CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CODE OF VIRGINIA, §22.1-296.1 Attachment B I, ______________________________, a duly authorized representative and officer of _______________________________ (Contractor’s name), in accordance with the Code of Virginia, §22.1-296.1, do certify that ___________________________ (Contractor’s name) hereby certify that the employees, subcontractors, partners, and representatives who will be in direct contact with students (i) have not been convicted of a felony or any offense involving the sexual molestation or physical or sexual abuse or rape of a child; and (ii) has not been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude. "Direct contact with students" is defined as "being in the presence of students during regular school hours or during school-sponsored activities." Any person making a materially false statement regarding any such offense shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor and, upon conviction, the fact of such conviction shall be grounds for the revocation of the contract to provide such services and, when relevant, the revocation of any license required to provide such services. NNPS shall not be liable for materially false statements regarding the certifications required by the state code. Contractor is responsible for ensuring that each of its employees, subcontractors, partners, and representatives who will be in direct contact with students have certified the above and shall maintain such certifications on file for the duration of the contract period. I do understand the above information and certify that the above statements are true. ________________________________________ (Contractor’s Authorized Office – Signature) ________________________________________ (Contractor’s Authorized Officer – Printed Name) __________________________________ (Title) ______________________ (Date)