University of Georgia Honors Program Transfer Application IMPORTANT REQUIRED INFORMATION For which term are you applying for entrance into the Honors Program? Fall Have you already applied for admission to the University of Georgia? Yes Have you been admitted to the University of Georgia? Yes Spring Summer No No In what academic year are you applying for entrance into the Honors Program? Name and Identification First Middle Last UGA ID Number Date of Birth Preferred Name *Your nine-digit UGA ID Number begins with 81 & was assigned shortly after completion of your UGA Admissions Application. It is available on the online status check at Contact Information Permanent (Home) Address City State Zip Code Email Address Telephone Number Cell Number Optional Biographical Information Colleges and universities are asked by many entities to describe the racial/ethnic backgrounds and other biographical information of our students and employees. In order to respond to these requests, we ask you to please answer the following optional questions. Race / Ethnicity (Check any that apply) Gender Male American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black / African American Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White (including Middle Eastern) Female Native Is English your first language? Yes No If “no,” please list your first language: Academic Interest(s) Major Second Major (or Minor ) College(s) Attended Current or Most Recent Other College(s) University of Georgia Honors Program ∙ Transfer Application ∙ 315 Moore College ∙ 108 Herty Drive ∙ Athens, GA 30602 Telephone: (706) 542-3240 ∙ Email: ∙ Website: The University of Georgia Honors Program is committed to providing reasonable access and accommodations for people with disabilities upon request. University of Georgia Honors Program Transfer Application Academic Plan Students admitted to the Honors Program via the transfer application process are required to complete 9 Honors courses (including a minimum of 3 upper division courses) in order to graduate with Honors distinction from the program. In the space provided below, please indicate the courses that you plan to take in order to satisfy the requirements to graduate with Honors. For detailed information on the Honors requirements and course offerings, please refer to the Honors website at Students who have earned Honors credit in courses at their transfer institution may petition to receive Honors credit upon acceptance into the University of Georgia Honors Program. Note: Your list is not binding. Intended Honors courses: Your list must include at least three Honors courses at the 3000 level or higher Using the space below, please share any additional information you feel might support your Honors Program application. Essay Please respond to the following prompt. Your response must be limited to no more than one page (double spaced, 12 point font, half inch margins). Print and attach your response to your completed application. If accepted how do you hope to benefit from The University of Georgia Honors Program and in what ways will you contribute to The Program? University of Georgia Honors Program ∙ Transfer Application ∙ 315 Moore College ∙ 108 Herty Drive ∙ Athens, GA 30602 Telephone: (706) 542-3240 ∙ Email: ∙ Website: The University of Georgia Honors Program is committed to providing reasonable access and accommodations for people with disabilities upon request. University of Georgia Honors Program Transfer Application Letter of Recommendation (limit one) Please include the following letter of recommendation in an envelope sealed and signed by the recommender. • One letter from a faculty member at your current institution. The letter should reflect your academic abilities and provide insight into ways you can contribute to the Honors Program. Transcripts Please include transcript(s) from your current institution and all other post-secondary institution that you have attended. Official transcript(s) are preferred but not required when applying to the University of Georgia Honors Program. Application Validation This application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. The thoughts and words expressed are my own. Any failure to comply with the best principles of academic integrity will result in my disqualification as a candidate for the University of Georgia Honors Program. Applicant’s Signature: Date: (Electronic signature: By typing your signature on the line above you acknowledge your understanding of the above statement.) Checklist Complete Honors Program application Essay Faculty letter of recommendation (limit one) Updated transcript(s) Application validation (applicant signature) All required materials should arrive under one cover to the University of Georgia Honors Program. Materials must be received no later than 5:00 PM on the day of the deadline for consideration. Deadlines that fall on a weekend will be extended to the following business day. You will receive email confirmation once your completed application is received. Any applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Students currently enrolled in courses at another institution are eligible for preliminary decisions contingent on final course grades for the current semester. An updated transcript is required before UGA courses begin. Completed applications received in accordance with the deadline will be reviewed. Meeting eligibility standards does not guarantee acceptance into the University of Georgia Honors Program. Hand Deliver or Mail to: The University of Georgia Honors Program Transfer Application 315 Moore College 108 Herty Drive Athens, GA 30602 Application decision notifications will be sent to all applicants via their UGA email accounts. Final notification may take place as late as one week prior to the start of each semester. All accepted transfer students are required to complete and submit an enrollment form to the Honors Program in order to reserve their place in the program. Enrollment form deadlines will be included in the student’s acceptance notification. Deadlines that fall on a weekend will be extended to the following business day. Failure to submit an enrollment form by the deadline will result in forfeiture of the student’s position in the program. All transfer students accepted into the University of Georgia Honors Program are required to enroll in and successfully complete HONS 1000H: Introduction to Honors seminar. Failure to enroll in and successfully complete the HONS 1000H course during the semester following acceptance into the Honors Program will result in dismissal from the program. University of Georgia Honors Program ∙ Transfer Application ∙ 315 Moore College ∙ 108 Herty Drive ∙ Athens, GA 30602 Telephone: (706) 542-3240 ∙ Email: ∙ Website: The University of Georgia Honors Program is committed to providing reasonable access and accommodations for people with disabilities upon request.