Reading and Writing Word List #06 ▶ adamant 단호한, 매우 단단한 But Sitara refused -- this protective mother adamant her children were not going to suffer the same fate as her. decisive, solid irresolute, fragile ▶ amiable - definition : having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities. - “He easily became close to people around him because he is amiable." - synonym : affable, friendly. - antonym : irritable, rude, unsociable. ▶ apprehensive Definition :걱정되는,불안한 Sentence :I was a little apprehensive about the effects of what I had said Synonym :anxious /uneasy Antonym:comfortable/ relaxed ▶ arduous [일·훈련 등이] 몹시 힘드는, 견디기 어려운, 벅찬(※대단한 노력이 필요한 경우에 씀) They better understood the complicated and arduous process of science policymaking. laborious, exacting easy ▶ bleach *Definition: 표백제, 표백 v *Sentence: Her hair was bleached by sun *Synonym: lighten, washout, blanch *Antonym: stain ▶ Chubby sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure He glanced down at his chubby legs. plump haggard Reading and Writing Word List #06 ▶ Circumloction Definition : 우회적으로말하기 Sentence : Without circumlocution, your offer is stupid. Synonym : express sth indirectly ▶ crucial of extreme importance Every parent knows how crucial the choice of friends is for every child. =vital , important,pressing,dicisive.. <->unimportant ▶ Decentralize Definition : [동사] (중앙 정부의 권력을) 분권화하다 Sentence : He has been instrumental in encouraging the government to decentralize its economy. Synonym : regionalize Antonym : centralize ▶ dispute - an argument or disagreement between people or groups - India and China have begun talks to resolve their border. - bicker, squabble -x ▶ divulge make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret I always tell her my secret because I know she would not divulge it. =disclose,reveal,expose,bring out <->hide,conceal,secrete ▶ drone - 무인항공기 - Drones belonged to N.Korea - eye in sky - plane,aircraft,airplane Reading and Writing Word List #06 ▶erratic having no certain or definite course 일정치 않은, 불규칙적인 You must stop the erratic behavior. inconsistent regular, consistent ▶ endorse sentence: i wholeheartedly endorse his remarks. definition:지지하다.보증하다 synonym:support,approve antonym:oppose,dissent ▶ flatter * verb * sweet talk * implead * word book * you flatter me! * 아부하다 ▶ increment - definition : something added or gained. - "Extensions are granted in 30-day increments to a maximum of three months." - synonym : increase, addition. - antonym : decline, decrease, deduction. ▶ indulgent characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone Indulgent parents risk spoiling their children. patient, generous, tolerant intolerant ▶ let the cat out of the bag - (idiom) 비밀을 누설하다, reveal a secret - If you let the cat out of the bag a lot, people won't ever trust you. - spill the beans - keep a secret Reading and Writing Word List #06 ▶ liability sentence: The company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters definition:법적책임,빚,부채 synonym:responsibility,debt ▶ maim -불구로 만들다, 손상하다 - Afghan wife maimed for refusing drug-addict husband's cash demands - injure, damage - cure, remedy ▶ norm Definition :표준,규범 Sentence :Yet such pusillanimity, sadly, is the norm these days. Synonym :standard/rule Antonym : ( I can't find ) ▶ perseverance * noun * persistence * give up * word book * I admire tour perseverance, courgae and wisdom * 인내, 노력 ▶ peculiar(adj) 1. Unusual or eccentric; odd. 2. Distinct from all others. 3. (foll by: to) belonging special, unique, characteristically or exclusively (to) (Hans Christian Anderson – The Snow Queen) “Everything that was peculiar and displeasing in them-that Kai knew how to imitate[...]” 이상한, 특이한, 보통이 아닌, 색다른, 괴상한 Synonym : strange, unusual, bizarre, weird Antonym : ordinary, common Reading and Writing Word List #06 ▶ philosophy * 철학 * the study or creation of theories about basic things such as the nature of existence, knowledge, and thought, or about how people shouldlive. * Free Market Philosophy * ideology ▶ Prominent *중요한 * Someone who is prominent is important. * Prominent among the things that no one should be forced to do is help other people. * noticeabe * unimportant ▶ quintessential - (adj) 전형의, most representable about features of some category - He is the quintessential comic-book villain. - typical - unusual, unique ▶ satire Definition : 풍자 Sentence : His plays, including Tartuffe and The Misanthrope are recognized today as classics of comic satire. Synonym : irony ▶ scenic * Definition: 경치가 좋은 * Sentence: an area of scenic beauty * Synonym(동의어): picturesque * Antonym(반의어): dire ▶ rip - 찢다,찢어지다 - Ripped jeans - tear,cut - stick,attach Reading and Writing Word List #06 ▶ Tedious Definition : 무료하다, 지루하다, 따분하다 Sentence : The work was tiring and tedious. Synonym : boring Antonym : exciting ▶ temptation If you feel you want to do something or have something, even though you know you really should avoid it, you can refer to this feeling as temptation. Youcan also refer to the thing you want to do or have as a temptation The hero's way is beset with dangers, loneliness, and temptation bait, lure, snare, trap, appeal revulsion ▶ thick(◂thicker) (verb) 1. having relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite 2. measured as specified between opposite surfaces 3. composed of objects close together; dense 4. deep or profound 5. heavy or viscous (Hans Christian Anderson – The Snow Queen) “It grew thicker and thicker ,and took the form of little angels, that grew more and more when they touched the earth.” 두꺼운, 두툼한, (부피가) 굵은 머리카락이) 숱이 많은; (나무 등이) 빽빽한[울창한] (안개 따위가) 짙은[자욱한] (액체가) 걸쭉한 Synonym : bulky, broad, substantial, full, covered, dense, lush Antonym : thin, empty, runny ▶ troop troops are soldiers, especially when they are in a large organized group doing a particular task South Korea has decided to send troops to Iraq. group, company, team, band, army Reading and Writing Word List #06 ▶ undermine …의 밑(에 구멍)을 파다; …의 토대를 허물다[약하게 하다 The current is undermining the river's banks dig, bore, drive fill up[in] ▶ unison coincidence in pitch of musical tones 조화 When the teacher asked the students a question in commencement ceremony, they all answered in unison. accordance discord, disharmony ▶ validate To validate something such as a claim or statement means to prove or confirm that it is true or correct Unfortunately, these are correspondingly much harder to validate. confirm, prove void refute