STUDENT SYLLABUS Course Name/Section Number: Public Speaking, SPCH 1315.HIL (MWF) CRN: 20290 Division/Dept: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences -- Speech Instructor Name: Tanya Frolick Office Hours: by appointment Instructor Email: Instructor Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Description (AMS) Application of communication theory and practice to the public speaking context, with emphasis on audience analysis, speaker delivery, ethics of communication, cultural diversity, and speech organizational techniques to develop students speaking abilities, as well as ability to effectively evaluate oral presentations. Prerequisite(s) (AMS): Texas Success Initiative complete in Reading and Writing. Required Textbook(s), Supplies, and Materials: Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 12e. ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2015. Learning Outcomes (AMS): Upon successful completion of this course, students will: • • • • • • • Demonstrate an understanding of the foundational models of communication. Apply elements of audience analysis. Demonstrate ethical speaking and listening skills by analyzing presentations for evidence and logic. Research, develop and deliver extemporaneous speeches with effective verbal and nonverbal techniques. Demonstrate effective usage of technology when researching and/or presenting speeches. Identify how culture, ethnicity and gender influence communication. Develop proficiency in presenting a variety of speeches as an individual or group (e.g. narrative, informative or persuasive). Assessments (AMS): Graded informative presentations IDEA Survey Essential Objective #3: Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, decision-making) Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate. Page |2 Graded persuasive presentations IDEA Survey Essential Objective #8: Developing skill in expressing oneself orally. Course Requirements: Criteria for Grading: 05% Inspiration Speech 05% Coat of Arms Speech 10% Process Explanation Speech 20% Policy/Charity Advocacy Speech 10% Team Presentation/Project 25% Final Speech 05% Participation Includes: • chapter checks • chapter activities • mandatory forum posts 20% Final Examination A = 89.5 - 100 B = 79.5 - 89.49999 C = 69.5 - 79.49999 D = 59.5 - 69.49999 F = 00.0 - 59.49999 Attendance: Attendance will be taken, so it is in the best interest of the student to be here for every class period. Because of the nature of this class, participation and attendance are closely related to students’ overall success. As part of overall participation, students should be here when graded assignments are scheduled; otherwise, there will be a reduction in grade based on students’ lack of participation. A student can be dropped for excessive absences, per college policy. If you have any questions, please contact the instructor. All speaking assignments are due on the scheduled day of the assignment. If the student is not prepared or fails to attend class on the speaking assignment day, the student will receive a ZERO for that assignment. If the student is absent and knows they are going to miss an assignment, the student must give the instructor prior notice. It is up to the instructor’s discretion to allow the student to make up the assignment! Late work carries a 30 pt. grade reduction if time allows. No graded assignments will be accepted after the end of the last regular class period. However, students are allowed one (1) excused absence or "not ready" for the semester on a day and time speeches are to be presented. Every absence or "not ready" on subsequent speaking days will carry the penalty of 30 points to be deducted from the final particular speech grade. In no case will a grade below 0 be awarded. A student cannot pass this course if they have not attempted a graded assignment! Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate. Page |3 Tentative Class Schedule (subject to change per Instructor’s discretion) 1/20 Discussion: Syllabus Review/Expectations Discussion: Introduction to Blackboard 1/22 Discussion: Creating note-cards for speaking Activity: Note-cards-Introduce a classmate Assign “Inspiration” Speeches Inspiration Speech Sample Process Bonus Outlines due 3/2-7 Assign “Policy/Charity Advocacy” Speech “Process” Speeches (15%) Activity: Process or Concept Speech Forum 3/9 Activities: Quotation Introduction Definition Introduction Shocking Statement Introduction Personal Anecdote Practice 3/11 Team Presentations 1/25 Discussion: Chapter 1: Speaking in Public Activity: Ex. for Crit. Think. #1, p 27 Communication Event Analysis Forum 1/27 Discussion: Chapter 2: Ethics and Public Speaking Activity: Ex. for Crit. Think. #3, p 45 1/29 Inspiration Speeches (5%) 3/21-23 Discussion: Chapter 10: Beginning and Ending the Speech 2/1 Assign “Coat of Arms” Speeches Discussion: Chapter 3: Listening Activity: Listening Self-Evaluation, p 54 3/25-28 Discussion: Chapter 16: Speaking to Persuade Activity: Ex. for Crit. Think., #4, p 323 Activity: Commercial Analysis 2/3 Discussion: Chapter 13: Delivery Activity: Ex. for Crit. Think. #1, p 257 3/30 Discussion: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Activity: Motivated Sequence 2/5 Discussion: Chapter 14: Using Visual Aids 4/1-4 2/8 Discussion: Chapter 4: Giving Your First Speech 2/10 Discussion: Chapter 15: Speaking to Inform “COA” Bonus Outlines due Discussion: Chapter 17: Methods of Persuasion Activity: Ex. For Crit. Think., #2,4, p 351 Activity: News Article Analysis Policy/Charity Bonus Outlines Due Activity: Inspiration Speech Forum 2/12-17 Assign Process Explanation Speech “Coat of Arms” Speeches(10%) 3/14-18 ***Spring Break*** 4/6-11 “Policy/Charity ” Speeches (20%) 4/13-15 Discussion: Chapter 11: Outlining the Speech Activity: Coat of Arms Speech Forum 4/18 Discussion: Chapter 12: Using Language 2/19 Discussion: Chapter 5: Selecting a Topic and a Purpose 4/20 Discussion: Chapter 18: Speaking on Special Occasions 2/22 Discussion: Chapter 6: Analyzing the Audience 4/22 2/24 Discussion: Chapter 7: Gathering Materials Team Activity Discussion: Chapter 19: Speaking in Small Groups Final Speech Bonus Outline due 4/25 Workday for Final Speeches 2/26 Discussion: Chapter 8: Supporting Your Ideas Activity: Ex. for Crit. Think. 1&2, pages 163 and A9 4/27-5/2 Discussion: Ch. 9: Organizing the Body of the Speech Activity: Organizational Method Activity, #3 p 182 5/11 2/29 Final Speeches (25%) 5/4-5/6 Review for Exam Final Exam (tentative) Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate. Page |4 Victoria College Student Services Admissions and Records & Welcome Center Admissions Applications, Transcripts, Grade Submission Student Services Building, Suite 107 361.485.6841 Advising and Counseling Academic Advising, Career & Personal Counseling, Disability Support Services, and Veterans Services Student Services Building Suite 105 361.582.2400 Financial Aid Childcare Assistance, PELL, Student Loans, Scholarships, & Work Study Student Services Building Suite 108 361.572.6415 KEY Center ** Johnson Hall, Suite 101 361.582.2414 The KEY Center is a federally funded program providing support services for eligible students. ** Pre-College Programs/Dual Credit and Recruitment Recruitment and TexPREP (summer program) Student Services Building, Suite 109 & Suite 105 361.485.6823 Student Activities Office Student Government Association, Student Clubs, Activities, Halloween Carnival, Welcome Information Booths Student Center 361.485.6838 Student Testing Services TSI, GED, ACT, Online Testing Continuing Education Center, Room 202/Testing Room 201 361.582.2529 Title V CARS Centers at Victoria ISD (East/West) Student Services Building Suite 100 361.485.6825 Tutoring Services Individual and Group Tutoring Main Tutor & Study Center Johnson Hall 106 & 108 361.572.6473 Science Tutoring Center Health Science Center 121C 361.573.3291 ext. 3282 Gonzales Center Tutoring Room Calhoun County Tutoring Room 830.672.6251 361.582.2499 Vice President of Student Services Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Discipline Issues, Financial Aid Appeals Student Services Building 361-582-2516 Updated 08.15.2014 Additional information on Student Support Services can found in The Victoria College Student Handbook. A link to the Handbook is in the Publications & Dates folder in the Pirate Portal. A hardcopy of The Handbook can be obtained by contacting any Student Services office. Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.