Reporting Assessments (AP – IB – SAT – ACT –PSAT – AICE

Reporting Assessments
IMPORTANT NOTES WHEN REPORTING College and Career Readiness Exams
 AP, IB, SAT, PSAT, etc exams will be found in one of three Test Groups (Test Description):
1. College and Career Readiness (CCR)
2. Approved Alternative to the Regents Examination (ALTREG)
3. Approved Alternative to the Regents Competency Test (ALTRCT)
Exams in ALTREG and ALTRCT ‘may’ be used as an Approved Alternative Regents or an
Approved Alternative RCT exam for the purpose of meeting graduation requirements, as
well as for College and Career Readiness.
Even if the exam is NOT used as alternative for meeting graduation requirement, the exam
must be reported in the Test Group as listed in the SIRS Manual (and shown below in this
Accommodations received for these exams must also be reported.
SAT EXAMS - Reported with a Score Range of 200-800
**The “Saturday Morning” SAT 1 with 3 component scores**
TEST Description: ALTRCT
ITEM Descriptions:
 SAT I Critical Reading**
SAT I Mathematics**
TEST Description: ALTREG
ITEM Descriptions:
 SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1
 SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2
 SAT Subject Test Biology
SAT Subject Test Chemistry
SAT Subject Test Physics
SAT Subject Test United States History
SAT Subject Test German
SAT Subject Test Japanese with
SAT Subject Test Korean with Listening
SAT Subject Test Spanish with Listening
TEST Description: CCR
ITEM Descriptions:
 SAT I Writing**
 SAT Subject Test Literature
 SAT Subject Test Ecological Biology
 SAT Subject Test Molecular Biology
 SAT Subject Test Chinese with Listening
 SAT Subject Test French
Created by SCRIC
AP EXAMS – Reported with a Score Range of 1-5
TEST Description: ALTREG
ITEM Descriptions:
 AP Language and Composition
 AP Literature and Composition
 AP Calculus AB Examination
 AP Calculus BC Examination
TEST Description: CCR
ITEM Descriptions:
 AP Computer Science A
 AP Art History
 AP Music Theory
 AP Studio Art
 AP Psychology
 AP Statistics
 AP Chemistry
 AP Environmental Science
 AP Physics B
 AP Physics C
 AP Chinese Language and Culture
 AP French Language and Culture
AP Biology
AP United States History
AP World History
AP German Language and Culture
AP Italian Language and Culture
AP Japanese Language and Culture
AP Latin
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature and Culture
AP Comp Government & Politics
AP European History
AP Human Geography
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP U.S. Government & Politics
PSAT EXAMS -Reported with a Score Range of 200-800 (Add 0 to Score. i.e. If 46, Report 460)
TEST Description: CCR
ITEM Descriptions:
 PSAT Math
PSAT Reading
PSAT Writing
ACT EXAMS - Reported with a Score Range of 0-36
TEST Description: ALTRCT
ITEM Descriptions:
 ACT English Test
 ACT Mathematics Test
ACT Reading Test
ACT Science Reasoning
AICE and IGCSE EXAMS – Reported with an Alpha Score
TEST Description: ALTREG
ITEM Descriptions:
 AICE English Examination
 AICE Mathematics Examination
 IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) Mathematics
Created by SCRIC
IB EXAMS - Reported with a Score Range of 1-7
TEST Description: ALTREG
ITEM Descriptions:
 IB English A1 Higher Level
 IB English A1 Standard Level
 IB Mathematics Higher Level
IB Mathematics SL
IB Mathematics Studies Standard Level
TEST Description: CCR
ITEM Descriptions:
 IB Business and Management- High Lvl
 IB Business and Management- Std Lvl
 IB Computer Science - High Lvl
 IB Computer Science - Std Lvl
 IB Information technology in a Global
Society- HL
 IB Information technology in a Global
Society- SL
 IB Art Design - High Lvl
 IB Art Design - Std Lvl
 IB Music - High Lvl
 IB Music - Std Lvl
 IB Theatre Arts - Std Lvl
 IB Psychology - High Lvl
 IB Psychology - Std Lvl
 IB Math Advanced - Std Lvl
 IB Biology - High Lvl
 IB Biology - Std Lvl
IB Chemistry - Std Lvl
IB Chemistry, General - Std Lvl
IB Environmental Systems - Std Lvl
IB Physics - High Lvl
IB Physics - Std Lvl
IB French B - High Lvl
IB German B - High Lvl
IB Spanish A - High Lvl
IB Spanish B - High Lvl
IB Economics - High Lvl
IB Economics - Std Lvl
IB Geography - High Lvl
IB History - Std Lvl
IB History of the Americas - High Lvl
IB Social Anthropology - High Lvl
IB Social Anthropology - Std Lvl
Created by SCRIC