July 2010 - The Institute of Internal Auditors

July 2010
The Institute of Internal Auditors
IIA .. 4
Central Arkansas Chapter
Chapter Meeting—August 18, 2010
The Columbia: What Did They Know?
Presented by Paula Kinnard, CPA
Quality Assurance Manager
AR Division of Legislative Audit
A case study of the space shuttle Columbia disaster that provides
valuable insight into the devastating results of ignoring critical
breakdowns in internal control.
Click HERE for
more details
and to register!
Paula has previously taught various Continuing Professional Education classes
for the Division of Legislative Audit, particularly in the area of computer
software applications, ethics, and compliance with governmental auditing
standards. She also represents the Division in recruiting efforts at many of
Arkansas’ colleges and universities.
Frequently Asked Questions – CIA Exam
Melissa Leonard
Gleim Chapter Coordinator
As candidates work toward attaining their CIA certifications, Gleim receives many questions on a daily basis regarding the CIA
Exam and how to best prepare. We believe that partnering with your local chapter to provide information to help you pass the exam
quickly is an important service. This month's column lists some of the FAQs and Gleim responses to chapter members.
If I am already a CPA, am I exempt from any parts of the CIA exam? And if so, how do I get an exemption?
Yes! The IIA will grant Professional Recognition Credit for Part IV (PRC-IV) to candidates who possess certain other designations,
including the CPA.
CIA candidates who have successfully completed the examination requirements for an approved designation are eligible to receive
PRC-IV of the CIA exam. Candidates applying for PRC-IV must provide evidence of a professional certification approved by the
Board of Regents.
How do I register for the CIA Exam?
To register for the CIA Exam you first need to create a profile in The IIA’s Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS),
http://www.theiia.org/certification/certified-internal-auditor/. Then apply to the CIA Certification Program, register for an exam
part, and receive an authorization to sit for the exam. Next you will need to create a profile at Pearson VUE to schedule your exam
at the testing center.
I've never sat for the CIA Exam before, can I take the exam in any order?
Yes, the CIA Exam does not need to be taken or passed in any particular order.
How many questions are on the CIA Exam?
Each part of the CIA Exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions.
How is the CIA Exam scored?
The CIA Exam is graded based on "scaled scoring” to adjust the passing scores of each exam depending on the difficulty of that
The exact number of correct answers required to pass the exam may vary from one exam to another. Therefore, to ensure a common standard, all raw scores are converted into a reporting scale of 250 to 750 points.
A scaled score of 600 points or higher is required to pass the CIA exam. A candidate would need to answer 75% of the questions
correctly on an exam with a difficulty equal to what the Board of Regents deems appropriate.. However, if an exam is found to be
more difficult than the norm, a candidate may only need to answer 70% of the questions correctly to achieve 600 points.
After I pass the exam, what are my CPE requirements?
As a practicing CIA, you must complete 80 hours of CPE every two years. Upon passing the CIA Exam, the IIA awards you 80
hours of CPE (40 hours in the year you pass your exam and 40 hours the year after).
Gleim offers Online CPE for CIAs, which you can complete from the comfort of your home or office. Simply look in our Course
Catalog for all of our 4-hour CPE courses.
Do you have questions or comments about CIA Exam? Email Gleim at iiachapters@gleim.com with your questions.
Remember, as a Central Arkansas Chapter member, you will receive a 20% discount on the Gleim CIA Review materials. Gleim has
been helping CIA candidates pass the CIA Exam since 1980.
Contact Melissa at 800.874.5346, ext. 131 or melissa.leonard@gleim.com to take advantage of your chapter discount or if you have
any questions.
Ideas for Future Newsletters
Gleim Contact Information
Gleim Publications, Inc.
Please submit any ideas or information you would like to see included in future newsletters to Monica Reap.
4201 NW 95th Blvd
Gainesville, FL 32606
800.874.5346 Ext. 147
New Certifications
Please join us in congratulating two members
who have earned the following certifications
this quarter:
Laura Uyeda passed the Certified Internal
Auditor exam and is now a CIA! Congratulations Laura!
Erin Jester Hunt passed the Certification in
Control Self Assessment (CCSA)! Congratulations Erin.
The 2010-2011 Central Arkansas Chapter—IIA Leadership Team was recently elected.
They are as follows:
President—Jonathan Adams
Vice President—Kyla Moran
Treasurer—Camesha Young
Secretary—Broderick Bass
Board Members At-Large
Jerry Spratt Shannan Knudsen
Gleim Discount
As a member of the chapter, you are
eligible for a 20% discount on Gleim's
CIA Review materials. In addition, the
Chapter will receive 20% of your
Online CPE purchase.
To take advantage of the reduced
prices, please contact our chapter representative, Melissa Leonard at 1-800
-874-5346 ext 131.
Committee Chairpersons:
Website—Ryan Creswell
Leadership Elected
Newsletter—Monica Reap
Certifications—Mary Etta Qualls
Scholarship/Academic Relations—Ryan Almond
Audit—Ken Bland
Thanks Shannan & Heather for your past two years of service as President of the Chapter.
Riddle of the Month
See if you can solve the riddle of the month. The first to respond with the correct answer will be named the “Riddler of the Month” in next
month’s newsletter. Good Luck!
Divide 110 into two parts so that one will be 150 percent of the other. What are the 2 numbers?
Click here to email your answer.
Congratulations to last month’s Riddler of the Month: Kyla Moran, AWCC.com.
Last month’s riddle: Roland, Marc and Pierette are three children in the same family. Pierette is three times Marc’s
age. In two years, she will be twice the age Roland will be at that time. Roland is a year older than Marc. How old
are the Children? Answer: Marc = 4, Roland = 5, Pierette = 12
2010-11 Officers
President ........ Jonathan Adams*
About the IIA
Vice President …...Kyla Moran*
Treasurer .......... Camesha Young*
Secretary ........... Broderick Bass*
Established in 1941, The Institute of Internal
conferences, seminars for professional develop-
Committee Chairpersons
Auditors (IIA) is an international professional
ment, and Web-based training; produces for-
Membership ...... Tina Lephiew*
association with global headquarters in Alta-
ward-looking educational products; offers qual-
Website ............. Ryan Creswell*
monte Springs, Fla., USA. The IIA is the inter-
ity assurance reviews, benchmarking, and con-
Newsletter ......... Monica Reap*
nal audit profession's global voice, recognized
sulting services; and creates growth and net-
Certification...... Mary Etta Qualls*
authority, acknowledged leader, chief advocate,
working opportunities for specialty groups.
Scholarship/Academic Relations…
Ryan Almond*
Chapter Audit ... Ken Bland
nal auditing, risk management, governance,
The IIA also brings great value to its members
Board of Governors
internal control, information technology audit,
through Internal Auditor, an award-winning
Shannan Knudsen At-Large
education, and security.
professional magazine, and through other out-
Jerry Spratt........ At-Large
standing periodicals that address the profes-
* Also holds a seat on the Board of
and principal educator. Members work in inter-
The world’s leader in certification, education,
sion’s most pressing issues and challenges and
research, and technological guidance for the
present viable solutions and exemplary prac-
profession, The Institute sets the International
tices. And in support of quality, professional-
Standards for the Professional Practice of Inter-
ism, and ethical practices, The Institute pro-
nal Auditing and provides various levels of ac-
vides internal audit practitioners, executive
companying guidance; certifies professionals
management, boards of directors, and audit
through the globally recognized Certified Inter-
committees with guidance for internal auditing
nal Auditor® (CIA®) and specialty certifica-
and governance best practices.
tions in government, control self-assessment,
and financial services; presents leading-edge
Institute of Internal Auditors Website
Have you visited the IIA Website lately? The Institute of Internal Auditors website
offers the latest news, discussion groups, e-learning, research reports and a forum for
connecting with other internal auditors. Here are a few pages that may be of interest
to you.
Professional Guidance
Research Foundation
Chapters & Institutes
P.O Box 854
Little Rock, AR 72203
Phone: 501-533-2277
Fax: 501-533-2469