a a r a r d e mi n ' E a t P r a yL o v e ' - N Y T I m e s . c o m M o v i eR e v i e w- ' E a t P r a yL o v e ' - J u l i aR o b e r t sa n d J a v i e B Welcome to TimesPeople Get started MoreAmericanldc rimesreonlerecommended: fl 8 l 1 2 l l 0 7 : 2 7P M Recommend -:'----' ' HO|\4E PAGF rOD.lI-.SPIPER : vrDEO M O S T P O P U L A R T I M E S ] ' O P ] C S I Home Delivery Log -G.:t ln ' ($tc l\ctrr!l$rK. {(grmcs SearchAll NYTimes.com WORI,D Search I].S. N.Y. / RNGION RegistelNow Movies BUSINDSS TECIINOI,OGY Movies, People and ShoMimes by zlP Code More SCIENCE in Movies SPORTS OPINION Critics'Picks On DVD IIF..{I,TTI ARTS ST\'I,E '|RAVF,I, JOBS REAL ESTATE AUTOS >> ln Theaters ComingSoon Tickets& Shorfftimes Trailers ArtsBeat .-i-,F*.. N e e dm o v i et i m e s ? *x Advertiseon NYTimes.com Tickets& Showtimes Eat Pray Love (zoro) Enteryour ZIP code or city to view ticketsand showtimesin your area. City, Stale or ZIP tidbFlt TravelDispatchE-Mail everysarurdav plSl-_y-p_-l9l-tll9" !319-:$xlellg?l!19-:r-sent :,!il LiF See Sample I Privacy Policy )aviet Eatdem and Jillia Roberls in Eal Pray iove." Globe-Trotting and Soul-Searching By A. O. SCOTT A:u g u s t1 2 ,2 0 1 0 Published The doublestandardin Hollywoodmay be strongerthan ever.Men are free to pursue all kinds of adventures,while women are expected to pursuemen. In a typical big-studioromantic comedythe heroine'sprofessionalambition may not alwaysbe an insurmountableobstacleto matrimony, but her true fulfillment not just her presumedhappinessbut alsothe completionof her identity - will come only at the altar. FACEBOOK TWITTER S I G NI N T O E . [,4A11 Overview Tickets & Showtimes New York Times Review Cast, Credits & Awards E.N4AILED B L O G G E DS E A R C H E D r. IJutWill It Make You }lapp,v? SINGLE,PAGE This paradigmis, of course,much SHARE older than the movies,but it can be refreshing,now and then, to see somethingdifferentin the multiplex: a moviethat takes seriously(or for that matter has fun with) a woman's autonomy,her creativity,her desirefor somethingother than a mate. . t ml ? r e f : b o o k s h t t p : / / m o v i e s . n y t i m e s . c o/m2 0 i 0 / 0 8 / 1 3/ m o v i e s /1 3 e a t h MOSTPOPULAR PRINT REPRINTS More About This Movie Advertiseon NYTimes.@m RECOMI\,4END z. Op-Ed Coluurnist:AmericaGoesDark GoneWild 3. Op-FldContributor:Congrcgations 4. I\4t' Lil'e in 1'hcrapl' 5. Op-h,tl(blr.rmnist:Steal'fhis Mor.ie 6. lircks: Horv to ]rintl CheaperCollegefcxtbooks Should lrrxrciBe a Right lirr the I'oor? 7. India -A,sks, 8. Op-l)rl Curtributor:'I'his Bedbugs Liti: q. Op-Ed Coluntnisl:Ho1\'to Los€'anEleclionWithout 'l'f ReallY i1g Page I of 6 a M o v i e R e v i e w- 'Eat a P r a vL o v e '- J u l i a R o b e r t sa n d J a v i e rB a r d e mi n Readers'Reviews 'Eat P r a yL o v e '- N Y T | m e s . c o m I Trailers & Clips The scarcityof suchstorieshelpsexplainthe appealof movieslike the two "Sexand the Citl'" features,"Julie & Julia." "The Blind Side"and now "Eat Pray f.ove,"a sumptuousand leisurelyadaptationof ElizirbethGilbert's best-sellingmemoir of post-divorceglobe-trotting. Directedby Ryan Murphl', who wrote the screenplaywith Jennifer Salt, the film offers an easygoingand generous blend of wish fulfillment, vicariousluxury, wry humor and spiritualuplift, with a star,Julia Roberts,who elicitsboth enly and empathy. Related Sumnrer i\,lovies:Nlother and Mega-Star, I lappi l"i'llalanced (May 2,2OlO) 'GJcc."lht'n'1 Start Prror.Sprci-rd ry 'Eat Pray Lor,e' (August 8, zoro) EnlargeThlslmage is dented Playinga womanwhosenatural self-confidence Ms. remorse, and threatened by by disappointment Roberts dims her glamour without snuffing it out altogether,as shetried to do in Mike Nichols's unfortunate"Closer."Her Liz Gilbert can be radiant and witty, and rarely doubts her essentialattractiveness,but she also suffersuncertainty, ambivalenceand real anguish.The end of her marriage- to a kind, weak-willed oddball playedby Billy CruduB - is wrenchingbefore it has a chanceto be fully liberating. And her rebound relationship,with a soulfulyoungeractor (JatnesFranco), only exacerbatesLiz's sensethat she is drifting away from 8 l 1 2 l I 0 7 : 2 1P M ro. AcrossNation,Vosque ProiectslvleetOpposition Go to CompleteList , BernadettePetersis back on stage ALSO IN THEATER > Star-cross'dsongs for star-cross'dlovers Conneclwith Theateron Facebook nfnmcr:rcn THTATER AOVERT]SEMENlS trlr*ttsitr'E r$..ft.iilLri Find 1'ourdr*rrn hornewith The Ner,\'ork Times Reallistate Itn ir.3 !.rt':,a. !t's4j i w t : IrollowThe NewYorkTimeson Twilter herself. 'Ihe This may strike you as an abstractproblem, and one that depends,for both its articulation and its proposed Pictures-Sony Franiois Duhamel/Columbia PicturesEnlertainment solution,on a high degreeofmaterial securityand social Ms. Robeds in fal Pray Lo're." entitlement.So many peoplein this world confrontmuch graver threats to their well-being: violence,poverty, oppression.This woman has nothingbut goodluckl True that would blame Liz for feelingbad about enough,but the kind of classconsciousness her life and then taking a year abroad to cure what ails her strikes me as a bit disingenuous- a way of trivializing her trouble on the grounds of genderwithout having new issle Lrf-Iis here Seethe rews in the making.\Vatch Timescasl.a daily rr$vsr'idco. i ProvideThe Iinr,SFto rcf*ocl$t* hr,p broil{tenst*ftents horiaonai and suppsrt tciteler$ iil th*it *l.rssrtoms. f&' l;r'L|"rrfierr f,duccrtionllontrtiorr LEARx*roRE) i to come out and say so. What "Eat Pray Love" has - what the superficial "Sex and the Cih'' z" notably lacked is a senseof authenticity. Whether you decideto like Liz, and whether you approveof her choicesand the expectationsshe has set for herself,it is hard not to be impressedby her honesty.The samecan be said for Ms. Gilbert (to distinguishbetweenthe author and narrator of the book and the charactershebecomeswhen impersonatedby Ms. Roberts).And the screenwriters,copiouslysprinklingthe author'ssupple,genialprose into dialogueand voice-over,maintain a clear senseof her major theme.As the movie meandersthrough beautifullocations,grazingon scenery,flowersand food, it keeps and her circlingback to the essentialtensionbetweenLiz'slongingfor independence desireto be loved. 1. 2 INEXTPAGE>I A version of this review appeared in pr,nt on August 13, 2010, Dn page C1 ot the New York €dition SIGN IN TO E. MAIL http://movies.nytimes.com/2010/1 03 8 / m o v i e sl/3 e a t . h t m l ? r e f : b o o k s P a g e2 o f 6 a M o v i e R e v i e w- 'Eat a P r a yL o v e '- J u l i a R o b e r t sa n d J a v i e rB a r d e mi n TimesPeople ' MoreAmericantdc rimeseeopre recommended: fl Bf,:i"T:." HO|\,1E PAGE P{ER , -TODAY.S i Search I].S. N.Y. ,/ RIIGION 8l12lIO7:22PM Recommend Get Home Delavery Log ln I V O S TP O P U L A R T I I , I E ST O P I C S VIDEO RegisterNow Search All NYTimes.com &br$rwllorkCimrs WORI-D ' E a t P r a yL o v e ' - N Y T i m e s . c o m Movres RUSINIISS TECNINOLOOY Movies, People and ShoMimes by ZIP code More SCIENCE in Movies 3 r i III.AI,TII SPORTTi OPINION Critics'Picks On DVO ARTS STl1,E TRAVIII, JOBS REAL ESTATE AUTOS >r In Theaters ComingSoon Tickets& Sho\ivtimes Trailers ArtsBeat TH,ANTHEY DO ta eatl Advertise on NYTimes.com Tickets& Showtimes Eat Pray Love (zoro) Enteryour ZIP code or city to view ticketsand showtimesin your area. Globe-Trotting and Soul-Searching City, State or ZIP Reflecting on her earlier life, she observesthat for most of it she was either with a man or in the processof leaving one, and so in the first Not with stagesof her journey she experimentswith singleness. solitude, exactly,since Liz is naturally gregariousand acquires friends easily.Backhome in New York shehas Delia (Viola Davis), and in Rome a Swedishwoman named Sofi (Tuva Novotny) introduces her to an amicablegroup of Italians, including a fellow whoselast nameis Spaghetti(GiuseppeGandini).While he is seen mainly in group shots,his namesakefood is filmed in loving closeups. More About This Movie Overview Tickets & Showtimes New York Times Review Cast, Credits & Awards Readers'Reviews Trailers& Clips Related Summer l{ovies: Mother and Ir{ega-Star, Happi11'l3alani:ed (May 2,2OrO) s!i*,t FACEBOOK TWITTER RECOMI\,4END Focus E-Mail slide Slgnup for the weeklyguideto NYTimes.com showsand video. L E - J n,..,,,,,. - r " - r a S I G NI N T O E I\,4AIL Privacy Policy PRINT ffitpo$t' SINGLE-PAGE REPRINTS *-*'- SHARE Liz's trip is In keepingwith the themeof self-examination, "L" From confined to countriesthat begin with the letter the trattoriasand ruins of Italy, to an ashramin India, and then to Indonesia.At the ashramshe meetsa cantankerousTexan named Richard (Richard Jenkins) whosenicknamefor her is Groceriesand whom she accusesof "speakingin bumper stickers."This is a stone tossedfrom insidea glasshouse,giventhe aphoristic, wisdom-mongeringtone of much of "Eat Pray Love,"but indicativeof it is also a welcomewink of self-awareness, the good humor that redeemssomeof the film's (and the book's)muzzytherapeuticmoments.The three themes enumeratedin the title are exploredwith a cheerfultact unlikely to trouble any tastesor sensibilities.The food is not overly spicy or exotic - spaghettiin Rome, piz.zain Naples;the religion not uncomfortably,you know, religious;and the sex discreetalmostto the point of invisibility. In Bali Liz apprenticesherselfto an elderly shaman(the irrepressiblescenestealerHadi Subiyanto) and befriendsa healernamedWayan(ChristineHakim). She alsofalls for Felipe,a divorcedBrazilianexpatriate, http://movies.nytimes.com/2010/08/13/movies/l3eat.html?ref:books&pagewanted=2 MOSTPOPULAR E.MAILED BLOGGED SEARCHED I But \^Iill lt Make You Ilapp,v'? 2 Op-Ed Coltrmnist:AtnericaGoesDark 3 Op- lid Contributor: CongregationsGone \'Vild 'l'heraplLili: in 4 N,I1.' 5 Op-Fitl ()rhurnist: Ste:rlTiris Moric t) Ilrrcks:llorq kr irind Chcagrr College'l'cxtbooks Incliadsks, ShouldFooclBe a Right lbr the Poor? 8 Op-Frl (bntributor:'l'his Bedbug'sI-iti: Ho$,1o Losean E]ectionlVithottt 9 Op-[t1 ColLrnrnist: Realll"l'tfing P a g eI o f 6 t a - JuliaRoberts - 'EatPray Bardem in 'EatPrayLove'- NYT|mes.com andJavier Movie Review Love' 8l12l707:22PM 1(). AcrossNation, Mosquc ProjectsN'lectOpposition ,Glee,"fhen:1ry playedwith insouciant,unshavencharmby Javier Startpool,Spread 'EalPray' (August l.ove' 8, 2oro) Bardetn. Go to CompleteList> that had beenthe Will her feelingsfor Felipecauseher to abandonthe self-sufficiency point of her quest?And because"Eat Pray Love"builds its climax aroundthis question, doesthat mean,in the end,that it revertsto the man-centricromantic-comedyformula? Yesand no. Mr. Murphy, whosetelevisionwork ("Nip/Tuck" and "Glee,"most notably) can be sharp-edgedevento the point ofmeanness,is much softerhere,and "Eat Pray Love" can serveas a reminderthat televisionis, at the moment,a braverand more radicalmediumthan the movies. "Eat Pray Love" is unlikely to changeanybody'slife or evento provoke emotions early and late,by its intrepid heroine.Its anywherenear as intenseas thoseexperienced, spanmay be global,but its scopeis modest,and it acceptsa certainsuperficialityas the price of usefulinsight.Watch.Smile.Go home and dreamof Braziliansin Bali. BernadettePetersis back on stage ALSOIN THEATER> Star-cross'dsongs for star-cross'dlovers Connectwith Theateron Facebook "Eat Pray Loue" is rated PG-t3. A lot of grotun-up feelings and situations,but no blood or skin, and just a bit of decoroussuearing. nyfmor.rnm EAT PRAYLOVE AOVI RTISE I"IE NTS Openson Friday nationwide. Directedby Rr'anMurphy; written by Mr. Murphy and Jennifer Salt,basedon the book by ElizabethGilberUdirectorof photography,RobertRichardson;editedby Bradley , Buecker;musicby Dario Marianelli; productiondesigner,Bill Groom; costumesby , MichaelDennison;producedby DedeGardner;releasedby ColumbiaPictures.Running : time: 2 hours r3 minutes. THEATTR I.ind !-our drern hDme with Th€ Neh,YofkTimes Real F,state Irollow The New Ycrk Timrs on Twif tef lvatch toda,v s top !'ideos See the news in the making. \{atch WIIH: Julia Roberls(Liz Gilbert),.IarnesF'ranco(DavidPiccolo),RichardJenkins (RichardFrom Texas),Viola Davis (Delia Shiraz),Billy Crudup (Stephen),,IavierBardem (Felipe),GiuseppeGandini (Luca Spaghetti),Tuva Novotny(Sofi),ChristineHakim (Wayan Nuriyasih) and Hadi Subiyanto(Ketut Liyer). PAG-I 1 F PREvrous 2 Timescast, a daily nervs video. StaY connected :o the news. F.bgdcfr flurrBooder2.O '' s,** l r y i t h o u tb * i * g c * n n e c t e d to theweb. @[$tr A version of this review appeared in print on August 13, ?010. on page C1 of the New York edrlion S I G NI N T O E MAIL PRINT SINGLE.PAGE REPRlNTS Times Reader 2.0: Daily deliyery of The Times - straight to your computer. Subscribe for just $4.62 a week. Past Coverage 'BROTHERHOOD'; N.IOVIE REVIE\,V I {ia1'-Bashing Neo-Nazis S{ruggle With Hourosexualitv (August 6, 2oro) 'SPRING FIjVER': lirorn Lou Ye , a'I'aboo liilm on Gay Romancre(August 6, 2o1o) MOVIFI RIIVIEIV 1 Related Searches Morics G e tE - M a iA l lerts Honrosexuirlitl' l lerts G e tE - M a iA Average Reader Rating Rate lt Log ln to Rate This 2.5 rating,B0 votes h t t p : // m o v i e s . n y t i m e s . c o / 2m0 1 0 / 0 8 / 1 3/ m o v i e s/ 1 3 e a th. t m l ? r e f :b o o k s & p a g e w a n t=e 2d P a g e2 o f 6