1 PACIFIC COLLEGIATE SCHOOL REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA Wednesday, March 2, 2011 6 p.m. Pacific Collegiate School 255 Swift Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Room 1 Mission and Vision Pacific Collegiate School’s mission is to provide exemplary, standards based college preparatory and fine arts education for public middle and high school students of Santa Cruz County and bordering areas. Our vision is to offer any student the same quality of education offered by the most academically distinguished schools in California. Our graduates will be prepared to enter and thrive at the world’s finest colleges and universities. In addition to a core college preparatory curriculum, Pacific Collegiate School will emphasize international, cross-cultural, and technological education in order to prepare graduates for life in the 21st Century. Pacific Collegiate students will be introduced to the rich variety of world cultures and become fluent in at least one foreign language. They will become proficient in the basic information technologies essential for cultural literacy in the 21st Century. 1. Open Session Call to Order Townsend a. Roll Call / Establishment of Quorum b. Introductions c. Welcome and explanation of format 2. Approval of Agenda Townsend 3. Opportunity to Address the Board: Public comments are allowed. The Board President will recognize any member of audience not on the agenda and wishing to speak on a matter directly related to school business. The President may allot time to those wishing to speak (3 to 5 minutes/ individual; 15 minutes per subject), but no action will be taken on matters presented (ed. Code Sec. 36146.6). The President or any Member of the Board may direct that a matter be referred to the Principal’s Office for placement on a future agenda. 4. Oral Communications from Board Members or Staff 5. Approval of the Minutes a. Regular Board Meeting February 9, 2011 6. Consent Agenda Information concerning the Consent items listed below has been forwarded to each Board Member prior to this meeting for his/her study. Unless some Board Member or member of the audience has a question about a particular item(s) and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent list, the item(s) will be approved at one time by the Board of Directors. The action taken in approving Consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual item(s). a. Check Book Registers for January 2011 7. Presentations a. Special Education Report. Merchant (30 minutes) b. Visual and Performing Arts Department Presentation. Hughes (30 minutes) 1 2 8. Discussion Items a. Proposed Revision to World Language graduation requirement. Dooley (15 minutes) b. Propose Math Department elective: Introduction to Engineering. Garrett (10 minutes) 9. Oral Reports a. Principal Report. Douglas (10 minutes) b. Preliminary Lottery Report. Douglas (5 minutes) c. Faculty Report. Garrett (5 minutes) d. Student Representative Report. Samios (5 minutes) e. Board President’s Report. Townsend (5 minutes) f. Educational Partnerships Report. Palm (5 minutes) 10. Action Items a. Allocation of $200,000 from the Reserve for Two Portable Classrooms Morell (10 minutes) b. Approve Financial Statements for January 2011. Dixon (10 minutes) c. Second Interim Revision of 2010-2011 Budget. Desai/Dixon (15 minutes) 11. Announcement of Closed Session Government Code Section 54947 Public Employee Performance Evaluation -- Principal Public comments are allowed on closed session items (limited to 3 minutes per speaker). 12. Closed Session Government Code Section 54947 Public Employee Performance Evaluation -- Principal 13. Open Session Report will be given at the conclusion of the closed session on any reportable action(s) taken in closed session. Townsend 14. Written Report (questions only) a. Executive Committee Report. (by Townsend, andrew.townsend@pcsed.org) b. Development Report. (by Navas/Boolootian, camilla.boolootian@pcsed.org, mary.navas@pcsed.org) c. Development Committee Report. (by Larson, greg.larson@pcsed.org) d. Facilities Committee Report. (by Morell, tom.morell@pcsed.org) e. Diversity Oversight Committee Report. (by Cole ken.cole@pcsed.org) f. Finance Committee Report. (by Desai, jigisha.desai@pcsed.org) g. PVA Report (by Rode/Thornhill, pete.rode@pcsed.org , susan.thornhill@pcsed.org) 15. Future Board Meetings Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Board Retreat, Sunday, March 13, 2011 16. Adjournment Pacific Collegiate School does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. Upon request, the agenda can be provided in a format to accommodate special needs. Additionally, if you wish to attend this public meeting and will require assistance such as an interpreter for American Sign Language, Spanish, or other special equipment, please call the school office at 479-7785 at least five days in advance so that we can arrange for such special assistance. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the PCS Office at 255 Swift Street, Santa Cruz, during normal business hours. Such documents are also available on the PCS website subject to staff's ability to post the documents before the meeting. 2 3 PACIFIC COLLEGIATE SCHOOL REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Unapproved MINUTES Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Open Session 5:30 p.m. Closed Session 5:35 – 6:30 p.m. Open Session – 6:30 p.m. Pacific Collegiate School 255 Swift Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Room 1 Mission and Vision Pacific Collegiate School’s mission is to provide exemplary, standards based college preparatory and fine arts education for public middle and high school students of Santa Cruz County and bordering areas. Our vision is to offer any student the same quality of education offered by the most academically distinguished schools in California. Our graduates will be prepared to enter and thrive at the world’s finest colleges and universities. In addition to a core college preparatory curriculum, Pacific Collegiate School will emphasize international, cross-cultural, and technological education in order to prepare graduates for life in the 21st Century. Pacific Collegiate students will be introduced to the rich variety of world cultures and become fluent in at least one foreign language. They will become proficient in the basic information technologies essential for cultural literacy in the 21st Century. [I] = Information [D] = Discussion [A] = Action 1. Open Session Call to Order Townsend a. Roll Call / Establishment of Quorum Board Members Present: Sharmaine Cheleden, Ken Cole, Jigisha Desai, Bob Dixon, Carol Foote, Randy Garrett (Open Session Only), Denine Guy, Greg Larson, Tom Morell, Lisa Palm, Pete Rode, Deepika Shrestha Ross, Susan Thornhill, Andrew Townsend Staff Present: Archie Douglas, Mary Navas, Cheryl Samios, Camilla Boolootian, Emily Bolton, Tara Firenzi Student Representative Present: Gus Samios b. Introductions c. Welcome and explanation of format 2. Approval of Agenda Townsend Because some members of the audience were in attendance for the item on the 2011-12 Academic Calendar, that item was moved to 10b. 3. Announcement of Closed Session Government Code Section 54947 Public Employee Performance Evaluation -- Principal Public comments are allowed on closed session items (limited to 3 minutes per speaker). 4. Closed Session (60 minutes) Government Code Section 54947 Public Employee Performance Evaluation -- Principal 5. Open Session Report will be given at the conclusion of the closed session on any reportable action(s) taken in closed session. Townsend No action was taken. 6. Opportunity to Address the Board: No comments were made. 3 4 7. Oral Communications from Board Members or Staff 8. Approval of the Minutes a. Regular Board Meeting January 12, 2011 b. Special Board Meeting January 26, 2011 None. [A] MOTION by Ken Cole to approve the minutes of January 12, 2011. Second by Lisa Palm. VOTE: Unanimous with Pete Rode abstaining. [A] MOTION by Sharmaine Cheleden to approve the minutes of January 26, 2011 with a modification suggested by Denine Guy. Second by Deepika Shrestha Ross. VOTE: Unanimous with Lisa Palm and Susan Thornhill abstaining. 9. Consent Agenda Information concerning the Consent items listed below has been forwarded to each Board Member prior to this meeting for his/her study. Unless some Board Member or member of the audience has a question about a particular item(s) and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent list, the item(s) will be approved at one time by the Board of Directors. The action taken in approving Consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual item(s). a. Check Book Registers for December 2010 b. Approve three-year contract with auditor Hosake, Nagel & Company c. Approve overnight field trip by Latin 3 and AP Latin students to the Getty Villa in Malibu March 3-4. [A] MOTION by Carol Foote to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Ken Cole. VOTE: Unanimous. 10. Discussion and Action Item a. Consideration of waivers to the admissions preference policy for the 2011 Lottery with respect to PCS families having children who do not qualify as siblings under the existing definition. Townsend [I] A PCS family is requesting a waiver to the current definition of sibling in the Admissions Preference Policy for their sixth grade son who does not have a biological or adoptive parent in common with their daughter, who is currently at PCS. They live as a family and are asking for a waiver to allow their son to come to PCS under the sibling preference. Several other members of the audience spoke on the issue, saying that blood relationships or legal adoptions are not always what makes a family. The Board President gave some background and noted that legal counsel has advised that the Board can grant a waiver to a policy. PCS families were notified of this issue in case there were others with similar circumstances who would like the same opportunity. No other families came forward. Board members spoke on both sides of the question and in favor of reviewing the Admissions Preference Policy. [A] MOTION by Greg Larson to approve a one-time waiver, without affecting the underlying policy, to grant sibling preference in the 2011 lottery to the family petitioning for the waiver, and to direct the Policy Committee to review the Admissions Preference Policy. Second by Deepika Shrestha Ross. VOTE: The motion passed by a vote of nine in favor, five opposed. 4 5 b. Approve 2011-12 Academic Calendar. Douglas Three PCS parents in the audience expressed disappointment in hearing about the proposed calendar with such short notice because of the potential impact on families. Concern was expressed about the summer schedule and the winter break not lining up with SCCS District’s, creating a burden on families and resulting in a loss of quality family time. PCS history teacher and Faculty Dean Tara Firenzi said that the question as to what is the best way to schedule the 180 teaching days has been considered for years and that this seems to be the most livable schedule for most families and teachers. One parent spoke in favor of the change because it would more evenly distribute the number of days in each semester. Principal Archie Douglas explained that the draft had gone through a number of iterations and been approved by the Management Team and the Leadership Team, reviewed by Exec and the staff and faculty, and presented to the PVA. He noted that the proposed calendar would start on Tuesday, August 16, almost a week earlier than currently, and also end earlier, on Friday June 1. Winter break would be five days longer, and each semester would have a four-day weekend. The proposal also balances the semesters more evenly. The Fall Semester would go from 79 days to 85 days, while the Spring Semester would go from 101 days to 95 days. The calendar would also provide for more learning days before the Advanced Placement exams in May. The number of teaching days remains 180, and teachers will still have 190-day contracts. Board members expressed appreciation for the thought and analysis that went into the preparation of the calendar and for the approach it offers to breaks and timing and in support of our academic program. A few Board members suggested that parents have not had enough time to review and weigh in on the proposal. PVA Co-Chair Susan Thornhill said that parents have expressed concern about the impact on summer programs, summer AP homework, problems for working parents, the effect on the start of base camp, etc. [A] MOTION by Randy Garrett to accept the 2011-12 Academic Calendar as proposed. Second by Deepika Shrestha Ross. [A] MOTION by Carol Foote to postpone the vote on the motion until the next Board meeting, March 2. Second by Ken Cole. VOTE: Motion failed by a vote of four in favor, ten opposed. [A] VOTE on the motion to accept the calendar: Motion passed by a vote of thirteen in favor, one opposed. 11. Oral Reports a. Principal Report. Douglas • • • Received notice that PCS has been selected to move forward with the 2011 California Distinguished School Award process. The application period for the lottery has closed; the number of applicants is about the same as last year, around 550. There will be about 53 openings in seventh grade after preferences and the pilot lottery. There are fewer preferences for 7th grade this year and a slightly larger capacity. The pilot lottery for first-generation college students received about 30 applications. The lottery will be held at school Thursday, February 17. The Principal is initiating a series of meetings to look beyond the mission statement to examine what makes PCS special. Holding discussions with faculty, parents, board members, and students. Seeking philosophical consistency about what we really value – 5 6 not just hard work and high achievement. Wants students to feel good about the efforts they’re making so it’s part of a larger whole, part of something meaningful in their lives. b. Faculty Report. Garrett • • Math/Science Day will be March 14. Hoping to get some of the science fair judges to be speakers. Re facilities needs, the faculty and staff have expressed a desire that some alternative items be considered, such as solar panels. c. Student Representative Report. Samios • • • • • Puma Pride Day is tomorrow Students are having a Valentine’s Day super hero theme dance There will be an assembly drugs and alcohol on February 15, facilitated by Drug Education, a nonprofit organization. There will be a panel presentation and Q&A session with a recently recovered addict and a sheriff answering questions. Homecoming is the week of March 14. Trying to incorporate all aspects of student activities this year: math and sciences, the school musical, choir and musical performances, etc. The all-school field trip will be to the Tech museum Monday, May 16, right after AP’s. d. Educational Partnerships Report. Palm Attended the meeting of the Santa Cruz County School Boards Association, an organization formed for schools to collaborate and share information. Charter schools are still being excluded from the association. The group argued that charter schools were represented by the COE, but the COE has withdrawn from the organization. e. Development Committee Mid-Year Report Larson Development Committee Chair Greg Larson gave an update on progress toward the committee’s goals. While the average contribution to the Annual Fund Drive is up, the participation rate is down, making it likely we will achieve our total budget revenues from the annual campaign but not achieve growth in participation. Looking for Board members to join the Development Committee and asking each Board member to call 5 to 10 families and to solicit at least one new $100 outside donor. [A] MOTION by Greg Larson to accept the mid-year Development Report. Second by Deepika Shrestha Ross. VOTE: Unanimous f. Treasurer Report. Desai • • • • • • After comparing leasing vs. purchasing portable classrooms from a financial perspective, recommending that we purchase them. The Finance Committee Compensation Subcommittee met to start the conversation on compensation, including all aspects -- benefits, salary, merit pay etc. Looking at benefits first because health insurance is coming up for renewal. Expecting a 2025% increase in health care premiums. We switched carriers last year because of high increases. The Compensation Subcommittee will also look at base salaries to see how we compare with other local schools and charter schools. Will also compare benefits packages. Also reviewing the merit component of compensation. Expecting to bring a compensation plan to the Board in May. 12. Additional Discussion and Action Items a. Amend PCS By-Laws to make the teacher representative a non-voting advisor to the Board. Guy 6 7 This proposal came from our Legal Committee in response to advice from legal counsel, concern during the charter renewal process, conflict of interest questions, uncertainty in the state law, and personal legal exposure of the teacher representative. Currently, the faculty representative would have to recuse himself and leave the room for a number of issues, thus not being able to be part of the discussion. By becoming a non-voting advisor to the Board, the faculty representative would be able to participate fully in discussions on all issues. The question was raised as to whether the faculty representative represents the staff as well as the faculty. Randy Garrett, current faculty rep, said the presumption is that he does represent both faculty and staff. [A] MOTION by Greg Larson to approve the recommended revision to the bylaws while striking the words “who is not on the Principal’s Leadership Team” and adding the words “and staff” after “selected by the PCS Faculty.” Second by Tom Morell. VOTE: Unanimous. [A] MOTION by Greg Larson that the change to the bylaws regarding the faculty representative shall be effectively immediately. Second by Ken Cole. VOTE: Unanimous. b. Approve 2011-12 Academic Calendar. Douglas Moved to Item 10b above. c. Approve Whistleblower Policy. Guy This policy was drawn up by our Legal Committee in response to advice from legal counsel that a whistleblower policy is now required of all charter schools. Jigisha Desai suggested we have a phone number that people would be able to call. [A] MOTION by Denine Guy to approve the Whistleblower Policy as presented by the Legal Committee. Second by Ken Cole. MOTION: Unanimous d. Approve Financial Statements for December 2010. Dixon Bob Dixon went over the December financial statements. He noted that we budgeted to receive 72% of state funds through December, but we have only received about 63% due to deferrals. All indications are that we will eventual receive all the monies for this year. In terms of budgeting for 2011-12, we have received guidance that, given uncertainties about the state budget, we should budget conservatively. Governor Brown’s budget proposal for 11/12 includes the possibility that revenues from the State could be reduced by $350 per ADA if voters don’t approve tax extensions. [A] MOTION by Bob Dixon that we accept the Financial Statements for December 2010. Second by Jigisha Desai. VOTE: Unanimous. e. Facilities Committee Update. Morell The Facilities Committee chair and some committee members met with representatives from SCCS, and they were supportive of the proposed location. Would like to move ahead on retaining the engineer and architect in order to come to the March Board meeting with a budget for all subsequent items, including design, trenching, electrical, soils engineer, etc. f. Approval of Engineering and Architectural Agreements for Site Plan to install portables. Morell [A] MOTION by Greg Larson to authorize the Principal or his designee to solicit, negotiate and execute the architecture and engineering contracts for two portable classrooms, not to exceed $20,000 total. Second by Pete Rode. VOTE: The motion passed with a vote of 13 in favor, one opposed. 7 8 g. Election and introduction of new Board members. Cheleden The Nominations Committee is pleased to recommend the election of three highly qualified candidates, Brett Graessle, J Zac Stein and Beth Trenchard, to the PCS Board. Detailed background information about all three is in the Board Packet. [A] MOTION by Sharmaine Cheleden to elect Brett Graessle, J Zac Stein and Beth Trenchard to the PCS Board. Second by Denine Guy. VOTE: Unanimous. New Board members begin service immediately and are seated with voting privileges in June 2011. 13. Written Report (questions only) a. Executive Committee Report. (by Townsend, andrew.townsend@pcsed.org) b. Development Report. (by Navas/Boolootian, camilla.boolootian@pcsed.org, mary.navas@pcsed.org) c. Development Committee Report. (by Larson, greg.larson@pcsed.org) d. Facilities Committee Report. (by Morell, tom.morell@pcsed.org) e. Diversity Oversight Committee Report. (by Cole ken.cole@pcsed.org) f. Finance Committee Report. (by Desai, jigisha.desai@pcsed.org) g. Nominations & Governance Report. (by Cheleden, sharmaine.cheleden@pcsed.org) h. PVA Report (by Rode/Thornhill, pete.rode@pcsed.org , susan.thornhill@pcsed.org) 14. Future Board Meetings Regular Meeting, Wednesday, March 2, 2011 Board Retreat, Sunday, March 13, 2011 15. Adjournment Adjourned at 10:20 p.m. 8 9:53 AM 02/17/11 Accrual Basis Pacific Collegiate School 9 Check Register January 2011 Type Date Num Name Memo Amount Jan 11 Bill Pmt -Check 01/01/2011 13827 Anthem Blue Cross Health Insurance -11,235.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13846 AFLAC Y6739 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13847 Archibald Douglas postage Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13848 AT&T (427-5254) Phone Bill -54.48 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13849 AT&T (479-7785) phone bill -382.46 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13850 CAN Insurance Services Dental Insurance Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13851 Comcast internet Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13852 Community Printers remit envelopes Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13853 First Alarm Daily Timer, Monitor Fire Alarm, Supervise open and Close -307.68 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13854 First Alarm Security & Patrol, Inc. Vehicle and Foot Patrol -189.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13855 Flinn Scientific Inc. 9501001 -125.33 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13856 Hosaka, Nagel & Company Audit Fees -850.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13857 IT IN SCALE COMPANY Science Supplies -695.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13858 Joel Tarbox Sharpies Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13859 Mary Navas Floor Mats and Light Bulbs Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13860 Office Equipment Finance Services copier rental Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13861 Palace Art & Office Supply 47613 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13862 PG & E BVT 45 45521-7 -2,550.60 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13863 Santa Cruz Municipal Utilities 100-2250-12 -1,065.41 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13864 Tams-Witmark Music Library Orchestration books Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13865 CAN Insurance Services Dental Insurance Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13866 Santa Cruz Municipal Utilities 100-2250-12 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 13867 Silicon Valley Systems Consulting and system support Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13868 AFLAC Y6739 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13869 Anthem Blue Cross Health Insurance 0201101079362 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13870 Balance4Kids Instructional Aides Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13871 Bookshop Santa Cruz Supplemental English Books -285.40 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13872 California Janitorial Supply Custodial supplies -534.69 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13873 Dee Vlasak art supplies -83.05 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13874 Joel Tarbox Glue Sticks -9.84 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13875 Judy Barbata copy costs for Sem 2 APUSH Readers -1,142.44 -3,575.00 -140.81 -11.21 -1,218.70 -69.90 -502.82 -37.28 -87.04 -2,514.95 -229.87 -70.50 -643.50 -74.71 -5,492.35 -140.81 -11,334.00 -1,572.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13876 Katie Merchant SELPA Consult Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13877 Mary Navas Commercial floor mats for the school Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13878 NCS Pearson, Inc. PowerSchool Premier License Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13879 OptekUSA Student Microscope Service -120.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13880 PCS Club Account reimburse choir account for Music Theatre Bill -550.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13881 SPURR gas bill -967.26 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 13882 Vernier Software & Technology 61941 -577.58 Bill Pmt -Check 01/13/2011 13883 Dell Catalog Sales L.P. Order Number # 577952570 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13884 AT&T (459-6655) phone bill Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13885 Camilla Boolootian postage and supplies Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13886 CAN Insurance Services Jan'11 dental insurance premium -1,862.20 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13887 First Comp Worker's Comp -5,026.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13888 Jennifer Ostrowski science supplies -31.70 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13889 Jim Wason Plumbing Parts for Saturday Workday -77.47 9 -130.02 -2,500.00 -14,835.34 -91.09 -273.25 Page 1 of 2 9:53 AM 02/17/11 Accrual Basis Pacific Collegiate School 10 Check Register January 2011 Type Date Num Name Memo Amount Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13890 Lynn McCune DVD player for English dept -91.54 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13891 Middleton, Young & Minney, LLP legal consult Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13892 Palace Art & Office Supply 47613 -299.03 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13893 Postmaster postage for office -220.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13894 Santa Cruz Municipal Utilities 100-2250-12 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 13895 Tara Firenzi Copy costs for AP World Readers Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13896 AT&T (427-5254) phone bill -51.05 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13897 AT&T (479-7785) phone bill -359.28 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13898 California Department of Education Independent Study Operations Manual (2002 Ed) -38.65 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13899 Comcast 1/14-2/13 Internet fees -69.90 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13900 Fred Keeley Jan 10 Gov't Lecturer Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13901 Mary Navas 2 Panasonic Vacuum cleaners, 1099 forms -456.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13902 Palace Art & Office Supply 47613 -969.04 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13903 Peterson's, A Nelnet Company Reference book Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13904 Rod Atchley Science Field Trip Guides -212.27 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13905 Tim Outtrim Jan 10 Athletic Director -500.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13906 Dominic Calmels Dry Erase Pens -29.22 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 13907 Jennifer Suhd-Brondstatter Mandels for Science -10.95 -1,177.52 -1,735.82 -620.84 -1,250.00 -22.73 Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13909 Archibald Douglas Conference, mileage and coffe before COE meeting Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13910 Bookshop Santa Cruz English supplemental books Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13911 Camilla Boolootian Lunch for the KUSP crew, teachers, students -35.54 Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13912 Dee Vlasak Art Supplies -35.19 Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13913 Ellen Masten Counselor Tour -60.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13914 First Alarm Monitor Burglar Alarm, Supervise Open and Close Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13915 First Alarm Security & Patrol, Inc. Patrol Service, Vehicle and Foot Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13916 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Data Director Module-R -1,062.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13917 Mary Navas Charter School Conference -1,181.97 Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13918 Sandy Lansdale (A/P) Clarence Jones Luncheon -25.85 Bill Pmt -Check 01/27/2011 13919 MPS Behind the Dream books Bill Pmt -Check 01/28/2011 13920 Jennifer Ostrowski Brain cap for Steely Bill Pmt -Check 01/31/2011 13921 First Comp WSl0026699-01 Jan 11 -28.97 -103.39 -348.15 -189.00 -708.27 -66.24 -3,172.00 -89,398.45 10 Page 2 of 2 6:40 PM 02/16/11 Accrual Basis Pacific Collegiate School - PVA Account Check Register 11 January 2011 Type Date Num Name Memo Amount Jan 11 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1131 Bernadette Zavala Finals Food Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1132 Community Printers Roar Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2010 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1133 Pacific Collegiate School Clubs Grad chairs, Dance costumes Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1134 The Bagelry Finals Food -126.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1135 The Bagelry Bagels for Finals -126.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1136 Pacific Collegiate School Clubs Portable bench, dance co clothes Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1137 Sandy Lansdale Staff Coffee -87.50 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1138 Ms. Camilla Boolootian reimburse for BASH postage -44.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1139 Pacific Collegiate School Clubs PVA to Reimburse Dance Company for Costumes -757.04 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1140 National Steinbeck Center Science/Eng Field Trip Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1141 Pacific Collegiate School $$ for AFD, chairs Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1142 Royal Coach Tours Trip to Steinbeck Ctr/Elkhorn Slough (Science/Eng-1,855.00 Class) Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1143 Santa Cruz Seaside Company BASH Deposit Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1144 Pacific Collegiate School Clubs PVA to Reimburse Class of 2012 for Grade Event Jan 11 -487.01 -396.99 -2,548.72 -1,317.32 -220.00 -1,345.80 -500.00 -4.00 -9,815.38 11 Page 1 of 1 6:16 PM 02/16/11 Accrual Basis Pacific Collegiate School - Club Account Check Register 12 January 2011 Type Jan 11 Bill Pmt -Check Date Num Name Memo 01/04/2011 1519 Alexis Party Rental Rental of Graduation Chairs Amount -2,111.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1520 Cathy Brown Girls Varsity HS Basketball Tamale Sales -391.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1521 Connie Grimsich HS Boys Soccer Bench -177.03 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1522 Educational Theatre Thespian Membership -374.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1523 Genna Brown Ice Cream Social Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1524 Mary deVries Pancake Breakfast Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1525 Mission Hill Middle School JH Boys Basketball Tournament Fees Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1526 Mission Trail Athletic League Officials Mileage Fees for Girls Varsity Volleyball Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1527 Music Theatre International VOID: Alice in Wonderland rental:already paid Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1528 Sport About Dance Company Clothes -319.32 Bill Pmt -Check 01/04/2011 1529 Tara Firenzi Dance Company Costumes -437.72 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1530 Alana Ramey-Bernardi Thespian Pizza Lunch Supplies -575.66 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1531 CCS-CMEA Honor Orchestra for Sophia O' Malley-Krohn -25.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1532 Chris Krohn JH Boys Basketball Uniforms/Nets/Supplies -109.20 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1533 Emmy Cushner Varsity Boys basketball Warmups -323.02 -44.12 -37.76 -180.00 -99.96 0.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1534 Harlina Manley HS Girls V Volleyball Coach Stipend -1,200.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1535 HornBlower Class of 2011 Charter Deposit -2,400.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1536 Jacquie Low All Club Food Supplies -22.38 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1537 Ryan Dooley Root Beer Floats -11.88 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1538 Watsonville High School Lacrosse Sports Fee -250.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1539 William Koens Games Club restock -436.86 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1540 CCS-CMEA Honor Band for Gabe Ares and Kay Smith Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1541 Harlina Manley HS Girls Varsity Volleyball Team Gift -800.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/12/2011 1542 Steven R. Garrett Surf Club Expenses -255.52 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1543 Colleen Corrigan HS Girls Soccer Speg Lunch Supplies Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1544 Cynthia Gorski Thespian supplies Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1545 Tara Firenzi Dance Company Costumes -50.00 -70.41 -196.78 -2,515.99 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1546 William Koens Games Club Candy restock Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1547 City of Santa Cruz Bldg Rental -269.35 Bill Pmt -Check 01/18/2011 1548 Colleen Corrigan HS Girls Soccer Sweatshirts -459.10 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1549 Alana Ramey-Bernardi Thespian Pizza Lunch -213.70 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1550 Barbara M. Smith Class of 2012 Grade Event Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1551 CETA CETA Registration -316.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1552 CMEA-CCS 5 Honor Choir Students (Middle School) -125.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1553 Cynthia Gorski BASH dinner donated at Auction by Cindy and Alice -138.79 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1554 Discovery 100.00 for Bus reservation -100.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1555 Mazera Cox-Goulter Choir Accompanist -125.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1556 Pacific Collegiate School Choir and Art reimb to Gnl acct -366.98 Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1557 Tim Outtrim Light bulbs for the Gym Bill Pmt -Check 01/25/2011 1558 United Coach Tours Bus for JSA Trip -1,068.00 -4.00 -226.17 -1,290.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/31/2011 1559 Central Coast Section, CIF Sports Rule Book Bill Pmt -Check 01/31/2011 1560 Cheryl Samios Lacrosse Balls -163.88 Bill Pmt -Check 01/31/2011 1561 Colleen Corrigan HS Girls Soccer Speg Lunch Supplies -144.36 Bill Pmt -Check 01/31/2011 1562 Jessica Barbata Retreat Pizza Bill Pmt -Check 01/31/2011 1563 Junior State of America Registration Fees -430.00 Bill Pmt -Check 01/31/2011 1564 Alana Ramey-Bernardi Thespians Pizza Lunch Supplies -177.72 Jan 11 -84.50 -81.83 -19,198.99 12 Page 1 of 1 13 PCS Special Education Department March 2011 13 14 Program Goals: Complying with Federal & State Laws in following the steps required for student identification through placement within Special Education. Designing effective instructional programs and accommodations in addressing the needs of identified students in ensuring learning. Working collaboratively with faculty and other specialists in implementing effective learning programs and accommodations for identified students (WASC). Maintaining productive, ongoing communication with students and parents regarding progress, achievement, concerns, etc. Assisting students in planning for their successful transition to post secondary institutes of learning and adult living. 14 15 Key Actions & Activities: General and Special Education Staff: Pre-Referral Activities implemented through General Education Programs: – Response to Intervention (RtI): Implementation of interventions and resources within general education through tiered system of intervention. – Student Study Team (SST): General Education function whereby teachers, parent, student, and specialist, as appropriate, meet formally to discuss relevant student histories, concerns, strengths, challenges and past strategies implemented as a means for developing a remedial plan for the student. – SST Follow-Up: Review progress of student in response to the implementation outlined within the remedial plan. 15 16 Key Actions & Activities: continued Referral through Placement: - Review of cumulative student data - Obtain parental permission & conduct Multi-Disciplinary Psycho-Educational Assessment within 60 day timeline. - Hold Initial IEP Meeting Individual Educational Program Meeting - Determine Eligibility for Sp. Ed. Services from assessment findings - Develop Goals/Objectives based on State Standards - Develop Profile Sheets on the student for implementation of accommodations by all teachers involved with student - Implement Services and Accommodations defined in the student’s IEP - Review student’s progress annually (Annual IEP) - Re-evaluate student eligibility for Sp. Ed. services every 3 years (3-Year IEP) 16 17 Key Actions & Activities: continued Primary Disabilities (Those in bold are handicapping conditions served within our population.) Specific Learning Disabled Speech & Language Impaired Other Health Impaired Autism Spectrum Disorders Emotionally Disturbed Traumatic Brain Injury 17 Orthopedically Impaired Hearing Impaired Deaf Deaf/Blind Visually Impaired Mentally Retarded Multiple Disabilities 18 Key Program Components: Staff and Programs/Services Special Education Coordinator Katie Merchant, Ed.D. Administrative and Budgetary Duties Licensed Educational Psychologist Katie Merchant, Ed.D. Psychological Assessment, Therapy, Counseling, Guidance Resource Specialist Joan Duafala Direct Instruction & Collaborative Support, Educational Assessment Language, Speech & Hearing Specialist Joanne Volpe Direct Therapy & Collaborative Support, LSH Assessment Vocational Specialist Nina Willcox Vocational and Workability Services (Regionalized Program) Special Circumstance Instructional Assistance Contracted w/ Balance4Kids Instructional and Behavioral Assistances 18 19 Key Actions & Activities: continued Service Delivery Models: - Direct Instruction: 1-1, small group instruction/therapy in the areas of defined need. - Collaborative Support: specialists and general education staff collaborate in jointly addressing the needs of the identified student. 19 20 Key Actions & Activities: continued Administrative Level: North Santa Cruz County SELPA Activities - Special Education Council (SEC) Monthly meetings with the SELPA administrative body. which is responsible for program development. - Operations Council (OpC) Bi-weekly meetings with SELPA Representatives (6), which is an intermediary group responsible for reviewing budgetary and program recommendations. (FCMAT8 Study) - Special Education Coordinating Agency (SECA) Quarterly meetings with SELPA governing body (Superintendents), which is responsible for administration & coordination of Sp. Ed. & Regionalized Programs. - Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Monthly meetings with parent group, which serves in an advisory capacity to the SELPA Governing Council (SECA). - AB602, PL 94-142, & ARRA Funds Regular meetings in budget and finance with SELPA Representatives. 20 21 Student Outcomes: Individual Student progress towards standards based goals & objectives are: - Measured quarterly and annually. - Revised annually and re-evaluated every 3-years, if the student continues to qualify for Special Education services. Performance on State Testing and CAHSEE Students sometimes placed on 504 Plans upon entering post secondary institutions, if additional academic support is needed. 21 22 Parent Satisfaction: Parents have a vital role as an IEP Team member & are active participants throughout the entire educational process of their child. Personal comments and responses suggest that parents are pleased with the Sp. Ed. Services/support provided to their child and themselves, as evidenced through: – Meetings with parents, as requested, needed, or legally required. – Ongoing e-mail & phone communications. – SESR Parent Questionnaire Responses. (Spring 2011) 22 23 Teacher Satisfaction: Personal interactions, conversations, participation in IEP meetings, and ongoing collaborations reflect interest and commitment by some teachers in serving the needs of the identified students. Teachers are exposed to ongoing education of the mandated requirements. Appreciation is expressed by some teachers for the availability of materials and resources used with identified students as well as others in need. 23 24 Resources: Revenue: Funding Based on CBEDS: AB602 (State) $ 215,204 Generated by ADA PL 94-142 (Federal) $ 30,342 Distributed per Pupil Count of prior year Pre-Mental Health $ 2,360 Staff Development $ 36 Total: $ 247,942 ARRA $ 48,926 (Federal monies for 2 years, only) (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) Incurred Costs from July to January, 2011: Basic Budget ARRA Funds $ 94,600 $ 48,826 24 25 Resources: continued Pupil Count Data to Date Year 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 Total 1 8 13 13 19 24 16 14 13 16 Gr. 7 & 8 0 4 9 3 8 10 3 0 4 8 25 Gr. 9 – 12 1 4 4 10 11 14 13 14 9 8 26 Resources: continued 2010-2011 Number of Referrals to Date Pending Assessment Qualified Not Qualified 26 7 1 7 0 27 Resources: continued Historical Pattern of Students, who have Exited Sp. Ed. Programs: * Graduated/Entered Post Secondary Institution * Transitioned to another School in SCCo. * Moved out of Area 27 28 Evaluation Self-Reflection & Suggestions: Transition to new Federally mandated RtI Model for identifying Special Learning Disabled students once adopted by the State. (15% of ARRA Funds) Expand the evaluative methods for all students, while maintaining State Standards and aligning the curriculum with A-G requirements. Implement, as appropriate, differentiated instruction, materials, and evaluations across all subject areas. 28 29 2 December 2010 World Languages Policy Change Proposal History of Problem: Students at Pacific Collegiate School have had access to four languages since its inception, which reveals the intent of the founders to embed a top-notch, global education within a small school setting. At this same time the three-year, consecutive graduation requirement was passed: progress beyond any of the neighboring Santa Cruz schools. Moreover, students would be preparing for a grueling AP examination with only three years of that language, rather than the standard four year preparation, which required the PCS curriculum to be accelerated. However, students have been able to fulfill this requirement by 9th or 10th grade, limiting their foreign language skills and, frankly, their competitive edge in college admissions. Our school goals of “fluency” and producing “global citizens” will require students to take advantage of the unique language opportunities provided at PCS. Objective: To increase the graduation requirements for World Languages at Pacific Collegiate School, thus aligning more effectively the school’s vision of preparing its students for global citizenship in the 21st century with the reality of the course work. Current Policies and Guidelines: • • • • The PCS Course Guide currently states: “PCS promotes an international perspective in its academic and arts curriculum and emphasizes second language learning to the level of proficiency in at least one foreign language as measured by successfully passing the SAT II at a level of 600 or above, or by passing an AP test for that language.” The PCS Mission Statement currently states: “Pacific Collegiate students will be introduced to the rich variety of world cultures and become fluent in at least one world language.” Current graduation requirement: A PCS student must pass three courses (30 course credits) in the same language. PCS Charter (2011-2016) emphasis: The PCS curriculum was guided by five organizing principles, of which there is an international and cross-cultural focus, including the study of world languages. Proposed Policy Changes: 1) Students are required to pass either o o Four years (40 course credits) of the same language, including the related Advanced Placement course, or Five years (50 course credits) of World Language Department offerings, and reaching at least the thirdyear level in one language. 2) Students entering PCS in the 9th grade and beyond are required to take (or have taken) at least three consecutive years of World Language credits during the four high school years. Addenda: 1) The exemption from the five required years for students who take an AP language course incentivizes that option by permitting students with an advanced ability in a language to complete their language requirement in only four years. It also assures they will study the language to a depth equivalent to that of a college-level offering. 29 30 2 December 2010 2) Independent study and focus projects can count as one year of the five year requirement, should that be the only option for a student to remain within a desired language. 3) As with all matters concerning Graduation Requirements, exceptions may be made with the approval of the Principal, and at his or her discretion. Outcomes: -Students would continue in foreign language for most of their high school career, which would prepare them for the rigor of university requirements and programs. -The language program would be more educationally sound, asking students to remain in contact with a world language for a longer period of time. -AP languages would be incentivized, but not required, providing students choice. -Many students would take AP languages at a later stage in high school, which may provide the necessary maturity for such a rigorous examination. -PCS would align itself with the honors/college preparatory tracks at most high schools in the area, which strongly encourage three years of language at the high school level. -Students would still choose the languages taken at PCS. -Many seniors would be encouraged to take another course on campus, which will improve the student learning experience. -Effects on other courses are minimal due to the flexibility of the schedule in the higher grades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ow many students have already completed the proposed requirements? -Seniors (out of 55)Finished at PCS (38%) Late Entry (20%) 21 23 11 Not Finished (42%) N.B.*Students finished either by taking the AP level of a language or by taking five years and two separate languages. *Students who entered PCS late (i.e. 9th grade or later) only need complete three 35 consecutive years of a language. 36 Q1: How many students have already completed the proposed requirements? -Juniors (out of 82)- Finished at PCS (27%) Late Entry (27%) 22 37 Not Finished (46%) 22 36 37 Q1: How many students have already completed the proposed requirements? -Sophomores (out of 86)- Finished at PCS (29%) 25 Late Entry (31%) 34 Not Finished (40%) 27 37 38 Q2: What courses are current PCS 7th grade students choosing to take? 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 46 SS and Art (56%) SS and Language (20%) Art and Language (20%) 16 16 Art and Art (1%) SS and DS (3%) 1 No Data (1%) 2 1 7th Grade Courses (out of 82) 38 39 Q3: How many PCS students are enrolled in double art courses? 90 80 82 75 75 70 Not Double Arts 60 Double Arts 48 50 Triple Arts 40 30 20 10 13 0 3 1 5 1 5 0 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 39 12th Grade 2 N.B.*In the 9th grade, 12 of the 13 students have no other options due to Math limit. *Students in 11th and 12th grades are taking triple arts and still do not have a full course load. 40 Q4: What is the course load for juniors and seniors this academic year (2010-2011)? Seniors (out of 55) 4 1 6 18 26 40 Six Courses (11%) Five Courses (47%) Four Courses (33%) Three Courses (7%) Two Courses (2%) N.B.*I did not count TA sections as classes. *I did count part-time courses, including Local Government and Horticulture. *I did not count Study Hall. 41 Q4: What is the course load for juniors and seniors this academic year (2010-2011)? Juniors (out of 81) Six Courses (31%) 3 Five Courses (65%) Four Courses (4%) 25 N.B.*I did not count TA sections as classes. *I did count part-time courses, including Local Government and Horticulture. *I did not count Study Hall. 53 41 42 Q5: How many students are enrolled in each language, and at which levels? 180 176 Levels 1-3 160 AP/4 140 Focus Project 120 100 80 60 40 20 49 43 22 1 8 18 2 2 1 0 Spanish French Latin 42 0 0 Mandarin N.B.*Mandarin is in its second year, and is thus not representative. *Only French offers a French 4 option. *The total students taking language comes to 322, or 67.2% of PCS. 43 Pacific Collegiate School Math Department Proposed Class Description -­‐ Introduction to Engineering The design of this class is preliminary and may be changed based on further research. Prerequisites Successful completion of Pre-­‐Calculus (B or better). Limited to seniors. Proposed Meeting Time The class will meet Mon Wed Fri, 4th period. Thurs block day. Proposed Curriculum First Semester: Introduction to Drafting and AutoCAD Students will learn the principles of engineering drawing using instrument drawing and computer aided drafting. This portion of the course will mainly focus on using AutoCAD to create two dimensional technical drawings. Students will learn basic CAD commands and current CAD standards. Required Materials: •Drafting Board (36” x 24” minimum) •T-­‐Square •45/45/90 triangle •30/60/90 triangle •Engineers scale •Drafting pencils •Vellum (tracing paper) •Computer (Room 1 Windows or room 19 Mac) •AutoCAD ‣AutoCAD 2011 for Mac: Free for schools (with watermark) $395 for schools (without watermark) 3 Gb RAM minimum This just came out last year and some of the reviews that I have read have been less than satisfactory. ‣AutoCAD 2010 for Windows: $205 Student Version (with watermark) 2 Gb RAM minimum Not sure if any of our windows machines would be able to run this program ef^iciently. Second Semester: Introduction to Engineering (Description taken from Cabrillo College catalog) Provides information to evaluate the engineering profession as a personal career choice. Explores the branches of engineering, the functions of an engineer, and the industries in which they work. Presents an introduction to the methods of engineering analysis, design and problem solution emphasizing the interface of the engineer with society and engineering ethics. Explains the engineering education process and explores effective strategies for students to reach their full academic potential. 43 44 The class will culminate with a design project chosen by the student. The choice will be guided by the instructor. Notes I spoke with Jo-­‐Ann Panzardi, Engineering Department Chair at Cabrillo College and she said that students will receive college credit for the class if taught by a licensed professional engineer. Brandon Summerrill is a licensed professional engineer in the state of California. 44 45 Pacific Collegiate School A Public Charter School P.O. Box 1701 Santa Cruz, California 95061-1701 (831) 479-7785 (831) 427-5254 (fax) www.pacificcollegiate.com Date: February 24, 2011 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Bob Dixon SUBJECT: PCS Monthly Financial Statements Report – YTD January 2011 Attached are the following reports for the month of November for your review and approval: Club check register Club P&L Club Cash Flow PVA check register PVA P&L PVA Cash Flow General (PCS) check register General (PCS) – P&L General (PCS) – Cash Flow 2nd Interim Budget Report Dashboard summary All reports were reviewed and accepted by the Finance Committee on February 22nd. On a year to date basis, the profit and loss shows a surplus of $405K, which compares favorably with a surplus of $132K for the same period of last year. The main drivers of this variance are (a) the receipt of both September’s and December’s General Purpose ADA and state charter block monies ($119K variance), (b) the receipt of $87K in one-time federal stimulus monies through December, and (b) an increase of $84K in YTD AFD monies. The 2nd Interim Budget Report included in this month’s package is due to be submitted to the COE by mid-March. The Finance Committee has reviewed and vetted the document and has found the assumptions used in estimating the financial results for the remainder of the year to be reasonable. I hope this information answers many of your questions. If you have any further questions and/or comments, please feel free to contact me or Jigisha. Thank you. r eimagining t he p ossibilities of p ublic s chool 45 46 Pacific Collegiate School Summary of Financial Position As of: January 2011 Acct # Description Adopted 1st Interim 2nd Interim Budget Revise Revise Jan thru Jan July 2010-11 10-11 10-11 2011 2011 % of Interim VS Comments: % of actual REVENUES 2nd STATE FUNDS: REVENUE LIMIT SOURCES STATE AID GENERAL PURPOSE 8015 709,697 709,697 709,697 68,901 441,157 IN LIEU PROPERTY TAXES 8096 1,842,503 1,842,503 1,842,503 148,937 930,857 2,087 114,076 128,076 0 112,476 FEDERAL 8181,8290 - 8560 45,000 43,000 40,000 21,089 34,761 CATEGORICAL BLOCK GRANT ( 8590 180,548 181,505 181,515 17,459 87,295 Unexpected one-time 8311,8560,8590 25,000 25,000 23,500 31,182 35,814 8792 160,000 160,000 160,000 57,084 95,140 2.94% 4.73% 8660,8674 808,262 796,147 794,997 58,653 638,221 24.64% 30.87% $3,773,096 $3,871,928 $3,880,288 $403,305 $2,375,721 LOCAL FUNDS: AB602 LOCAL SPECIAL EDUC TRF REVENUE TOTALS - SpEd funds: Dec, Sept's deferral and Jan @$19k each $84k increase over last y-t-d AFD monies EXPENDITURES Interim vs Actual Certificated Salaries 1000 1,728,673 1,740,272 1,739,059 317,180 871,913 Classified Salaries 2000 542,493 534,564 537,155 45,087 304,447 Benefits 3000 394,376 402,336 409,952 48,583 219,612 Books & Supplies 4000 144,240 175,490 171,590 8,693 98,116 Contracts & Services 5000 925,497 966,292 962,859 60,778 475,237 Capital Outlay 6000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0 Other Outgo 7000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 1,071 Debt Service 7400 $3,772,280 $3,855,954 $3,857,615 $480,321 $1,970,397 $817 $15,975 $22,673 ($77,017) $405,325 Total Expenditures - Teachers Salaries - Dec & Jan salary pd in same month. 45.11% 44.25% Staff Salaries - 13.86% 15.45% Employees Benefits - 10.43% 11.15% Textbooks, materials and supplies Ops, lease pymts, prof dev, contract svcs - 4.55% 4.98% 25.05% 24.12% FUTURE ITEMS: (a) Rec'd one-time monies of $14,311 for mandated costs (b)The polling of the tax extensions looks like an election will occur; should EXCESS (DEFICIENCY REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES know by March 10 if there will be an election. The possible extension of the taxes is not polling well. Balance as of: FUND BALANCE, RESERVES Beginning Balance 7/1/2010: January 2011 $2,452,174 $2,452,174 Y-T-D Net Income Student count: 480 # of Sections: 146 ($800,000) Total Teacher FTE:(-.6FTE Fletcher, .4FTE Firenzi) 29.2 Total Staff FTE: 10.8 ($800,000) Designated Funds: Economic Uncertainty ($652,858) ($652,858) $999,316 $1,404,640 % incr/(decr) 46 MISC INFO: for 10-11 $405,325 Designated Funds: Facility Ending Unrestricted Bal as of Jan'10: 64.40% - STATE FUNDS: - Rec'd Mandated Cost monies; one-time of $14,311 - LOCAL OTHER LOCAL REVENUES 72.20% monies: ARRA $87k LOTTERY OTHER STATE REVENUE $105k increase over last y-t-d monies - FEDERAL FUNDS: STATE Interim vs Actual 40.56% Pacific Collegiate School Profit and Loss Statement 47 Year-to-date Comparison For the Month Ending January 2011 2nd Interim 2/23/2011 Budget REVISE Total Actual Prior Prior YTD Actual Actual YTD Budget YTD 10-11 YTD to Jan 10 Jul-Jan 10 Jan 11 Jul-Jan 11 Jul-Jan 11 Budget Budget Income 8010-8099 Revenue Limit Sources 8015 · Charter Schl Genl Purp Enttlmnt 8019 · Rev Limit State Aid-Prior Years 86,749.00 353,662.00 68,901.00 441,157.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 8096 · Charter in-lieu (new acct a/o 07-08) 137,242.00 709,696.71 0.62 914,206.00 148,937.00 930,857.00 - 1,842,503.32 0.51 223,991.00 1,267,868.00 217,838.00 1,372,014.00 - 2,552,200.03 0.54 8181 · Spec. Ed - Entitlement 0.00 10,832.00 0.00 24,984.00 - 29,000.00 0.86 8290 · All Other Federal Rev 0.00 12,278.00 0.00 202.00 - 2,087.00 0.10 8290.01 · Federal Stimulus/ARRA 0.00 0.00 0.00 87,290.00 0.00 23,110.00 0.00 112,476.00 TOTAL 8010-8099 Revenue Limit Sources * 105k * 87k * 14k 8100-8299 Federal Revenues TOTAL 8100-8299 Federal Revenues - 96,989.00 0.90 128,076.00 0.88 8300-8599 Other State Revenue 8311 · Oth ST Apportionments-Curr Yr 943.00 3,847.00 627.00 3,135.00 - 8480 · Charter Categorical Block Grant 24,482.00 91,625.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 14,311.00 14,311.00 - 16,051.18 14,431.49 21,088.69 34,761.39 - 40,000.00 0.87 8550 · Mandated Cost Reimbursement 8560 · State Lottery Revenue 8590 · All Other State Revenues 3,500.00 (Blk Grant to #8590) 0.00 10,736.00 33,703.00 105,663.00 - 201,515.10 0.52 56,914.00 118,413.00 57,084.00 95,140.00 - 160,000.00 0.59 98,390.18 239,052.49 126,813.69 253,010.39 - 405,015.10 0.62 117.22 7,198.37 797.28 5,866.73 - 9,000.00 0.65 8674.01 · AFD Pledges 39,300.66 488,956.12 56,668.84 572,377.69 - 700,000.00 0.82 8674.06 · School Depts 0.00 1,504.91 871.00 1,022.00 - 578.40 1,993.70 0.00 9,183.72 - 8674 · Contributions/Annual Fund/PVA - Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 8792 · Spec.Ed-State TOTAL 8300-8599 Other State Revenue 8600-8799 Other Local Revenue 8660 · Interest earned 8670-8689 Fees and Fundraising 8674 · Contributions/Annual Fund/PVA 8674.07 · Other Contributions TOTAL 8674 · Contributions/Annual Fund/PVA 39,879.06 - 700,000.00 0.82 74,776.75 316.06 49,770.84 - 85,997.16 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 46,077.32 567,231.48 57,855.90 632,354.25 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 368,575.72 2,104,460.34 403,304.87 2,375,721.37 - 8670-8689 Fees and Fundraising - Other TOTAL 8670-8689 Fees and Fundraising 492,454.73 57,539.84 582,583.41 785,997.16 0.80 8631-8639 Sales 8632 · Sale of Publications &Directory TOTAL 8631-8639 Sales TOTAL INCOME 0.00 3,880,288.29 0.61 Expense 1000-1999 Certificated Salaries 1100 · Teachers' Salaries 1110 · Teachers Reg 0.00 (205.80) 0.00 58.20 309,522.65 841,502.39 308,238.60 796,667.40 - 1,613,446.26 2,525.00 8,345.00 1,860.00 8,570.00 - 29,750.00 0.00 37,527.00 0.00 41,833.19 - 53,375.26 312,047.65 887,168.59 310,098.60 847,128.79 - 1,696,571.52 1140 · Substitutes 1160 · Certificated Stipends TOTAL 1100 · Teachers' Salaries 0.50 1300 · Cert. Supv & Admin. Salaries 1310 · Admin-Prin TOTAL 1300 · Cert. Supv & Admin. Salaries 1900 · Other Certificated Salary TOTAL 1000-1999 Certificated Salaries 7,081.32 24,784.62 7,081.32 24,784.62 - 42,487.92 0.58 7,081.32 24,784.62 7,081.32 24,784.62 - 42,487.92 0.58 (8,625.00) 8,625.00 0.00 0.00 - 310,503.97 920,578.21 317,179.92 871,913.41 - 1,739,059.44 0.50 32,712.43 196,890.80 39,546.31 272,388.35 - 480,599.01 0.57 0.00 1,750.00 0.00 1,400.00 - 1,400.00 2000-2999 Classified Salaries 2400 · Clerical, Tech, Ofc Staff Salar 2400.1 · Certificated Stipends 2900 · Other Classified Salaries TOTAL 2000-2999 Classified Salaries 4,338.18 26,047.42 5,540.81 30,658.96 - 55,155.80 0.56 37,050.61 224,688.22 45,087.12 304,447.31 - 537,154.81 0.57 3000-3999 Employee Benefits 3101 · STRS Certificated 25,440.82 75,545.68 26,117.82 71,622.13 - 143,472.40 0.50 3202 · PERS Classified 5,162.11 34,163.39 3,554.64 30,675.66 - 53,624.89 0.57 3301 · Medicare-Certificated 4,294.23 10,890.57 4,451.13 12,296.18 - 66,308.70 0.19 3302 · Medicare-Classified 524.58 5,137.37 631.81 4,254.07 - - 3311 · FICA Certificated 119.66 564.96 69.26 239.32 - - 47 84k 290k 6,198.26 8689 · All Other Fees & Contracts * Pacific Collegiate School Profit and Loss Statement 48 Year-to-date Comparison For the Month Ending January 2011 2nd Interim 2/23/2011 Budget REVISE Total Actual Prior Prior YTD Actual Actual YTD Budget YTD 10-11 YTD to Jan 10 Jul-Jan 10 Jan 11 Jul-Jan 11 Jul-Jan 11 Budget Budget 3312 · FICA Classified 2,237.47 13,333.29 2,701.52 17,177.83 - 3401,2 · Health & Welfare Benefits Cert 2,365.97 44,192.02 6,892.07 59,434.91 - 96,657.14 0.61 3501 · State Unemploy Ins Certificated 888.42 2,658.70 2,165.85 6,061.28 - 12,521.23 0.48 3502 · State Unemploy Ins Classified 108.52 657.25 313.74 2,112.49 - 3,867.51 3601-02 · Workers Comp TOTAL 3000-3999 Employee Benefits - 2,408.00 15,841.00 1,685.00 15,738.00 - 33,500.00 0.47 43,549.78 202,984.23 48,582.84 219,611.87 - 409,951.87 0.54 1,126.31 30,545.36 0.00 19,792.36 - 24,310.00 0.81 970.97 9,371.98 1,046.82 24,685.92 - 46,105.00 3,896.07 40,969.32 7,554.89 40,262.27 - 79,675.00 0.51 4000-4999 Books and Supplies 4100 · Textbooks 4200 · Books and Other Reference Mat. 4300 · Materials and supplies 4400 · Noncap Equipment TOTAL 4000-4999 Books and Supplies - 489.95 3,593.46 91.54 13,375.28 - 21,500.00 0.62 6,483.30 84,480.12 8,693.25 98,115.83 - 171,590.00 0.57 1,112.60 7,183.71 1,345.83 11,744.47 - 23,900.00 0.49 0.00 3,112.00 0.00 65.00 - 70.00 5000-5999 Services&Other Op Exp 5200 · Travel/conferences 5200.01 · Staff 5200.02 · Students 5200 · Travel/conferences - Other TOTAL 5200 · Travel/conferences 5300 · Dues/Membership 5300.01 · Licenses 5450 · Insurance excl Workmens Comp 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 1,112.60 10,295.71 1,345.83 11,809.47 - 13,340.18 16,325.43 450.65 26,316.80 - 64,989.20 205.73 23,459.58 0.00 16,615.50 - 17,000.00 23,970.00 0.49 0.40 0.00 7,409.00 0.00 8,480.00 - 8,500.00 1.00 6,975.16 39,339.98 6,323.07 38,171.47 - 91,500.00 0.42 27,500.00 192,500.00 28,334.00 198,688.00 - 340,000.00 0.58 5600.02 · Rentals; Equip/Other Facilities 4,520.20 18,240.70 2,947.97 19,569.64 - 42,100.00 0.46 5500 · Operations & Hskp 5600 · Rental, Leases, Repairs, Improv 5600.01 · Lease; Bldg 0.00 4,135.00 0.00 4,114.57 - 8,200.00 0.50 TOTAL 5600 · Rental, Leases, Repairs, Improv 32,020.20 5600.03 · Repairs & Improvements 214,875.70 31,281.97 222,372.21 - 390,300.00 0.57 0.92 5800 · Consult/Operations 5800.01 · Consultants/1099 5800.02 · Accounting Svcs 850.00 8,281.00 850.00 8,281.00 - 9,000.00 16,602.50 92,152.39 1,750.00 9,271.70 - 63,780.00 5800.27 · SELPA Consultant 0.00 55,213.87 7,803.58 45,963.66 - 88,000.00 5800.28 · Edu Psych (Non SELPA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 5800.29 · Info Technology Consultant 5,000.00 5800.04 · School Svcs 5800.01 · Consultants/1099 - Other TOTAL 5800.01 · Consultants/1099 35,000.00 5,000.00 35,000.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.63 60,000.00 0.58 - 22,452.50 190,647.26 15,403.58 98,516.36 - 220,780.00 0.45 5800.3 · Printing &Copying 1,713.86 7,466.03 1,763.28 9,298.99 - 13,950.00 0.67 5800.4 · Bank fees 1,006.64 7,116.82 965.87 6,191.86 - 11,000.00 0.56 5800.5 · Advertising 0.00 1,564.00 0.00 150.00 - 2,000.00 0.08 5800.6 · Recruiting 1 0.00 1,093.56 0.00 0.00 - 2,500.00 5800.8 · Security 422.38 4,497.21 537.15 3,555.49 - 8,000.00 0.44 5801 · Legal fees 0.68 277.50 6,376.01 1,177.52 27,229.44 - 40,000.00 5830 · COE fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 45,000.00 5800 · Consult/Operations - Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 25,872.88 218,760.89 19,847.40 144,942.14 - 5900 · Phone and Communication - Other 472.75 TOTAL 5800 · Consult/Operations 343,230.00 - #DIV/0! 0.42 5900 · Phone and Communication TOTAL 5900 · Phone and Communication 3,519.89 1,078.16 4,148.24 - 12,000.00 0.35 472.75 3,519.89 1,078.16 4,148.24 - 12,000.00 0.54 220.00 1,523.69 220.00 1,416.50 - 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 5915 · Postage 5915.1 · Develop postage 5915.2 · Instructional postage 5915.3 · Managemt postage 5915.4 · Off/Admin 5915.5 · Diversity/Outreach postage 5915 · Postage - Other TOTAL 5915 · Postage TOTAL 5000-5999 Services&Other Op Exp 0.00 0.00 11.21 11.21 360.17 863.27 220.00 646.44 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 248.70 1,573.67 0.00 306.81 - 9,370.00 828.87 3,960.63 451.21 2,380.96 - 11,370.00 80,828.37 537,946.81 4860,778.29 475,236.79 - 962,859.20 0.49 Pacific Collegiate School Profit and Loss Statement 49 Year-to-date Comparison For the Month Ending January 2011 2nd Interim 2/23/2011 Budget REVISE Prior Jan 10 Prior YTD Actual Jul-Jan 10 Jan 11 Total Actual Actual YTD Budget YTD 10-11 YTD to Jul-Jan 11 Jul-Jan 11 Budget Budget 6400 · Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 6900 · Depreciation Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 35,000.00 TOTAL 6000-6999 Capital Outlay 7142 · Other Costs to County Offices TOTAL EXPENSE NET INCOME 0.00 1,920.38 0.00 1,071.47 - 478,416.03 1,972,597.97 480,321.42 1,970,396.68 - 131,862.37 (77,016.55) 405,324.69 - (109,840.31) 49 - 2,000.00 3,857,615.32 22,672.97 0.51 50 10/11 PACIFIC COLLEGIATE SCHOOL PROJECTED CASHFLOW Fiscal Year 2010-11 GENERAL FUND As of Jan 2011 02/23/11 2nd Interim Revise PROJ. BUD. 10/11 A. BEGINNING CASH A 1,102,673 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE TOTAL ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------1,102,672.68 1,129,865.35 1,201,420.57 1,416,847.95 1,255,868.20 1,244,666.86 1,589,201.32 1,909,345.25 1,712,078.64 1,721,152.84 1,522,713.34 1,424,685.91 1,102,673 ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- B. RECEIPTS Revenue Limit: State Aid/Rev Limit: State Aid/In Lieu: Federal Revenues Other State Rev Other Local Rev Other Local Rev Interfund Transfers All Other Financing 8010-8019 8096 8100-8299 8300-8599 8792 8600-8799 8910-8929 8931-8979 709,697 1,842,503 128,076 245,015 160,000 794,997 - TOTAL RECEIPTS C. DISBURSEMENTS Certificated Salary Classified Salary Employee Benefits Supplies/Services Capital Outlays Other Outgo Interfund Transf Out Other Financing Uses 3,880,288 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-5999 6000-6599 7000-7399 7400-7629 7630-7699 1,739,059 537,155 409,952 1,134,449 35,000 2,000 - TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ACCTS PAY/REC'V ADJ 3,857,615 B D. NET CASH FLOW 130,479.00 61,457.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 178,745.00 72,117.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,866.00 223,406.00 99,531.00 0.00 0.00 158,167.42 0.00 0.00 27,645.00 18,458.00 0.00 31,758.70 0.00 89,790.38 0.00 0.00 68,901.00 148,937.00 12,945.00 37,114.00 0.00 79,005.65 0.00 0.00 137,802.00 148,937.00 0.00 57,324.00 0.00 119,430.07 0.00 0.00 68,901.00 148,937.00 0.00 69,729.69 57,084.00 58,653.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,550.63 635.00 21,559.59 0.00 81,588.47 0.00 0.00 38,309.03 267,950.90 0.00 19,505.96 0.00 105,837.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 129,763.15 0.00 44,138.82 0.00 49,258.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 265,187.14 0.00 27,716.92 0.00 30,668.81 0.00 0.00 23,445.89 265,187.14 965.00 81,088.09 0.00 25,010.97 0.00 0.00 745,094 1,870,889 114,076 389,936 57,084 797,411 0 0 ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------191,936.52 250,862.87 551,970.42 167,652.08 346,902.65 463,493.07 403,304.87 224,333.69 431,603.03 223,160.80 323,572.87 395,697.09 3,974,490 ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------12,080.76 34,853.70 21,336.62 96,472.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,080.76 34,853.66 27,531.13 104,842.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 161,294.90 45,889.54 31,502.60 97,856.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165,644.66 44,861.81 33,816.63 84,308.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 202,551.65 53,257.06 38,868.04 62,355.77 0.00 1,071.47 0.00 0.00 1,080.76 45,644.42 17,974.01 54,259.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 317,179.92 45,087.12 48,582.84 69,471.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166,966.79 50,221.71 35,389.77 122,538.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166,966.79 50,221.71 35,389.77 122,538.70 0.00 928.53 0.00 0.00 166,966.79 50,221.71 35,389.77 122,538.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166,966.79 50,221.71 35,389.77 122,538.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 197,966.79 58,948.99 35,389.77 123,618.70 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,725,667 529,429 375,224 1,086,867 35,000 2,000 0 0 ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------164,743.85 179,307.65 336,543.04 328,631.83 358,103.99 118,958.61 480,321.42 375,116.97 376,045.50 375,116.97 375,116.97 450,924.25 3,754,187 ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 397,160.48 (46,483.33) (46,483.33) (46,483.33) (46,483.33) (46,483.33) 164,744 27,192.67 71,555.22 215,427.38 (160,979.75) (11,201.34) 344,534.46 320,143.93 (197,266.61) 9,074.20 (198,439.50) (98,027.43) (101,710.49) 220,303 ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------1,125,346 1,129,865.35 1,201,420.57 1,416,847.95 1,255,868.20 1,244,666.86 1,589,201.32 1,909,345.25 1,712,078.64 1,721,152.84 1,522,713.34 1,424,685.91 1,322,975.42 1,322,975 ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= ============= A E. ENDING CASH ACTUAL = SHADED PROJECTED UNSHADED A Begin./mth end cash bal. omits: B 397,160.48 $ 800,000.00 for facility reserve. represents net payables and receivables year-to-date. (file: 'GNL ACCT-PCS Cash Flow 10-11') 50 6:37 PM 02/16/11 Accrual Basis Pacific Collegiate School - PVA Account 51 Profit & Loss January 2011 Jan 11 Jan 10 Jul '10 - Jan 11 Income 8660 · Interest Income 3.09 3.00 24.88 542.79 460.54 9,185.22 545.88 463.54 9,210.10 545.88 463.54 9,210.10 4300 · Materials and supplies 3,256.55 1,177.10 13,818.13 4400 · Noncap Equipment 1,095.80 0.00 1,095.80 4,352.35 1,177.10 14,913.93 3,399.00 0.00 9,395.55 3,399.00 0.00 9,395.55 8674.02 · Contributions-PVA Total Income Gross Profit Expense 4000 · Book and Supplies Total 4000 · Book and Supplies 5200 · Travel/Conf/Prof.Dev 5200.02 · Travel/Conf/Prof.Dev · Students Total 5200 · Travel/Conf/Prof.Dev 5300 · Dues/Membership 5600 · Rental, Leases, Repairs, Improv 0.00 660.00 1,219.00 2,611.00 0.00 2,611.00 5800 · Consult/Operations 0.00 480.00 250.00 5800.3 · Printing &Copying 5800.04 · School Svcs 396.99 0.00 2,885.16 Total 5800 · Consult/Operations 396.99 480.00 3,135.16 0.00 0.00 10.34 10,759.34 2,317.10 31,284.98 -10,213.46 -1,853.56 -22,074.88 5915 · Postage Total Expense Net Income 51 Page 1 of 1 6:37 PM 02/16/11 Pacific Collegiate School - PVA Account Statement of Cash Flows 52 July 2010 through January 2011 Jul '10 - Jan 11 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Income -22,074.88 Adjustments to reconcile Net Income to net cash provided by operations: 9500 · Accounts Payable 1,460.64 Net cash provided by Operating Activities -20,614.24 Net cash increase for period -20,614.24 Cash at beginning of period 86,315.66 Cash at end of period 65,701.42 52 Page 1 of 1 6:12 PM 02/16/11 Accrual Basis Pacific Collegiate School - Club Account 53 Profit & Loss January 2011 Jan 11 Jan 10 Jul '10 - Jan 11 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 8660 · Interest Income 10.04 3.93 64.54 5,464.18 8,808.06 17,393.73 10,553.64 14,641.64 50,679.86 5,986.95 219.66 28,441.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,004.77 23,669.36 96,515.06 22,014.81 23,673.29 96,579.60 22,014.81 23,673.29 96,579.60 84.50 0.00 397.47 11,477.80 9,696.20 41,406.82 0.00 0.00 196.81 11,562.30 9,696.20 42,001.10 0.00 0.00 175.00 3,790.00 12,011.50 6,557.36 Total 5200 · Travel/Conf/Prof.Dev 3,790.00 12,011.50 6,732.36 5300 · Dues/Membership 2,919.96 846.00 18,329.85 3,295.98 690.50 8,097.53 0.00 50.00 193.24 3,295.98 740.50 8,290.77 8674 · Contributions & Donations 8674.03 · Performing Arts 8674.04 · Sports 8674.05 · School Clubs 8674 · Contributions & Donations - Other Total 8674 · Contributions & Donations Total Income Gross Profit Expense 4000 · Book and Supplies 4200 · Books and Other Reference Mat. 4300 · Materials and supplies 4400 · Noncap Equipment Total 4000 · Book and Supplies 5200 · Travel/Conf/Prof.Dev 5200.01 · Travel/Conf/Prof.Dev · Staff 5200.02 · Travel/Conf/Prof.Dev · Students 5600 · Rental, Leases, Repairs, Improv 5600.02 · Rent-Equip,Facilities,Clothing 5600.03 · Repairs & Improvements Total 5600 · Rental, Leases, Repairs, Improv 5800 · Consult/Operations 5800.02 · Security 0.00 0.00 90.00 2,125.00 757.00 3,503.54 5800.30 · Printing &Copying 0.00 0.00 71.83 5800 · Consult/Operations - Other 0.00 0.00 682.24 2,125.00 757.00 4,347.61 0.00 0.00 15.95 23,693.24 24,051.20 79,717.64 -1,678.43 -377.91 16,861.96 5800.04 · School Svcs Total 5800 · Consult/Operations 5915 · Postage Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 53 Page 1 of 2 6:12 PM 02/16/11 Accrual Basis Pacific Collegiate School - Club Account 54 Profit & Loss January 2011 Jan 11 Jan 10 Jul '10 - Jan 11 Other Income/Expense Other Expense 5800.41 · Charitable Donations 5800.42 · Scholarships Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income 54 0.00 0.00 1,694.79 450.00 0.00 450.00 450.00 0.00 2,144.79 -450.00 0.00 -2,144.79 -2,128.43 -377.91 14,717.17 Page 2 of 2 6:13 PM 02/16/11 Pacific Collegiate School - Club Account Statement of Cash Flows 55 July 2010 through January 2011 Jul '10 - Jan 11 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Income 14,717.17 Adjustments to reconcile Net Income to net cash provided by operations: 9330 · Prepaid Expenses 539.55 9500 · Accounts Payable 4,868.25 9650 · Deferred Revenue 381.05 Net cash provided by Operating Activities 20,506.02 Net cash increase for period 20,506.02 Cash at beginning of period 90,358.44 Cash at end of period 110,864.46 55 Page 1 of 1 56 Pacific Collegiate School P.O. Box 1701 Santa Cruz, California 95061-1701 (831) 479-7785 (831) 427-5254 (fax) www.pacificcollegiate.com COMMITTEE REPORT Date: 2/25/11 To: PCS Board of Directors From: Executive Committee Committee: Andrew Townsend, Chair Sharmaine Cheleden Carol Foote Jigisha Desai Pete Rode (1) Committee Meetings Number of full committee meetings in last month: 1 (2/23/11) Percentage of committee members present at meetings: 80% (Bob Dixon represented Jigisha Desai and the Finance Committee on 2/14/11.) All agendas posted 72 hrs in advance? Yes Minutes taken and actions recorded? Yes Number of ad-hoc or subcommittee meetings in last month: None. (1) Goal Update: Provide clear expectations and support to Board committees, and schedule 100% of committee chairs to give a report during one or more Board meetings. This goal is ongoing. (2) Goal Update: Conduct two Board evaluations per year and compile information for interim feedback within a month of each evaluation. VP Cheleden will bring a board evaluation tool to the board in Spring 2011. r eimagining t he p ossibilities of p ublic s chool 56 57 Pacific Collegiate School Office for Development (831) 479-7785 (831) 427-5254 (fax) P.O. Box 1701 Santa Cruz, California 95061-1701 www.pacificcollegiate.com Development Update March 1, 2011 ¾ 2010-2011 Annual Fund pledges are at 352 donors, up from 339donors in February’s report. Currently at 92% of last year’s number of donors. ¾ This year’s goal is 100% participation from all Board Members and PCS families. Participation breakdown: Constituent # Donors % Participation Board Member 15 15 100% PCS Parents 380 272 72% Class of 2011 55 49 89% Class of 2012 80 75 93% Class of 2013 84 71 89% Class of 2014 87 62 71% Class of 2015 86 66 77% Class of 2016 86 75 87% Constituent Participation 2008-2009 2009-2010 09-10 Mar. ‘10 10-11 Mar. ‘11 Board Members* 11/100% 12/100% 11 15 PCS Parents 266/ 80% 319/82% 313 272 PCS Grandparents 57 53 49 56 PCS Alumni 2 0 1 0 PCS Alumni Parents 3 5 5 5 Staff/Faculty* 1 1 1 0 340 405 381 352 Totals ¾ A follow-up letter was sent to all families who have not participated in the AFD the week of 1/31/2011. ¾ A Board Phone-a-thon occurred from 2/15-2/28 to follow-up on the AFD. Campaign theme: Every donation makes a difference, help us reach 100% participation. ¾ Bash Invitations were designed, printed and mailed. ¾ Puma Pride Dance credit cards processed. ¾ Working on 2011-2012 AFD Campaign Materials r eimagining t he p ossibilities of p ublic s chool 57 58 Highlights at PCS during the month of February: Science Fair 27 Students were inducted into The National Honor Society 58 Pacific Collegiate School Development-Annual Fund Drive 59 For the 2010-2011 School year AFD Pledge Budget 10-11:: PCS Donors 10-11: AFD Committed Pledges: file name: 2010-11 AFD Pledge Sheet NEW As of: As of: As of: As of: As of: As of: As of: Feb 28, 2011 Feb 25, 2010 Jan 31 2011 Dec 31 2010 Nov 30 2010 Oct 31 2010 Sept 30 2010 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 690,000.00 660,000.00 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 335 $ 800,396.28 $ 820,505.07 $ 790,051.24 $ 771,656.24 $ 725,586.24 $ 664,996.16 $ 625,088.04 785,360.87 704,843.57 342 329 285 253 231 % participating: 93.4% 100.5% 90.0% 86.6% 75.0% 66.6% 60.8% PCS Bd Members: PCS Former Bd Members/Faculty: Matching Gifts/Anonymous: 702,631.12 736,508.91 695,866.12 692,056.20 661,291.20 605,966.16 567,288.04 41,880.00 46,025.00 41,480.00 39,430.00 24,300.00 20,050.00 19,800.00 745.00 770.00 745.00 725.00 36,650.00 26,571.00 36,595.00 39,895.00 17,840.16 PCS Exchg/Staff/Community: - (16,650.00) AFD Write Offs (in $$): 620,000.00 690,000 382 PCS Alumni: 2007-2008 380 355 PCS Grandparents: 2008-2009 700,000 # of Committed Donors: PCS Parents: 2009-2010 7,070.16 560.00 (21,232.00) 14,740.12 - (15,350.00) 2,125.04 625.00 (12,600.00) 38,895.00 - - - (9,500.00) - 25.00 - - - - - 45,210.03 $ 783,746.28 Pledges committed as % of Budget: 112.0% $ 799,273.07 115.8% $ 774,701.24 110.7% $ 759,056.24 108.4% $ 716,086.24 102.3% 341 44,900.00 16 NET Committed AFD Pledges: 604,752.00 37,895.00 - Write off (in # of donors): 340 - 38,895.00 1,100.04 405 $ 664,996.16 95.0% 52 $ 625,088.04 740,150.84 659,943.57 89.3% ACTUAL AFD Collected: Per Blackbaud: $ 621,879.43 $ 539,401.11 $ 573,637.73 $ 517,608.89 $ 396,908.23 $ 317,296.49 $ 262,760.04 % of Committed Pledges Rec'd: 79.3% 67.5% 74.0% 68.2% 55.4% 47.7% 42.0% % of Pledges Rec'd to Budget: 88.8% 78.2% 81.9% 73.9% 56.7% 45.3% 37.5% 740,150.84 107.3% 604,752.00 0.0% ------------------------------------------Per QuickBooks: Campaign Yr 10-11: 606,662.73 505,291.20 535,433.75 467,828.85 352,941.53 Checks in transit/cc entries: 16,536.66 34,275.10 36,743.94 48,300.00 44,846.66 $ 623,199.39 $ 539,566.30 $ 572,177.69 $ 516,128.85 $ 397,788.19 1,460.04 1,480.04 Delta: (1,319.96) (165.19) (879.96) 302,441.49 - $ 302,441.49 14,855.00 265,680.04 18,265.66 $ 283,945.70 (2,920.00) ($85 S/N be AFD $) Prior Yr(s) pledges Receivable: Prior Yr pledges rec'd in current yr: Prior Yr Write Offs: Committed Pledges Receivable: 48,473.01 - 23,785.03 - 48,723.01 250.00 - 48,723.01 - 51,723.01 65,039.01 65,039.01 65,039.01 32,940.03 3,000.00 - (13,316.00) - 48,473.01 23,785.03 48,473.01 48,723.01 48,723.01 51,723.01 65,039.01 160,546.89 259,706.77 202,523.55 242,927.39 318,298.05 362,554.67 341,142.34 Remaining Pledges % of Committed: 22.9% 37.6% 28.9% 34.7% 45.5% 51.8% 48.7% Remaining Pledges % of Budget: 20.5% 32.5% 26.1% 32.0% 59 44.4% 54.5% 54.6% 20,235.03 44,803.98 32,940.03 97.5% 60 Pacific Collegiate School P.O. Box 1701 Santa Cruz, California 95061-1701 (831) 479-7785 (831) 427-5254 (fax) www.pacificcollegiate.com DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Date: February 25, 2011 To: PCS Board of Directors From: Development Committee Committee: Greg Larson, Chair/Board member Susan Thornhill, PVA/Board member Brett Graeselle, new Board member Dori Schack Ram Ramanujan (1) Committee Meetings Number of full committee meetings in last month: 1 meeting with 1 absence All agendas posted 72 hrs in advance? Yes Minutes taken and actions recorded? Yes, to be approved at next meeting (2) Other Updates: • Reviewed Chair’s mid-year report to the Board (3) Goal Update: Continue Supporting the Operating Campaign (Annual Fund) • Database development discussion deferred to future meeting • Discussion and guidance to chair on report to Fundraising Policy Ad Hoc Committee: o Strong thank you to entire PCS community for already raising $1 million/year o Annual Fund Primacy: Need to coordinate all PCS affiliated fundraising o Differentiate fundraising by: schedule, targets, approach (e.g., pledge, auction) o Future challenges: rising donor fatigue, State takes, lower participation rates o Future opportunities: increased tax deductibility, increased matching, non-PCS o Available tools: Use of PCS resources & tax ID; matching gifts requirement o Available models & best practices: charter/private schools, churches/temples o Preserve “asset-based giving” for a future campus capital campaign (4) Goal Update: Start Preparing for a Future Major Capital Campaign • Community volunteer Susie O’Hara agrees to help guide development of Santa Cruz community based fundraising efforts for PCS • Community volunteer Diane Landy presents a speakers series event proposal for potential fundraising and Silicon Valley linkages; referred to new board member Brett Graeselle, chair of the Silicon Valley Outreach Sub-committee (5) Goal Update: Increase Board involvement in development • 100% participation in follow-up calls to non-donors r eimagining t he p ossibilities of p ublic s chool 60 61 Pacific Collegiate School P.O. Box 1701 Santa Cruz, California 95061-1701 (831) 479-7785 (831) 427-5254 (fax) www.pacificcollegiate.com COMMITTEE REPORT Date: March 1, 2011 To: Committee: Ken Cole, Chair (Board) Carol Foote (Board) Denine Guy (Board) Jonathan Fox (Parent) Christine Ravelo (Parent) Lauren Friend (Faculty) Joaquin Garcia (Student) Aldrianne Young (Student) Angela Bocanegra (Staff) Sandy Lansdale (Staff) PCS Board of Directors From: Diversity Oversight Committee (1) Committee Meetings Number of full committee meetings in last month: One since last board report (second meeting scheduled on the date of this report) All agendas posted 72 hrs in advance? Yes Minutes taken and actions recorded? Yes Number of ad-hoc or subcommittee meetings in last month: None Percentage of committee members present at meetings: 95% (2) Goal Update: Support and monitor the implementation of the Lottery Pilot Study beginning with the 7th grade PCS lottery in early 2011. Report data analysis back to the board by November 2011. Actions against Goal: We are working with principal and key staff on the implementation of the Pilot Lottery Study. A report on how the seventh grade PCS lottery went and the tracking of participants in the study will be on the agenda for the March 1, 2011 meeting. (3) Goal Update: Review the PCS diversity plan and refine proposed structural change options. r eimagining t he p ossibilities of p ublic s chool 61 62 Actions against Goal: The ad hoc group finished its draft write up the DOC plan accomplishments to date, and presented it at the DOC meeting in February. The effort successfully created a summary for each main section of the plan so that a reader can quickly get a sense of what has been accomplished and what remains to be done. Following a discussion at the regular committee meeting the summary will be reworked by the ad hoc group to incorporate some format changes. (4) Goal Update: Work with the COE to determine the metrics by which diversity at PCS should be measured, to help determine diversity goals for future years. Actions against Goal: This area needs to be focused on now that the charter renewal and MOU discussions have been successfully completed. (5) Goal Update: Provide support to staff involved in planning and implementing outreach efforts. Actions against Goal: This is an ongoing discussion at each DOC meeting. An example is reviewing how the Lottery Pilot Study will be described and used in outreach efforts. 62 63 Pacific Collegiate School (831) 479-7785 (831) 427-5254 (fax) P.O. Box 1701 Santa Cruz, California 95061-1701 www.pacificcollegiate.com COMMITTEE REPORT Date: February 22, 2011 To: Committee: Jigisha Desai, Co-chair Bob Dixon, Co-chair Rich Hill Randy Garrett Darrell Steely Tom Morell Debbie Zenker Neil Laird Bruce Schumm Barry Margerum Camilla Boolootian Mary Navas Dieter Rothmeier Archie Douglas PCS Board of Directors From: Bob Dixon Finance Committee (1) Committee Meetings Number of full committee meetings in last month: 1 Percentage of committee members present at meeting: 75% All agendas posted 72 hrs in advance? Yes Minutes taken and actions recorded? Yes Number of ad-hoc or subcommittee meetings in last month: None Dates, attendees, and description of community meetings attended in last month: N/A (2) Goal Update: Recommend the faculty exceptional performance incentive plan, measured by increased teacher satisfaction in surveys. Current Status Measured (if Nov, Mar, or June): Actions against Goal (if activity this month): No activity in February r eimagining t he p ossibilities of p ublic s chool 63 64 (3) Goal Update: Assist the Facilities Committee with financial analysis as it relates to facilities and capital improvements. Current Status Measured (if Nov, Mar, or June): Actions against Goal (if activity this month): Advised full Board at February meeting that outright purchase of portable units would be more financially prudent due to current economic conditions and their impact on interest rates on loans versus interest rates on investments. (4) Goal Update: Develop and recommend an optimum capital reserve policy for ongoing operating expenses, endowment and long-term acquisition of facility. Current Status Measured (if Nov, Mar, or June): Complete Actions against Goal (if activity this month): Adopted by board at January 2011 meeting. 64 65 Pacific Collegiate School P.O. Box 1701 Santa Cruz, California 95061-1701 (831) 479-7785 (831) 427-5254 (fax) www.pacificcollegiate.com COMMITTEE REPORT Date: March 2th, 2011 Committee: Susan Thornhill, B.A. Co-Chair Pete Rode, B.A. Co-Chair To: PCS Board of Directors Alana Ramey, P.E. Co-Chair Kim Sides, P.E. Co-Chair From: Parent Volunteer Association (PVA) Tara Leonard, Secretary Noreen Brayton, Clubs Coord. Sally Vattadi, Treasurer (1) Committee Meetings Number of at-large PVA committee meetings in last month: One Number of PVA Executive Committee meetings last month: Three Percentage of PVA committee members present at meetings: Exec, Ad-Hoc, Sub-committee meetings: 100% All agendas posted 72 hrs in advance? Yes Minutes taken and actions recorded? Yes Number of ad-hoc or subcommittee meetings in last month: Seven Two (2) PVA Executive Meetings One (1) PVA Meeting Weekly meeting with Camilla (Susan) Parent Survey Meeting (2) BASH (2) Meetings Dates, attendees, and description of community meetings attended in last month: None (2) Upcoming events or activities, critical resource needs, upcoming items for consideration by Board, etc. PVA Meeting, March 7, 2011, 8:15 am BASH, April 8, 2011 Parent Survey Volunteer Software Roll-out (3) Goal Update: Update PVA Bylaws. Funding Meeting/Fund Distribution Follow-up Working on updating/publishing PVA Bylaws Working on Annual Funding Policy (Noreen) Prospective PVA and Parent Co-Chair Orientation (4) Goal Update: Implement new volunteer software. In Process. r eimagining t he p ossibilities of p ublic s chool 65