearing IDs in the
Reflection that benefits us all
Time Management: A phrase that’s easy to say but a challenge for everyone. Planning ahead is the
key in order to minimize stress. Encourage students to look at the school week by the week instead of
by the day. Teach them to look far out and plan accordingly. Teach them to stick to the schedule they
create and allow them to reap the benefits of planning ahead. Once they can see the difference,
understanding that it’s work to plan, they will appreciate doing the work on the front end.