Low Cost Lasers for the Next Generation Internet using High Contrast Subwavelength Optics Christopher Chase, Yi Rao, and Connie Chang-Hasnain University of California, Berkeley High Contrast Gratings on VCSELs Introduction Motivation Nature Photonics, vol. 1, p. 119-122 (2007) High contrast grating mirrors are one layer of material, ~200 nm thick with subwavelength bars surrounded by air. They are 20X thinner than conventional DBR mirrors, which can have over 100 layers This makes the mirror MUCH easier to fabricate! While 1.55 µm VCSELs have been demonstrated, they have used complicated, costly technological approaches A simple, low cost approach is still needed to solve these problems! Power (mW) 1.55 µm VCSEL Design HCG n-InP + 2 n-DBR VCSEL Performance Air Gap 10 µm Aperture CW 20º C Ith=3.4 mA 30º C 40º C 50º C Intensity (dB) Challenges High-Contrast Subwavelength Grating (HCG) Voltage (V) Fiber optic communication systems using lasers as the light source are the backbone of the internet. The next generation of internet applications will require even higher capacity optical communication links. Generally, the system of choice will be wavelength-divisionmultiplexing (WDM). Current lasers for WDM systems are too EXPENSIVE for a typical consumer. VCSELs are the lowest cost lasers Current low cost VCSELs are incompatible with WDM systems. WDM systems typically use 1.3 µm or 1.5 µm lasers for technical reasons, but low cost VCSELs are not available at that wavelength RT CW CW at 7.12.3*I mAth 3.4*Ith 1.8*I 30º 2.9*Ith 4.0*Ith th 40º C 50º C 1.2*Ith 20º 60º C 65º C Top Contact Wavelength (nm) Current (mA) Optics Express, vol. 18, pp. 15461-15466 (2010) Oxide capping n-InPcapping HCG sacrificial sacrificial .9 µm >1 mW output power under room temperature continuous wave operation. 1.2 µm 3 µm 45 pairs n-DBR n-InP substrate TunnelDBR Bottom Junction i-GaAlInAs QW/Barrier Lases continuous wave up to 65º C Devices lase in a single transverse mode with a side mode suppression ratio >45 dB Proton Implant Bottom Contact Array of VCSELs with multiple wavelengths spanning >50 nm demonstrated Key challenges in VCSEL design at 1550 nm: Top Mirror that is 99% reflective Solution: Use a high contrast grating TE >20 dB Intensity (dB) Electrical Carrier Confinement Solution: Use low cost proton implant to provide confinement Severe free carrier absorption in p-materials at 1550 nm TM RT CW 12 X 12 µm2 HCG Solution: Minimize amount of p-materials by replacing them with a tunnel junction and n-materials. Current (mA) ISLC 2010, Kyoto, Japan, 2010, pp. 11-12 Summary 195 nm 40 µm Demonstrated first electrically-driven HCG VCSEL at 1550 nm 2 µm Acknowledgements NSF GRF, IGERT, and CIAN NSF ERC under grant #EEC-0812072 Operates up to 65º C with >1 mW output power at room temperature, approaching commercial performance requirements Demonstrated VCSELs emitting at multiple wavelengths on the same chip using HCGs Promising approach to achieve low cost 1550 nm VCSELs for WDM systems for the next generation internet. ©2011 University of California - Berkeley, Department of Electrical Eng. and Computer Sci., cchase@eecs.berkeley.edu