2 - Faculty Website Listing

2nd exam
Manifest Destiny
Teutonic and Anglo-Saxon
“Summer Frolic”
1895 Cuban Revolution
Sensationalism “yellow journalism”
2. Economic
3. Control Caribbean
Causes of 1895 revol
1. Political oppression
2. Economic exploitation
a. 1890 McKinley Tariff sugar free;
tobacco high tariff
b. 1894 Wilson-Gorman Tariff
Cuban Junta
End of the concentrados
2. General “Butcher” Weyler
3. Political rts and land rts
4. Home rule
Cuban juntas
Enrique de Lome Feb 1898
Feb 15, 1898 Maine Havana
End of concentrados
US mediate Sp/Cuba
Ap 11, 1898 Spanish-American War
Joint Resolution Ap. 20, 1898
Teller Amendment
Santiago Bay
Puerto Rico
Treaty of Paris 1898
“Don’t haul down the flag”
Dem Bryan anti-imperialism
Rep McKinley imperialism
Gold Act 1900
Theodore Roosevelt Gov of NY 1901-1909
Old Guard Republicans
Progressive Movement
Strict constructionist
Loose constructionist
Dept of Commerce and Labor
Forest Reserve Act 1891
Merchant marine
Panama Canal
Dept of Commerce and Labor 1903
Bureau of Corporations
1902 Northern Securities Co 5 to 4
Morgan, Harriman, Hill
1904 Hanna
D-Alton Parker
Ida Tarbell A History of Standard Oil
Lincoln Steffens Shame of the Cities
Charles Russell The Beef Trust
Ray Baker Railroads on Trial
Upton Sinclair The Jungle
The Panic of 1907
“Bankers’ Panic”
“Rule of Reason”
The Square Deal
1903 Elkins Act
1907 Standard Oil
1906 Hepburn Act
1890 Federal Meat Inspection Act
1905 Dr. Harvey Wiley
1906 Fed. Meat Inspect. Act
1906 Pure Food and Drug Act
1891 Forest Reserve Act
Conservation, reclamation, irrigation
1907 Inland Waterways Commis
1908 National Conserv. Assoc
1902 Reclamation Act
1908 William Howard Taft R
1909-1913 Taft
“equal to the cost of production”
Payne-Aldrich Tariff 1909
Free list
Ballinger Affair
Bureau of Mines
Mann-Elkins Act 1910
Postal savings banks
Commission of Economy and Efficiency
Campaign expenditures
Federal Children’s Bureau
1912 Alaska
New Mexico and Arizona
1913 16th graduated income tax 17th direct
election of US Senators
Prosecute twice as many anti-trust in 4 yrs
as TR had in 8 yrs
“New Nationalism”
Social justice
Robert LaFollette
1910 Progressive Republican League
Rep Taft
Progressive Party “Bull Moose
Party” TR
Dem Woodrow Wilson NJ
New Nationalism
New Freedom
Animated, dramatic calm serene
Wilson 42%
TR 27% Taft 23%
Wilson 1913-1921 1913-1917 1917-1921
1913 Underwood Tariff
Carter Glass-- Federal Reserve Act 1913
1916 Federal Farm Loan Act
1916 Warehouse Act
Subtreasury plan
1914 Federal Trade Commission Act
Cease and desist orders
1914 Clayton Anti-Trust Act
“Labor’s Charter of Freedom”
LaFollette’s Seaman’s Act
Merchant Marine Act
Alaska Railway Act
Smith- Lever Act
Smith- Hughes Act
Federal Aid Road Act
Workmen’s Compensation Act
Adamson Act 8-hour day
Harding “Return to Normalcy” 1921-1923
Coolidge “business of the United States is
Hoover “the American System” and
“rugged individualism” 1929-1933
1920 R-Warren Harding of Ohio
“Ohio Gang”
Calvin Coolidge of Mass
D- James Cox of Ohio
Franklin D. Roosevelt from NY
Attorney General Harry Daugherty
Charles Forbes
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Albert Fall S of Interior
Edwin Denby S of Navy
Sinclair of Sinclair Oil
D- John Davis WV
1928 R- Herbert Hoover of Iowa
D-Al Smith of NY