2013_06_03 Michigan State University Case Study web

Case Study:
Michigan State University
Renewable energy generation from food
waste, biosolids and manure
The Michigan State University Facility will generate 450kW of
renewable electricity, when complete in 2013, from campus
cafeteria waste, food processing waste, biosolids and manure
to replace coal power on the main campus.
Energy Generation from organic wastes
Projec t G oal
Anaergia was awarded the design and construction of an
anaerobic digestion system on the Michigan State
University Campus in East Lansing Michigan. The university
is one of the largest in the United States with over 48,000
students and 5,000 faculty members.
The anaerobic digestion system, once complete in 2013, will
convert over 16,800 tons per year of food waste, waste
activated sludge and animal manures into renewable
energy. The clean energy is used on the main campus to
replace coal power.
Revenues are also generated for the university through
tipping fees for accepting waste from local food processors
and through the sale of fertilizer and bedding products.
I nputs
Re newa b le O ut p ut s
Cafeteria Waste
790 gallons per day
Food Processing Waste
Waste Activated Sludge (WAS)
2,560 gallons per day
13,100 gallons per day
Miscellaneous Waste
Renewable Electricity
460 kW
Renewable Heat
540 kW
1,640 gallons per day
Pro cess D escription
Substrate R eception
Anaerobic D igestion
Food waste, biosolids and manure will be delivered to
The facility utilizes a single tank digester system equiped
separate in-ground concrete reception pits with integrated
with hydraulic submersible motors and service boxes to
mixers via trucks. Food substrates will be sent to a
ensure for improved safety, efficiency and ease of
pasteurization system prior to being sent to the mixing
tank with the manure and biosolids.
R enewable Energy Pro duc tion
Fer tilizer & B edding Pro duc tion
The biogas produced will be dried and purified prior to
Digestate will through a filter screw press separator that
being converted into electricity using CHP systems to
separates the fiber from the liquid streams. The fiber will be
produce 460kW of base load power. The electricity will be
used for bedding or fertilizer products while the filtrate is
wheeled through the local utility fto the main campus.
pumped to a storage tank with 9 months storage for use by
local farms.
Food Processing Campus
Fertilizer Sales
Crop Spreading
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