Study Guide- Chapter 16

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Bentley Chapter 29 Study Guide: The Making of Industrial Society
Eyewitness: Betty Harris, a Woman Chained in the Coal Pits (652)
1. What were the effects of machine production and Industrial machinery?
2. How did the factory impact social life?
3. How did Industrialization impact cities and migrations?
Patterns of Industrialization (652)
4. What was the predominant site of industrial production in Europe, the United States, and Japan; and
how did it encourage new divisions of labor?
Foundations of Industrialization (652)
5. What common features did places such as Great Britain, the Yangzi Delta in China, and Japan share by
the mid-eighteenth century?
Foundations of Industrialization: Coal and Colonies (653)
6. What role did coal play in the industrialization of Great Britain?
7. What challenges did China face in industrialization?
Foundations of Industrialization: Ecological Relief (653)
8. In what ways did the conquered and colonized lands of the Americas contribute to European
industrialization? Be specific.
9. Where did industrial expansion start?
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Foundations of Industrialization: Mechanization of the Cotton Industry (653)
10. Explain the result for the high demand for cotton. Give examples.
Foundations of Industrialization: Steam Power (654)
11. What was the most crucial technological breakthrough of the early industrial era and why?
Foundations of Industrialization: Iron and Steel (654)
12. What impact would increased production of iron have on Great Britain?
13. What was the significance of Henry Bessemer’s contribution to the Industrial Revolution in the
nineteenth century?
Foundations of Industrialization: Transportation (654-655)
14. How did railroads and steamships contribute to the industrial revolution?
The Factory System (655)
The Factory System: The Factory (656)
15. Describe the factory system and its impact.
The Factory System: Working Conditions (656)
16. What were the negative effects of working conditions due to the factory system?
The Factory System: Industrial Protest (656)
17. Who were the Luddites?
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The Early Spread of Industrialization (656-657)
18. Who contributed to the spread of industrialization?
The Early Spread of Industrialization: Industrialization in Western Europe (657)
19. Where did industrialization spread?
20. How did the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars help set the stage for industrialization in
Western Europe?
21. Describe Germany’s industrialization.
The Early Spread of Industrialization: Industrialization in North America (657-659)
22. What factors contributed to the United States’ industrialization?
23. How did state governments facilitate transportation and distribution of their abundant natural
Industrial Capitalism: Mass Production (659)
24. How did Whitney and Ford contribute and extend mass production of goods outside of the cotton
Industrial Capitalism: Big Business (659)
25. Explain and give examples of how industrialization encouraged the continuing development of capital
business organization.
Industrial Capitalism: The Corporation (659)
26. What role did corporations play in industrialization?
Industrial Capitalism: Monopolies, Trusts, and Cartels (659)
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27. What was the purpose in forming monopolies, trusts, and cartels?
28. What was the common goal of trusts and cartels?
29. Explain how monopolists tried to control industry. Give examples.
Industrial Society (660)
30. List three benefits of Industrialization.
31. What were the dramatic social changes brought about by industrialization?
Industrial Demographics (660)
32. List examples of how industrialization raised the standard of living.
Industrial Demographics: Population Growth (661-662)
33. What accounted for the rise in population of European and Euro-American populations during the 18th
and 19th century? Include three factors.
Industrial Demographics: The Demographic Transition (662)
34. Describe the social change known as the demographic transition during the nineteenth century.
35. What was the reason for declining fertility in industrial lands?
Urbanization and Migration (663)
36. What encouraged migration and urbanization?
37. What does Bentley mean by “internal migration”?
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Industrial Demographics: The Urban Environment (663)
38. Describe the negative effects of urbanization.
39. What did governments do to tend to the problems of early industrial cities?
Industrial Demographics: Transcontinental Migration (663-664)
40. Where did many migrants go, due to the massive population growth in Europe?
41. Give three specific examples of how migration reflected difficult political, social, and economic
circumstances in Europe.
42. What effect did transcontinental migrations have on the United States?
Industry and Society(665)
43. Explain how industrialization radically altered traditional social structures.
Industry and Society: New Social Classes (665)
44. Explain the new social hierarchy due to industrialization.
Industry and Society: Industrial Families (665-666)
45. How did industrialization challenged the family economy and reshape family life?
Industry and Society: Women at Home and Work (666-667)
46. Explain how industrialization changed the terms of work for women.
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Industry and Society: Working-Class Women (667)
47. What type of jobs did working class women typically take on?
Industry and Society: Middle-Class Women (667)
48. Describe what was expected of middle class women.
Industry and Society: Middle-Class Women (667)
49. How did the Industrial Revolution impact children?
The Socialist Challenge (667-668)
50. Explain the goal of socialists.
The Socialist Challenge: Utopian Socialists (668)
51. What did Utopian socialist hope to accomplish? Be sure to know who the Utopian socialists were.
The Socialist Challenge: Marx and Engels (668-669)
52. What did Marx and Engels think caused social problems of the nineteenth century?
53. What two groups of people did capitalism create and what was their role in society?
The Socialist Challenge: The Communist Manifesto (669-670)
54. What was the goal of communists and how did they expect to achieve this goal?
The Socialist Challenge: Social Reform (670-671)
55. Explain how governments responded to socialists demands.
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The Socialist Challenge: Trade Unions (671)
56. What are trade unions and what were their effects in the long run?
Global Effects of Industrialization (671)
57. How did industrialization have deep global implications?
Global Effects of Industrialization: The International Division of Labor (671-672)
58. Explain how industrialization influenced the economic and social development of many societies?
Global Effects of Industrialization: Demand for Raw Materials (672)
59. What caused a demand for raw materials and what was the response?
Global Effects of Industrialization: Economic Development (672-673)
60. Where was industrialization especially noticeable and why?
Global Effects of Industrialization: Economic Interdependence (673)
61. What areas were less fortunate during the age of industrialization?
62. What caused this interdependence and who benefited from it?
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