Running head: JOURNAL 2 1 JOURNAL 2 Journal 2 By Jenna

Running head: JOURNAL 2
Journal 2
Jenna Schnyder
Lora Kordyshevskiy
Eastern Washington University
In partial completion of
DNHY 491.77: Field Practicum in Educational Theory and Application
Susan Frank
Journal #2 – Due October 22, 2012
(To be completed by two students working collaboratively)
Evaluate the objectives according to what Module 102-B describes as well-written performance
objectives. Select two of these objectives and answer the following questions:
Describe the name of the course and list the two objectives you selected.
Evaluate these objectives. Are all the components present? If not, which one(s) is (are)
The name of the course implies that the course will explain the use of modern technology lasers
applicable to dentistry to provide minimal invasive therapy.
Objective #1: Describe the four major categories of dental lasers in use today.
Evaluation: The objective uses an action-oriented verb to detail what the student is required to
do. It has a clear performance objective.
It also includes the criteria in which the student will be required to understand the knowledge.
The criterion component details the level of proficiency the student will need to reach to
successfully complete the objective. The objective states that all four major categories must be
described in order to meet the objective. It is measurable because it states the students must
describe the four major categories. It is also measurable through the term describe. The
condition component is the circumstances in which the student will be required to perform the
activity. The objective itself does not include this component. The website does state “upon
completion of this course, the dental professional should be able to” prior to listing the
objectives, which according to the text is not acceptable as it ignores the specific circumstances
the student will be performing the activity. This objective needs more detail allowing the
students to know exactly what is expected and informing the students of how they are required
to meet these objectives.
Objective #2: Know which types of lasers are able to be used on hard tissue.
Evaluation: This objective is using a vague verb know. The term cannot be measured, thus,
evaluation of the performance of the objective is not possible. More appropriate would be to
choose action-oriented verb such as list. This objective is only stating the action that will be
taken by students. It lacks the condition needed to fulfill the objective. Adding the condition to
the objective will narrow down the specifics needed by students to successfully master the
objective. Also, it does not state the criteria necessary for the implementation of the objective,
which leaves the students in a guessing state. The criteria will provide clear understanding of
necessary steps to be taken in order to achieve completion of the objective.
What is the purpose of objectives? Do they help the student/attendee understand
the outcome(s) of the course?
The purpose of the objectives is to provide a clear understanding of what is expected of students
in order to achieve successful completion of the course. Most of the objectives provide
somewhat clear understanding, but many lack at least one of the necessary components for wellwritten objectives. A few objectives lack action-oriented verbs, which makes it hard for students
to grasp the purpose and creates more room for interpretation.
If the objectives are clear, write one additional objective based on the course
description using the characteristics identified in the module. If the objectives are unclear,
re-write one objective according to the characteristics identified in the module.
Rewrite (the above objective):
Without aid of references, define the four major categories of dental lasers in use today as
described in the required course reading.
Pohlhaus, S. R., (2012, June 11). Lasers in Dentistry: Minimally Invasive Instruments for the
Modern Practice. Retrieved from