2011 Logistics Magazine Mercury Awards

Young Professional
Proudly sponsored by SSI Schaefer
Daniel Castle - Bluescope Steel
Leigh Williams - eStore Logistics
s a prin cipal supply chain analyst,
rom th e outset, chief executive
Dan iel Castl e's responsibilities
offi cer and founder of eStore
include the identification and
Logistics, Leig h Williams, has managed
implementation of medium to larg e
every area of the business, inc luding
projects that improve Bluescope Steel's
operations, human resources , IT, sales
costs, service or safety position. Th ese
and c ustomer service.
responsib ilities inc lude analytical
Leigh's work buildin g eStore
review, capital case development,
Log istics has added value to the
project management, influencing of
log istics industry through the creation
internal stakeholders, and system
of jobs and the establ ishment of a
profitable 3PL business. This has also
desig n and buildin g improvement.
Daniel was promoted last year (from
c reated value for eStore Logistics
a senior to a princ ipal supply c hain analyst) due to his achievements. He has
c lients who have been able to take advantage of lower cost and hig h quality
been identified as a Hig h Potential Employee within BlueScope, deliveri ng
logistics services, improving their customer-facing offeri ng .
millions in savin gs for the company.
As it stands , Leigh's eStore Logistics is the only 3PL targeting online retailers
Daniel was asked to develop and implement a Cost to Serve too l for
in Australia and providin g a c ustomi sed service . Leigh was able to identify
BlueScope Steel 's Australian based sales. Thi s tool is viewed as a c ritical
where the logistics industry was failing to address the needs of its customers. In
enabler in improving marg in s fo r BlueScope Steel in a mature domestic market.
two short years he developed a company that is becoming a heavyweight in the
Daniel has also introduced another key bu siness initiative around international
freight opti misation. This initiative meets the ongoing business d rive to lower
costs for inte rn ational distri bution. It has been delivered by configuring the
company's Transport Management System to optimise freig ht in containers in
3PL ind ustry.
He has gained widespread media attention across small business, enterprise
tec hnology, and c hannel press for his innovative approach to log istics.
In order to deliver tailored solutions, Leigh has innovated and taken a modular
the same manner as whic h the system optimises domestic road and rail
approach to the design of the warehouse management system. This enables
movements . Consequently, Daniel has allowed BlueScope to improve container
c ustomers to pick and c hoose from system modules to ensure that they receive
utilisation for the movement of international freight by about 10 per ce nt.
the best possible outcome from the logistics fu nction .
Introduced a little over a year ago, the Transport Management System has
Leig h's most si gnificant achievement is helping a $20 million a year online
delivered in excess of $ 1 million in the past year alone due to fu rther tweaks th at
retail er to implement a cost-effective log istics solution . The retail er has since
Daniel made to the opti misation model.
g rown rapid ly, doubling its revenue.
Nicholas Press
Press Logistics Group
success in both the development and
ince 2009, director and senior
logistics and supply chain management
consultant, Nicholas Press, has
across the wider business community
branding of Press Logistics Group, and
and its impact on the Australian GOP
in enhancing the importance and
been responsible for building Press
Logistics Group and promoting the
Modelled from military analysis and
understanding of the industry as a
logistics industry. Nicholas has
decision making tools, Nicholas created
contributed his time and effort to estab-
an analysis and implementation model
presented the Introduction to Logistics
lishing a new logistics consultancy firm
that increases the certainty in logistics
& Supply Chain Management seminar
within the Australian marketplace with
and supply chain management through
on behalf the Department of Innovation,
the goal of removing frustration and
planning, implementing, and
Industry, Science & Research, the NSW
generating greater certainty in logistics
maintaining holistic networks
Department of Industry and Investment,
and supply chain management.
customised to meet the individual
supply chain and their interactions with
needs of businesses and customers.
each other, wh ile providing information
Business and Employment and in
on c urrent trends within the logistics
partnership with The Chartered Institute
As part of Press Logistics Group's
market research, Nicholas used multiple
Nicholas created and implemented
whole. Since 2010, Nicholas has
the Northern Territory Department of
research methods including suNeys,
an Introduction to Logistics and Supply
industry that may be beneficial in
of Logistics and Transport Australia. To
inteNiews, and usage analysis to
Chain Management seminar that
generating economic opportunities.
date, Nic holas has presented the
identify a significant lack of
provides a basic understanding on
understanding of the importance of
each individual component of the
Logistics&MaterialsHandling September 2011
The development of the seminar
program has resulted in significant
seminar to more than 800 people
across Australia.