TrekNorth High School AP U.S. History Study Guide: Ch. 26

TrekNorth High School
AP U.S. History
Study Guide: Ch. 26-27
As you read, and as you review, be sure that you know the material indicated below. The general and specific review will
be included on any quizzes and the unit exam.
The West:
The West, Mining Frontier continued
General Review:
Shays Rebellion (cause and consequence)
Federalists and Anti-Federalists
"Revolution of 1800"
General Review:
John Marshall and key Marshall Court Decisions
Clay's American System
Missouri Compromise (issue and provisions)
Monroe Doctrine
Gilded Age Review:
Hard Money vs. Soft Money
Trusts (and examples)
New Immigration
American Protective Association
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
The West: Ch.26, p. 590-600
The Great West
Plains Indian tribes and American Indian migration and
Buffalo Culture
Frederic Remington
Reservation System
Fort Laramie Treaty, 1851
Great Sioux Reservation
Indian Territory
Sand Creek, 1864
Fetterman Fight, 1866
Fort Laramie Treaty 1868
1874 Custer Expedition-Gold in Black Hills
Little Bighorn, 1876
Nez Perce and Chief Joseph
Explain four factors that contributed to the defeat of
Western Tribes by the U.S.
Helen Hunt Jackson
Humanitarians and Hard-liners in treatment of American
Dawes Severality Act, 1887 (Dawes Act)
Indian Boarding Schools
Indian Reorganization Act, 1934
Gilded Age Review
Slaughterhouse Cases, 1873
Gilded Age Tariff issue
Vertical and Horizontal Integration, and Interlocking
The Octopus(1901)
Ida Tarbell
Henry Demerest Lloyd
Urbanization and Dumbbell Tenements
Ch. 26 The West p.600-615
Comstock Lode
"Silver Senators"
"Beef Barons"
Long Drive and "Cow Towns"
Open Range until Barbed-wire
1862 Homestead Act-purpose, provisions, & fraud. role
of railroads in "Great American Desert"
100th meridian
Oklahoma, 1889, sooners and boomers
1890 "Closing of the Frontier," Turner Thesis, 1893,
Safety Valve, true or not? Why?
Five key characteristics of the trans-Mississippi West (p.
608 column 1)
Mechanization of agriculture-examples and
overproduction and deflation
Refrigerator cars
tenant farming/industrial feudalism
1867 Oliver H. Kelley and "the Grange"
Granger Laws and Wabash decision, 1886
Farmers' Alliance (1870's) and Colored Farmers'
National Alliance (1880's)
Populists and main demands of Populists (Omaha
Platform-p. 522)
Coin's Financial School (1894)
Ignatius Donnelly
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Panic of 1893
Coxey's Army, 1894
Eugene Debs and Pullman strike, 1894 (cause, goals, and
"government by injunction"
The West and Imperialism
General Review:
Cult of Domesticity/Republican Motherhood and
changing role of women (1800-1850)
American Colonization Society
Second Great Awakening Reform Movements
Canal Era
Ch. 26 615-622
Election of 1896 McKinley v. Bryant
Mark Hanna ("Dollar Mark")
monetary policy
Free Silver
Gold Standard
Cross of Gold Speech
16 to 1 ratio
First Party System
Second Party System
Third Party System
Fourth Party System
Fifth Party System
McKinley Tariff, 1890
Wilson Gorman Tariff, 1894
Dingley Tariff, 1897
Thomas B. Reed (Czar Reed)
Gold Standard Act, 1900
Klondike Gold Rush
Be Able to write an introductory paragraph that answers
the question on p. 622 Was the West really won?
Ch.27 The Path of Empire p. 623-28
New Diplomacy and Age of Empire
Reasons for overseas expansion
Josiah Strong Our Country: It's Possible Future and Its
Present Crisis
Theodore Roosevelt and Darwinist Interpretation
Alfred Thayer Mahan The Influence of Sea Power Upon
History (1890)
James G. Blaine and "Big Sister" Policy
1889 First Pan-American Conference
Samoan Islands U.S. vs. Germany 1889
Venezuela-British Guiana Dispute 1895-96
Sect. of State Richard Olney note to Britain
Monroe Doctrine
Arbitration of Venezuela Crisis
The Great Rapprochement
Hawaii and Pearl Harbor
Sugar cultivation and McKinley Tariff, 1890
Grover Cleveland and Hawaiian Annexation 1893
Ch. 27 p. 628-45
Cuban Revolt 1895-98
Tariff 1894 and Cuban sugar production
Butcher Weyler
Yellow Journalism-Hearst and Pultizer
Frederick Remington
"You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war"
Dupuy de Lome letter 1898
2/15/1898 Maine explosion and investigation
"Wobbly Willie"
McKinley war message 4/11/1898
Teller Amendment, 1898
Roosevelt's order to Commodore Dewey
May Day, 1898, Manila Harbor
Dewey, Germany, and Britain Manila Stand-off
Emilio Aguinaldo
Invasion of Cuba-Santiago Harbor
Rough Riders
San Juan Hill, July 1, 1898
Puerto Rican campaign
Paris Treaty, 1898 and U.S. acquisitions
Philippines question and solution
The meaning of William Jame's protest against Philipine
"God directs us, perhaps it will pay"
Anti Imperialist League/Anti-Imperialists
Treaty ratification debate in Senate
Puerto Rico and Foracker Act, 1900
1901 Insular Cases
1901 Platt Amendment provisions
John Philip Sousa
Sect. of War Elihu Root