Journal of Product & Brand Management Emerald Article: Price fairness Herman Diller Article information: To cite this document: Herman Diller, (2008),"Price fairness", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17 Iss: 5 pp. 353 - 355 Permanent link to this document: Downloaded on: 28-01-2013 References: This document contains references to 13 other documents Citations: This document has been cited by 2 other documents To copy this document: This document has been downloaded 1507 times since 2008. * Users who downloaded this Article also downloaded: * Herman Diller, (2008),"Price fairness", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17 Iss: 5 pp. 353 - 355 Herman Diller, (2008),"Price fairness", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17 Iss: 5 pp. 353 - 355 Herman Diller, (2008),"Price fairness", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17 Iss: 5 pp. 353 - 355 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by FRIEDRICH ALEXANDER UNIVERSITAET ERLANGEN NUERNBERG For Authors: If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service. 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Pricing strategy & practice Price fairness Herman Diller Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this article is to integrate the various strands of fair price research into a concise conceptual model. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed price fairness model is based on a review of the fair pricing literature, incorporating research reported in not only English but also German. Findings – The proposed fair price model depicts seven components of a fair price: distributive fairness, consistent behaviour, personal respect and regard for the partner, fair dealing, price honesty, price reliability, and influence/right of co-determination. Practical implications – Since buyers’ purchase decisions are influenced by their subjective perception of price fairness, sellers need to understand what constitutes a fair price. Originality/value – This model provides a concise representation of the multi-dimensional concept of price fairness. It identifies aspects of a fair price which have hitherto received little research; for example, the need for personal respect for the partner and the right of co-determination. Keywords Prices, Research Paper type Research paper Until now, the topic of price fairness has received relatively little scientific examination, apart from one fundamental study by Kahneman et al. (1986), which approached the problem from a prospect-theoretical point-of-view. The problem has been studied for the most part from a perception-theoretical approach (Thaler, 1985), sometimes even from the equity-theoretical viewpoint (Maxwell, 1995), but it is rarely examined with respect to attribution theory (Campbell, 1999). The equity theory is especially applicable here. According to it, the distribution of returns from a common activity is considered fundamentally just and wellbalanced when all involved perceive the relation between their own contributions and the returns they expect from their participation in the project as (relatively) equal (cf. Mikula, 1980, p. 17; Schwinger, 1980, p. 109). A further extension of the equity assessment is the so-called multiple principle assessment (cf. Deutsch, 1975; Leventhal, 1976), which provides various ways to evaluate an allocation of returns based upon cooperatively gained yields. The concept of distribution fairness (just distribution) concerns the returns or the proportional allotment of a distribution of resources or premiums already on hand. Kahneman et al. (1986) use data from a wide variety of questionnaires to demonstrate that people measure their sense of fairness against a comparable referential situation, let’s say the status quo, to which the participants are bound. If costs increase, for example, the seller can pass the price increases on if his/her profit margin remains the same (“profit protection”). The exploitation of exogenously caused conditions (price increases for snow removal following a blizzard for example) is looked upon as unfair, even if it is in conformity with the market. In such instances, the market price mechanism is likely to be distrusted. That is not to say that it is considered unfair, but rather as less fair than a cost plus calculation. This type of cost-oriented price ethics is widespread (cf. Wied-Nebbeling, 1985, p. 44ff). A price change is considered more unfair if the seller is suspected of “bad”, i.e. selfish motives than if “good” motives (job retention, for example) are attributed to him (Campbell, 1999). If “windfall profits” (increases in market price against a steady cost situation, for example) should accrue to a seller, it is certainly not considered unfair to rake them in. Of course, this does not hold true for progressive price increases on the part of a seller. Moreover, “genuine” (out of pocket) losses on the side of the purchaser (losses in the sense of the prospect theory), or price increases for example, are perceived as a more serious vitiation of price fairness than an equally large revocation of opportunistic profits (the elimination of a bonus program, for example). The concept of just procedure (procedural fairness) looks at the process underlying and leading to the eventual returns. Fair dealings are consistent, unprejudiced and non-partisan; they represent the interests of all partners, and are based upon accurate and careful information as well as upon ethical standards (cf. Leventhal et al., 1980, p. 223f). In cases of The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at This model and text were published first in Diller, H.J. (2000), Preispolitik, Kohlhammer et al., Stuttgart, pp. 183-8 (4th edition 2007). Reprinted with permission of the author from Preispolitik, by Hermann Diller. Translated by Susan Hecker Ray, Professor of German, Fordham University. Journal of Product & Brand Management 17/5 (2008) 353– 355 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1061-0421] [DOI 10.1108/10610420810896103] 353 Price fairness Journal of Product & Brand Management Herman Diller Volume 17 · Number 5 · 2008 · 353 –355 doubt a good reputation on the part of the seller has a positive effect on the perception of fairness, which only underscores the significance of a corresponding image policy (Campbell, 1999; Diller, 1997b). One occasionally cited thesis is very interesting in this context; namely the thesis that procedural fairness is more important for the perception of fairness than is the concept of just distribution (or distribution fairness). If each partner is given an equal chance, as far as procedure is concerned, to acquire that which is his/her due, the return is acknowledged even if it does not turn out to be in conformity with just distribution. Announcements of price increases are considered fair in so far as the buyer is offered the opportunity of stockpiling at the old prices. Price auctions, on the other hand, are likely to be considered unfair, because, in contrast to the market price, they tend to serve the seller alone (Kahneman et al., 1986, p. 735). Just (or fair) interaction refers to the manner, or the rules regulating the execution of a specific interaction. A business policy aimed at long-term relations demands solidarity, that is, the willingness and intention to maintain such relations even in cases of conflict. Kaufmann and Stern (1988) were able to demonstrate that such an attitude strongly determines the fairness perception on the part of the partners. In their study, conflicts in business relations founded upon solidarity were considered less unfair than among those in transactionoriented relations. Another important factor influencing the relevance of fairness with respect to business relations is the idea of power asymmetry. The greater the asymmetry, the greater the danger of encountering unequal, unfair allocations of returns gained through cooperative agreements. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that even price increases that are conditioned by market forces are perceived as unfair (Kalapurakal et al., 1991). On the other hand, the consumer seems to see himself right from the start in a weaker market position because s/he does not consider his/her own “playing one seller against the other” as unfair. On the basis of these considerations, one can say that fairness can be enforced, so to speak, if one makes concessions for symmetries with regard to influence and information. In cases of asymmetries, the more powerful partner is expected to give credible signals to the effect that he/she is not willing to employ his/her superiority for his/her own gains. This introduces another possible interpretation of the concept of fairness: only when one partner is potentially able to unfairly deploy his/her surplus of influence and information for his/her own ends in business relations is there any possibility of fair practice in the first place. Fairness, then, is especially relevant in those business relations that involve asymmetrical information or power balances. These theoretical and empirical findings show that the subjectively perceived fairness on the part of the business partner obviously represents a multi-dimensional construct. Building upon the above-mentioned findings, one can differentiate seven components that directly impact upon the concept of price fairness (see Figure 1). Figure 1 Components of price fairness Distributive fairness The right of influence and co-determination This refers to the fact that the price and the service/product stand in a standard market-acceptable relation to one another. Should one partner deliberately try to improve his/her position unilaterally, such an act is considered unfair. The possibility of exerting an influence and the right of codetermination in the shaping of the business relation promote acceptance, especially in asymmetrical relations. In this vein Leventhal (1976, p. 139) states that people are more inclined Foregrounded here, of course, is the idea of distributive fairness, or just distribution. “The cardinal rule of fair behaviour is surely that one person should not achieve a gain by simply imposing an equivalent loss on another” (Kahneman et al., 1986, p. 731). Both partners should share in the results of exogenous events. Consistency Consistency implies that the interaction procedures between the partners always follow the same “conformities to rule”; in other words, for example, that they all act in keeping with the same pricing formulas. It is assumed that the business partners will observe and hold to specific, written or unwritten standards and rules. If one partner wants to change these rules, he/she must announce his/her intention and the details of it to the other partner openly and persuasively beforehand. Price reliability This concerns the observance of the prices that were established at the time the contract was signed. It can become a problem, however, especially when unforeseen service conditions turn up during the performance of the same – when, for example, initially hidden inventory deficiencies delay automobile repairs. The seller assumes these risks by establishing flat rates, which is why such lump prices are considered especially fair, even though such cases as the one described above have conceivably been incorporated into those prices in advance. Pricing honesty Pricing honesty is one aspect that is tuned particularly to the truth and clarity of the pricing information (cf. Diller, 1997b). The customer expects accurate, easily comprehensible, unadulterated and complete information concerning prices, conditions and services. He/she relies upon the fact that his/her business partner will not try to take advantage of him/her, even if, for some reason, he/she is not careful enough and fails, for example, to study in detail all the “small print” in the contract(s). 354 Price fairness Journal of Product & Brand Management Herman Diller Volume 17 · Number 5 · 2008 · 353 –355 to accept compromises, decisions and the consequences of such decisions if they have had a voice in the determination of same. This is the case, for example, in what is known as corporate target pricing. It results in the concurrent increase of satisfaction with such decisions. This component of price fairness also impacts the concept of just procedure, which can play a particularly important role in individual price negotiations. If prices are forced upon a partner without his or her ability to present counterarguments, such procedure is considered unfair. interprets them in a way more commensurate with the new situation. References Campbell, M.C. (1999), “Perceptions of price unfairness: antecedents and consequences”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 187-99. Deutsch, M. (1975), “Equity, equality and need”, Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 31 No. 3, pp. 137-50. Diller, H. (1997b), “Preisehrlichkeit – Eine neue Zielgröße im Preismanagement des Einzelhändlers”, Thexis, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 16-21. Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J.L. and Thaler, R.H. (1986), “Fairness and the assumptions of economics”, Journal of Business, Vol. 59 No. 4, pp. 285-300. Kalapurakal, R., Dickson, P.R. and Urbany, J.E. (1991), “Perceived price fairness and dual entitlement”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 788-93. Kaufmann, P.J. and Stern, L.W. (1988), “Relational exchange norms, perceptions of unfairness, and retained hostility in commercial litigation”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 32, September, pp. 534-52. Leventhal, G. (1976), “Fairness in social relationships”, in Thibaut, J. and Carson, R. (Eds), Contemporary Topics in Social Psychology, General Learning Press, Morristown, NJ, pp. 211-39. Leventhal, G.S., Karuza, J. and Fry, W.R. (1980), Beyond Fairness: A Theory of Allocation Preferences, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. Maxwell, S. (1995), “What makes a price increase seem “fair”?”, Pricing Strategy and Practice, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 21-7. Mikula, G. (1980), Gerechtigkeit und soziale Interaktion, Huber, Bern. Schwinger, T. (1980), “Gerechte Güterverteilungen. Entscheidungen zwischen drei Prinzipien”, in Mikula, G. (Ed.), Gerechtigkeit und soziale Interaktion, Huber, Bern, pp. 107-39. Thaler, R. (1985), “Mental accounting and consumer choice”, Marketing Science, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 199-214. Wied-Nebbeling, S. (1985), Das Preisverhalten in der Industrie, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen. Respect and regard for the partner This component concerns one’s fundamental attitude toward the business partner with whom one hopes to establish a longrange relation. “Regard” implies that the more powerful of the two shall not exercise any excessive pressure over the weaker partner, that s/he shows understanding for the latter’s problems and is not interested solely in his/her own advantages. Fairness research calls this the principle of solidarity (Kaufmann and Stern, 1988, p. 535). It is a matter of balancing out one’s own interests and problems in each instance with those of the business partner. If, for example, a service provider can no longer hold to his/her promised prices because of an unexpected price increase in pre-existing inventories, a corresponding renegotiation is expected on the part of the buyer in keeping with fair business practices. Fair dealing The concept of fair dealing stipulates generosity in the case of doubt and flexibility in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Generosity is revealed in a readiness to meet the partner halfway and in the renunciation of a petty interpretation of contracts or agreements. Even when it is not legally demanded, the fair business partner, for example, guarantees cost free repairs or replacements in situations involving relatively small shortages or deficiencies. Flexibility in the interpretation of the business relation, for example, can lead to an increased sense of fairness, if one contractual partner does not stubbornly cling to – perhaps even longstanding – predetermined rules, for example, but rather To purchase reprints of this article please e-mail: Or visit our web site for further details: 355