Investigation of Nutrient Removal Mechanisms of a Constructed Gravel Wetland Used for Stormwater Control in a Northern Climate Prepared by The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center In Collaboration with The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission Prepared under Support from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Assessment and Watershed Protection Grant March 2010 Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................ 2 Nitrogen .................................................................................................................................. 4 Analyte .................................................................................................................................... 5 Analytical Method .................................................................................................................. 5 Method Detection Limit ......................................................................................................... 5 Total Dissolved Nitrogen ........................................................................................................ 5 Phosphorus .............................................................................................................................. 5 SAMPLING METHODS ............................................................................................................ 6 Sample Collection and Analysis ......................................................................................... 7 Water Quality Measurements ............................................................................................. 8 Summary and Performance Statistics ................................................................................. 9 HISTORY AND MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 10 Aircraft Deicer Experiment................................................................................................... 10 System Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 10 Forebay Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 10 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 12 Long Term and Seasonal Results .......................................................................................... 12 Nitrogen ............................................................................................................................ 13 Phosphorus ........................................................................................................................ 15 Nutrient Cycling and Removal Mechanisms ........................................................................ 16 Nitrogen ............................................................................................................................ 16 Phosphorous ...................................................................................................................... 21 Real Time Water Quality Parameters ................................................................................... 21 Regression Analyses ............................................................................................................. 21 CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................................... 23 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix A--- Nitrogen speciation within gravel wetland ................................................. 27 Appendix B--- Phosphorus speciation in gravel wetland..................................................... 30 Appendix C--- Regression of EMC and Analysis of Variance ............................................ 33 Appendix D--- TSS Distributions for the first three years of operation............................... 36 Page i September 2004-January 2007 .............................................................................................. 36 May-November ..................................................................................................................... 37 November-April .................................................................................................................... 38 Appendix E--- Total Phosphorus distributions for the first three years of operation .......... 39 September 2004-January 2007 .............................................................................................. 39 May-November ..................................................................................................................... 40 November-April .................................................................................................................... 41 Appendix F--- Nitrate distributions for the first three years of operation ........................... 42 September 2004-January 2007 .............................................................................................. 42 May-November ..................................................................................................................... 43 November-April .................................................................................................................... 44 Appendix G--- UNHSC Subsurface Gravel Wetland Design Specifications ...................... 45 Appendix H--- UNHSC Gravel Wetlands Planting Assessment – October 2006.............. 571 Page ii Table of Figures Figure 1: Nitrogen entering the wetland in runoff or plant detritus is converted to NH4, NO2 and NO3 in the oxygenated forebay. NO3 is converted to N2 in the low oxygen subsurface cells. ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Figure 2: (a, left) Sampling locations at the UNHSC field facility. Samples were collected from the influent, effluent, and 3 locations within the wetland; (b, right) Locations of water quality measurements within the subsurface gravel wetland, Durham, NH ........................... 6 Figure:3: Oxygen concentrations in the subsurface gravel wetland effluent .......................... 9 Figure 4: TSS performance for the subsurface gravel wetland September 2004 –July 2009 13 Figure 5: Nitrate performance for the subsurface gravel wetland September 2004 –July 2009; yellow shaded area indicates period of ADF (deicer) experiment; vertical red lines indicate period of forebay maintenance. ............................................................................... 14 Figure 6: Total phosphorous performance for the subsurface gravel wetland September 2004 –July 2009; yellow shaded area indicates period of ADF (deicer) experiment; vertical red lines indicate period of forebay maintenance. ................................................................ 15 Figure 7: Total phosphorus concentration in effluent as a function of pH .......................... 16 Figure 8: Examination of nitrogen speciation (ug N/l) as it travels through gravel wetland throughout storm. GW1 was not sampled during this event................................................ 17 Figure 9: Mass loading for DRO, Zn, NO3, TSS as a function of normalized storm volume for two storms: (a) a large 60 mm rainfall over 1685 minutes; (b) a smaller 15 mm storm depth over 490 minute. DRO=diesel range organics, Zn= zinc, NO3= nitrate, TSS= total suspended solids.................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 10: Examination of phosphorous speciation (ug/l) as it travels through gravel wetland throughout storm ..................................................................................................... 20 Figure 11: Real-time water quality measurements in the gravel wetland, collected weekly April 2007-October 2008 ...................................................................................................... 22 Figure 12: TSS Regression of Event Mean Concentrations with ANOVA for Annual (a), Summer (b), and Winter (c) from September 2004- January 2007 ...................................... 33 Figure 13: NO3 Regression of Event Mean Concentrations with ANOVA for Annual, Summer, and Winter from September 2004- January 2007 ................................................. 34 Figure 14: TP Regression of Event Mean Concentrations with ANOVA for Annual, Summer, and Winter from September 2004- January 2007 ................................................. 35 Table of Tables Table 1: Subsurface Gravel Wetland Sizing and Design Criteria.......................................... 3 Table 2: Laboratory analytical methods and expected performance data for each analyte. ... 5 Table 3: Summary Performance Statistics for Gravel Wetland for September 2004- January 2007....................................................................................................................................... 11 Page iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study was conducted under funding from the FY06 EPA Assessment and Watershed Protection Program Grants (AWPPG) as a NPS Program National Priority. The project was a collaboration with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission and the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center. Project Sponsors US Environmental Protection Agency Project Team UNH Stormwater Center Robert Roseen, PhD, PE Alison Watts, PhD, PG James Houle Kim Farah, PhD Thomas Ballestero, PhD, PE, PG, PH, CGWP NEIWPCC Laura Chan Heather Gilbert Marianna Vulli Mike Jennings Clair Whittet Technical Advisory Committee Betsy Dake, RI DEM Michelle Daley, UNH Sarina Ergas, University of Southern Florida (formerly UMass) Bill McDowell, UNH Megan Moir, City of Burlington, VT (formerly VT DEC) Thelma Murphy, EPA Region 1 Sally Snyder, CT DEP Kerry Strout, NEIWPCC EPA Project Officer Bryan Rittenhouse, EPA HQ Page iv Investigation of Nutrient Removal Mechanisms of a Constructed Gravel Wetland Used for Stormwater Control in a Northern Climate Final Report by the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gravel wetlands have been found to be very effective at removing many contaminants, including nutrients, from stormwater runoff. The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center has been monitoring nitrogen and phosphorus removal in a subsurface horizontal flow gravel wetland since 2004. The long term monitoring shows that the annual median nitrate removal rate is >95% for the first three years, prior to system maintenance, with summertime performance > 98% and reduced winter performance of about 30%. Reduced performance in the winter is likely due to reduced plant uptake and microbial activity in the winter, and increased load from decomposing plant detritus in the late fall and winter. Nitrate removal declined after three growing seasons with an observed increase in nitrate concentration in the forebay indicating rerelease due to decomposition of organic matter. Long term phosphorus data shows an annual median removal rate of 55% for the first three growing seasons with increased performance in the winter of > 70%, likely related to increased dissolved oxygen concentrations in winter runoff and to influent pH, while summertime TP removal is lower, at about 50%. Detailed monitoring within the wetland system conducted from 2007-2009 found that organic nitrogen is successfully being converted to nitrogen gas and removed from the system. Concentrations of nutrients and suspended sediments in the forebay indicate the need for periodic maintenance to remove standing vegetation. The style of maintenance and degree of disturbance of sediments was also found to be important with respect to resuspension. INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a nutrient removal study conducted by the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center (UNHSC) in collaboration with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC). Stormwater runoff from urban development and other human activities contributes to nonpoint source pollution within watersheds and has a significant impact on water quality. Developing an efficient and effective management strategy can be challenging for watershed managers. Best management practices (BMPs), are increasingly being implemented, but detailed performance data on nutrient removal and the importance of maintenance is often lacking. Managers and engineers need the best available information on the nutrient removal capabilities of BMP options in order to make the most effective management decision. Page 1 A detailed study of the long-term sustainability of nutrient treatment in a horizontal subsurface gravel wetland was conducted from late 2007 through the summer of 2009 in a wetland constructed by the UNHSC in 2004. Phosphorous and nitrogen were measured at select representative locations in the influent, the forebay, wells within the subsurface gravel substrate, and in the effluent during eight storms from late 2007 to 2009. Samples were collected and analyzed for total phosphorous, dissolved phosphorus, ortho-phosphate, total nitrogen, particulate nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and dissolved organic nitrogen. Additional routine analyses were collected under the UNHSC general monitoring program and include total suspended solids (TSS), total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel (TPH-D), and total zinc (Zn). Information collected during this study, and under the UNHSC’s long term monitoring program have been used to identify and evaluate nutrient removal processes, as well as long term and seasonal performance trends. In early 2007, just prior to the initiation of the nutrient cycling study, an experiment was conducted that resulted in significant impairment of the gravel wetland functionality, which in turn influenced the outcomes of this study. The experiment examined the treatment performance of engineered wetlands to remove propylene glycol (aircraft deicer) from stormwater. This study placed an exceptionally high biological oxygen demand (BOD) load on the system, and stimulated excessive biomass production in the form of plant and microorganism growth in the forebay and within the treatment cells. While the impact of the glycol study is not entirely understood, the impact upon system functionality was substantial. Performance trends following the glycol experiment are therefore difficult to substantiate, however nutrient cycling trends and mechanisms were studied, and the confounding issues led to a greater understanding of maintenance components and forebay functionality of the subsurface gravel wetland system. Constructed wetlands can be one element of an effective strategy for sustainable site design as they are able to efficiently mimic the processes that occur in natural wetlands and have the capacity to provide important biochemical cycling functions necessary to treat nonpoint source pollution. Constructed wetlands can be used to reduce pollutant loading from a number of varying land cover types including urban areas, agricultural, transportation and recreational areas such as golf courses (Roussea et al. 2004). There are two main types of constructed wetlands; surface and subsurface flow. Surface flow treatment wetlands are modifications of traditional ponds with surface flow directed through a vegetated marsh system. Sub-surface horizontal flow wetlands move stormwater through a permeable substrate such as gravel or sand which functions as a filtration system. The surface of the substrate is vegetated, allowing root growth and subsequent plant uptake. These systems combine biochemical removal processes coupled with physical filtration operations, making them very effective options for stormwater treatment. BACKGROUND The UNHSC subsurface gravel wetland is constructed with a pre-treatment sedimentation forebay where stormwater runoff enters the system. The broad shallow forebay design allows for settling of coarse particles and focused maintenance. Water then passes through a conduit Page 2 Influent Organic N from runoff and plant debris Nitrification NH4→N02→ NO3 Aerobic Zone Forebay and surface of wetland Denitrification →N2 (gas) Anaerobic Zone Subsurface gravel Figure 1: Nitrogen entering the wetland in runoff or plant detritus is converted to NH4, NO2 and NO3 in the oxygenated forebay. NO3 is converted to N2 in the low oxygen subsurface cells. Table 1: Subsurface Gravel Wetland Sizing and Design Criteria Design specifications Rainfall-runoff depth Catchment Area Treatment Peak Flow 10-Year Peak Storm Flows Water Quality Volume Resident Subsurface Water Volume Total Treatment Volume Treatment Volume Drain Time Value SI (English) 25.4 (1) 0.4 (1) 2450 (1) 8570 (3.5) 92 (3264) 22 (768) 114 (4032) 24-48 Unit SI (English) mm (in) hectares (acre) m3/day (cfs) m3/day (cfs) cubic meters (cubic feet) cubic meters (cubic feet) cubic meters (cubic feet) Hours into the first of two subsurface gravel cells. Water ponds on the surface of the cell, much as in a dry pond, where additional settling and aerobic transformations occur. Water then moves vertically into the gravel substrate through perforated standpipes. The flow moves horizontally through the gravel and exits the system through a subsurface drain. The gravel remains saturated at all times due to an elevated outlet structure thereby creating anaerobic conditions. Effluent flow leaving the system is controlled by a hydraulic outlet structure which Page 3 imposes orifice control. The subsurface gravel wetland design specifications are provided in Appendix G---, and are available on the UNHSC website ( The design criteria are summarized in Table 1 and system components are illustrated in Figure 1. The system follows the specification listed in the Appendix G. The wetland was planted with a combination of seeds and potted plants as listed in Appendix H. The plants selected were native species chosen to provide a habitat function. The underlying soils of the system are marine clays, with very low hydraulic conductivity, and as such no liner was needed. Nitrogen Nitrogen occurs in the environment in numerous forms; the most common are soluble or particulate organic nitrogen, nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), nitrite (NO2), and nitrogen gas (N2O or N2). Nonpoint sources of nitrogen in urban and suburban environments include atmospheric deposition, plant debris, pet waste and landscaping fertilizer. A small amount of nitrogen enters the wetland directly through rainfall onto the system, rather than runoff, but this amount is negligible (less than five percent). Nitrogen is transformed within the wetland system in several ways, but is only removed by plant uptake and subsequent removal of the plant material and biomass harvesting, or by transformation to gaseous forms which diffuse to the atmosphere. Nutrients utilized by plants are removed from the water or sediments and stored in plant tissue, either above or below ground (USEPA 2000, Garcia et al. 2004). When the plant senesces in the fall, the leaves and stems die back and accumulate as detritus on the surface of the substrate. If the plants are not harvested and removed from the wetland, the accumulated nutrients will be released back into the sediment as the plant matter decays. (Tanner 2004, Mayo and Bigambo 2005) The conversion of organic nitrogen to nitrogen gas is a microbially mediated process which requires both an aerobic and anaerobic environment. Through the process of nitrification, the organic compounds are converted to ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate by microbial respiration in the presence of oxygen. Denitrification, the conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas, occurs only in the absence of oxygen. The subsurface gravel wetland provides these functions in the open, aerated forebay, the surface of each treatment cell, and the subsurface, fully saturated gravel layer (Figure 1). The full conversion of organic nitrogen requires adequate time in each of the aerobic/anaerobic environments, and the rate of these processes controls the bioavailability of nitrogen. Nitrification occurs very rapidly (on the order of 2 mmol NH4/min) and dissolved oxygen is quickly consumed with approximately 4.3 mg O2 per mg of ammonia required (Vymazal 2007). Based on hydraulic loading and influent nitrogen concentrations it does not appear that the system exceeds the rate of nitrification. Denitrication rates are limited with respect to easily degradable sources of organic carbon in the wetland (Kozub and Liehr, 1999). Denitrification rates in the field vary widely and are affected by the amount of labile carbon, nitrate concentration and temperature. Sirivedhin and Gray (2006) showed that denitrification rates varied from 0.0021 to 0.8100 kgN2O/kg sediment per day as temperature was increased from 4-25 C. Page 4 Table 2: Laboratory analytical methods and expected performance data for each analyte. Analyte Merriam et al. (1996) Method Detection Limit (mg/L) 0.07 mg N/l Particulate Nitrogen EPA 440.0 15 ug N/l Ammonia EPA 350.1 5 ug N/L Nitrate EPA 353.2 (colormetric) 5 ug N/l Nitrate EPA 300.1 (ion chromatography) EPA 353.2 (colormetric) 5 ug N/l Variable Total Phosphorus EPA 300.1 (ion chromatography) EPA 365.3 20 ug P/l Total Dissolved Phosphorus Ortho-Phosphate EPA 365.3 EPA 365.1 20 ug P/l 5 ug P/l Sulfate Total Suspended Solids Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons – Diesel Range Organics Metals (zinc) EPA 300.1 SM2540D EPA 8015.ME DRO 0.1 ug S/l 4 mg/l 25 ug/l EPA 6010 0.014 mg/l Total Dissolved Nitrogen Nitrite Nitrite Analytical Method 3 ug N/l Phosphorus Phosphorous is comprised of particulate, dissolved organic, and soluble reactive forms. Phosphorous removal mechanisms include plant uptake, sedimentation and filtration of particulate phosphorous, and sorption to gravel or soil substrates (USEPA 2000, Shenker et al 2005). Co-precipitation with calcium, iron, or aluminum creates filterable particulates. The phosphate in runoff likely forms a highly insoluble phosphate complex, specifically an alkali iron-aluminum phosphate mineral ((K,Na)3(Al,Fe3+)5(PO4)2(HPO4)6•18H2O) (Anthony et al. 1995). Waters in New Hampshire, both runoff and groundwater, are generally rich in iron. Free orthophosphate is the only form of phosphorus that appears to be utilized directly by algae and macrophytes and is the nutrient of most concern in many surface waters. Iron (III) depletion coincides with the maximum sediment oxygen demand (Bartoli et al., 2001). Page 5 Influent ● Forebay 1 ● Forebay 2 ¤ GW1a ¤ GW2a ¤ GW2b Effluent Figure 2: (a, left) Sampling locations at the UNHSC field facility. Samples were collected from the influent, effluent, and 3 locations within the wetland; (b, right) Locations of water quality measurements within the subsurface gravel wetland, Durham, NH SAMPLING METHODS Field sampling methods are summarized here, and are discussed in more detail in the Project Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). The study site is located at the UNHSC field facility. The UNHSC is located on the perimeter of a 3.6 hectare (900 parking space) commuter parking lot at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in Durham, NH. The parking lot, installed in 1996, is standard dense mix asphalt, completely curbed, and is used to near capacity throughout the academic year. Activity is a combination of passenger vehicles and routine bus traffic. The runoff time of concentration for the lot is 22 minutes, with slopes ranging from 1.5-2.5%. The area is subject to frequent plowing, salting, and sanding during the winter months (typically November through April). Literature review comparisons of site runoff water quality indicate that contaminant concentrations are above or equal to national norms for parking lot runoff. The climatology of the area is characterized as coastal, cool temperate. Average annual precipitation is 122 cm uniformly distributed throughout the year, with average monthly precipitation of 10.2 cm +/-1.3 cm. The mean annual air temperature is 9°C, with the average low in January at -9°C, and the average high in July at 28°C. Page 6 Sample Collection and Analysis. Water samples were collected during eight storm events between October 2007 and September 2009. Half of the monitoring occurred during the coldest months (November-April) and the remaining half during the warmest (May-October). An overview of the gravel wetland is shown in Figure 2, and the sampling locations are shown in Figure 3. Flow is conveyed to and from the treatment system by 12” diameter HDPE pipe with smooth wall. Influent samples were collected at a concrete distribution box, located at the head of the research facility (GW influent). The distribution box is located 180 feet from the gravel wetland forebay. Effluent samples were collected at a 10-inch diameter outlet pipe which drains the unit approximately 115 feet downstream of the treatment unit (GW effluent). Typically all influent and effluent samples are flow weighted composites. In-system stormwater samples were collected from Forebay 2, a vegetated pretreatment forebay, and from a 1 inch diameter stainless steel well driven into the gravel in the second cell (GW2b). Samples during one storm were also collected from a well in the first gravel cell (GW1a). Insystem samples are all grab samples from wells and thus not flow-weighted due to the limitations of monitoring flow rate through the subsurface. The sample locations were selected to evaluate overall influent and effluent characteristics, and to identify removal processes occurring in the aerated forebay, and the subsurface cells. The samples were collected with ISCO 6712 automated samplers equipped with a stainless steel strainer, 3/8 inch ID vinyl collection tubing and 24 discrete 1 liter low density polypropylene (LDPE) sample bags. The automated sampling units were weather proof or sheltered. A more detailed discussion of sampling methods can be found in the QAPP. Precipitation (measured using an ISCO Model 674 tipping bucket rain sensor/gauge) and flow measurement records were maintained for all events that occurred during the study period. If an event failed to meet the criteria for a qualified sampling event, the collected influent and effluent samples were not analyzed. Only data from qualified sampling events were used in the calculation of pollutant removal efficiencies. One liter disposable LDPE sample bags were used to assure clean, non-contaminated sample containers. Prior to a sampling event, each bag was labeled with a unique, waterproof, adhesive bar code that corresponded with a field identification number containing information relating to the stormwater treatment unit, the sample number (1-24) and the date of sampling. Records were kept that correlated sample number with sample time, date, flow, and other real time water quality parameters. A chain-of-custody record accompanied each sample to track all personnel handling and transporting each sample throughout the sampling process. All samples, whether sent for analysis or frozen for later use, were processed within 24 hours from the time of taking the sample and always maintained at temperatures of at most 4° C. After each rainfall and sampling event, the sampler carousel was replaced with a new set of 24 bottles which were again labeled with unique identifying bar codes and the sampling process began again. Page 7 Flow weighted composite samples were collected for influent and effluent three times during the warm months and three times during the cold months. Representative discrete samples were selected based on the hydrograph and immediately composited using a Teflon cone splitter. Composite samples were removed from the cone splitter, heat sealed, labeled and delivered for laboratory analysis. Discrete samples were collected during two storms from within the treatment cells. Discrete grab samples were selected after review of the storm event hydrograph to represent early, mid- and late storm conditions. Real time water quality parameters (pH, DO, temp, SC, flow) were also monitored continuously at the influent and effluent locations, and in the gravel cells during selected storms. All samples were analyzed for phosphorus and nitrogen compounds, total suspended solids, and cations/anions as listed in Table 2. Analyses were performed by the Water Quality Analysis Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. Additional routine analyses collected under the UNHSC general monitoring program were analyzed by Resource Laboratories Inc., in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Storm event criteria and sampling methodologies followed guidance from the NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance document (EPA 833-B-92-001) and Urban Stormwater BMP Performance Monitoring (USEPA, 2002). Event criteria for inclusion in the study required that: the depth of the storm must be greater than 0.1 inch accumulation and that the storm must be preceded by at least 72 hours of dry weather. All measurements, sampling procedures, and analyses followed a project specific QAPP, approved for NEIWPCC by the EPA. Procedures other than those specifically described in the QAPP for field monitoring and sample collection are outlined in specific manufacturers’ operation and maintenance manuals (ISCO, YSI). These include procedures for field instrument calibration, and field equipment cleaning, operation, and maintenance. Water Quality Measurements Water quality measurements for temperature (temp, °C), specific conductivity (SC, uS/cm), dissolved oxygen (DO, mg/L) and pH were taken in the first cell of the gravel wetland (GW1a, GW1b) and two wells in the second cell (GW2a, GW2b) from April 2007 August 18th, 2008 through October, 2008. Forebay sampling locations 1 and 2 were located in the vegetated pretreatment sedimentation forebay. GW1a, Gw1b, GW2a and GW2b were 1 inch diameter stainless steel pipes, hand-driven such that the screen intersected a gravel portion of the wetland. Page 8 Flow Gravel Wetland Effluent DO Figure:3: Oxygen concentrations in the subsurface gravel wetland effluent Water quality measurements in the forebay were collected by immersing the probe in standing water. Measurements were collected from the wells using a low-flow peristaltic pump to purge water from the wells. The tubing was placed directly down into the well and the pump was turned on. Water was examined for odor and clarity, with the results noted in the field book. The water was pumped into a 10 liter Nalgene carboy to about half way, shaken to completely rinse the carboy and then discarded. This process was repeated two more times and then the water was allowed to fill the carboy to the point of overflowing. The YSI 556 probe module was placed in the carboy, ensuring complete immersion in the sample. The readings were allowed to stabilize for at least ten minutes, at which time the data was recorded in the field book. The probe module was rinsed with de-ionized water in between each sampling site. Summary and Performance Statistics Event mean concentrations (EMC) were calculated for all analyzed storms by flow-weighted composite samples. EMC is a parameter used to represent the flow proportional average concentration of a given parameter during a storm event. It is defined as the total constituent mass divided by the total flow volume. Performance measurements are best viewed in the context of a range of metrics. Individual metrics viewed outside the larger context can be misleading. Exploratory data analyses and statistics used here include removal efficiencies, time series analyses, and regressions with analyses of variance (Burton and Pitt 2001, Pitt 2002, Geosyntec 2009). Removal efficiency is a commonly used metric in stormwater studies, but the results should be interpreted with caution and in the context of influent concentration. Percent removals are widely used because of their established regulatory presence. However, small differences in low concentrations can lead to large differences in percent removals. Averages are appropriately used to represent the central tendency of normally distributed data sets. However, stormwater data sets are commonly non-normally distributed with a high variability, and are difficult to describe using simple statistics. The median, which is exceeded half the time, is often more helpful than the mean which has no set probability associated with it. Page 9 HISTORY AND MAINTENANCE Aircraft Deicer Experiment In 2007, the UNHSC subsurface gravel wetland was used to evaluate the ability of engineered subsurface horizontal flow wetlands to remove propylene glycol (PG) (used as an aircraft deicer and often co-mingled with airport stormwater runoff) from stormwater. This experiment impacted the subsurface gravel wetland treatment performance during its performance. Afterwards, during the period of time the nutrient cycling experiment was being conducted, the effects of the propylene glycol study were still exhibited. However the propylene glycol study did lead to some important discoveries regarding forebay design, functionality, and maintenance. Propylene glycol is readily biodegradable and produces a very high BOD, which can result in impairment of receiving waters. After two months into the propylene glycol study, the wetland effluent developed a brown biofloc generated from the abundant microbial activity in the subsurface which persisted well after the experiment was concluded. The impacts upon treatment performance are evident in several instances: • First, the biofloc development coincided with a reduction in TSS removal and an increase in vegetative growth in the forebay. The TSS performance did recover following summer maintenance (discussed below). • In the spring and summer of 2007 the PG stimulated excessive biomass production in the form of plant growth in the forebay. During the fall, following the 2007 growing season, a large release of nitrate and a drop in removal efficiency for TSS and nitrogen was observed. The nitrate flux during this period would presumably be due to senescence of the vegetation and the decomposition of organic matter. The nitrate performance improved by the third summer following the PG experiment indicating potential recovery. However recovery of winter performance has yet to be observed. • Third, a short term decline, over the first summer after the PG experiment, was observed for phosphorous removal. As a result, the performance data used in this report is from the events preceding the PG experiment, prior to January 2007. The nutrient cycling mechanism data was collected from the period from October 2007 through fall of 2009. System Maintenance In the summer of 2007, prior to the beginning of the nutrient study and several months after the conclusion of the ADF experiment, the hydraulic outlet control was removed, allowing high flows to move through the wetland for several storms and flushing the biofloc. The TSS and TP removal performance improved after the flushing was performed, but nitrate removal did not. Forebay Maintenance The forebay to the gravel wetland and other stormwater systems is designed to remove larger sediments which settle onto the forebay floor. This provides pretreatment to runoff water, Page 10 Table 3: Summary Performance Statistics for Gravel Wetland for September 2004- January 2007 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) Statistic Total Phosphorus (mg/l) Summers 1-3 Influent Effluent Winters 1-3 Influent Effluent Mean 59.6 0.77 58.7 0.54 60.37 0.96 Median 45.3 0 40.9 0.13 47.41 0 N 18 18 8 8 10 10 SD 57.9 1.67 57.3 1.13 61.4 2.03 Cv 0.97 2.14 0.98 2.08 1.02 2.12 Mean % RE 98.8 99.1 98.5 Median % RE 99 99.7 99 Years 1-3 Influent Effluent Summers 1-3 Influent Effluent Winters 1-3 Influent Effluent Statistic Mean 0.1 0.04 0.13 0.06 0.09 0.02 Median 0.09 0.03 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.02 N 12 12 7 7 5 5 SD 0.09 0.03 0.1 0.03 0.07 0.01 Cv 0.74 0.77 0.73 0.48 0.79 0.47 Mean % RE 49.5 33.3 72.1 Median % RE 56.4 52.8 70.1 Years 1-3 Influent Effluent Summers 1-3 Influent Effluent Winters 1-3 Influent Effluent Statistic Nitrate (mg/l) Years 1-3 Influent Effluent Mean 0.59 0.16 0.76 0.08 0.39 0.26 Median 0.37 0.03 0.37 0 0.36 0.1 N 21 21 11 11 10 10 SD 0.89 0.25 1.20 0.14 0.26 0.32 Cv 1.51 1.51 1.57 1.69 0.65 1.24 Mean % RE Median % RE 38.9 79.5 -5.7 98 99 29.4 Page 11 which then moves into the wetland cells. Over time, as the forebay accumulates sediment and plant debris, there is a risk that material may become resuspended during storm events, and move into the gravel substrate. Prior to this nutrient study, the UNHSC had collected data only from the influent and effluent sampling locations so that total removal could be assessed, but; yellow shaded area indicates period of ADF (deicer) experiment; and vertical red lines indicate period of forebay maintenance. No information was provided on nutrient removal mechanisms exhibited in each of the different subsurface gravel wetland system components. Initial discrete sampling in the fall of 2007 identified an increase in nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS and other contaminants in the forebay compared to influent levels (Appendices B and C). At this point the forebay supported a thick growth of plants, primarily cattails (typha latifolia), and a layer of decayed plant debris. It appears that this material was becoming resuspended during storm events, and serving as an in-system source of nutrients and solids. During the summer of 2008, the plant material was removed and the forebay sediment was seeded with mixed grass species. Plant removal was performed manually and included substantial root mass. In September of 2008, sampling resumed, but forebay samples continued to contain elevated concentrations of nutrients and TSS. In the summer of 2009, additional plant biomass was removed, this time by cutting, to minimize soil disturbances, followed by reestablishment of mixed species grasses to stabilize the forebay. After each period of maintenance, the system was taken off line to allow the new vegetation time to establish prior to exposure to erosive velocities. These results have identified forebay maintenance issues related to maintenance consisting of the harvesting of plant biomass in the system, and of improved forebay design. RESULTS Long Term and Seasonal Results The UNHSC has been collecting total phosphorus, nitrate, and total suspended solids data since 2004. Figure 4 through Figure 6 show influent and effluent concentrations, and removal efficiencies for these compounds from September 2004 through July 2009. However, performance data discussed below is limited to September 2004 through January 2007, just prior to the start of the propylene glycol deicer experiment. Appendix A--- and Appendix B--contain the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations collected during the detailed nutrient study from 2007-2009. Page 12 influent TSS gw effluent TSS ADF Maintenance GW TSS Removal Efficiency TSS EMC (mg/L) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 100% 50% 0% ‐50% ‐100% ‐150% ‐200% ‐250% ‐300% Figure 4: TSS performance for the subsurface gravel wetland September 2004 –July 2009 Nitrogen The long term UNHSC monitoring data shows annual median nitrate removals of >95% for the first three years. Figure 5 shows the influent and effluent concentration, and percent removal for nitrate over the period sampled. Table 3 provides summary performance metrics and statistics for nitrate, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids. The full statistical analysis summarized in Table 3 is included in Appendix D--- through Appendix F---. Removal rates are consistently above 95% for the first year of operation, and remain high during the warm season (summer). In the cold season (winter) of 2005-2006 the removal dropped to 14% driven largely by one event with very high negative removal. In subsequent years the winter removal efficiencies remained low. This seasonal component is influenced by the plant growth cycle and by temperature changes. In the spring, as plants start to grow, nutrients are removed from the sediment and stored in plant material. In the fall, with the onset of colder weather, plants senesce and nutrients may be translocated back into root systems and re-released to the environment. Eventually, the wetland plant biomass accumulates on the surface of the wetland as plant litter. Decaying litter then releases nutrients into stormwater when it passes through the system in the winter. This seasonal plant cycle has a double impact; increased removal via uptake in the spring and Page 13 1.5 influent NO3 gw effluent NO3 ADF Maintenance NO3 EMC (mg/L) 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 GW NO3 Removal Efficiency 0.1 ‐0.1 100% 50% 0% ‐50% ‐100% ‐150% ‐200% ‐250% ‐300% ‐350% Figure 5: Nitrate performance for the subsurface gravel wetland September 2004 –July 2009; yellow shaded area indicates period of ADF (deicer) experiment; vertical red lines indicate period of forebay maintenance. summer, and re-release in the fall and winter. Cutting and removing the above ground plant material effectively removes some of the nutrient mass from the system. The amount of nutrient removed by harvesting depends upon the type and volume of plant material, but a typical freshwater wetland carries 3-29 g of Nitrogen/m2 in above ground biomass (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2000). The UNH wetland has a surface area of 18m2, which would yield approximately 50-500 grams of nitrogen annually. Another factor governing the seasonal removal of nitrogen is the seasonal change in water temperature, and associated increase in dissolved oxygen concentrations. The mean temperature of runoff at the UNHSC site is 59ºF during the warm season and 45ºF in the cold season. Dissolved oxygen is closely correlated with temperature, with a mean of 7.8mg/l in the warm season, and 10.2mg/l in the cold season. The increased oxygen entering the system, combined with lower microbial activity will reduce the ability of the system to develop the anaerobic conditions required for nitrate conversion. Page 14 1.50 influent TP gw effluent TP ADF Maintenance TP EMC (mg/L) 1.30 1.10 0.90 0.70 0.50 0.30 0.10 GW TP Removal Efficiency ‐0.10 100% 0% ‐100% ‐200% ‐300% ‐400% ‐500% ‐600% ‐700% Figure 6: Total phosphorous performance for the subsurface gravel wetland September 2004 –July 2009; yellow shaded area indicates period of ADF (deicer) experiment; vertical red lines indicate period of forebay maintenance. Phosphorus Phosphorus is removed from stormwater by several mechanisms including uptake in plants, sorption to soil media, precipitation, and microbial uptake. Plants remove orthophosphate and release it as organic phosphorus in deposited plant litter, where it is transformed back to orthophosphate as the material decays. Sorption binds phosphorus to subsurface particles, a process that is regulated by particle size, sediment composition, and water chemistry including phosphorus concentration and ionic strength. Calcium, iron, and aluminum can form precipitates that store phosphorus in insoluble forms. Precipitation is governed by availability of co-precipitating compounds (Fe, Al, dissolved oxygen), and by water chemistry, particularly pH. Microbes uptake and store phosphorus, but release it again as they die. None of these processes actually remove phosphorus from the wetland; they transform and/or store phosphorus in materials and compounds which may then re-release the phosphorus when conditions change. Figure 6 shows the influent and effluent phosphorus concentrations and percent removal. Median annual phosphorus removal in the UNH subsurface gravel wetland has been 55% with summer removal rate >50% and a winter removal rate >70% for the first three years of Page 15 Figure 7: Total phosphorus concentration in effluent as a function of pH monitoring with no identifiable long term trend. We hypothesize that improved winter performance is due to the observed seasonal increase in dissolved oxygen and a resultant increase in the formation of insoluble phosphate complexes with iron and aluminum. We have not yet measured the concentration of the alkali iron-aluminum phosphate mineral ((K,Na)3(Al,Fe3+)5(PO4)2(HPO4)6•18H2O) within the gravel wetland. This would be the next logical step in evaluation of phosphorus removal mechanisms. Release of phosphorus during the winter when high chloride levels are present suggests that sorption capacity is not regulated by the observed variations in ionic strength. Five water quality parameters were measured in the influent and effluent of each system: temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, and turbidity. Review of the data shows no strong correlation between phosphorus effluent concentrations and any of the measured parameters, except temperature and pH. pH is expected to influence precipitation; as pH increases phosphorus tends to form precipitates with calcium and magnesium carbonates, while under acidic conditions phosphorus binds to aluminum and iron oxides. The highest effluent phosphorus concentrations occur when the pH is between 5.5 and 6 (Figure 7). Nutrient Cycling and Removal Mechanisms Nitrogen The nitrogen concentrations during the early to late portions of a storm sampled in November 2007 are presented in Figure 8. Influent from the parking lot contains high concentrations of total nitrogen, which is the sum of particulate and dissolved nitrogen, and encompasses both organic and inorganic forms. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are also present, although nitrite concentrations are low throughout the system, reflecting the rapid transformation of nitrite to nitrate. Page 16 11/26/2007 - early storm (ug/l) TN PN TDN 1000 800 600 400 200 0 DON NH4 NO2 NO3 .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent GW2 Ef f luent GW2 Ef f luent GW2 Ef f luent 11/26/2007 - mid storm 1000 800 600 400 200 0 .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 11/26/2007 - mid storm 1000 800 600 400 200 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 11/26/2007 - late storm 1000 800 600 400 200 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 Figure 8: Examination of nitrogen speciation (ug N/l) as it travels through gravel wetland throughout storm. GW1 was not sampled during this event. Page 17 Figure 9: Mass loading for DRO, Zn, NO3, TSS as a function of normalized storm volume for two storms: (a) a large 60 mm rainfall over 1685 minutes; (b) a smaller 15 mm storm depth over 490 minute. DRO=diesel range organics, Zn= zinc, NO3= nitrate, TSS= total suspended solids Water moves from the forebay, onto the surface of the 1st wetland cell, then into the subsurface gravel. Samples collected from GW Cell 2 and from the effluent during the early part of the storm show a significant reduction in total nitrogen and very low levels of nitrate, suggesting that the nitrate has been successfully converted to a nitrogen gas. Samples collected later in the storm show lower nitrate removal. The discrete storm sampled in October 2009, shows a similar trend. This progression supports our hypothesis that the aerobic/anaerobic treatment system is supporting the full nitrogen transformation process, although nitrogen removal is most efficient early in the storm when the first flush storm washoff mixes with the oxygen-depleted water already present in the system. Oxygen measurements within the cells both during the storm and between events confirm that anaerobic conditions are present in the substrate, with many measurements below 2 mg/l. The complete nitrogen concentrations measured during this study are shown in the graphs in Appendix B. As discussed above, transformation of organic nitrogen to gaseous N2O or N2 requires two phases: aerobic transformation from organic to nitrate forms, and anaerobic reduction from nitrate to nitrogen gas. The process requires an aerobic environment followed by an anaerobic setting. Stormwater runoff entering the gravel wetland cells are aerobic, but the subsurface cells are designed to remain saturated, and isolated from surface oxygen. Microbial respiration uses available oxygen, until the stored water is depleted, and anaerobic conditions develop. Figure 3 shows the oxygen concentrations in the gravel wetland during a typical storm event as measured at the outlet. Initially, as flow increases, the dissolved oxygen in the effluent drops rapidly as the resident water moves out of the system. As the storm progresses, oxygen levels increase as aerated stormwater fills the wetland cells. The resident volume in the subsurface gravel is 22m3 (770 ft3) which is the volume of a 6mm (0.25 in) rainfall on the Page 18 1-acre watershed. Some mixing of the residual and influent water occurs, providing an interface between the fresh, nitrogen laden influent, and the oxygen depleted resident water. This is important with respect to system sizing. Figure 9 shows the first flush tendency for a range of contaminants (Roseen et al 2006). The entire load of nitrate carried in the stormwater from the two events depicted was washed off by the first 6mm of rain. That study examined runoff characteristics and found that the majority of nitrate is concentrated in the early storm volume. This “first flush” coincides with the optimal conditions for nitrogen removal, early in the storm when the aerobic/anaerobic interface is present in the subsurface cells. Figure 9 shows nitrate wash-off for two distinct storms at the UNHSC site. Figure 9(a) is for a large 60 mm (2.3 in) rainfall, where the total mass of nitrate all washed off in the first 1% of the storm depth, a volume approximately equal to 22 m3 (770 ft3). Figure 9(b) shows a smaller 15 mm storm depth with 75% of the mass of nitrate being washed off during the first 20% of the storm, a volume approximately equal to 98 m3 (3300 ft3). The total volume for this system is 114 m3 (water quality volume =92 m3 plus resident subsurface volume =22 m3) (4070 ft3). Each storm has different loading characteristics, but nitrate mass is consistently highest early in the storm and corresponds to a runoff volume less than the total system volume. The high nitrogen removal achieved by gravel wetland systems reflects the optimal removal conditions occurring when most of the nitrogen mass is in the system. The excessive biomass production from the propylene glycol (PG) experiment is believed to have resulted in a short-circuiting of the subsurface gravel wetland system processes. As mentioned previously, the gravel wetland process relies on a sequence of chemical transformations occurring first in an aerobic forebay (nitrification) where any particulate organic nitrogen (typically an OM-NH4) or ammonium would be converted to nitrate. This process is followed by the transformation or uptake of nitrate (denitrification). The excessive biomass and high BOD load from the previous PG experiments resulted in a forebay that became anaerobic, interrupting the nitrification process yielding high concentrations of particulate organic nitrogen. The significance of this finding extends broadly to subsurface gravel wetlands and is two part: 1) careful forebay design is needed to prevent anaerobic conditions from developing, 2) maintenance and removal of the biomass is essential to prevent rerelease of nitrogen and development of anaerobic conditions from accumulation of decaying organic matter. In particular, the recognition of need for improved forebay design is an important outcome from this study. Forebay design should seek to provide treatment by settling, and to maintain aerobic conditions with minimal maintenance. Shallow forebay design, while good for settling, requires potentially higher maintenance than other designs in order to prevent a thick matt of cattails and the subsequent development of anaerobic conditions. Improved designs would include a deeper pool of water in excess of one meter (three feet), a deep sump catch basin or proprietary treatment device for removal of solids, or other designs that could maintain aerobic conditions for the long term. Page 19 100 11/26/07 ‐ early storm TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent 100 Forebay GW 2b Effluent 11/26/07 ‐ mid storm TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent 50 Forebay GW 2b Effluent 11/26/07 ‐ mid storm TP (ug P/L) TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent 100 Forebay GW 2b Effluent 11/26/07 ‐ late storm TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent Forebay GW 2b Effluent Figure 10: Examination of phosphorous speciation (ug/l) as it travels through gravel wetland throughout storm Page 20 Phosphorous The phosphorus concentrations in the gravel wetland in the November 2007 storm discussed previously are displayed in Figure 10. Total phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus, and orthophosphate are all present in the influent. The orthophosphate is removed in the forebay in this storm, but this behavior is not consistent; in the September 2009 storm for instance, orthophosphate is present in samples collected throughout the system. See Appendix B for more storm data. Concentrations of total and dissolved phosphorus increase in the forebay, are absent in the gravel substrate (GW2b), but are present again in the effluent. Total and dissolved phosphorus are consistently present in the influent at this site, while orthophosphate is generally present at lower concentrations, or not detected. The increases in concentration in the forebay noted for nitrogen is also present for phosphorus in many, but not all storms sampled during this study. The sources of phosphorus in the forebay are similar to the sources of nitrogen; decaying plant material, and re-suspended sediments. It is interesting to note, however, that increased forebay concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen are not always consistent; on September 6, 2008 concentrations of total nitrogen are higher in the forebay than in the influent, while concentrations of total phosphorus are lower in the forebay, The amount of nutrient released in the forebay may be a function of several factors, including storm characteristics, seasonality, and recent maintenance or disturbance. Real Time Water Quality Parameters Real-time water quality measurements taken in the UNHSC subsurface gravel wetland from April 2007 to October 2008 are shown in Figure 11. Temperature ranges from 5-7 ºC, with higher temperatures in the warmer months. Conductivity ranges from 0.2-6 us/cm3, with higher concentrations in the winter, when road salt is applied to the parking lot. pH ranges from 5-7, and is generally lower in the wetland cells. Dissolved oxygen ranges from 0.614.3mg/l in the forebay, but does not rise above 3mg/l in the subsurface cells. These measurements were collected once a week, during non-rain periods. These data confirm the presence of low oxygen reducing conditions in the gravel substrate but also show that it varies inter-storm. Regression Analyses Performance analyses by regression of EMCs were performed for the three contaminants of interest and are presented in Appendix C. Analyses of variances for the model parameters examined the significance of performance. It can be observed that TSS removal is strong for all three seasons with a slope indicating >99% treatment for all three seasons. Although fit parameters are weak for TSS, indicating a non-linear function, this is primarily due to the presence of values falling beneath the detection limit of the equipment, which create an artificial cluster at 0. The same is true for NO3 and TP. Larger seasonal data sets will be required to resolve significance. Page 21 20 Temp (C) 15 10 5 0 -5 Dissolved Oxygen % saturation 16 12 8 4 0 8 pH 7 6 5 Conductivity (us/cm3) 4 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GW_in Foreb 1 Foreb 2 GW_1a GW_1b GW_2a GW_2b GW_eff 4/6/2007 4/9/2007 4/27/2007 4/30/2007 5/2/2007 5/4/2007 5/10/2007 5/14/2007 10/17/2007 10/24/2007 10/31/2007 11/7/2007 11/14/2007 11/20/2007 11/28/2007 12/4/2007 12/12/2007 12/18/2007 2/15/2008 2/25/2008 3/24/2008 4/4/2008 4/10/2008 4/16/2008 4/23/2008 5/1/2008 5/15/2008 5/22/2008 5/29/2008 8/18/2008 8/27/2008 9/10/2008 9/18/2008 9/23/2008 10/13/2008 10/27/2008 Figure 11: Real-time water quality measurements in the gravel wetland, collected weekly April 2007-October 2008 Page 22 CONCLUSIONS This study explored the performance of an engineered subsurface horizontal flow gravel wetland for removing TSS and phosphorus and nitrogen nutrient species from stormwater. The results of this study, and long term monitoring at the UNHSC indicate that subsurface gravel wetlands are highly effective at removing nitrogen, and moderately effective at removing phosphorous, with seasonal variations apparent for both nutrients, and the requirement of maintenance for optimal nitrate removal. Because of the disruption of the system caused by the propylene glycol study, additional monitoring at other sites will be needed to evaluate long-term functionality beyond the three year period observed at the UNHSC. This information will be available as soon as 2010 from other gravel wetland sites that have been constructed and are currently being monitored for permit compliance. One such site is a commercial development named Greenland Meadows, in Greenland, New Hampshire which is currently on its the second winter (2009-2010). The UNHSC is responsible for monitoring and annual reporting to New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services for this site from 2007-2013. Specifically, this study found that: • The “first flush” coincides with the optimal conditions for nitrogen removal, early in the storm when anaerobic conditions exist in the subsurface. Studies at the UNHSC have shown that the majority of the mass of nitrate wash-off is within a first flush volume nearly equal to 22 m3 (770 ft3), the volume of resident water within the gravel wetland. This has important implications with respect to system sizing. • The forebay to the gravel wetland and probably all stormwater systems may become a source of contamination as the system ages. Sediments and plant debris stored in the forebay may be re-suspended and released in subsequent storms. Routine maintenance is an important component in maintaining performance. The maintenance interval for which a decline in performance can be observed is three growing seasons, or the end of the summer of the third year. • The median removal efficiency for nitrate measured at the UNHSC since 2004 is 80%. Removal is higher in the summer than in the winter probably due to the combined effect of reduced uptake and microbial activity in the winter, coupled with organic nitrogen released from plant detritus in the fall and winter. The long term monitoring shows that the annual median nitrate removal rate is >95% for the first three years, prior to system maintenance. Summertime performance > 98% and reduced winter performance of >30%. • Nitrate removal declined after three growing seasons with observed increase in the forebay indicating rerelease due to decomposition of organic matter. • Phosphorus removal may be effected by pH, with lower removal occurring when the influent pH is between 5.5 and 6. Long term phosphorus data shows an annual median removal rate of 55% for the first three growing seasons with increased performance in the winter > 70%, likely related to increased dissolved oxygen concentrations in winter runoff Page 23 and to influent pH. Summertime total phosphorus removal drops to >50%. A decline in phosphorous removal related to maintenance has not been observed. • Forebay design is an important component of effective treatment. Forebay design should provide treatment by settling, and maintain aerobic conditions with minimal maintenance. Shallow forebay design, while good for settling, requires potentially higher maintenance than other designs to prevent the development of a thick matt of cattails and anaerobic conditions. Improved designs would include a deeper pool of water in excess of a meter, or a deep sump catch basin or proprietary treatment device for removal of solids. Page 24 REFERENCES Avanzino, R. J., and Kennedy, V. C. (1993). "Long-Term Frozen Storage of Stream Water Samples for Dissolved Orthophosphate, Nitrate Plus Nitrite, and Ammonia Analysis." 29(10), 3357-3362. Anthony, J. W., Bideaux, R. A., Bladh, K. W., and Nichols, M. C. (1995). Handbook of Mineralogy: Arsenates, Phosphates, Vanadates. 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Nitrogen species sampled were: total nitrogen (TN), particulate nitrogen (PN), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), ammonium (NH4), nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3). 11/26/2007 - early storm (ug/l) 1000 TN 800 PN TDN 600 DON 400 NH4 200 NO2 NO3 0 Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 11/26/2007 - mid storm TN PN 1000 800 600 400 200 0 TDN .. DON NH4 NO2 Inf luent GW1 Forebay GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 11/26/2007 - mid storm 1000 800 600 400 200 0 NO3 TN PN TDN .. DON NH4 .. NO2 Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 11/26/2007 - late storm 1000 800 600 400 200 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal NO3 TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 Nitrogen concentrations in discrete storm samples collected in November, 2007. All results in ug N/l. Page 27 10/16/2007 - early storm 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 % Removal TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 % Removal TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 % Removal TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent 10/16/2007 - mid storm 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent 10/16/2007 - mid storm 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent 10/16/2007 - late storm 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 Nitrogen concentrations in discrete storm samples collected in October, 2007. All results in ug N/l. Page 28 1/11/2008 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 3/5/2008 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 9/6/2008 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 9/26/2008 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 3/26/2009 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal 9/27/2009 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 .. .. Inf luent Forebay GW1 GW2 Ef f luent % Removal TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 TN PN TDN DON NH4 NO2 NO3 Nitrogen concentrations in composite storm samples collected in January, 2008 through September 2009. All results in ug N/l. Page 29 Appendix B--- Phosphorus speciation in gravel wetland influent, forebay, cells, and effluent Phosphorus concentrations measured in the UNHSC gravel wetland influent, forebay, cells, and effluent. See Figure 2 for sampling locations. Phosphorus species sampled were: total phosphorus (TP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), and orthophosphate (PO4). 100 11/26/07 ‐ early storm TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent 100 Forebay GW 2b Effluent 11/26/07 ‐ mid storm TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent 50 Forebay GW 2b Effluent 11/26/07 ‐ mid storm TP (ug P/L) TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent 100 Forebay GW 2b Effluent 11/26/07 ‐ late storm TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent Forebay GW 2b Effluent Phosphorus concentrations in discrete storm samples collected in November, 2007. All results in ug P/l. Page 30 150 10/16/2008 Early 100 TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent Forebay GW 1a GW 2b Effluent % removal 600 10/16/2008 Mid 400 TP (ug P/L) 200 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent Forebay 200 GW 1a GW 2b Effluent % removal 10/16/2008 Mid TP (ug P/L) 100 TDP (ug P/L) PO4 (ug P/L) 0 Influent Forebay 80 GW 1a GW 2b Effluent % removal 10/16/2008 Late 60 TP (ug P/L) 40 TDP (ug P/L) 20 PO4 (ug P/L) 0 Influent Forebay GW 1a GW 2b Effluent % removal Phosphorus concentrations in discrete storm samples collected in October, 2008. All results in ug P/l. Page 31 60 1/11/08 40 TP (ug P/L) 20 TDP (ug P/L) 0 PO4 (ug P/L) Influent Forebay GW 2b 150 100 50 0 ‐50 Effluent % removal 3/5/08 TP (ug P/L) TDP (ug P/L) PO4 (ug P/L) Influent Forebay GW 2b 500 Effluent % removal 9/6/08 TP (ug P/L) 300 TDP (ug P/L) 100 PO4 (ug P/L) ‐100 Influent Forebay GW 2b Effluent % removal 100 9/26/08 TP (ug P/L) 50 TDP (ug P/L) 0 ‐50 80 60 40 20 0 ‐20 Influent Forebay GW 1a GW 2b Effluent % removal PO4 (ug P/L) 3/26/09 TP (ug P/L) TDP (ug P/L) Influent Forebay 80 GW 2b Effluent % removal PO4 (ug P/L) 9/27/09 60 TP (ug P/L) 40 TDP (ug P/L) 20 PO4 (ug P/L) 0 Influent Forebay GW 2b Effluent % removal Page 32 Appendix C--- Regression of EMC and Analysis of Variance Parameter Estimates y= 0.14 + 0.01x R2=0.156 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept 0.143 0.560 0.26 0.8019 M 0.011 0.007 1.69 0.1108 (a) Annual Parameter Estimates y = -0.381 + 0.017x R2=0.804 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept -0.381844 0.312455 -1.22 0.2761 M 0.0174048 0.003841 4.53 0.0062* (b) Summer Parameter Estimates y= 0.51 + 0.007x R2=0.048 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept 0.5194734 0.960931 0.54 0.6035 M 0.0073402 0.011457 0.64 0.5396 (c) Winter Figure 12: TSS Regression of Event Mean Concentrations with ANOVA for Annual (a), Summer (b), and Winter (c) from September 2004- January 2007 Page 33 Parameter Estimates Y= 0.0589 + 0.305X R2=0.0912 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept 0.0589938 0.11069 0.53 0.6010 M 0.3049289 0.233351 1.31 0.2087 (a) Annual Parameter Estimates Y= -0.0917 + 0.454X R2=0.661 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept -0.091783 0.06019 -1.52 0.1711 M 0.4540437 0.12282 3.70 0.0077* (b) Summer Parameter Estimates Y= 0.190 + 0.174X R2=0.019 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept M 0.1901924 0.201491 0.174757 0.438264 0.94 0.40 0.3728 0.7005 (c) Winter Figure 13: NO3 Regression of Event Mean Concentrations with ANOVA for Annual, Summer, and Winter from September 2004- January 2007 Page 34 Parameter Estimates Y= 0.0349 + 0.030 R2=0.006 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept 0.0349243 0.014786 2.36 0.0425* M 0.029713 0.12249 0.24 0.8138 (a) Annual Parameter Estimates Y= 0.0480 + 0.0761X R2=0.071 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept 0.0480074 0.017048 2.82 0.0480* M 0.0761197 0.137172 0.55 0.6085 (b) Summer Parameter Estimates Y= 0.023 - 0.072X R2=0.522 Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept 0.0231275 0.004679 M -0.072921 0.040232 4.94 0.0159* -1.81 0.1676 (c) Winter Figure 14: TP Regression of Event Mean Concentrations with ANOVA for Annual, Summer, and Winter from September 2004- January 2007 Page 35 Appendix D--- TSS Distributions for the first three years of operation September 2004-January 2007 Distributions TSS (%R) TSS EMC Effluent (mg/l) 101 7 100 6 99 5 98 4 97 3 96 2 95 1 94 0 93 -1 Quantiles Quantiles 100.0% maximum 99.5% 97.5% 90.0% 75.0% quartile 50.0% median 25.0% quartile 10.0% 2.5% 0.5% 0.0% minimum 100 100 100 100 100 100 97.85 94.09 94 94 94 Moments Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 200 150 100 50 0 Quantiles 100.0% maximum 6.455 99.5% 6.455 97.5% 6.455 90.0% 3.6299 75.0% quartile 0.71575 50.0% median 0 25.0% quartile 0 10.0% 0 2.5% 0 0.5% 0 0.0% minimum 0 Moments 98.772222 2.0504822 0.4833033 99.791903 97.752541 18 18 1777.9 4.2044771 -1.621682 1.4481842 2.0759705 12 Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing TSS EMC Influent (mg/l) 100.0% maximum 214.415 99.5% 214.415 97.5% 214.415 90.0% 190.253 75.0% quartile 68.8703 50.0% median 45.2865 25.0% quartile 16.9928 10.0% 11.5848 2.5% 10.188 0.5% 10.188 0.0% minimum 10.188 Moments 0.7771667 1.6662433 0.3927373 1.60577 -0.051437 18 18 13.989 2.7763667 2.790132 8.1951792 214.39974 12 Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 59.6115 57.875891 13.641478 88.392504 30.830496 18 18 1073.007 3349.6188 1.8322929 2.9188719 97.088466 12 Page 36 May-November Where(:Season 2 == "Warm") Distributions TSS (%R) TSS EMC Effluent (mg/l) 100.5 100 99.5 99 98.5 98 97.5 97 96.5 96 3.5 3 150 2 1.5 100 1 0.5 50 0 -0.5 0 Quantiles 100 100 100 100 100 99.7 98.4 96.4 96.4 96.4 96.4 Moments Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 200 2.5 Quantiles 100.0% maximum 99.5% 97.5% 90.0% 75.0% quartile 50.0% median 25.0% quartile 10.0% 2.5% 0.5% 0.0% minimum TSS EMC Influent (mg/l) Quantiles 100.0% maximum 3.316 99.5% 3.316 97.5% 3.316 90.0% 3.316 75.0% quartile 0.41075 50.0% median 0.132 25.0% quartile 0 10.0% 0 2.5% 0 0.5% 0 0.0% minimum 0 Moments 99.125 1.2781124 0.451881 100.19353 98.056471 8 8 793 1.6335714 -1.672025 2.5804757 1.2893947 8 Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 100.0% maximum 187.568 99.5% 187.568 97.5% 187.568 90.0% 187.568 75.0% quartile 76.4968 50.0% median 40.9425 25.0% quartile 16.9453 10.0% 10.188 2.5% 10.188 0.5% 10.188 0.0% minimum 10.188 Moments 0.545375 1.1336156 0.4007936 1.4931013 -0.402351 8 8 4.363 1.2850843 2.6919613 7.4088781 207.85983 8 Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 58.663625 57.352332 20.277112 106.61137 10.715875 8 8 469.309 3289.29 1.9225999 4.2083107 97.764726 8 Page 37 November-April Where(:Season 2 == "Cold") Distributions TSS (%R) TSS EMC Effluent (mg/l) 101 7 100 6 99 5 98 4 97 3 96 2 95 1 94 0 93 -1 Quantiles Quantiles 100.0% maximum 99.5% 97.5% 90.0% quartile 75.0% median 50.0% quartile 25.0% 10.0% 2.5% 0.5% 0.0% minimum 100 100 100 100 100 100 96.125 94.01 94 94 94 Moments Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 200 150 100 50 0 Quantiles 6.455 100.0% maximum 6.455 99.5% 6.455 97.5% 5.9693 90.0% quartile 1.57925 75.0% 0 median 50.0% 0 quartile 25.0% 0 10.0% 0 2.5% 0 0.5% 0 0.0% minimum Moments 98.49 2.5440344 0.8044943 100.30989 96.670107 10 10 984.9 6.4721111 -1.314631 -0.054299 2.5830383 4 Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing TSS EMC Influent (mg/l) 100.0% maximum 214.415 214.415 99.5% 214.415 97.5% 203.96 90.0% quartile 72.9735 75.0% 47.412 median 50.0% quartile 16.9928 25.0% 13.3059 10.0% 13.264 2.5% 13.264 0.5% 13.264 0.0% minimum Moments 0.9626 2.0393074 0.6448856 2.4214326 -0.496233 10 10 9.626 4.1587745 2.6190281 7.224018 211.85408 4 Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 60.3698 61.3782 19.409491 104.27712 16.462481 10 10 603.698 3767.2834 2.0733685 4.6310886 101.67037 4 Page 38 Appendix E--- Total Phosphorus distributions for the first three years of operation September 2004-January 2007 Page 39 May-November Page 40 November-April Distributions Season 2=Cold TP (%R) TP EMC Effluent (mg/l) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 0.2 0.02 0.1 0.01 0.05 0.005 Quantiles 98 98 98 98 88.9 70.1 56.4 55.2 55.2 55.2 55.2 Moments Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 0.15 0.015 Quantiles 100.0% maximum 99.5% 97.5% 90.0% 75.0% quartile 50.0% median 25.0% quartile 10.0% 2.5% 0.5% 0.0% minimum TP EMC Influent (mg/l) 0.025 72.14 17.535336 7.8420406 93.912995 50.367005 5 5 360.7 307.488 0.7572681 -0.362207 24.307369 9 100.0% maximum 99.5% 97.5% 90.0% quartile 75.0% median 50.0% quartile 25.0% 10.0% 2.5% 0.5% 0.0% minimum Quantiles 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.022 0.018 0.0095 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 Moments Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 100.0% maximum 99.5% 97.5% 90.0% quartile 75.0% median 50.0% quartile 25.0% 10.0% 2.5% 0.5% 0.0% minimum 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.1595 0.081 0.0375 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 Moments 0.0162 0.0075631 0.0033823 0.0255908 0.0068092 5 5 0.081 0.0000572 -1.235069 1.9622598 46.685606 9 Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean Upper 95% Mean Lower 95% Mean N Sum Wgt Sum Variance Skewness Kurtosis CV N Missing 0.095 0.0749833 0.0335336 0.1881041 0.0018959 5 5 0.475 0.0056225 1.5449706 2.5514457 78.929823 9 Page 41 Appendix F--- Nitrate distributions for the first three years of operation September 2004-January 2007 Page 42 May-November Page 43 November-April Page 44 Appendix G--- UNHSC Subsurface Gravel Wetland Design Specifications Page 45 UNHSC Subsurface Gravel Wetland Design Specifications June 2009 University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center (UNHSC) Gregg Hall ● 35 Colovos Road ● Durham, New Hampshire 03824-3534 ● UNHSC SUBSURFACE GRAVEL WETLAND DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS JUNE 2009 NOTICE The specifications listed herein were developed by the UNHSC for UNHSC related projects and represent the author’s best professional judgment. No assurances are given for projects other than the intended application. The design specifications provided herein are not a substitute for licensed, qualified engineering oversight and should be reviewed, and adapted as necessary and on full recognition of site specific conditions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS These specifications were developed at the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center (UNHSC), of Durham, New Hampshire. The principal UNH authors are Robert M. Roseen, PE, Ph.D., and Thomas P. Ballestero, PE, Ph.D., PH, CGWP, PG. The contractor who constructed the original system in 2004 at the University of New Hampshire field site was Mike Alesse of East Coast Excavating. Other contributions to the project were made by James Houle, UNHSC Program Manager. Special recognition goes to Mr. Richard Claytor of the Horsley Witten Group (and formerly the Center for Watershed Protection) for his immense influence on improved stormwater management and for largely starting the use of gravel wetlands for stormwater applications. The UNH Stormwater Center is housed within the Environmental Research Group (ERG) at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in Durham, New Hampshire. Funding for the program was and continues to be provided by the Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Robert M. Roseen, PE., PhD. Director, UNHSC Phone: 603-862-4024 Thomas P. Ballestero, PE, PhD Senior Scientist, Principal Investigator Phone: 603-862-4024 James J. Houle, CPSWQ Program Manager, Outreach Coordinator Phone: 603-767-7091 University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center (UNHSC) Gregg Hall ● 35 Colovos Road ● Durham, New Hampshire 03824-3534 ● UNH STORMWATER CENTER SUBSURFACE GRAVEL WETLAND JULY 2008 DESIGN SUMMARY Category Type: Filtration system and stormwater wetland Layout Description The subsurface gravel wetland (SGW) is designed as a series of horizontal flow-through treatment cells, preceded by a sedimentation basin (forebay) (Figure 1). The device is designed to retain and filter the entire Water Quality Volume (WQV): 10% in the forebay, and 45% in each of the respective treatment cells. For small, frequent storms, each treatment cell filters 100% of the WQV. The SGW is designed as flow through treatment, where the stormwater passes through a gravel substrate that is a microbe rich environment. The device can be designed with a multi-staged outlet control to detain the Channel Protection Volume (CPV) and allow overflow for larger storms. By design, the WQV is contained and filtered then drains to stormwater conveyance or receiving waters. All surface basin (and forebay) side slopes are 3:1 or flatter for maintenance. Standing water of significant depth is not expected other than during large rainfall events. The wetlands cell soils are to be continuously saturated below a depth of four inches (10 cm) from the ground surface in order to both promote water quality treatment conditions and support wetland vegetation. To force this near-surface ground water condition, the system primary outlet has an invert four inches (10 cm) below the wetland ground surface (see Figure 1). Vertical perforated or slotted risers deliver the forebay outflow to the gravel below. Within the gravel layer, horizontal subdrains distribute the incoming flow, which then passes through the gravel substrate to subdrains on the downstream end. These subdrains collect the flow and deliver it into the next cell. Hydraulic control of the system occurs at the primary outlet. For large precipitation events, this hydraulic control throttles the flow through the system and forces stormwater inflow to be temporarily stored above the wetland surfaces. By design, the ponded water slowly drains down into the gravel layer below and is filtered through this layer prior to leaving the system. Precipitation events larger than the WQV will have some portion that overflows to receiving waters through an emergency spillway. At a minimum this “spilled” water will have received minor treatment much as in a traditional detention pond/wetland system. System Functionality System functionality has multiple components. From a unit process perspective, sedimentation, filtration, physical and chemical sorption, microbially mediated transformation, and uptake and storage predominate. There is pre-treatment by a sedimentation forebay. This is followed by treatment above the wetland cells by sedimentation akin to a dry pond. In addition, there is water quality treatment during the flow through the wetland plants as well as the minor infiltration through the wetland soil to the gravel below. Finally and predominantly, within the gravel layer there is treatment involving filtration, sorption, uptake and storage, and microbially mediated transformation. The conversion and removal of nitrogen is dependent on two conditions: an aerobic sedimentation forebay followed by subsurface anaerobic treatment cells. Aerobic conditions exist in the forebay when it is designed and maintained as a dry area with temporary Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 G-1 ponding conditions during storm events. The anaerobic condition in the treatment cells is created by maintaining the high water table within the system as well as the slow flow through the gravel layer. This saturated condition drives the dissolved oxygen level down and creates conditions in which nitrate conversion to nitrogen gas occurs. Retrofit Options SGWs are well suited for retrofits within stormwater pond systems. These SGW systems are well suited because: 1) there is a limited hydraulic head requirement, 2) the SGW can be lined and does not require separation from groundwater, and 3) there is a straightforward placement of the system within the footprint of existing stormwater ponds. Hydraulic head requirements for gravel wetlands are approximately four inches (10 cm), whereas underdrained filtration systems may require as much as three feet (one meter) or more. Because the SGW is a horizontal porous media flow system it does require a hydraulic head to drive the water through the system. At a minimum, the driving head is the difference between the vertical distance from the ponded water level above the wetland surface and the invert of the primary outlet. To maintain the system in its saturated condition, it must be situated in low hydraulic conductivity soils or lined below the gravel layer. Because infiltration is not designed to occur, separation from groundwater is not required and the SGWs are sited much like stormwater ponds. While SGWs have a relatively large footprint for a stormwater quality treatment technology, they easily fit within the footprint of existing stormwater ponds that were sized for flood control. When retrofitting a SGW system into a stormwater pond, it is located towards the outlet of the pond. The area within the pond preceding the SGW is used for pretreatment. A wet pond retrofit would require a conversion to a dry pond by the elimination of the permanent pool. SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY • May be preceded by pre-treatment: hydrodynamic separator, swale, forebay. Pre-treatment should normally be capable of holding 10% of the WQV. • Two treatment cells. • A subsurface water level is maintained through the design of the outlet invert elevation (invert just below the wetland soil surface). • Retain and filter the entire Water Quality Volume (WQV), 10% in the forebay, and 45% above each of the respective treatment cells. • Option to retain the Channel Protection Volume (CPV) for 24-48 hrs. • No-geotextile or geofabric layers are used within this system, but may be used to line walls. • If a native low hydraulic conductivity soil is not present below the desired location of the SGW, a low permeability liner or soil (hydraulic conductivity less than 10-5 cm/s = 0.03 ft/day) below the gravel layer should be used to minimize infiltration, preserve horizontal flow in the gravel, and maintain the wetland plants (Figure 2). • Gravel length to width ratio of 0.5 (L:W) or greater is needed for each treatment cell with a minimum flow path (L) within the gravel substrate of 15 feet (4.6 m). • 8 in. (20 cm) minimum thickness of a wetland soil as the top layer. (See description in Surface Infiltration Rates section for details (Figure 2)). This layer is leveled (constructed with a surface slope of zero). Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 G-2 Figure 15: Gravel Wetland—Concept Design WQV Bypass 3” min pea gravel Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 Large flow bypass WQV release by orifice control G-3 • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 in. (8 cm) minimum thickness of an intermediate layer of a graded aggregate filter is needed to prevent the wetland soil from moving down into the gravel sub-layer. Material compatibility between layers needs to be evaluated. 24 in. (0.6 m) minimum thickness of ¾-in (2 cm) crushed-stone (gravel) sub-layer. This is the active zone where treatment occurs. The primary outlet invert shall be located 4” (10 cm) below the elevation of the wetland soil surface to control groundwater elevation. Care should be taken to not design a siphon that would drain the wetland: the primary outlet location must be open or vented. In contrast to Figure 1, the primary outlet can be a simple pipe. An optional high capacity outlet at equal elevation or lower to the primary outlet may be installed for maintenance. Thus outlet would need to be plugged during regular operation. This optional outlet allows for flushing of the treatment cells at higher flow rates. If it is located lower, it can be used to drain the system for maintenance or repairs. The Bypass outlet (emergency spillway, or secondary spillway) is sized to pass designs flows (10-year, 25year, etc.). This outlet is sized by using conventional routing calculations of the inflow hydrograph through the surface storage provided by the subsurface gravel wetland system. Local criteria for peak flow reductions are then employed to size this outlet to meet those criteria. The primary outlet structure and its hydraulic rating curve are based on a calculated release rate by orifice control to drain the WQV in 24-48 hrs. For orifice diameter calculations refer to the NY Stormwater Manual (2001) or HDS 5 (FHWA, 2005) for details. The minimum spacing between the subsurface perforated distribution line and the subsurface perforated collection drain (see Figure 1) at either end of the gravel in each treatment cell is 15 ft (4.6 m): there should be a minimum horizontal travel distance of 15 ft (4.6 m) within the gravel layer in each cell. Vertical perforated or slotted riser pipes deliver water from the surface down to the subsurface, perforated or slotted distribution lines. These risers shall have a maximum spacing of 15 feet (4.6 m) (Figure 1). Oversizing of the perforated or slotted vertical risers is useful to allow a margin of safety against clogging with a minimum recommended diameter of 12” (30 cm) for the central riser and 6” (15 cm) for end risers. The vertical risers shall not be capped, but rather covered with an inlet grate to allow for an overflow when the water level exceeds the WQV. Vertical cleanouts connected to the distribution and collection subdrains, at each end, shall be perforated or slotted only within the gravel layer, and solid within the wetland soil and storage area above. This is important to prevent short-circuiting and soil piping. Berms and weirs separating the forebay and treatment cells should be constructed with clay, or nonconductive soils, and/or a fine geotextile, or some combination thereof, to avoid water seepage and soil piping through these earthen dividers. The system should be planted to achieve a rigorous root mat with grasses, forbs, and shrubs with obligate and facultative wetland species. In northern climates refer to the NY Stormwater Manual ( or approved equivalent local guidance for details on local wetland plantings. Standard design approach for stormwater ponds should be followed as per the NY Stormwater Manual (2001) or approved equal with regards to forebay, spillways, bypass, side slopes, erosion control, use of rip rap for stabilized regions at outlets and other locations of concentrated flow. etc. Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 G-7 SURFACE INFILTRATION RATES AND HYDROGEOLOGIC MATERIALS Wetland Soil The surface infiltration rates of the gravel wetland soil should be similar to a low hydraulic conductivity wetland soil (0.1-0.01 ft/day = 3.5 x 10-5 cm/sec to 3.5 x 10-6 cm/sec)). This soil can be manufactured using compost, sand, and some fine soils to blend to a high % organic matter content soil (>15% organic matter). Avoid using clay contents in excess of 15% because of potential migration of fines into subsurface gravel layer. Do not use geotextiles between the horizontal layers of this system as they will clog due to fines and may restrict root growth. An intermediate layer of a graded aggregate filter (i.e., pea gravel) is needed to prevent the wetland soil from migrating down into the crushed-stone (gravel) sub-layer. This is to prevent migration of the finer setting bed (wetland soil) into the coarse sublayer. Material compatibility should be evaluated using FHWA criteria (see Ferguson, 2005): Criteria 1: D15, COARSE SUBLAYER ≤ 5 x D85 , SETTING Criteria 2: D50 , COARSE SUBLAYER ≤ 25 x D50 , BED SETTING BED Below the wetland soil and pea gravel is a crushed stone (gravel) sublayer with a 24 in. (0.6 m) minimum thickness. Angular crushed stone is needed with a minimum size ~3/4–in (2-cm). Large particle, angular coarse to very coarse gravel is needed to maintain system longevity. Figure 16: Gravel Wetland Materials Cross -Section 8” (20 cm) minimum thickness of wetland soil 3” (8 cm) minimum thickness of graded filter (i.e., pea gravel) if needed FLOW 24” (60 cm) minimum thickness of ¾” (2 cm) crushed stone (gravel) Low permeability soil or liner if underlying soils are very permeable Native Materials and Liner If native a low hydraulic conductivity native soil is not present below the gravel layer, a low permeability liner or soil should be used to: minimize infiltration, preserve horizontal flow in the gravel, and maintain the wetland plants. If geotechnical tests confirm the need for a liner, acceptable options include: (a) 6 to 12 inches (15 – 30 Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 G-8 cm) of clay soil (minimum 15% passing the #200 sieve and a minimum permeability of 1 x 10-5 cm/sec), (b) a 30 ml HDPE liner, (c) bentonite, (d) use of chemical additives (see NRCS Agricultural Handbook No. 386, dated 1961, or Engineering Field Manual), or (e) a design prepared by a Professional Engineer. DESIGN SOURCES The primary design sources for the development of the subsurface gravel wetland are listed below, in the order of use. • • • • University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center 2002, Claytor, R. A., and Schueler, T. R. (1996). Design of Stormwater Filtering Systems, Center for Watershed Protection, Silver Spring, MD. Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, Volume 2: Technical Handbook, August 2001, prepared by AMEC Earth and Environmental, Center for Watershed Protection, Debo and Associates, Jordan Jones and Goulding, Atlanta Regional Commission. New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, October 2001, prepared by Center for Watershed Protection, 8391 Main Street, Ellicott City, MD 21043, for New York State, Department of Environmental Conservation, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233. MAINTENANCE Maintenance and Inspection Recommendations are largely adapted from CTDEP (2004) Stormwater Quality Manual for filtration systems. Inspection schedules have two periods: i) 1st Year Post-Construction, ii) PostConstruction Routine Monitoring. Maintenance is critical for the proper operation of subsurface gravel wetland systems. 1st Year Post-Construction monitoring differs primarily by its increased frequency to assure proper vegetative establishment and system functioning. Post-Construction Routine Monitoring is based on USEPA requirements for Good Housekeeping practices. Unlike other filtration systems, a subsurface gravel wetland is a subsurface, horizontal filtration system and does not rely upon the surface soils for treatment. As such, surface infiltration rates are expected to be low and are not used for the criteria for cleaning/maintenance. Rather, stormwater access to the subsurface gravel layer is the critical hydraulic performance measure. Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 G-9 Inspection and Maintenance ❍ 1st Year Post-Construction: Inspection frequency should be after every major storm in the first year following construction. ❑ Inspect to be certain system drains within 24-72 hrs (within the design period, but also not so quickly as to minimize stormwater treatment)). ❑ Watering plants as necessary during the first growing season ❑ Re-vegetating poorly established areas as necessary ❑ Treating diseased vegetation as necessary ❑ Quarterly inspection of soil and repairing eroded areas, especially on slopes ❑ Checking inlets, outlets, and overflow spillway for blockage, structural integrity, and evidence of erosion. ❍ Post-Construction: Inspection frequency should be at least every 6 months thereafter, as per USEPA Good House-Keeping Requirements. Inspection frequency can be reduced to annual following 2 years of monitoring that indicates the rate of sediment accumulation is less than the cleaning criteria listed below. Inspections should focus on: ❑ Checking the filter surface for dense, complete, root mat establishment across the wetland surface. Thorough revegetation with grasses, forbs, and shrubs is necessary. Unlike bioretention, where mulch is commonly used, complete surface coverage with vegetation is needed. ❑ Checking the gravel wetland surface for standing water or other evidence of riser clogging, such as discolored or accumulated sediments. ❑ Checking the sedimentation chamber or forebay for sediment accumulation, trash, and debris. ❑ Inspect to be certain the sedimentation forebay drains within 24 to 72 hrs. ❑ Checking inlets, outlets, and overflow spillway for blockage, structural integrity, and evidence of erosion. ❑ Removal of decaying vegetation, litter, and debris. ❍ Cleaning Criteria for Sedimentation Forebay: Sediment should be removed from the sedimentation chamber (forebay) when it accumulates to a depth of more than 12 inches (30 cm) or 10 percent of the pretreatment volume. The sedimentation forebay should be cleaned of vegetation if persistent standing water and wetland vegetation becomes dominant. The cleaning interval is approximately every 4 years. A dry sedimentation forebay is the optimal condition while in practice this condition is rarely achieved. The sedimentation chamber, forebay, and treatment cell outlet devices should be cleaned when drawdown times exceed 60 to 72 hours. Materials can be removed with heavy construction equipment; however this equipment should not track on the wetland surface. Revegetation of disturbed areas as necessary. Removed sediments should be dewatered (if necessary) and disposed of in an acceptable manner. ❍ Cleaning Criteria for Gravel Wetland Treatment Cells: Sediment should be removed from the gravel wetland surface when it accumulates to a depth of several inches (>10 cm) across the wetland surface. Materials should be removed with rakes rather than heavy construction equipment to avoid compaction of the gravel wetland surface. Heavy equipment could be used if the system is designed with dimensions that allow equipment to be located outside the gravel wetland, while a backhoe shovel reaches inside the gravel wetland to remove sediment. Removed sediments should be dewatered (if necessary) and disposed of in an acceptable manner. Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 G-10 ❍ Draining and Flushing Gravel Wetland Treatment Cells: For maintenance it may be necessary to drain or flush the treatment cells. The optional drains will permit simpler maintenance of the system if needed. The drains need to be closed during standard operation. Flushing of the risers and horizontal subdrains is most effective with the entire system drained. Flushed water and sediment should be collected and properly disposed. REFERENCES • Center for Watershed Protection (CWP). 2001. The Vermont Stormwater Management Manual – Public Review Draft. Prepared For Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. • CTDEP (2004). Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual. Hartford, CT. • Ferguson, B. K. (2005). Porous Pavements, CRC Press. • FHWA. (2005). "Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts (HDS-5)." NHI-01-020, Federal Highway Administration. • Hepting, G. H., 1971, Diseases of Forest and Shade Trees of the United States, USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 386, USDA, Washington, DC • New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, October 2001, prepared by Center for Watershed Protection, 8391 Main Street, Ellicott City, MD 21043, for New York State, Department of Environmental Conservation, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233. • UNHSC, Roseen, R., T. Ballestero, and Houle, J. (2007). "UNH Stormwater Center 2007 Annual Report." University of New Hampshire, Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology, Durham, NH. • USDA, 1979, Engineering field manual for conservation practices, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. Gravel Wetland Design and Maintenance UNH Stormwater Center June 2009 G-11 Appendix H‐‐‐ UNHSC Gravel Wetlands Planting Assessment – October 2006 Page 57 Planting History. The site was constructed in 2003-2004. The gravel wetland was planted in 2004 with a wetland seed mix and selected wetland plants including shrubs and trees. In October 2006 the site was surveyed to determine what plant species were present, and which of the planted species survived. The wetlands contained predominantly emergent marsh/wet meadow species, and all areas with standing water were populated by Typha (cattail). No Phragmites was found, a few Purple Loosestrife plants were found and removed. Note that the assessment was conducted in October, very late in the growing season. Gravel wetland – mixed wetland grasses, reeds, herbaceous plants and shrubs growing vigorously. 53% of the planted species are still present. Trees and shrubs had a high survival, but the emergent obligate wetland species (e.g water lily, pickerelweed) survival was very low. 100% cover, except for open water in forebay. Very few upland plants were present, and the wetland system seemed generally healthy and diverse. Listing of plant species planted at UNHSC or identified. CO Acer rubrum FAC Red maple ACC IV AI Acorus calamos Alnus incana Amelanchier Canadensis Asclepias incarnata Aster novae-angiae Aster puniceus Betula nigra Bidens connata Caltha palustris Carex comosa Carex lurida Clethra alnifolia Eleocharis rostellata Eurpatorium maculatum Eurpatorium perfoliatum Fraxinus pennsylvanica Ilex verticillata Iris versicolor Juncus Canadensis Lindera benzoin Lythrum salicaria Myrica pensylvanica Nuphar luteum OBL FAC FAC Sweetflag Speckled alder Shadblow serviceberry Swamp milkweed New England aster Swamp aster River birch Stick-tight Marsh marigold Bearded sedge Lurid sedge Sweet pepperbush Spike rush Joepieweed ASI ANA ASP BN BC CP CC CL CA ER EM EP CA IV IVE JC LB LS MP NL OBL FACW OBL FACW FACW OBL OBL OBL FAC OBL FACW FACW Boneset FACW Green ash FACW OBL OBL FACW FACW FAC OBL Winterberry Blue flag iris Canada rush Buttonbush Purple loosestrife Bayberry Yellow water lily H-1 NS OC PAC PV PHA PA PC RF RV RP SL CS SAC SAT SV SC SO SpL TO TXR TR TL VA VH VC VT OBL FACW FAC FACU UPL ? Nyssa sylvatica Osmunda cinnamomea Panicum agrostoides Peltanda virginica Phragmites australis Polygonum amphibium Pontederia cordata Rhamnus frangula Rhododendron viscosum Rosa palustris Sagittaria latifolia Salix nigra Scirpus acutus Scirpus atrovirens Scirpus validus Scripus cyperinus Solidago Spirea latifolia Taraxacumum officinale Toxicodendron radicans Trifolium Typha latifolia Valisneria americana Verbena hastate Viburnum cassinoides Viburnum trilobum FACW Tupelo FACW Cinnamon fern ? OBL FACW OBL Panic grass Arrow arum Common reed Water smartweed OBL FAC OBL Pickerelweed Buckthorn Swamp azalea OBL OBL FACW OBL OBL OBL FACW FAC FACU Swamp rose Northern arrowhead Black willow Hard-stem bulrush Green bulrush Soft-stem bulrush Wool grass Goldenrod Meadowsweet Common dandelion FAC Poison ivy FACU OBL OBL Clover Common cattail Wild celery FACW Blue vervain FACW Wild raisin FACW American cranberry bush Obligate wetland species Usually in wetlands Either wetlands or uplands Usually in uplands Obligate upland Not listed From US Fish and Wildlife, 1988 National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands – Region 1. H-2 Photos taken 10/11/06 and 10/13/06 at UNHSC, by A. Watts. Gravel wetland forebay H-3 Gravel Wetland Middle H-4 Gravel Wetland West H-5 Gravel Wetland Planting Plan H-6