UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING 19 AUGUST 2009 FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE AGENDA If you wish to raise issues concerning any agenda items, or wish to submit apologies for the meeting, please contact Catriona Taylor (ph: 4221 5972 or email: before the meeting. UEC Agenda 190809 2 UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE AGENDA – WEDNESDAY, 19 AUGUST 2009 Agenda of the 03/2009 meeting of the University Education Committee to be held at 9.30am on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 in 20.5. PART A - OFFICIAL BUSINESS *A1 Apologies and Leave of Absence *A2 Arrangement of Agenda A2.1 Starring of Items *A3 Business Arising from the Minutes *A4 Confirmation of Minutes ATTACHMENT p 9 Draft Resolution: that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 May 2009 be confirmed and signed as a true record. *A5 Chair’s Report PART B - COMMITTEE BUSINESS B1 Student Support for Learning Subcommittee ATTACHMENT p 25 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee draft minutes of 1 July 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B2 Education Policy Review Subcommittee ATTACHMENT p 37 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Education Policy Review Subcommittee draft minutes of 24 June 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. UEC Agenda 190809 3 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Education Policy Review Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B3 Quality Assurance Subcommittee ATTACHMENT p 47 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Quality Assurance Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B4 e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee ATTACHMENT p 53 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 27 May 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B5 Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee ATTACHMENT p 61 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 17 June 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B6 Teaching Facilities Subcommittee ATTACHMENT p 75 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee minutes of 3 June 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B7 Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee ATTACHMENT p 83 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 12 May 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. UEC Agenda 190809 4 B8 Library Consultative Committee ATTACHMENT p 91 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee receive the Library Consultative Committee draft minutes of 22 May 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. PART C – GENERAL BUSINESS *C1 PC/PR and Supplementary Assessments Proposals ATTACHMENT p 99 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee recommends to Academic Senate the proposal to abolish the grades of PC and PR, with Faculties to decide on the issue of supplementary assessments on a Faculty-by-Faculty basis, noting that the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will continue to work with Faculties on these arrangements. *C2 Tutorial Enrolment Systems ATTACHMENT p 105 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee note the Tutorial Enrolment Systems at UOW report prepared by the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee and endorse the report’ s recommendations. *C3 Review of UOW Teaching and Learning Policies and their Appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning ATTACHMENT p 107 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee refer the Review of UOW Teaching and Learning Policies and their Appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning report to the following groups and committees: • Education Policy Review Sub-Committee; • Quality Assurance Sub-Committee; • Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee • Course Approval Management Group; • Policy and Governance Unit; • Academic Registrar’ s Division; • Academic Services Division for consideration of the issues raised next time each of the policies identified in the report is reviewed. *C4 Recent Library Initiatives to Support Teaching and Learning PRESENTATION/ ATTACHMENT p 119 Draft Resolution: that the University Education Committee note presentation and report on Recent Library Initiatives to Support Teaching and Learning. C5 Other Business C6 Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 4 November 2009 at 9.30am in 20.5. UEC Agenda 190809 5 UEC Agenda 190809 6 AGENDA ITEM A4 PART A OFFICIAL BUSINESS ATTACHED IS THE ITEM LISTED ON THE AGENDA SHEET Catriona Taylor Executive Officer, University Education Committee UEC Agenda 190809 7 UEC Agenda 190809 8 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AGENDA ITEM A4 The unratified minutes of the 20 May 2009 meeting of the University Education Committee are attached. Draft Resolution that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 May 2009 be confirmed and signed as a true record. ATTACHMENT Minutes of 20 May 2009 University Education Committee meeting Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chair’ s Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 9 UEC Agenda 190809 10 UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE – 20 MAY 2009 MINUTES Minutes of the 02/2009 meeting of the University Education Committee held at 9.30am on Wednesday, 20 May 2009 in Building 20.5. PRESENT: Prof Rob Castle (Chair) A/Prof Rebecca Albury Dr Kate Bowles Prof John Bushnell A/Prof Paul Carr Dr David Christie Ms Robbie Collins Ms Kim Draisma Dr Nicholas Gill A/Prof Ann Hodgkinson Dr Gordon Joughin A/Prof Di Kelly Ms Yvonne Kerr Dr Pauline Lysaght Ms Judith Marychurch Prof Tim McCarthy Mr Joe McIver A/Prof John McQuilton A/Prof Ian Porter Mr Ray Stace Prof Stephen Tanner Mr James Tier A/Prof David Vance A/Prof Rodney Vickers Dr Margaret Wallace A/Prof Graham Williams A/Prof Michael Zanko IN ATTENDANCE: Ms Paola Ciccarelli (Executive Officer) Mr Dominic Riordan Ms Deborah Arnold Mr David Macdonald Ms Catriona Taylor APOLOGIES: Ms Lorraine Denny Ms Margie Jantti Ms Donyahl Levett Dr Gerry Lefoe A/Prof Gary Noble Dr David Simpson Prior to the commencement of official business, the Chair welcomed two new members to the Committee: Dr Pauline Lysaght, an Academic Senate member and Mr James Tier, a student representative from WUSA. Also welcomed were Ms Deborah Arnold, Mr David Macdonald and Mr Dominic Riordan and Ms Catriona Taylor. PART A - OFFICIAL BUSINESS *A1 Apologies and Leave of Absence Apologies were received from Ms Lorraine Denny, Ms Margie Jantti, Dr Gerry Lefoe, Ms Donyahl Levett, A/Prof Gary Noble and Dr David Simpson. Prof Sandra Wills is on Leave of Absence. UEC Agenda 190809 11 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 *A2 *A3 Arrangement of Agenda 2.1 Starring of Items A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Apologies and Leave of Absence Arrangement of Agenda Business Arising from the Minutes Confirmation of Minutes Chair’ s Report Student Support for Learning Subcommittee Education Policy Review Subcommittee Quality Assurance Subcommittee e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Teaching Facilities Subcommittee Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Increasing Student Internet Quota Tutorial Enrolment Systems Printed and Electronic Copies of Lecture notes PC/PR and Supplementary Assessments Proposals Representation on Building Planning UEC Draft Workplan 2009 Other Business Next Meeting Business Arising from the Minutes Code of Practice – Teaching and Assessment (COPTA) Section 5(e) of COPTA which relates to staff availability and consultation times has been forwarded to EPRS for consideration. Learning–Teaching–Research Nexus EPRS reports back to the UEC on the inclusion of relevant references to the LearningTeaching-Research Nexus within the Curriculum Review Procedures and the draft Curriculum Review Guidelines. *A4 Confirmation of Minutes RESOLVED 2009/18: that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 February 2009 be confirmed and signed as a true record. *A5 Chair’s Report The Chair reported on the following: Government Updates The Transforming Australia’ s Higher Education System paper released by the Government indicates that there is a general acceptance of the Bradley Review recommendations. AUQA will be merged into the new national regulatory body called the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA). TEQSA will be established in 2010 and its functions will focus initially on regulation and quality assurance with emphasis more likely to be on academic standards rather than on continuous improvement. AUQA cycle 2 will be completed. No new money has been allocated in the recent budget announcements. UEC Agenda 190809 12 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 For 2010, the government has lifted the cap on over enrolments from 5% to 10%. The government will still set enrolment targets, and universities are allowed to exceed these targets by up to 10%. If the University goes over the 10% target, it will not be funded for these students. For 2012, the cap will be lifted altogether. New indexation arrangements will be introduced in 2012 and a measure which better reflects professional salary movements will be used. There are transitional arrangements for 2011. Maximum student contribution amounts will be indexed using this new index. The Teaching and Learning Performance Fund has been abolished. New Performance Funding will be available in 2012 and those universities that meet agreed institution level performance targets will receive performance funding. In 2011, transitional arrangements will be in place and an amount equivalent in value to the increased indexation on learning and teaching grants will be available on a conditional basis in 2011 and paid as a facilitation payment for agreeing to the first year of institutional targets. Building Works – Bld 19, Hope Theatre, 20.1 Refurbishment of Building 19 has been completed. The Hope Theatre will be closed for the last 4 weeks of session with the possibility of the University Hall being a replacement teaching space for larger lectures during this period. Expansion of 20.1 will involve taking up the storage area at the back of the theatre. The new seats being purchased are much more compact and this allows for greater capacity. There is very little being planned for building works for 2010, with greater emphasis being placed on finding under-utilised space. A number of other alternatives are being examined for Autumn Session 2010. Loftus Review A review on the future development of the Loftus campus will commence in June. Assessment Practice Update The assessment practice review is progressing and system work is planned for Spring Session 2009. E-Learning System Review Ms Sarah Lambert is leading the review on e-learning systems. The University has been funded $3.3m for a project, amongst other things, to install a new generation of technology to service the South Coast. A member asked for further clarification regarding capping of enrolments. The Chair advised that funding will be tight for the sector in the coming years and whilst there will be an increase in research block funding related to national competitive grants, there is limited extra funding in the short term. The main objective is to increase student intake. PART B – COMMITTEE BUSINESS B1 Student Support for Learning Subcommittee (SSLS) Ms Yvonne Kerr, Chair of SSLS, reported that the Subcommittee is primarily focussing on progressing the key strategies it is responsible for which have been identified in the Strategic Plan. These include: giving priority to developing the capacity of students for independent research and enquiry; embedding the outcomes of the academic integrity project by working with faculties in developing values and practices; monitoring course progress and student retention data and strategies; and monitoring the progress and outcomes of the UOW 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (including sharing good practice examples). UEC Agenda 190809 13 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 RESOLVED 2009/19: that the University Education Committee receive the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee minutes of 1 April 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. RESOLVED 2009/20: that the University Education Committee endorse the revised Terms of Reference of the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee, as attached to the agenda paper, to be effective immediately. RESOLVED 2009/21: that the University Education Committee receive the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B2 Education Policy Review Subcommittee (EPRS) A/Prof Ian Porter, Chair of EPRS advised that the main business undertaken by EPRS this year has been on the development of the proposal to abolish Pass Conceded and Pass Restricted grades and the introduction of a discretion to offer supplementary assessments to students who have achieved a mark of 45% and 49% or a Technical Fail for 100, 200, 300 and 400 level subjects. The proposal is included in the UEC agenda under item C4. A/Prof Porter also advised that the other main items on the EPRS workplan for 2009 include a review of student consultation times, consideration of the recommendations and policy implications from the Audit on the Provision of Academic Advice and the completion of the review of the Code of Practice – Practical Placements. RESOLVED 2009/22: that the University Education Committee receive the Education Policy Review Subcommittee minutes of 4 March 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. RESOLVED 2009/23: that the University Education Committee receive the Education Policy Review Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper B3 Quality Assurance Subcommittee (QAS) The Chair, in his capacity as Acting Chair of QAS, reported that QAS will be focussing on addressing the government’ s requirements and responding to its requests regarding academic standards. There will be many challenges, as it is still unclear what the government’ s agenda is and it is anticipated that it will be clearer as the year progresses. Consideration may be given to articulating what “academic standards” means and increasing external benchmarking for undergraduate degrees. RESOLVED 2009/24: that the University Education Committee receive the Quality Assurance Subcommittee draft minutes of 11 March 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. UEC Agenda 190809 14 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 RESOLVED 2009/25: that the University Education Committee receive the Quality Assurance Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B4 eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee (eLTS) Dr Kate Bowles, Chair of eLTS, advised that the revised terms of reference now provide for a clearer focus on academic matters and that the inclusion of representatives from ITS and CEDIR will assist in monitoring and communicating issues affecting academic practice in eLearning. The terms of reference also allow for improved student participation as they now include a student representative. Dr Bowles also advised that a key focus for eLTS is identifying areas of risk which are emerging from the diverse eLearning and social networking environments (eg Second Life, Facebook and Blogs). Workgroups have been established and some of the planned actions include developing guidelines on good practice in active and collaborative eLearning, and guidelines for appropriate use of externally hosted websites, tools and social networking environments. eLTS will be working with the Policy & Governance Unit to ensure that relevant learning and teaching policies attend to eLearning. RESOLVED 2009/26: that the University Education Committee receive the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee minutes of 17 September 2008, as attached to the agenda paper. RESOLVED 2009/27: that the University Education Committee receive the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 11 March 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. RESOLVED 2009/28: that the University Education Committee endorse the revised Terms of Reference of the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee, as attached to the agenda paper, to be effective immediately. RESOLVED 2009/29: that the University Education Committee receive the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B5 Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee (EDITS) A/Prof Rebecca Albury, Chair of EDITS advised that there are two main directions for the Subcommittee. One includes working internally to raise the profile of learning and teaching through grants and awards, namely OCTAL, ALTC, and ESDF. The other includes keeping a watching brief on the developments, recommendations and outcomes of the Bradley Review. RESOLVED 2009/30: that the University Education Committee receive the Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee minutes of 17 September 2008, as attached to the agenda paper. UEC Agenda 190809 15 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 RESOLVED 2009/31: that the University Education Committee receive the Educational Strategies Development Fund (ESDF) minutes of 12 December 2008 as attached to this agenda paper. RESOLVED 2009/32: that the University Education Committee receive the Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning (OCTAL) minutes of the 5 February 2009 as attached to this agenda paper. RESOLVED 2009/33: that the University Education Committee receive the Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. B6 Teaching Facilities Subcommittee (TFS) Prof Tim McCarthy, Chair of TFS reported that at the beginning of Autumn Session this year, there were an additional 1300 students and 120 fewer seats across Common Teaching Areas. There was severe overcrowding of rooms which resulted in significant timetable changes. Prof McCarthy advised that timetable and room allocations are difficult to plan for when there are changes to enrolment numbers and there is a concern for how the University will cope given further increases in enrolments for next year and beyond. Other issues TFS is addressing include: • The need to facilitate provisions for laptop use on campus. Currently there are not enough power points for students to plug in their laptops and students are using any available power point they find. This is an OHS issue. • AV support issues at the Innovation Campus. Currently, there is no audiovisual support at the campus and issues are being resolved over the phone. Prof McCarthy advised that members of TFS felt strongly that a lot of new building planning is being undertaken without any consultation with the subcommittee and this has led to inefficient spending of resources. For this reason, TFS recommends that there is a mechanism in place where an academic body is involved in the planning of new facilities and puts forward a draft resolution for UEC to endorse. The resolution to this issue is included under agenda item C5. RESOLVED 2009/34: that the University Education Committee receive the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee minutes of 11 March 2009, as attached to the agenda paper RESOLVED 2009/35: that the University Education Committee receive the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee Action Plan, as attached to the agenda paper B7 Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee (ILTS) In the absence of A/Prof Gary Noble, the Chair of ILTS, the Deputy Chair of ILTS A/Prof David Vance gave an overview of the activities undertaken by the Subcommittee. He UEC Agenda 190809 16 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 advised that the workplan has been established and various work groups are actively involved in different projects and planned actions. The five main projects currently being undertaken include: Developing a replacement for the International Studies Minor that encourages students to engage in different forms of International experiences Increasing student participation in the study of foreign languages Facilitating internationalisation of the curriculum in the classroom Developing guidelines and best practice surrounding groupwork issues involving international and domestic students Increasing international student involvement in student support services. The planned actions for these projects are outlined in the workplan. RESOLVED 2009/36: that the University Education Committee receive the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 12 March 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. RESOLVED 2009/37: that the University Education Committee receive the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. PART C – GENERAL BUSINESS *C1 Increasing Student Internet Quota The Chair reported that the matter of increasing student internet quota was raised both at the Student Representative Forum meeting as well as by Ms Sarah Lambert, Manager of eLearning Strategic Directions. Mr Joe McIver advised that this matter will be considered later on in the day at the IT Policy Advisory Committee meeting and that there is general support for a review. Mr McIver highlighted that the issue is not really about private use or internet access, but rather about what the strategic direction of learning and teaching is. Mr McIver reported that on average students are only using 21% of their quota at a cost of $1m a year to the University. Increasing student quota is a significant investment to the University and he suggested that there is justification for a business case outlining the reasons for the increase in order to meet the strategic directions of learning and teaching. A member concurred, advising that there is a strong argument on educational and pedagological grounds particularly in relation to the changing eLearning environments. Since UOW is committed to innovation in teaching and learning, provisions must be made to ensure students are best supported and that the University is giving students the experience and a professional edge for their future. The committee discussed various issues relating to internet use in general and the process for students requesting additional quota. It was noted that: • there are some disciplines which require high internet usage • in some cases, there seems to be confusion on whether to grant additional quota resulting in students in need missing out • some students feel as if they are being ‘ watched’if they receive a letter advising them that they haven’ t used up their quota UEC Agenda 190809 17 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 • the number of student appeals regarding internet quota has recently dropped. There was general consensus for a review of student internet quota and an addendum was made to the draft resolution. RESOLVED 2009/38: that the University Education Committee supports a review of student internet quota, especially in view of changes in educational technology, and requests ITPAC to consider the issue of student quota and consult with the University Education Committee on this matter. *C2 Tutorial Enrolment Systems The Chair advised that there are multiple tutorial enrolment systems being used on campus which is causing students difficulties, particularly for those students enrolled in double degree programs. This matter was raised at the Student Representative Forum where it was referred to UEC. The Chair suggested this matter be reviewed by eLTS and for it to be reported back to UEC. Mr McIver informed the committee that the SMP tutorial system, where students are allocated on a ‘ first come first served basis’ , was used for 513 subjects this session. He advised that most faculties have moved away from a preferential based system, however, this is still being used in the Faculty of Commerce. A member requested that the following issues be addressed and considered in the review: What are the disadvantages of having one system only, and What are the opportunity costs in terms of academic staff teaching capacity. Another member advised that some students are disadvantaged when it comes to logging onto SMP from their home, particularly as some students don’ t have access to computers, not all students have fast broadband and they would have to bear the internet usage cost to long in at key times. Consideration should also be given to this matter given that there is a government directive to increase the number of students enrolling in universities coming from low socio-economic backgrounds. RESOLVED 2009/39: that the University Education Committee refers the tutorial enrolment systems to the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee for review, taking into consideration the comments noted at the meeting and to report back at the next UEC meeting. *C3 Printed and Electronic Copies of Lecture notes The Chair provided a background to the item, explaining that at the Academic Senate meeting on 18 March 2009, an undergraduate student member raised a matter of the University making printed copies of lecture notes available through the Uni Bookshop before lectures as well as making them available via SOLS. The Chair advised that his response to the student was that based on feedback from students, the University has moved away over recent years from printed lecture notes and towards electronic distribution but that this matter be referred to UEC for discussion. The Government guidelines on this matter, as provided in the cover sheet of the agenda paper, were noted. The committee discussed the pros and cons for making available printed materials available. A member commented that it is more environmentally unfriendly for a student to print off material using their ink jet printer rather than the UEC Agenda 190809 18 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 Printery which is much more cost efficient. Demand should be determined and copies should be available at the bookshop. There was general agreement that the UEC does not endorse greater uses of printed materials. It was noted that a member did not endorse the resolution. RESOLVED 2009/40: that the University Education Committee notes the relevant government guidelines but does not endorse greater uses of printed materials. *C4 PC/PR and Supplementary Assessments Proposals A/Prof Ian Porter provided a background to this item highlighting the intention of the proposal including that it provides for: • a more transparent system of grading • greater scrutiny of student’ s academic progress • greater attention to students at risk of failure (in the 45%-49% range) and provides these students with a second opportunity to demonstrate that they have achieved their learning outcomes of the subject. A/Prof Porter reiterated that the intention is to encourage greater judgement in assessment and to achieve clearer and more transparent academic outcomes for students. The intention is not to create more work for academic and administrative staff of the University. A/Prof Porter advised that there was broad support from faculties for the abolition of PC and PR grades and that several stakeholders indicated opposition to an automatic offer of a supplementary assessment, due to the anticipated impact that this would have on faculty resources and in particular, staff workloads. For this reason, it is proposed the decision whether to offer a supplementary assessment to a student be made by the Faculty Assessment Committee on the recommendation of the Unit Assessment committee. The decision will be made on a case by case basis against relevant criteria related to the student’ s academic performance. A/Prof Porter reported that PC/PRs are only 2% of student grades. The University of New South Wales, which UOW followed by introducing this grading system, has since abolished the use of PC/PRs. UOW is only one of 7% of universities who do not offer supplementary assessments. Currently 93% of Australian universities offer supplementary assessments. The committee discussed various issues relating to the proposal. A/Prof Michael Zanko, FEC Chair of the Faculty of Commerce raised several comments and concerns regarding the proposal. These included: • In principle, the Faculty of Commerce is in favour of the idea of moving away from PCs. However, it does see the offering of compulsory resits as problematic as it has the largest number of PCs at the University closely followed by Informatics. • Whilst PCs are used for a small number of subjects, it will have an adverse effect on a small proportion of people who run those subjects. The logistics for resourcing to offer resits for those subjects are problematic and there are significant concerns regarding this issue. Another member from the Faculty of Commerce raised the concern that potentially, a subject coordinator for a first year subject would have to make a case for 50 students and the logistics of doing so are problematic. Another concern raised was the inclusion UEC Agenda 190809 19 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 of TFs in the category of marks where a supplementary assessment could be available. Technical Fails are a useful way of encouraging students to meet attendance requirements and the submission of continuous assessment in a subject. A comment notes was that there seems to be greater focus on students who are at risk and not enough attention to students who perform well. A member suggested that the draft resolution includes the clause that students who pass the subject following completion of a supplementary assessment will receive a maximum mark of 50 and a grade of Pass-Supplementary. This is to clarify that students will not be unfairly advantaged by being given a supplementary assessment task. A/Prof Porter clarified that supplementary assessments are not compulsory. The decision whether to offer a supplementary assessment to a student should be made by the Faculty Assessment Committee on the recommendations of the Unit Assessment s Committee. Decisions would be made against relevant criteria related to the student’ academic performance. A student who disagrees with the decision can then appeal via the grievance procedure. The Chair advised that for academic standard reasons, PC and PR should be abolished. Currently, about 2% of grades awarded were PC or PR grades. Currently, 50% of PC and/or PR grades are for marks within the 45-46 range. A straw vote was held on: • Forwarding the proposal to Academic Senate (not supported) • Sending the proposal back to EPRS (not supported) • Sending the proposal to Faculties (supported) The committee agreed that the proposal be forwarded to faculties for further consideration and comments and feedback be brought back to the next UEC meeting. The Chair asked for an indication of those in favour of the abolition of PC and PR grades. A strong majority indicated their support. An amendment was noted to the draft resolution. RESOLVED 2009/41: that the University Education Committee forwards the Education Policy and Review Subcommittee proposal to: i) abolish Pass Conceded (PC) and Pass Restricted (PR) grades, and ii) introduce provisions which allow for the offer of supplementary assessment to students who have achieved a subject mark of between 45% and 49% or a TF for 100, 200, 300 and 400 level subjects and who are considered to merit such an offer as determined by the relevant Faculty Assessment Committee back to the Faculties for further consideration, noting that compulsory resits are not included in the proposal and that comments and feedback be brought back to the UEC meeting on 19 August for consideration. *C5 Representation on Building Planning A background to this item was discussed under B6. UEC Agenda 190809 20 University Education Committee Minutes – 20 May 2009 RESOLVED 2009/42 that the University Education Committee requests the Chair of UEC to seek a mechanism whereby new building planning involving teaching spaces incorporates input from the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee via its Chair and the Director of CEDIR/TFS. C6 UEC Draft Workplan 2009 There was no discussion on the UEC Draft Workplan 2009. RESOLVED 2009/43: that the University Education Committee notes the draft UEC Workplan 2009 *C7 Other Business A member sought clarification on the issue of postgraduate computers which was raised at a UEC meeting last year. The Chair advised that as it’ s a matter regarding postgraduate research students it relates to URC and not UEC. A member raised a concern that morning tea be reintroduced for meetings. The Chair responded that this matter will be considered. C8 Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 at 9.30am in Building 20, Room 5. The meeting closed at 11:20am. Signed as a true record: -----------------------------Chairperson / / UEC Agenda 190809 21 UEC Agenda 190809 22 AGENDA ITEMS B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 & B8 PART B COMMITTEE BUSINESS ATTACHED ARE THE ITEMS LISTED ON THE AGENDA SHEET Catriona Taylor Executive Officer, University Education Committee UEC Agenda 190809 23 UEC Agenda 190809 24 STUDENT SUPPORT FOR LEARNING SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B1 The draft minutes of the 1 July 2009 meeting of the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee are attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee draft minutes of 1 July 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Student Support for Learning Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENT Draft minutes of the 1 July 2009 Student Support for Learning Subcommittee meeting Student Support for Learning Subcommittee Workplan 2009 Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 25 UEC Agenda 190809 26 STUDENT SUPPORT FOR LEARNING SUB-COMMITTEE OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE Minutes of meeting 3/09 of the Student Support for Learning Sub-Committee (SSLS) held at 10.00am on Wednesday 1 July in Student Services Meeting Room 11.203. PRESENT: Yvonne Kerr (Chair), Maureen Bell, Jo Braithwaite, Stephen Brown, Paul Carr, Kim Draisma, Greg Hampton, Judith Marychurch, Petria McGoldrick, Donna Moffitt, Peter Nickolas, Ron Perrin, Martin Smith, James Tier, Rodney Vickers IN ATTENDANCE: Marion Allen (Executive Officer) Sharon Twyford (WIC Student Support Officer) PART A – PRELIMINARY BUSINESS A1 Welcome, Apologies and Leave of Absence Apologies were received from Deanne Condon-Paoloni, Rashelle Dear, Pauline Lysaght, Sally Rogan, Lucia Tome, David Vance, Reetu Verma and Margaret Wallace. The Chair introduced Associate Professor Peter Nickolas, recently appointed as SubDean, Faculty of Informatics, and welcomed him to the meeting. On behalf of SSLS members, the Chair acknowledged Associate Professor Graham Ward and thanked him for his invaluable contributions to the committee. *A2 Arrangement of the Agenda and Starring of Items The agenda was amended as follows:*A3 Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting 6/5/09 *A4 Business Arising from the Minutes PART B Chair’s Report PART D SSLS Workplan 2009 PART F Other Business *A3 Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting It was resolved: Resolved 3/09 that the minutes of meeting 6 May 2009 be confirmed as a true record. *A4 Business Arising from the Minutes A4.1 Reasonable Adjustments (RA) – Identifying students on SMP The Chair reported that she had met with David Christie, Debbie Sartori and Donna Moffitt to discuss the feasibility of electronically flagging RAs on SMP. Ms Moffitt advised that this function could be added and would be highlighted as a system development priority. UEC Agenda 190809 27 A working group consisting of Petria McGoldrick, Rodney Vickers, Greg Hampton, Yvonne Kerr and Donna Moffitt will meet to work through some of the issues identified including privacy, access restrictions, appearance and reporting as well as the legal implications involved. *PART B – CHAIR’S REPORT The Chair reminded members that the AUQA second audit cyle will take place in 2011. The audit will cover developments since the first audit, standards and outcomes as well as specific themes to be selected by AUQA and UOW. The Chair gave a brief report on the June Planning Conference as follows:The focus was on two significant issues, namely, growth and funding There is a shift towards a student demand-driven environment UOW will need to re-examine its marketing strategies UOW’ s target is 20% low socio-economic students by 2020; presently UOW does well in this area and, according to current statistics, has achieved 23% The other G8 universities will need to address this group. Sydney University and University of New South Wales do not have a large pool of low socio-economic students in their demographic and will be looking at widening student participation. This may impact on UOW UOW remains focused on (i) attracting more Indigenous and Rural & Isolated Students and (ii) retaining students. PART C –GENERAL BUSINESS C1 Orientation 2009 Review & Outcomes Due to illness, Mr Meznaric was unable to present at this time. The presentation will be held over to the September meeting. PART D –SSLS WORKPLAN 2009 D1 Attached Working Groups-Progress Reports D1.1 Developing the Capacity of Students for Independent Research and Enquiry- Paul Carr (Chair), Stephen Brown, Pauline Lysaght, Judith Marychurch Associate Professor Carr reported that the Working Group has surveyed first year subject co-ordinators to ascertain what strategies have been implemented to develop research skills in first-year subjects. There are ninety-one relevant first year subjects and seventy two first year co-ordinators were surveyed; the survey consisted of eleven multiple choice questions with the opportunity to add comments. The response rate to date is 25%; the closing date has now been extended to 6 July. Once responses are collated, the group will run a series of focus groups to determine how faculties are developing the role of a researcher in their degree. The focus groups will consist of the FEC Chair, Associate Dean of Research, Honours co-ordinator and others as appropriate. D1.2 Embed the Outcomes of the Academic Integrity Project within Learning and Teaching Processes-Pauline Lysaght (Chair), David Vance, Lucia Tome, Kim Draisma The Chair reported on behalf of Pauline Lysaght (Chair).The two key questions to be addressed are: 1. How have faculties embedded academic integrity outcomes into their courses? SSLS M3 1/7/09 2 UEC Agenda 190809 28 2. How are student being educated about issues of academic integrity. The group plans to survey three different groupsFEC chairs-to ascertain what the changes are and how they have been undertaken FIC Chairs-focusing on processes and outcomes, changes to practice PIOs-focusing on processes and outcomes, changes to teaching practice, number of cases and workloads. Following the survey, there will be focus group interviews with PIOs to gather more information about cases and to identify good practice. A report will be presented to the September SSLS meeting. The Working Group recently submitted an abstract for a paper for the Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (September) and this has been accepted. D1.3 Learning Development Self-Assessment Update Ms Draisma circulated an interim report, Learning Development Self-Assessment of Service Provision. The report concentrates on one key aspect of Learning Development: teaching and teaching-related activities through the provision of a range of services:The main focus of Learning Development is the facilitation of student learning and the development of graduate qualities. This is achieved by supporting students’learning needs by working with Faculty staff and through participation in University Governance and other processes. Learning Development provides a range of learning support for students including thesis writing workshops, discipline-specific and generic workshops for undergraduate students, individual consultations, individual support for students referred by Disability Liaision Officers, limited assistance in Maths and Statistics and a range of self-access, print-based and on-line generic resources. Learning Development provides integrated, embedded and networked support for teaching and learning within Faculties, including independent presentation of a lecture or series of lectures within a subject, independent presentation of a workshop, series of workshops or tutorials within a subject, team teaching within a subject, follow-up classes or consultations for students, curriculum development with Faculty academic, resource development with Faculty academics or for Faculty academics. A key difficulty for Learning Development is the ad hoc nature of the provision of integrated support within Faculties which remains reliant on the establishment of personal connections between Faculty academic staff and Learning Development Academic Staff. Another issue is that of staff workload relating to the allocation of teaching to Faculty-integrated work and to individual consultation. Online assistance is currently not fully costed nor fully funded and is having a significant impact on the overall mix of Learning Development work. Ms Draisma stated that she would like to see an Institutional systematic approach to learning development through integration into first-year core subjects. However, this presents a challenge since (i) Faculties have ownership of the subjects and may not want Learning Development involved and (2) with the possibility of changes to teaching staff each year there is a problem with continuity. There would also be substantial funding issues and workload implications. The Chair advised that she and Ms Draisma will meet with Professor Castle to discuss the issues raised in the report. The Chair asked members to read through the report, discuss with relevant academic staff and provide feedback to the September SSLS meeting. SSLS M3 1/7/09 3 UEC Agenda 190809 29 Action: Members to read through interim report, discuss with relevant academic staff and provide feedback to SSLS meeting 9 September. D2 Student Support for Learning Presentation Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Scoping Project-Career Development Learning: Maximising the Contribution of Work Integrated Learning to the Student Experience Background: The National Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (NAGCAS) secured project funding from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) to investigate Career Development Learning (CDL) services and strategies that contribute to and enhance the outcomes of work integrated learning in university programs. Martin Smith reported on the findings and deliverables from this national project,led by UOW in collaboration with Monash, Flinders, RMUt and USQ. Summary All Australian universities provide work-integrated learning in many of their academic programs. Whether it is an internship, work experience, practicum, practical placement, industry based project, vacation work or mentoring; this work related learning involves students applying their discipline knowledge and reflecting upon the experience, learning about themselves and the world-of-work in order to empower them to enter and succeed in the world-of-work and their wider lives. Work related learning can occur in activities inside and outside of the University itself through the students’own part-time employment, vacation work, voluntary work, work experience and extra curricular activities. Students learn from their work related learning experiences-wherever they occur. Project Recommendations In order to maximise the value from the research outcomes of this project, recommendations for government, universities and industry and the professions have been identified. These focus on: Methods to validate student participation in wider modes of practice; Curriculum reform; Workplace reform; Increasing inclusion and participation rates; Measures to support leadership and communities of practice; and Resourcing to support structural reform. Six Principles 1. Flexible partnerships support effective Career Development Learning. 2. Workplace experiences can provide genuine career development learning opportunities for all students. Multiple experiences and contexts enrich this learning. 3. Career Development Learning is student centred and designed to actively engage students in the workplace experience. 4. Career development learning supports quality student centred learning opportunities across all aspects of students’lives. 5. Universities encourage students’career development and workplace learning by supporting their capacity to systematically reflect, record and articulate the acquired skills and experience. 6. Quality assurance across the experience contributes to better outcomes. Further information is available from the project website: SSLS M3 1/7/09 4 UEC Agenda 190809 30 The Chair thanked Mr Smith for his presentation. PART E –UEC BUSINESS There was no business under this item. PART F – OTHER BUSINESS There was no business under this item. PART G – NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 September in Student Services Meeting Room 11.203. The meeting closed at 11.10am. Signed as a true record … … … … … … … … … … … .. Yvonne Kerr (Chair) SSLS M3 1/7/09 5 UEC Agenda 190809 31 University Education Committee STUDENT SUPPORT FOR LEARNING SUBCOMMITTEE WORKPLAN UOW Strategic Goal 1: Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching YEAR: 2009 1 Objective 1: Graduates equipped to contribute to society and the workplace Objective 2: An active, collaborative and flexible learning experience for students Objective 3: High quality teaching Key UOW Strategies Planned Actions Continue to give priority to developing the capacity of students for independent research and enquiry Survey Faculty course co-ordinators to ascertain (i) strategies that have been implemented to develop research skills in first year subjects and (ii) how Faculties are developing the role of a researcher in their degrees. Embed the outcomes of the Academic Integrity Project within learning and teaching processes 1 Committee Performance Outcome Collate feedback and report to SLSS Responsibility Work with CEDIR to investigate how the Research Teaching Nexus project relates to first year student (L-R-T Nexus: Focus on research awareness, access and appreciation for students). Showcase good practice examples Sandra Wills and Yvonne Kerr Conduct a survey of FEC Chairs to obtain information about what Faculties are doing to: (i) embed academic integrity outcomes into their courses and (ii) educate students about academic integrity issues. Working Group will prepare a checklist as well as series of open-ended questions. Collate feedback and prepare report for SSLS and UEC Pauline Lysaght (Chair) David Vance Lucia Tome Kim Draisma Working Group Paul Carr (Chair) Stephen Brown Pauline Lysaght Judith Marychurch *SSLS members and co-opted members Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes September October September Goal 1 of the UOW Strategic Plan 2008-10 UEC Agenda 190809 32 Key UOW Strategies Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Monitor the progress and outcomes of the conference and share good practice examples Progress reports from the Manager of Learning Development Responsibility Deadline Margaret Wallace July and November Kim Draisma July and November Review data from ACER AUSSE survey and identify what learning support strategies may be required. Report on findings to SSLS and UEC Yvonne Kerr September Continue to showcase Faculty/Unit projects and strategies designed to support student learning, including equity target groups. This could include new resources, internships and workplace learning programs, mentor programs, PASS activities, disability support programs, Indigenous tutoring programs, graduate qualities, etc. Biannual reports to SSLS (Highlight support for equity groups) Committee members and invited speakers July and November Monitor first year transition activities. Showcase Faculty/Unit projects/activities that promote student engagement in learning. Presentation and Report on Student Transition Trial Benchmarking Project with UTas Strategic Planning Unit th UOW 4 Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity 28-30 September‘ Educational Integrity: Creating an Inclusive Approach. Provide and promote appropriate learning support for student groups and individuals Monitor the self-assessment of Learning Development support in Faculties and Learning Resource Centre. SSLS M3 1/7/09 Progress and evaluation of outcomes T.B.A 7 UEC Agenda 190809 33 Key UOW Strategies Monitor Course Progress and Student Retention data and strategies Planned Actions Monitor the progress and outcomes of the review of ILIP/academic literacies. Develop a communication strategy to share information about supporting student learning with the wider university community. Review trend data on course progress and student retention. Gather information available on why students drop out of their course. Investigate processes for an exit strategy for students and identify whether there are opportunities for good practice in addressing student needs, including ‘ at-risk’students. Committee Performance Outcome Presentation and report Responsibility Deadline Margaret Wallace T.B.A Yvonne Kerr Sally Rogan T.B.A Presentation to SSLS and report to UEC on Course progress data and trends Working Group Jo Braithwaite Greg Hampton Yvonne Kerr Graham Williams David Vance in consultation with Sub Deans Collate information and report to SSLS Working Group Donna Moffitt Jo Braithwaite Deanne CondonPaoloni David Vance Manuela Abrantes Progress and evaluation of outcomes Other matters referred to SSLS from UEC, other sub committees or raised by committee members and/or CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ACTION: (As identified by subcommittee, e.g. reviewing terms of reference, scheduled review of policy etc. These actions do not necessarily link to the Strategic Plan but are still necessary as part of the effective functioning of the committee) SSLS M3 1/7/09 8 UEC Agenda 190809 34 Planned Actions Induct new committee members Review Terms of Reference Self-evaluation Committee Performance Outcome Fully inducted members who are aware of the purpose of the committee and their role on the committee Current and Relevant Terms of Reference Responsibility Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes Chair, new members March Two new committee members attended an induction meeting 30/3/09 Committee Members April TORS reviewed and amended 1/4/09 Members satisfied with role and function of Committee Committee Members November SSLS M3 1/7/09 9 UEC Agenda 190809 35 UEC Agenda 190809 36 EDUCATION POLICY REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B2 The draft minutes of the 24 June 2009 Education Policy Review Subcommittee are attached. The Education Policy Review Subcommittee Workplan 2009 is attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Education Policy Review Subcommittee draft minutes of 24 June 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Education Policy Review Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENTS Minutes of the 24 June 2009 Education Policy Review Subcommittee meeting Education Policy Review Subcommittee Workplan 2009 Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 37 UEC Agenda 190809 38 EPRS – 24 June 2009 DRAFT MINUTES Minutes of the 3/2009 meeting of the Education Policy Review Subcommittee held at 10:00am on Wednesday 24 June 2009 in Building 8, Room 114. PRESENT: A/Prof Ian Porter (Chair) Prof Rob Castle Ms Yvonne Kerr Mr Dominic Riordan Mr James Tier A/Prof David Vance A/Prof Graham Williams A/Prof Michael Zanko IN ATTENDANCE: Ms Catriona Taylor (Executive Officer) Ms Leonie Kirchmajer (Course Management Coordinator, ARD) APOLOGIES: Dr Pauline Lysaght Ms Donna Moffitt UNABLE TO ATTEND: A/Prof Heather Yeatman PART A - OFFICIAL BUSINESS A1 Welcomes, Apologies and Leave of Absence The Chair welcomed A/Prof Graham Williams (Deputy Chair, Academic Senate) who is now attending as the Chair of Senate’ s nominee. Apologies were received from Dr Pauline Lysaght and Ms Donna Moffitt. The Chair advised members that this would be the last meeting that Ms Leonie Kirchmajer would attend as she will shortly be leaving the University. The Committee thanked Ms Kirchmajer for her great contribution to the Committee’ s work during her time as Course Management Coordinator. A2 Business Arising from the Minutes The Chair advised the Committee that the PC/PR and Supplementary Assessment proposal had been considered by the University Education Committee at its 20 May meeting. UEC members had agreed to send the proposal back to Faculties for further consideration. Faculty feedback is to be provided to Professor Rob Castle, Chair of UEC, by Friday, 31 July. A3 Confirmation of Minutes RESOLVED (2009/11) that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 April 2009 be confirmed and signed as a true record. UEC Agenda 190809 39 EPRS Minutes – 24 June 2009 A4 Chair’s Report The Chair reported that he had found the set up of the new exam centre (The Hub) to be somewhat disconcerting as he was unable to move amongst the students to show them his support. The Chair informed the Committee that the Faculty of Engineering has pointed out a problem with the options available in the SMP academic consideration interface. SMP no longer includes the option to refer a student’ s application to the Unit Assessment Committee for a decision on a supplementary exam. A member involved with the development of the Student Academic Consideration Policy advised that this was an oversight which had occurred when the working group agreed to delete the “Other” option from the list of possible actions in order to ensure that the only actions available are prescribed. The member suggested that a solution would be to include a “Pending – this will be referred to the Unit Assessment Committee” action so that the student’ s application for a supplementary exam could be put to the Unit Assessment Committee for determination at the appropriate time. However, this would require the student to be informed of the reason for the delay and the Unit Assessment Committee’ s determination. Professor Rob Castle noted that this is a serious matter that will be need to changed for the next round of exams. PART B – GENERAL BUSINESS B1 Audit of Academic Advice – Policy Implications Dominic Riordan advised the Committee that the Audit had been conducted by a working group of the Quality Assurance Subcommittee (QAS). The audit report was referred to UEC, which passed it to EPRS for consideration of the policy implications it raised. The term ‘ academic advice’is used in a number of UOW rules and policies, but there is little consistency on what academic advice is and who should provide it to students. It would be desirable to get consistency in existing policies and rules, rather than creating a new policy on academic advice. He suggested that there needs to be caution when using the term ‘ delegated authority’ as this currently tends to mean authority delegated by the University Council under the Delegations of Authority Policy. There needs to be a distinction made between functions of Council that may be delegated and other operational functions or authority that can be delegated. Prof Rob Castle informed the Committee that surveys of students have shown that the provision of academic advice is an area needing improvement. The difference between ordinary advice and official academic advice (such as that given by a Sub Dean/ Associate Dean) needs to be clarified. It would also be useful to categorise areas of advice, such as subject advice and course advice. A member suggested that the timing of advice, and not just the amount of advice, needs to be considered. Another member suggested that student input into what students consider ‘ academic advice’to mean is needed. Clarifying responsibility for academic advice would also be useful when students seek advice on the same matter from more than one source. The Committee agreed to establish a working group to determine suitable policy recommendations. The group will comprise Dominic Riordan as Chair, David Vance, Graham Williams and James Tier. ARD-CG-TEM-002 7 Ctee_2009_EPRS_Draft Minutes_240609_Chair approved Page 2 of 4 Hardcopies of this document are considered uncontrolled please refer to UOW website or intranet for latest version UEC Agenda 190809 40 EPRS Minutes – 24 June 2009 B2 Academic – Student Consultation Times The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) spoke to this item, advising the Committee that this issue had been around for some time, but with the increased use of email and elearning by students consideration needs to be given to how academic staff manage face-to-face and electronic consultation. It was noted that as staff and Faculty practices vary, there needs to be a strong statement of the University’ s expectations on consultation with students. The Chair advised that a working group comprising Di Kelly as Chair, Pauline Lysaght, Yvonne Kerr, Rodney Vickers and Margaret Wallace will meet early in spring session. B3 Review of Code of Practice – Practical Placements Dominic Riordan gave a verbal update on the progress of the Code of Practice – Practical Placements review. Since the last meeting, Pauline Lysaght has consulted further with the original group that provided input into the review and with the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences. She will be speaking soon with representatives from the Faculties of Engineering and Informatics. There have also been discussions with the Legal Services Unit, which has provided useful feedback on the document’ s structure and content, particularly in the areas of confidentiality and privacy and the University’ s expectations of host organisations. All of the comments received will be incorporated into a further draft to be provided to the next EPRS meeting. B4 Draft Standard on Courses Leonie Kirchmajer invited members to comment on the draft Standard on Courses, and particularly on Section 7 - Twinning and Jointly Badged Courses. She advised members that the Standard covers only courses approved by UOW, not those accredited elsewhere. The document has also been sent to the Transnational Programs Unit for comment,. Prof Rob Castle advised that there needs to be a section in the Standard on Courses that relates to the course arrangements at the University of Wollongong in Dubai and the relationship between UOWD and UOW (Australia) courses. It is possible that the UAE Commission for Academic Accreditation will allow jointly-badged courses in the future. There was some discussion around the types of courses covered by the section on twinning and jointly badged courses. In response to comments, Ms Kirchmajer advised the Committee as follows: - The partner institutions’ policies in the areas of assessment and academic misconduct must be comparable to UOW’ s policies. Articulation is not well defined at present. A project being undertaken in the Policy & Governance Unit on articulation and credit transfer may assist in clarifying this. Feedback will be sought from A/Prof Gary Noble and the International Alliances Committee. The following comments were made by members in relation to other sections of the document: - Section 6.2: delete reference to minimum credit points at 100 level and delete ‘ or’ between clauses (c) and (d). - Section 6.2: The 60 credit point maximum in clause (b) may not always apply with the Bachelor of Commerce – Michael Zanko to check back with the Faculty of Commerce on this. - Section 6.4: delete. - Include a statement (section 7.6.6) on the approval process for jointly badged courses. - Section 6.10: delete references in table to years. ARD-CG-TEM-002 7 Ctee_2009_EPRS_Draft Minutes_240609_Chair approved Page 3 of 4 Hardcopies of this document are considered uncontrolled please refer to UOW website or intranet for latest version UEC Agenda 190809 41 EPRS Minutes – 24 June 2009 - Section 7.4: Split the section so that PVC(I) and DVC(A) responsibilities are clearly separated. Section 9.21: delete clause (b). Appendix 11: delete clauses 4 and 5. Resolved (2009/12) that EPRS: i) receives the Draft Standard on Courses and ii) provides comments on the Draft Standard on Courses with a view to recommending the draft document to UEC at the August meeting of EPRS. B5 Minor Studies Prof Rob Castle asked that the structure of Minor Studies, referred to as part of the draft Standard on Courses, be included in the paper. A/Prof David Vance asked that Dramaturgy be added to the list of Minor Studies subjects. Ms Kirchmajer responded that it can be added once it has been included in the Handbook. Resolved (2009/13) that EPRS: i) forwards the proposal to the Sub Deans and FEC chairs for consultation and comment and ii) forwards the proposal with collated comment from Sub Deans and FEC chairs to UEC for consideration. PART C – WORKPLAN AND OTHER BUSINESS C1 EPRS 2009 Workplan Two items were added to the EPRS workplan. In light of the discussion recorded at C2, a review of the Code of Conduct – Students will be added as a priority 1 item. A review of the Acknowledgement Practice/Plagiarism Policy will also be added, without a priority allocated at this stage. C2 Other Business Yvonne Kerr raised the need for a review of the Code of Conduct – Students. The current Code is difficult to use as it is not very specific. David Vance chaired a working group several years ago that was developing a Student Charter. Professor Rob Castle commented that good work had been done then, but the timing had not been right. A/Prof Vance will forward the work done by the Committee to the Executive Officer for inclusion on the August agenda of EPRS, together with the current Code of Conduct – Students. C3 Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled to be held at 10:00am on Wednesday 26 August 2009 in Building 8, Room 114. The meeting closed at 11.55am. Signed as a true record: -----------------------------Chairperson / / ARD-CG-TEM-002 7 Ctee_2009_EPRS_Draft Minutes_240609_Chair approved Page 4 of 4 Hardcopies of this document are considered uncontrolled please refer to UOW website or intranet for latest version UEC Agenda 190809 42 University Education Committee EDUCATION POLICY REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE WORKPLAN YEAR: 2009 UOW Strategic Goal 1: Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching1 Objective 3: QUALITY PROGRAMS RELEVANT TO THE EVOLVING NEEDS OF STUDENTS AND THE COMMUNITY 1 Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions • Further enhance assessment practice 1: Examinations Rules Review Review materials students are allowed to bring to an exam, calculators, foreign language translation dictionaries, personal items, etc. Further enhance assessment practice 2: Standard on Courses Policy on Non-Degree certifications and conditions under which credit may be granted; Guidelines for naming and abbreviations of awards, course structures; and jointlybadged testamurs • • • • • • • Revise University Examination Rules and develop University Examination Policy and/or Procedures as necessary Consult with stakeholders Address resource implications Implement and communicate University Examination Rules, Policy and/or Procedures Develop Standard on Courses policy document Consult with stakeholders Address curriculum design implications Implement and communicate Standard on Courses Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Draft Policy Di Kelly Yvonne Kerr Ian Porter Jenel Elrick Catriona Taylor Deadline TBA (phased implementation 2009 - 2010) Draft policy document to August 2009 EPRS meeting Draft Policy Leonie Kirchmajer Dominic Riordan Progress and evaluation of outcomes Consultation and approval mid–late 2009 Implementation and Communication in 2010 290409: New members for Working Group agreed upon. 040309: Verbal progress report provided to EPRS. Draft Policy to be submitted to April meeting. 290409: Draft policy considered by EPRS. Comments to LK by 31 May. 240609: More feedback on draft policy requested. Awaiting TPU comments. Goal 1 of the UOW Strategic Plan 2008-10 University Education Committee Cttee_2008_EPRS_Work Plan_post240609 Page 1 of 3 UEC Agenda 190809 43 Further enhance assessment practice 3: Code of PracticePractice Placements Review Review of Code of Practice - Practical Placements, focus on representing recent initiatives to embed work experience within our courses. • • • Further enhance assessment practice 4: Minor Studies • • Propose model for revised Code of Practice that will appropriately address current practical placement activities Implement and communicate amended Code of Practice – Practical Placements Propose model for opening minor studies to all Bachelor degrees, including operation aspects of model Introduce provisions for minor studies in General Course Rules Implement and communicate minor studies model Revised Code of Practice Pauline Lysaght representatives from each faculty Martin Smith Neil Webster Revised Code of Practice to March 2009 EPRS meeting Consultation and approval early–mid 2009 Implementation and Communication in 2010 Proposed model to March 2009 EPRS meeting General Course Rule Changes David Vance Heather Yeatman Leonie Kirchmajer Consultation with SubDeans and FEC Chairs March - April 2009 Committee approval midlate 2009 Implementation and Communication in 2010 Further enhance assessment practice 5: Academic-Student Consultation Times Review Section 5.4(e), of COP-TA (relating to staff availability for student consultation), identify issues and develop appropriate policy amendments. • • Propose principles and models for academic-student consultation Draft proposal to August EPRS following consultation with FECs Code of Practice – Teaching and Assessment Di Kelly (Chair) Pauline Lysaght Yvonne Kerr FEC Chairs to be co-opted Draft proposal to August EPRS 21 October EPRS for endorsement UEC: 4 November Academic Senate: 18 November Implementation and communication for 2010 University Education Committee Cttee_2008_EPRS_Work Plan_post240609 040309: Draft revised Code submitted to EPRS. Comments sought from members. Final draft Code to be submitted to April meeting. 290409: Revised draft Code considered by EPRS. Agreed to hold over to June meeting for continued discussion. 240609: Deferred till August meeting following further consultation. 040309: Proposal submitted to EPRS. Feedback to be sought from Sub-Deans and FEC Chairs. Final proposal to be submitted to April meeting. 290409: Timeframe extended. Final proposal to be submitted to June meeting. 240609: Feedback sought from Deans and FEC Chairs. Final to October. 290409: Item added to Workplan and Working Group established. Item to be included in June agenda. 240609: Working group to meet early spring session Page 2 of 3 UEC Agenda 190809 44 Further enhance assessment practice 6: Audit of Academic Advice Policy Implications Identify policy implications and develop appropriate policy provisions based on recommendations of the Audit of Academic Advice Report. • • Paper to 240609 EPRS on UOW references to Academic Advice Working Group established Dominic Riordan (Chair), David Vance, Graham Williams, James Tier (student member) TBA TBA 290409: Item added to Workplan. Item to be included in June agenda. 240609: Working group established and/or CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ACTION: (As identified by subcommittee, e.g. reviewing terms of reference, scheduled review of policy etc. These actions do not necessarily link to the Strategic Plan but are still necessary as part of the effective functioning of the committee) Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes Induction of New Members Fully inducted members who are aware of the purpose of the committee and their role on the committee. Chair, Executive Officer and new members Ongoing New members given committee induction kit and offered induction meeting. University Education Committee Cttee_2008_EPRS_Work Plan_post240609 Page 3 of 3 UEC Agenda 190809 45 UEC Agenda 190809 46 QUALITY ASSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B3 The Quality Assurance Subcommittee Workplan 2009 is attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Quality Assurance Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENT Quality Assurance Subcommittee Workplan 2009 Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 47 UEC Agenda 190809 48 University Education Committee QAS SUBCOMMITTEE WORKPLAN YEAR: 2009 UOW Strategic Goal 1: Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching1 OBJECTIVE 1: Graduates equipped to contribute to society and the workplace Relevant Performance Monitoring Framework (PMF) Indicator/s and Target/s: Indicator/s Target/s 3. Graduates readiness for employment 4. Integration of Graduate Qualities into curriculum 1 a. b. c. a. b. Proportion of students obtaining employment above the national average for all disciplines Mechanism for measuring employer perception established by end 2009 Increased student participation in work-based learning Graduate Qualities cited in all new courses and subjects by February 2009 For each faculty, 75% positive feedback to Graduate Qualities questions in CEQ and SEQ Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes Develop and implement institutional approaches to evaluating the attainment of the Graduate Qualities Evaluate the incremental integration of the Graduate Qualities into the curriculum Conduct audits of subject outlines to assess the inclusion of : relevant Graduate Qualities with clear statements of alignment, content, assessment and delivery. feedback statements (ie responding to student feedback via evaluations) Relevant Graduate Qualities listed and clearly explained in subject outlines. G Lefoe A Brown A Percy C Ritz D Vance J Payne 2009 Audit conducted and report prepared. Report recommendations awaiting approval by QAS and UEC. Conduct an audit to assess sessional teacher’ s awareness of their responsibilities for the Integration of the Graduate Qualities into learning activities Relevant feedback statements included in subject outlines. Goal 1 of the UOW Strategic Plan 2008-10 UEC Agenda 190809 49 Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes integration of Graduate Qualities Conduct audits of curriculum review to check for mapping of Graduate Qualities across the program Graduate qualities integrated within the curriculum Contribute to the ongoing review of the Subject Survey Assessment dimensions related to the Graduate Qualities are reflected in course and subject evaluations UEC Agenda 190809 50 OBJECTIVE 3: Quality Programs relevant to the evolving needs of students and the community Relevant Performance Monitoring Framework (PMF) Indicator/s and Target/s: Indicator/s Target/s 1. Quality and Impact of teaching programs a. Increased level of activity in benchmarking academic standards c. Sustained achievement in teaching program awards and grants (including Carrick and Learning & Teaching Performance funding) Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Employ external benchmarking to monitor academic standards Establish benchmarking partnerships with reputable institutions for the comparison of learning and teaching policies and practises against external reference points Provide advice and guidance to faculties and units One theme explored in 2009 J Sullivan B James M Jantti D Vance Monitor the equivalence of academic standards for the delivery of UOW curriculum across locations, onshore and offshore (in consultation with the Transnational Programs Unit) Review Learning and Teaching policies within faculties and at university level to check for relevant procedures and guidelines for teaching across locations Policy revision Review findings from audits conducted by the Transnational Programs Unit Recommendations implemented Monitor and improve practices to ensure the quality of course delivery and outcomes across teaching locations, including UOW Dubai and other offshore sites Informed approaches to benchmarking UEC Agenda 190809 Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes Trial Benchmarking Project on Academic Transition Support launched between UTas and UOW in March 2009. Developing trial Benchmarking Project with Deakin University on Academic Board/Senate role in monitoring and facilitating quality improvement in assessment policy and practice. Further discussion with Deakin planned for early July. K Bowles M Jantti C Ritz A Steinke 2009 51 Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Improve the quality, relevance and recognition of programs through networks of professional and community relationships* Contribute to the development of quality assurance policies, guidelines, checklists in consultation with the Strategic Project Team Contribute to the evaluation of the pilot program Development of evaluation criteria R Brown D Riordan Contribute to the development of feedback/evaluation mechanisms with work place partners and students to assess relevance and quality of placements Planned and systematic approach to feedback and evaluation Student satisfaction with work placements *(linked to Strategic Project 1b: Development of a UOW Policy and Coordination Framework for WorkIntegrated Learning and Placement Programs) Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes and/or CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ACTION Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Appoint New Chair Chair Appointed DVC Academic Induct New Members Members Inducted Self evaluation Evaluation Conducted Executive Officer/Chair QAS/D Riordan Deadline UEC Agenda 190809 Progress and evaluation of outcomes Professor David Griffiths will commence role as Chair in late July 2009. 52 e-LEARNING AND TEACHING SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B4 The draft minutes of the 27 May 2009 meeting of the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee are attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the e-Learning and Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 27 May 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENT Draft minutes of the 27 May 2009 eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee meeting Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 53 UEC Agenda 190809 54 eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee – 27th May 2009 MINUTES Minutes of the 2009/02 meeting of the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee held at 9:30am on Wednesday the 27th of May, 2009 in 36.303. PRESENT: Dr Kate Bowles (Chair) A/Prof Sue Bennett Ms Robbie Collins Mr Trevor Gollan Ms Sarah Lambert (Deputy Chair) Ms Jen Lyons Dr Grace McCarthy Mrs Liljana Nikolic Dr Marji Puotinen Ms Emily Purser Dr Greg Schiemer Ms Reetu Verma IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Ian McCall Ms Abbie Watson (Executive Officer) APOLOGIES: Dr Payyazhi Jayashree Ms Judith Marychurch Dr Christian Ritz Mr Ray Stace A/Prof Rodney Vickers Mrs Karen Walton Prior to the commencement of official business the Chair welcomed new members, Associate Professor Sue Bennet from the Faculty of Education and Ms Judith Marychurch from the Faculty of Law. PART A - OFFICIAL BUSINESS *A1 Apologies and Leave of Absence Apologies were received from Dr Payyazhi Jayashree, Ms Judith Marychurch, Dr Christian Ritz, Mr Ray Stace, A/Prof Rodney Vickers and Mrs Karen Walton. Ms Judith Marychurch was replaced by Mr Ian McCall for this meeting. Professor Sandra Wills will be absent for the first half of the year. *A2 Arrangement of Agenda 2.1 Starring of Items UEC Agenda 190809 55 The following items were starred for discussion: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 Apologies and Leave of Absence Arrangement of Agenda Business Arising from the Minutes Confirmation of Minutes Chair’ s Report Working Party Reports Managing Innovation and Change in eLearning Production Impacts on eLearning Other Business Next Meeting 2.2 Rearrangement of Agenda Items The Chair requested the committee consider item B4 - Production Impacts on eLearning and C1 – Other Business, before B2 – Working Party Reports. *A3 Business Arising from the Minutes A3.1 File quota limits on elearning A new information sheet addressing elearning files sizes was submitted with the agenda by Ms Sarah Lambert. The information sheet titled “Video and other large files: how to create equitable, useful teaching resources” provides information for staff in addition to the technical information sheets available through the elearning pages on the intranet. The Chair suggested at the next meeting the subcommittee consider the question of where information on ‘ good teaching practice for elearning’should be placed for UOW community access. A3.2 eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee formal membership The Chair reported on discussion with the UEC chair confirming that there is currently no need for the Vice Chancellor’ s eLearning Steering Committee to have formal representation on eLTS. *A4 Confirmation of Minutes RESOLVED 2009/04: that the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 11th of March, 2009 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. *A5 Chair’s Report The Chair reported on the following: Retiring Members The Chair advised that Ms Gloria Wood, Manager of eTeaching Systems, had retired from eLTS, and acknowledged Gloria’ s outstanding contribution to assisting eLTS in developing good practice during her time on the committee. UEC Agenda 190809 56 Internet Quota for UOW Student Accounts The Chair reported that the matter of student internet quota was raised at the Student Representative Forum and has now been referred by UEC to the IT Policy Advisory Committee. Mr Trevor Gollan, from Information Technology Services (ITS), reported that on average students are not using their entire allotted quota and that there is currently a mechanism in place where students with a legitimate reason can request additional quota. The subcommittee discussed issues relating to student internet use, including that: students from certain disciplines may require additional internet quota for legitimate use of web resources that can appear recreational in nature (such as You Tube, Facebook, MySpace or Second Life) some students may have access to broadband internet services at home to supplement their student quota, however this is not the case for all students, and this may cause a ‘ digital divide’where some students are being disadvantaged by not being able to access broadband services students need to be aware of the process for applying for an internet quota increase, and the person with designated responsibility for assessing the application needs to be aware of the changing nature of legitimate use of social media for learning UEC and Subcommittees Communication Strategy The UEC and other UEC Subcommittee Chairs have expressed interest in the development of a ‘ UEC Newsletter’to communicate UEC and subcommittee matters with the UOW community, and this may be relevant to the development of an eLearning Matters newsletter. Student Survey Data for eLearning The UOW Student Experience Questionnaire (SEQ) and The Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE) are two mechanisms used to collect data on the university student experience. The Chair noted that the UOW SEQ 2008 showed that 90% of students were ‘ satisfied’with a range of services bundled under Information Technology, which included elearning. The Chair suggested the subcommittee consider providing feedback on the SEQ with reference to distinguishing elearning from other electronic services and tools. In the AUSSE elearning is also not being distinguished from other uses of technology and teaching practices, however online learning or elearning is now being acknowledged in the survey instrument. PART B - COMMITTEE BUSINESS B1 Faculty Matters *B2 Working Party Reports B2.1 Good practice for active and collaborative elearning Ms Sarah Lambert asked members to provide feedback on the Multi-Location Teaching Models Across UOW document (attached to the agenda). Ms Lambert also emphasised the need to develop ‘ good practice cases’for multi-location teaching and elearning and requested the input of members. UEC Agenda 190809 57 B2.2 Curriculum strategies to support elearning skills development The working party have discussed the strategies and planned actions in the workplan to clarify their objectives. The working party have sought to identify what is missing from existing curriculum strategies and documentation with reference to elearning support and learning skills development. The working party have begun identifying who to liaise with, such as the benchmarking project for first year transition, and will ask questions with reference to elearning skills and awareness including: What kind of explicit instructions do students receive? How do students find information? B2.3 eLearning and internationalisation This group needs to meet with the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee (ILTS) as ILTS have the primary responsibility for the targets outlined in the University Education Committee - Performance Monitoring Framework Review. B2.4 Appropriate use of externally hosted websites An initial meeting was held where key areas for investigation and review were identified. These key areas were provided by the working party in a document tabled at the meeting, including: Cost and equity Intellectual property and copyright Teaching and assessment Internet rules and support Rationale for choice of tools, practical vs. pedagogical The working party considered one of the main goals, in the development of guidelines, is to make provision for innovation while ensuring good practice and protecting rights. B2.5 Improving communication for eTeaching and eLearning It was noted that additional members are needed for this group. The first objective is to establish where and how elearning information is already be communicated across UOW. B2.6 Teaching and learning policies for elearning The working party have identified key UOW policies, procedures and guidelines to examine, with relevance to eLearning and eTeaching. The working party members are each taking responsibility for one or more policies to enable a more thorough examination. A concise summary of the working party meeting outcomes was provided and is attached to the agenda. *B3 Managing Innovation and Change in eLearning RESOLVED 2009/05: that the subcommittee requests the Chair of UEC to seek a mechanism whereby Learning Management System review and planning incorporates input from the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee. *B4 Production Impacts on eLearning Mr Trevor Gollan, Production Services Manager from Information Technology Services (ITS), delivered a report on the potential impacts for elearning presented by both scheduled UEC Agenda 190809 58 and unscheduled ‘ incidents’of the university’ s IT systems. A report was tabled providing a selection of logged incidents that both have and may have affected elearning services. It was noted that the role of the Production Services Manager included the tracking of these incidents over time for strategic planning. Although there were a number of incidents that did have an affect on elearning this session, the overall availability of the elearning service has been shown to be at 99.287% for the Autumn Session so far. The subcommittee discussed a range of scenarios where scheduled/unscheduled outages or incidents would be problematic for elearning including at key assignment submission times, such as Friday afternoons. Mr Trevor Gollan commented that ITS already takes into consideration the affect on teaching and learning when planning scheduled maintenance, which often occurs at 6am on Sundays. Additionally, in some circumstances where an unplanned incident has affected access to elearning and cannot be immediately resolved, ITS have been able to set up a ‘ parallel system’to service users. The subcommittee thanked Trevor for his report and commented that communication was essential to managing expectations and minimising impacts on teaching and learning. PART C - GENERAL BUSINESS *C1 Other Business C1.1 UEC Review of online enrolment systems eLTS has been requested by UEC to address concerns raised at the Student Representative Forum meeting regarding online tutorial enrolment systems. The Chair noted that while this is not strictly an elearning matter, in the current climate where eLearning and IT systems are considered together in student surveys, student satisfaction with one is likely to affect attitudes to the other. Student concerns include: There are currently four different tutorial enrolment systems being used across the University of Wollongong Students completing double degrees may be using more than one system The main tutorial enrolment system via SOLS has experienced technical problems as a result of the increased ‘ load’or user ‘ traffic’at peak times, but provides an instant response on a “first come, first served”basis There can be a slow turn around time for the confirmation of tutorial enrolment from the Tutorial Preference System, but this system does not favour students on a “first come, first served”basis The eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee has been asked to make recommendations to UEC on the online enrolment systems and the concerns that have arisen. The Chair requested nominations to an online enrolment systems workgroup and recommended the workgroup invite student comment. C1.2 National and international trends in elearning The committee noted the report on national and international trends in elearning, as attached to the agenda. C1.3 ePack Working Party recommendations UEC Agenda 190809 59 The Chair asked that members distribute copies of the ePack Working Party Report, attached to agenda, for consideration by their Faculty Education Committee. ACTION 04/2009: The members of the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee to distribute copies of the ePack Working Party Report for consideration by their Faculty Education Committee. *C2 Next Meeting The Chair asked the subcommittee to consider a different time for the July eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee meeting to facilitate the attendance of the UOW Dubai member. The next meeting is yet to be confirmed. The suggested date is Wednesday 22nd of July, 2009 at 3pm in 36.303. ACTION 05/2009: Executive Officer to email subcommittee members about the suitability of the new time for the July meeting. The meeting closed at 11:30am. UEC Agenda 190809 60 EXCELLENCE, DIVERSITY & INNOVATION IN TEACHING SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B5 The draft minutes of the 17 June 2009 meeting of the Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee are attached. The Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009 is attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 17 June 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENTS Minutes of the 17 June 2009 Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee meeting Excellence, Diversity & Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009 Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 61 UEC Agenda 190809 62 Minutes Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Sub-Committee Minutes of the meeting of the Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee (EDITS) held at 10am on Wednesday 17th June 2009 in 36.303. PRESENT: Assoc. Prof. Rebecca Albury (Chair) Dr Christine Brown Ms Judith Marychurch Mr Peter McLean Assoc. Prof. Anne Porter Dr Holly Tootell Dr James Wallman IN ATTENDANCE: Ms Anne Melano UNABLE TO ATTEND: Prof. Patrick Crookes Assoc. Prof. Janette Curtis Ms Yvonne Kerr Mr. Marcus O'Donnell PRELIMINARY BUSINESS A1 Welcome and Apologies Unfortunately the Grants and Awards Officer, Ms Monika Lacey, has resigned for health reasons. We would like to formally thank Monika for her support for EDITS and the awards and grants processes. Ms Jo Failes, who has been assisting Monika, will be stepping in to support EDITS in the near future. Apologies were received from Professor Patrick Crookes, Associate Professor Janette Curtis and Ms Yvonne Kerr. A3 Confirmation of the Minutes That the minutes of the previous Excellence Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee meeting (April 22) be confirmed and signed as a true and accurate record. Moved: Judith Marychurch; second: Peter McLean. A2 Business Arising All included in the main agenda items. A4 Chair’s Report Budget – the government announced it was starting a new organisation called TEQSA – The Educational Quality and Standards agency. It will EDITS Minutes 17 June, 2009 1 UEC Agenda 190809 63 absorb AUQA some time next year. It is unclear the impact of this on the UOW AUQA audit, or how EDITS will be involved in the audit, but we may be called upon regarding goals in our workplan. Questions raised for UOW teaching and learning include the implications of putting quality and standards together – what is a standard? This is contentious. AUQA’ s document on this was highly criticised by the DVCs. AUQA assumes that a ‘ pass’and a ‘ credit’student are easily described and common indicators will be able to be developed, but this seems unlikely across disciplines. Some people seem to think it can be done with standardised testing, which is laughable. However, it does seem that the government is interested in setting standards building on the professional organisation and TAFE competencies. University students do more than demonstrate competencies, but it doesn’ t seem that there is any easy way to get simple descriptors that will work across disciplines except general and non-specific terms such as those used in the graduate qualities, eg ‘ Informed’ . What counts as ‘ Informed’differs across the disciplines, which UOW recognises, but do the politicians? Implications for EDITS are unclear but it will occupy everyone in learning and teaching leadership. ALTC – staff movement has unsettled some processes. Dr Elizabeth McDonald has taken a secondment in the UK and it is uncertain if she will come back. She has done a wonderful job helping to formalise thinking in grants and awards. Professor Richard Johnston, the principal director, is also going at the end of the year. There needs to be a way of adding more people with faculty experience into the ALTC, and this is being addressed. They are in the process of appointing a group of discipline scholars. The success rate for ALTC grants is now, in this last year, much lower than ARC. Many people with very good projects have missed funding. This raises temporary cause for concern as if only 13-16% of people get grants then fewer people will be inclined to engage with the process. It was also noted that this low rate of acceptance is hardly surprising, given that, in the Promoting Excellence Initiative, ALTC gave all universities money to encourage engagement with awards and grants. As a result, many more applications were received this year. It is just as likely that success rates will spring back up in the next few years as the level of engagement stabilises. B1 EDITS Workplan The Chair noted that at the last UEC meeting, a strategic objective was transferred from the Student Learning Support Subcommittee to EDITS – ‘ promote the increased use of evaluation and reflection based on student feedback, evaluation and peer appraisal’ . After lively discussion on peer review, interpretation of student surveys and career support roles, the suggestion was to add this strategic objective to the EDITS work plan under ‘ Promote the development and dissemination of best practice in learning and teaching’with a new strategy to be worded around ‘ Professional evaluation and feedback’ . Discussion continued on identification of key faculty staff to engage and opportunities to support supervisors. Peer review was identified as a key EDITS Minutes 17 June, 2009 2 UEC Agenda 190809 64 process that should recognise the role of the peer reviewer, and acknowledge long-term mentoring potential. As peer review processes are broadened to include educational development activities, a wide array of documents could be viewed in the peer review process. These could include Teacher Evaluations and encourage reflection and ongoing development. The Chair advised the need for a plan of action and some short discussion papers. B4 ‘Focus on Teaching’Promoting Excellence Initiative Christine Brown distributed piles of “Focus on Teaching Symposium”cards for EDITS members to distribute within their faculties. She also discussed PEI updates (see one page attachment) and encouraged nomination of colleagues who might wish to develop a symposium activity. The symposium is likely to be informal with publishing opportunities emerging from event highlights and partnerships forged through symposium activities. Dr Garry Hoban will be running a one day workshop on publishing with twelve month follow up to support more formal practice sharing after the symposium. Action: Members to identify and suggest colleagues for symposium activities. Action: Holly Tootell to provide feedback on the Focus on Teaching website design Action: EDITS members to provide feedback on the Focus on Teaching website once operational on the development server. B2 ESDF 2010 A working party of James Wallman, Anne Porter and Judith Marychurch focused on the ESDF documentation updates for 2010. Action: The Chair is to send out electronic copies to this working party for mark-up and return. B3 OCTAL for 2010 A working party of Peter McLean, Holly Tootell and Christine Brown focused on the OCTAL documentation updates for 2010. Action: Christine is to note refinements to OCTAL documentation for editing with the new Grants and Awards Officer. The working party also noted: EDITS Minutes 17 June, 2009 3 UEC Agenda 190809 65 • • • a desire to call for online nominations at the end of Session 1 (the perception is that usual calls for nominations favour spring session subjects) and later in Session 2; Faculty name should be added to the nomination form; Staff could be informed on the Intranet of OCTAL nomination times to nominate peers. This is particularly important for the nomination of general and sessional staff whose work supporting student learning is more likely to be apparent to peers. OTHER BUSINESS C2 Other business There was no other business. The meeting closed at 11:30 am and people moved back into small groups to continue discussion of OCTAL and ESDF 2010 guideline amendments. C3 Next meeting Date of next meeting 10am, Wednesday, August 12, 2009 in Room 36:303. EDITS Minutes 17 June, 2009 4 UEC Agenda 190809 66 Attachment : PEI Update for EDITS, June 17 2009 1. The Focus on Teaching Symposium – September 30 to October 2, 2009 • • • • Please distribute or display postcards within your faculty We would value your suggestions of staff who may wish to present, run a workshop, engage in debate… The themes explored so far include: o reflection o emerging technologies o clinical/professional skills o fieldwork/experiential learning o project management o peer review/curriculum development Please suggest other themes or identify colleagues with expertise you feel others should know about for future collaborations in learning and teaching development 2. ALTC Citations • 10 were submitted • Process differed this year • We should find out July 1 3. ALTC Grants • Success rate is down and submission rate is up • Need to identify and support other funding opportunities 4. Focus on Teaching Website Development • Casual staff member now working on this full time • Structural changes to CEDIR units are now stabilising and will allow a clean re-work of materials across the Learning and Teaching, CEDIR and Focus on Teaching sites • Volunteers to view the draft structure and pages requested… 5. Mentoring • Our informal evaluation feedback from the external evaluator suggests portfolios are being developed much more than we anticipated and informal mentoring is prevalent • Our roles in EDITS are critical to the oversight, benchmarking and refinement of teaching award processes and guidance for applicants • At the moment there is still too much reliance on a few individuals 6. OCTALS and National Teaching Awards • As we consider refine current applications for the ALTC Awards, it is timely to consider the alignment with our next round of OCTALS and how we can encourage more: o sessional staff, particularly in teams o general staff EDITS Minutes 17 June, 2009 5 UEC Agenda 190809 67 UEC Agenda 190809 68 University Education Committee EXCELLENCE, DIVERSITY AND INNOVATION IN TEACHING SUBCOMMITTEE WORKPLAN YEAR: 2009 UOW Strategic Goal 1: Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching1 Objective 5: HIGH QUALITY TEACHING Relevant Performance Monitoring Framework (PMF) Indicator/s and Target/s: Indicator/s Quality and impact of teaching programs Key UOW Strategies Recognise achievement that results from innovation, inspiration and commitment in learning and teaching practice 1 Project 1. Recognition and rewards for learning and teaching – OCTAL AWARDS Planned Actions Continue to improve OCTAL Awards scheme Review alignment with UOW awards with national awards Coordinate the OCTAL Awards scheme Considering modifying the nomination period (eg at the end of each teaching session/ Target/s Sustained achievement in teaching program awards and grants (including ALTC and Teaching & Learning Performance Fund or other central funding opportunities) Measures of effective teaching innovation and good practice developed by 2010 Committee Performance Outcome Call for OCTAL 2010 nominations Provide support for OCTAL 2010 nominees to guide their preparation of applications Judging of 2010 OCTAL awards and notification to winners Consider 2010 OCTAL nominees for ALTC Responsibility Deadlines Progress and evaluation of outcomes DVC (A) Nominations open - TBA Report on numbers EDITS Chair EDITS Executive Officer EDITS Committee Nomination deadline - TBA Report on information sessions and consultations Review of guidelines Nominee acceptance forms due – TBA Changes to documentation and processes. Goal 1 of the UOW Strategic Plan 2008-10 University Education Committee Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan –2009 Page 1 UEC Agenda 190809 69 Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions semester or possibly continuous within a 12 month period) to ensure access and equity, particularly for casual staff. Consideration of this will include numbers and uptake and how we deal with this Recognise achievement that results from innovation, inspiration and commitment in learning and teaching practice 2. Recognition and rewards for learning and teaching – ALTC AWARDS Review, improve, articulate, and communicate UOW’ s ALTC Awards support and development processes Support applicants conceptualise and plan their award applications, focussing on discussions around evidence of teaching practice Identify and support potential competitive applicants/teams as early as possible and target support via mentors Continue centralised coordination of applicant support Identify a range of ways to engage mentors who will provide feedback to applicants and encourage ongoing engagement with the award process Publicise success of recipients Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility awards Review and update OCTAL guidelines, forms and nomination process Communications on the support process (website, information to potential nominees) Provide support to potential applicants to guide their preparation of applications Candidates identified throughout academic year, recommendations made to DVC (A&I), and nominees supported Centralised support under the leadership of Teaching Innovation Coordinator, who is supported by the T&L Grants and Awards Officer EDITS to identify potential mentors and mentor activities Public recognition of success Deadlines Progress and evaluation of outcomes Application deadline - TBA Assessment panel meeting TBA DVC (A) EDITS Chair EDITS Executive Officer EDITS Committee University Education Committee Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan –2009 Nominations for Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning - due 1 May 2009. Report on numbers Report on information sessions and consultations Changes to documentation and processes. Nominations for Awards For Programs That Enhance Learning – due 10 July 2009. Nominations for Awards For Teaching Excellence – due 10 July 2009. Page 2 UEC Agenda 190809 70 Key UOW Strategies Promote innovation in teaching and learning which is based on sound educational research Project 3. Learning and Teaching Grants Educational Strategies Development Fund (ESDF) Planned Actions Continue to refine and make recommendations to improve the ESDF scheme, including ongoing revision of guidelines and form to respond to issues as they arise. Ongoing revision of guidelines and form to respond to issues as they arise. Committee Performance Outcome Determine and publicise 2010 successful applicants Update 2010 ESDF guidelines and forms on website, in consultation with Research Services Office. Call for ESDF applications for 2010 Provide guidance to ESDF applicants to prepare 2010 applications Notify 2010 successful applicants Responsibility Deadlines Progress and evaluation of outcomes DVC(A) ESDF 2009 Assessment panel meeting TBA Report on numbers EDITS Chair EDITS Executive Officer EDITS Committee University Education Committee Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan –2009 ESDF 2009 Application deadline – TBA Report on information sessions and consultations Review of guidelines Changes to documentation and processes. ESDF 2009 Assessment panel meeting – TBA ESDF 2009 Recipients: Dr Yang-Wai Chow, Informatics: A multiuser virtual environment for collaborative learning. Dr Georgine Clarsen, Arts: Voice annotated readings - enhancing learning and teaching in Australian Studies 101. Dr Michael Clements, Commerce: A structured approach to assessing reflection: an evidence-based pedagogical model for work integrated learning. Dr Byron Keating, Informatics: Three-tier model for integrating enterprise system software within the IS curriculum. Dr Glennys O'Brien, Science: Mapping science subject and courses for multiple purposes via an active interview process. Dr George Takacs, Engineering: Adding value to BScEd Physics Labs to help build confident, knowledgeable teachers. Ms Gayl Vidgen, Batemans Bay Education Centre: Investigating flexible professional development strategies for sessional teaching staff at satellite campuses. Dr Stan Warren, Education: Raising the standard! Establishing learning networks to improve language experiences for students across faculties. Page 3 UEC Agenda 190809 71 Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Deadlines Progress and evaluation of outcomes A/Prof Heather Yeatman, Health & Behavioural Sciences: Re-development of graduate teaching in public health nutrition. Recognise achievement that results from innovation, inspiration and commitment in learning and teaching practice 4. Promote the development and disseminatio n of best practice in learning and teaching 5. Recognition and rewards for learning and teaching – ALTC GRANTS Learning and Teaching Good Practice Review, improve, articulate, and communicate UOW’ s ALTC grant application processes and grant recipient support processes Continue centralised coordination of applicant support provided by the CEDIR T&L Grants and Awards Officer, and the RSO T&L Grants Officer Publicise success of recipients Communications on the support process (website, information to potential nominees) Provide support to potential applicants to guide their preparation of applications Centralised support Public recognition of success DVC (A) Collect and publicise ideas about, and documentation of, good practice in teaching and learning activities, including on Focus on Teaching website Formalise process and publicise key role of EDITS in maintaining a good practice database Have a presence at the Focus on Teaching Symposium Develop a plan to engage faculties Devise a process for reviewing and approving documentation of good practice teaching and learning activities EDITS members take active role in Focus on Teaching Symposium through presentation, chairing and other activities EDITS committee EDITS Chair EDITS Executive Officer EDITS Committee University Education Committee Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan –2009 Leadership Grant applications due: 19 March 09 Priority Project applications due: 8 April 09 Report on numbers Report on information sessions Changes to documentation and processes. Competitive Grant applications due: Nov 09 (date to be confirmed by ALTC) Various as appropriate, eg. Focus on Teaching Symposium, Plan by end of 2009 EDITS committee engaged in review of Nexus Project good practice examples with Nexus Project Manager (Anne Melano) Report on formalisation process The plan to engage faculties in OCTAL and ESDF promotion and support Page 4 UEC Agenda 190809 72 Key UOW Strategies Project Promote the increased use of evaluation and reflection based on student feedback, evaluation and peer appraisal 6. Recognise achievement that results from innovation, inspiration and commitment in learning and teaching practice & Promote the development and dissemination of best practice in learning and teaching 7. Planned Actions Professional evaluation and feedback National Agenda Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Deadlines Develop a discussion paper with recommendations at three levels: individual academic; unit including supervisor; institutional including Deans and Senior Executive. Collect best practice examples for web site and practice sharing activities Discussion paper Chair and executive officer First regular meeting 2010 3 examples form different faculties Chair and Committee members Added to Focus on Teaching site as ready Maintain watching brief on developments and maximise UOW access to recognition and funding opportunities Maintain watching brief on the recommendations and outcomes of the Review of Australian Higher Education (the ‘ Bradley Review’ ) Extending knowledge of ALTC within Committee to support sustainability of Promoting Excellence Initiative using regular reporting Establishing pattern of member reports on ALTC related events and activities Contributions to Promoting Excellence Initiative (PEI) through UOW’ s PEI project ‘ Focus on Teaching’ Establish a pattern of member reports on ALTC-related events and activities EDITS Chair Timeframe: July 2008 - June 2010 Progress and evaluation of outcomes EDITS Executive Officer PEI Manager CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ACTION: University Education Committee Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan –2009 Page 5 UEC Agenda 190809 73 Planned Actions for 2009 Planning - development, dissemination and reporting against Workplan. Committee Performance Outcome Basic plan involving key projects drawn from terms of reference Responsibility Deadline EDITS Chair EDITS Executive Officer Apr 09 Develop an induction process for EDITS members, integrated with existing UOW committee member induction processes Induction process developed and all new member inducted EDITS Chair EDITS Executive Officer Dec 09 Continue to review methods to support the transition of staff between OCTAL and ALTC Awards Formalised process for identifying candidates and supporting application development Ongoing Review and enhance methods to support grant applicants and recipients. Improved processes for supporting grant applicants and recipients. Teaching Innovation Coordinator (ALTCfunded Promoting Excellence Initiative Project Manager) EDITS Executive Officer (T&L Grants and Awards Officer) CEDIR T&L Grants and Awards Officer, and RSO Research Services Officer LINKS TO UOW STRATEGIC PLAN OCTAL PEI T&L UEC Goal 1 Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching Objective 5 High Quality Teaching Strategy 3 Recognise achievement that results from innovation, inspiration and commitment in learning and teaching practice Promote innovation in teaching and learning which is based on sound educational research Promote the development and dissemination of best practices in learning and teaching Strategy 4 Strategy 5 Progress and evaluation of outcomes Identification of broader context (eg, career planning, promotion/probation process) in development of formalised process. Dec 09 Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning (Vice Chancellor’ s Teaching Award) Promoting Excellence Initiative Teaching and Learning University Education Committee ABBREVIATIONS ALTC CAAUT CEDIR EDITS ESDF Australian Learning and Teaching Council Carrick Awards for Australian University Teaching – NOW ALTC Centre for Educational Development and Interactive Resources Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee of UEC Educational Strategies Development Fund University Education Committee Excellence, Diversity and Innovation in Teaching Subcommittee Workplan –2009 Page 6 UEC Agenda 190809 74 TEACHING FACILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B6 The draft minutes of the 3 June 2009 meeting of the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee are attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee draft minutes of 3 June 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENT Minutes of the 3 June 2009 Teaching Facilities Subcommittee meeting Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 75 UEC Agenda 190809 76 TEACHING FACILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE – 3 JUNE 2009 MINUTES Minutes of the 2009/2 meeting of the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee of UEC held at 12:30 pm on Wednesday, 3 June 2009 in the 20.109J. PRESENT: Professor Timothy McCarthy (Chair) – Faculty of Engineering Ms Margaret Bond – Faculty of Law A/Professor Richard Caladine - LIFT Ms Robbie Collins – Shoalhaven Campus Dr Karen Daly – Faculty of Arts Mr Tony Johnson – Buildings and Grounds Dr Julie Kiggins Faculty of Education Ms Petria McGoldrick – Disability Services Ms Anne Mitchell – UOW Education Centres Dr Mark Nelson – Faculty of Informatics Mr Ronald Perrin – Faculty of Commerce Mr David Ryan – Central Timetabling, ARD Mr Mark Scott – Space Utilisation, B&G Ms Elizabeth White - Library IN ATTENDANCE: Ms Julie Sikora (Acting Executive Officer) APOLOGIES: Mr Brendan Cook – Student Representative Dr Houston Dunleavy – Faculty of Creative Arts Dr Geoff Kelly – Graduate School of Business Dr Judy Mullan – Graduate School of Medicine Mrs Viola Naulty – Wollongong College Australia Ms Cathy Nicastri - ITS A/Professor Stephen Ralph – Faculty of Science Mr John Rickleman – Audiovisual Services, LIFT PART A - PRELIMINARY BUSINESS A1 Welcome and Apologies The Chair welcomed Dr Julie Kiggins, the new Faculty of Education representative to the meeting. Apologies were received from Ms Cathy Nicastri, ITS, Associate Professor Stephen Ralph, Faculty of Science and Mr John Rickleman, LIFT. A2 Starring of Items All items were starred for discussion. A3 Business Arising from the Minutes There was no business raised under this item. TFS Minutes – 3 June 2009 (JS) UEC Agenda 190809 1 77 A4 Minutes of the Previous Meeting RESOLVED (2009/2) That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 March 2009 be confirmed and signed as a true record. PART B – COMMITTEE BUSINESS B1 Chair’s Report Hope Theatre Refurbishment The Chair advised Faculty representatives that the Hope Theatre would be closing from mid session break in Spring 2009 and would not be available until Autumn 2010. Classes currently scheduled in the space would be relocated to the Union Hall, and where this wasn’ t available, other arrangements were being made. Further information regarding the refurbishment can be found under item C2.4. TFS and LIFT Input into New Building Designs The Chair briefed the Committee on the outcome of discussions with the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) and the subsequent UEC resolution: RESOLVED 2009/42 that the University Education Committee requests the Chair of UEC to seek a mechanism whereby new building planning involving teaching spaces incorporates input from the Teaching Facilities Subcommittee via its Chair and the Director of CEDIR/TFS. It was noted that Chair would be attending the first meeting on 3 June. At this stage the consultation will not include rooms undergoing refurbishment, however individual committee members agreed to report to TFS when they were consulted. Ms McGoldrick suggested that a set of checklists/consultation map be prepared for Teaching Spaces. Mr Johnson agreed that this would be a useful resource for Buildings and Grounds. Enrolment Figures 2010 The Chair advised that with the relaxing of government policy the University intended to over enrol in 2010 by 7% compared with 3% in 2009. B2 Action Plan Updates to the action plan were noted. B3 CTCP Lecture Theatre – Innovation Campus 233.G01 The report regarding lecture theatre 233.G01 was noted. Mr Johnson advised that process for designing building at the iC was not via Buildings and Grounds as is the case for other campus buildings. PART C – GENERAL BUSINESS C1 Reports/Issues from Faculties Faculty of Law Ms Bond identified the following issues with facilities at the iC: TFS Minutes – 3 June 2009 (JS) UEC Agenda 190809 2 78 − − − The Counsel tables in the Moot Court are fixed to the floor and are too far away from the judge’ s table which limits the room’ s capacity. It was noted that the room layout was design by CTCP staff and that the tables were bolted to the floor to accommodate audiovisual connections. It was agreed that Ms Bond would consult with Faculty staff using the space to determine if changes were required to make the room more functional. Any proposed changes would then be forwarded to the Head of LIFT to review the feasibility of the changes and implement them if practical. There have been reports that the legs on some of the seminar tables are breaking. It was noted that this could be a warranty issue. It was agreed that Ms Bond (or another Law Faculty representative) report the issues to Mr Gary Hudson, Project Manger, Construction via Mr Johnson for action. It was suggested that the installation and maintenance of clocks on the back walls of teaching spaces would greatly assist teaching staff and may also resolve issues with classes running over time. Issues such as cost, installation, battery replacement and the need to change all the clocks to accommodate day light savings time were acknowledged. A/Professor Caladine offered to discuss the possible implementation of ‘ Network Time’with ITS to determine if this was an option. ACTION 09/10: The Chair to contact ITS to discuss the feasibility of using Network Time in CTA’ s as an alternative to clocks. Faculty of Arts Dr Daly reported issues with the sound quality in certain teaching spaces in Building 19 which was a particular issue for foreign language classes. A/Professor Caladine noted that previous reports of audio issues in CTAs had been promptly resolved and welcomed reports of issues in existing spaces. C2 Reports from Service Groups 2.1 LIFT (Learning Innovation, Facilities and Technologies) The attached LIFT report was noted. A/Prof Caladine indicated that late 2009 would be a particularly busy period for his installation team. 2.2 Information Technology Services There was no report under this item. 2.3 ARD/Central Timetabling Unit Mr Ryan tabled the Timetabling Report for TFS 3rd June 2009. It was noted that from 2010 room allocations would use the full extremities of the teaching week – ie from 8:30 – 20:30. 2.4 Buildings and Grounds Hope Theatre refurbishment – Wollongong campus Mr Johnson tabled the proposed upper floor plan for the Hope Theatre. It was noted that the refurbishment would include the following: − New seats (increasing capacity to 535) − New carpet and modifications to the ceiling − New sound system − Extra data projection − Removal of the orchestra pit − Lowering of the stage to ground floor level − Wheelchair access on both the ground floor and the cross over − Removal of the screen and projection onto the wall − Replacement of the air conditioning plant TFS Minutes – 3 June 2009 (JS) UEC Agenda 190809 3 79 Marine Lab proposal – Shoalhaven campus Mr Johnson indicated that plans were being developed to refurbish the space to replicate the Ray Cleary lecture room 300.UG03 which is now seen as a leading edge videoconference space. The Marine lab is 25% smaller than 300.UG03 and the refurbished room would be listed as a CTA with priority access given to GSM. It was noted that the space is currently used by the Shoalhaven Marine and Freshwater Centre. If the proposal is approved, work would commence towards the end of 2009. 2.5 C3 Library The Library report was noted. The Library was congratulated on the increase in usage. TFS particularly recognised the impact of the building design which included a substantial amount of glass as a device to encourage visitors and make the Library a campus learning hub. Room Utilisation Reporting Mr Ryan acknowledged the improvement in reporting times for room audits from 15 months, to within a week which enables more timely follow up with users. This had resulted in a 10-15% room return rate once vacant rooms were identified. In response to questions regarding timetabling’ s ability to change or reallocate rooms it was noted that a quick response was possible. C4 Working Party Report The Coping with Growth Working Party minutes were noted with particular reference to the actions outlined in the document. A/Professor Caladine indicated that after allocating actions to Working Party members the group would meet again in Spring session to report on action outcomes. The Working Party Chair requested that a Faculty academic nominate to be part of the working party. PART D – OTHER BUSINESS D1 Other Business There was no other business recorded under this item. D2 Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled to be held at12:30 pm on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 in 36.304. The meeting closed at 2:00 pm. Signed as a true record: Chairperson /06/2009 TFS Minutes – 3 June 2009 (JS) UEC Agenda 190809 4 80 TEACHING FACILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE ACTION ITEMS – 2009 No Date Issue for action Responsibility 10/09 03/06/09 Contact ITS to discuss the feasibility of using Network Time in CTA’ s as an alternative to clocks Chair 09/08 11/03/09 Send out the Network Upgrade Overview Power Point Presentation, presented at the meeting by Trevor Gollan from ITS when Trevor has forwarded this onto her. 09/07 11/03/09 09/03 08/19 Status update Code New Q Tina Booth Pending P Look into the Building 40 building works going on at present and advise Ron Perrin of the timeframes involved. Tony Johnson Pending P 11/03/09 Organise a meeting to discuss the Faculty of Informatics room booking system issues further. Mark Nelson Pending P 26/11/08 Report back to the 1st 2009 TFS meeting on the numbering system put in place by Tom Hunt. Tony Johnson Pending P 08/18 26/11/08 Advise Richard Caladine or TFS Exec Officer of any additional items they would like added to the TFS Project Planning Priorities list for 2009 All members Pending P 08/13 20/08/08 Write a case for Video Cameras in Common Teaching Areas, canvas opinions from across campus including the NTEU. Ric Caladine Pending P 08/05 30/04/08 Email any comments you or your colleagues may have relating to the housing of Mid Session Exams to Timothy McCarthy for him to take back to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) All TFS Members Pending P 09/02 11/03/09 Advise the TFS Executive Officer of any action item updates relating directly to them. All Members Ongoing O 08/07 30/07/08 Upon approval from Prof Rob Castle all TFS Representatives are to advise their faculty of the agreed sign template for consistency across campus, for all common teaching spaces. All TFS Members Ongoing O 08/06 30/07/08 Write a proposal for the new signs for all common teaching spaces in conjunction with Tom Hunt and submit to Rob Castle for approval and funding. Ric Caladine Ongoing O 09/09 11/03/09 Contact Houston Dunleavy regarding the AV equipment requirements of 25.107. Ric Caladine Complete C 09/06 11/03/09 Organise a meeting to discuss the AV budget for the refurbishment of the Hope Theatre Tony Johnson Complete C 09/05 11/03/09 Convene the first meeting of the working party to discuss how UOW will cope in 2010 and what it is going to look like. Ric Caladine Complete C 09/04 11/03/09 Request AV Staff to check the noise coming from the sound system in room 19.1056. Ric Caladine Complete C 11/03/09 Write a report on the new CTCP Lecture Theatre for presenting at the next TFS meeting to put on record the issue of AV being involved in the planning of a new room/building in relation to AV requirements. At present AV is only asked to get involved in the final stages of the building process which is too late. Ric Caladine Complete C oz E 09/01 TFS Minutes – 3 June 2009 (JS) 5 UEC Agenda 190809 81 No Date Issue for action Responsibility 08/28 26/11/08 Advise TFS Exec Officer if they have a conflict with any dates allocated for 2009 meetings. All Complete C 08/27 26/11/08 Send out to all TFS members the final design document for the Hope Theatre. Ric Caladine Complete C 08/26 26/11/08 Send Ric Caladine a copy of the final design of the Hope Theatre document when approved. Tony Johnson Complete C 08/25 26/11/08 Report back to TFS at the first meeting in 2009 on his November meeting with the VC regarding the Hope Theatre back stage refurbishment. Tony Complete C 08/24 26/11/08 Source possible corporate funding for computers in category 3 common teaching areas. Ric Caladine Complete C 08/23 26/11/08 Take forward to the DVC(A) a recommendation by TFS to make all Category 3 rooms computer compliant with a view to a first stage with initial funding of all lecture compliant rooms – approximately 20 computers required. Ric Caladine Complete C 08/22 26/11/08 Provide by first TFS meeting in 2009 a list of suitable block booking rooms to be taken by Chair of TFS to DVCA for approval. OUTCOME: David Ryan advised that there are none David Ryan Complete C 08/21 26/11/08 Richard Caladine and Mark Scott to evaluate new latching mechanism of 20.5. OUTCOME: New lock has successfully reduced the noise when the door is being opened and closed. Mark Scott is awaiting Information on the costings which will be passed onto Richard Caladine. A decision will then be made as to whether the other Lecture Theatres in Building 20 will be fitted with the new latching mechanism. Ric Caladine Mark Scott Complete C 08/20 26/11/08 Advise Richard Caladine when new latching mechanism installed into 20.5 Mark Scott Complete C 08/11 30/07/08 Look into installing additional whiteboards into Common Teaching Spaces to solve the problem of whiteboard and projector screen issues. Ric Caladine Complete C 08/08 30/07/08 Obtain a quote on relatching the door to 20.5 at this stage as a pilot and put a proposal together and submit to Prof Rob Castle for approval to go ahead. Tom Hunt Complete C 08/16 20/08/08 Bring a usage report to the next TFS meeting in November 2008 to show their Faculty use of 67.303 Ron Perrin, Jodie Douglas, Viola Nautly Superseded B 08/15 20/08/08 Pilot the Mobile Phone Response System in a Faculty Issues such as equity, logistics and student behaviour impact progress Ric Caladine Superseded B 08/14 20/08/08 Seek further advice into Mobile Phone Response Systems. Ric Caladine Superseded B 30/04/08 Contact Damien Considine to contact Richard Caladine to discuss the issue of Radio Microphones and Pointers. Chair Superseded B 08/02 TFS Minutes – 3 June 2009 (JS) Status update Code 6 UEC Agenda 190809 82 INTERNATIONALISATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B7 The draft minutes of the 12 May 2009 meeting of the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee are attached. The Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009 is attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee draft minutes of 12 May 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENTS Draft minutes of the 12 May 2009 Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee meeting Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Workplan 2009 Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 83 UEC Agenda 190809 84 Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee – 12 May 2009 MINUTES Minutes of the 2/2009 meeting of the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee held at 11.00am on Tuesday, 12 May 2009 in the in the Faculty of Commerce meeting room, 40A.G81. PRESENT: A/Prof Gary Noble (Chair) Dr Jo Abrantes Dr Maureen Bell Prof Rob Castle Dr David Christie Dr Ken Cruickshank Dr Greg Hampton Dr Golshah Naghdy Mr Dominic Riordan Ms Trish Tindall Ms Natalie Wall Dr Brian Yecies IN ATTENDANCE: Ms Julia Payne, Executive Officer APOLOGIES: A/Prof Paul Carr Dr Karen Daly Ms Lotte Latukefu A/Prof David Vance Prior to the commencement of official business the Chair welcomed Ms Julia Payne as the new Executive Officer to the Committee. PART A - OFFICIAL BUSINESS *A1 Apologies and Leave of Absence Apologies were received from A/Prof Paul Carr, Dr Karen Daly, Ms Lotte Latukefu and A/Prof David Vance. *A2 Business Arising from the Minutes The Chair reported that four of the five working parties have met to date. These activities will be reported under item B1. *A3 Confirmation of Minutes RESOLVED 2009/2 that the minutes of the previous Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee meeting held on 12 March 2009 be confirmed and signed as a true record. Cttee_2009_ILTS_minutes_120509 UEC Agenda 190809 Page 1 of 4 85 Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Minutes – 12 May 2009 *A4 Chair’s Report The Chair reported that he and the Committee Executive Officer will meet with the Professor Rob Castle, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), next week to discuss matters relating to the Committee, including progress of Working Groups. PART B – GENERAL BUSINESS *B1 Working Party updates A representative from each Working Group that has met to date provided an update on their Groups’progress. B1.1 Project: Develop an alternative to the existing international studies minor. A/Prof Gary Noble reported that this Working Party has met on one occasion. The group is in agreement that the introduction of a non-award certificate at UOW which encourages and acknowledges international experience would be a possible replacement for the existing international studies minor. The group plans to explore developing a ‘ point’ s based’ model accessible to both domestic and international students at UOW. It was noted that the group is mindful of the need to try and minimise administrative implications of such an award and is also exploring existing University activities which may be able to contribute to the points based model. The Chair will discuss the potential administrative issues of this model with the DVC(A). The Committee gave positive feedback regarding the proposed award and gave some suggestions to be considered by the Working Party including: • Dr Greg Hampton suggested it may be useful to make greater use of UOW’ s Dubai Campus with regards to programs such as Student Exchange and Study Abroad. Ms Trish Tindall noted that UOW Duabi is currently looking to develop some short courses for international markets and agreed there is the potential to link this with UOW students in the future. • Dr Golshah Naghdy noted the need to incorporate an ongoing reflective process for students undertaking such Award in order to bring together their various international experiences. The Committee agreed that an associated fee may help to pay for the cost associated with assessing such journals. • Dr Greg Hampton also noted that ePortfolio’ s may be a useful means of tracking student experiences as they work towards achieving this award. B1.2 Project: Increase student participation in the study of foreign languages Ms Natalie Wall reported that this Working Group has met on one occasion and is currently exploring patterns of enrolment in language studies. It is also looking at feedback gained through the 2008 survey of language students which examined various issues including; barriers to students studying a language and the reasons why students study languages. Ms Wall noted that Professor Kerry Dunne, Director of the new Language Centre in the Faculty of Arts is exploring to possibility of introducing some short courses in languages, which is likely to increase student ability to undertake a language study. Cttee_2009_ILTS_minutes_120509 UEC Agenda 190809 Page 2 of 4 86 Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Minutes – 12 May 2009 Dr Greg Hampton noted that the Language and International Student Support Committee (LISSC) (now ISEC) undertook a study into impediments to study five years ago and found the biggest impediment was limiting course structures. Ms Trish Tindall also noted that a lack of a second language limited options for students undertaking Exchange or Study Abroad as these students require a course be taught in English. B1.3 Project: Facilitate internationalisation of the curriculum in the classroom Dr Golshah Naghdy reported that this Working Party has met twice to date. Whilst the group has a big agenda (it is has been tasked with defining internationalisation of the curriculum, facilitating internationalisation of the curriculum in faculties and, establishing a dedicated grants scheme in this area), it is currently focusing on defining internationalisation in a UOW context. The group is currently considering existing definitions of internationalisation adopted at other Australian universities in order to assist the Group in considering a suitable definition or framework which UOW may adopt. There is the option to adopt an existing definition or, for UOW to create its own. The Committee were in agreement that adopting and establishing a framework for internationalisation, rather than a formal definition, would be more beneficial. Dr Maureen Bell noted the importance of adopting a framework which UOW can achieve. Professor Castle noted the importance of developing a framework which can be benchmarked. There was discussion within the Committee on whether any framework could be linked with the University’ s Graduate Qualities to assist benchmarking. B1.4 Project: Increase international student involvement in student support services Dr Greg Hampton reported that this Working Party has met on one occasion. This group is examining the potential for the Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) program to involve introducing joint domestic and international team leaders. The use of international students as joint team leaders may increase international student participation in the program. It would also be a good development opportunity for international students. Leadership training is provided to suitable team leaders. Dr Hampton is currently examining demographical information about PASS students which were provided by Sally Rogan, PASS Program Manager, Student Services. The group will also explore issues affecting the participation rate of international students in PASS across the university and limitations to implementing the proposed buddy system. Action: *B2 Ms Sally Rogan to be invited to the next Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee meeting to give an overview of students involved in the PASS program. English language support for university students Dr Greg Hampton spoke to this item, highlighting the current English language support practices provided to students at UOW and issues affecting the overall English literacy of UOW students. He noted that as attendance in English language subjects is elective they are often not undertaken by students who need them most. The Committee agreed that all students Cttee_2009_ILTS_minutes_120509 UEC Agenda 190809 Page 3 of 4 87 Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee Minutes – 12 May 2009 could benefit from improved English literacies, not just target groups such as international students and those with a Non English Speaking background. It was agreed that it is problematic to include a whole new subject into many degree programs and that it would be more feasible to embed English language literacies in subjects across entire degree programs. Faculty support is required to achieve this. Professor Castle noted that lack of continuity of teachers for particular subjects often affects current efforts in this area. Dr Karen Daly had noted that the cover page for this agenda item (page nine, paragraph three, sentence one) incorrectly states that the Faculty of Arts provides an English Language Studies (ELS) major within the Arts Degree. There is no such major in the Faculty of Arts. Rather, there are two majors involving English in the Faculty of Arts: ‘ English Literatures’and ‘ English Language and Linguistics’(ELL). The Committee agreed that this be amended as appropriate. RESOLVED 2009/3: that the first sentence on page nine, paragraph three of the ILTS agenda paper be amended to read ‘ The Faculty of Arts provides two majors involving English in the Arts degree: English Literatures and, English Language and Linguistics.’ RESOLVED 2009/4: that the Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching Subcommittee note the University of Wollongong’ s submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations review report ‘ Good Practice Principles for English Language Proficiency for International Students in Australian Universities’as outlined in the agenda paper, and incorporating the agreed amendment. Action: Professor Castle to forward a recent report on this issue to the Executive Officer to circulate to the Committee. PART C – WORKPLAN and OTHER BUSINESS *C2 Other Business Ms Lotte Latukefu is unable to attend ILTS at the current meeting time due to teaching commitments. She requested that the Committee consider changing the meeting time to Tuesday afternoons on occasions when she is available to attend. As the next meeting is scheduled during Mid-Year Recess the Committee agreed to keep current meeting time for now. C3 Other Business The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 7 July 2009 at 11.00am in room 36.304. The meeting closed at 12.05pm. Signed as a true record: -----------------------------Chairperson / / Cttee_2009_ILTS_minutes_120509 UEC Agenda 190809 Page 4 of 4 88 University Education Committee ILT SUBCOMMITTEE WORKPLAN YEAR: 2009 UOW Strategic Goal 1: Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching1 OBJECTIVE 4: An international focus in learning and teaching Relevant Performance Monitoring Framework (PMF) Indicator/s and Target/s: Indicator/s Target/s 3. Student engagement with an international experience 1 a. Benchmark baselines for uptake of and satisfaction with “outbound”international program experience, established by November 2008 Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Integrate international perspectives and content into the curriculum. Develop an alternative to the existing ‘ international studies minor’ . Examine potential for a non-award certificate such as a ‘ Global Experience Award’that incorporates recognition of study abroad, study tours and other global experiences. Non Award Certificate Gary Noble Trish Tindall Paul Carr Greg Hampton Increase student participation in the study of foreign languages. Examine existing barriers to language studies. Facilitate internationalisation of the curriculum in the classroom. Define “internationalisation’of the curriculum Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes Karen Daly Natalie Wall Definition/framework of internationalisation Golshah Nagdhy Lotte Latukefu, Greg Hampton, Brian Yecies Natalie Wall Goal 1 of the UOW Strategic Plan 2008-10 UEC Agenda 190809 89 Key UOW Strategies Project Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Deadline Maureen Bell Gary Noble Dominic Riordan Jo Abrantes Ken Cruickshank Guidelines to be developed by end of 2009. Progress and evaluation of outcomes Facilitate internationalisation of the curriculum in the Faculties Promote opportunities within degree courses and through online delivery, for the acquisition of foreign language skills and cultural awareness Develop academic collaboration between domestic and international students. Improve teaching and learning practices involving international and domestic students. Establish dedicated teaching and research grant scheme in area of internationalisation of the curriculum Teaching and research internationalisation grants scheme. Develop staff guidelines and awareness of cultural issues surrounding group work tasks. Good practice guidelines and communication plan. Communication plan implemented Increase international student involvement in student support services Examine potential for PASS program to involve joint domestic and international ‘ team leaders’ Greg Hampton David Vance and/or CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ACTION Planned Actions Committee Performance Outcome Responsibility Deadline Progress and evaluation of outcomes Induct new members Members inducted As required Induction meeting held with new Committee member Dr Brian Yecies 1 April 2009. Self evaluation Evaluation Conducted Executive Officer/Chair ILTS/Dominic Riordan UEC Agenda 190809 90 LIBRARY CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM B8 The draft minutes of the 22 May 2009 meeting of the Library Consultative Committee are attached. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee receive the Library Consultative Committee draft minutes of 22 May 2009, as attached to the agenda paper. ATTACHMENT Draft minutes of the 22 May 2009 Library Consultative Committee meeting Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chairs’Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 91 UEC Agenda 190809 92 University of Wollongong Library Consultative Committee 22 May 2009 Minutes of Meeting Library Consultative Committee, 22 May 2009 PRESENT: Ms Felicity McGregor, Chair Ms Margie Jantti, Secretary Prof Rob Castle Ms Sue Baker-Finch Ms Margaret Bond A/Prof Ian Brown Dr Stephen Brown A/Pr Paul Carr Ms Yvonne Kerr Mr Henry Lee Mr Darryl McAndrew Mr Ray Stace Prof Stephen Tanner Dr Vinod Jayan Sylaja Dr Margaret Wallace A/Prof Graham Williams A/Prof Michael Zanko IN ATTENDANCE: From Library: Ms Kristen Blinco Mr Brian Cox Ms Helen Mandl Ms Lisa McIntosh Ms Bernadette Stephens UNABLE TO ATTEND: Dr Tony da Silva Ms Lynette Harris Mr Paul Stuckey 1. Welcome and apologies The Chair welcomed members to the reconstituted Committee which aims to refresh approaches to communication with faculties and consultation about Library services, resources and strategies. LCC Minutes will now be forwarded to the University Education Committee. 2. Chair’s report The Chair made additional comments on the report attached to the agenda. The refurbished building is a success story. It is very heavily used and it is interesting to see the different ways in which the spaces are now used. There is much more use of laptops, either students’own or the ones made available by the Library and heavy use of the wireless network. Formal and informal group spaces are very popular as are the casual seating areas. There is a high level of noise in some group areas and this will continue to be monitored. In the transnational arena, feedback from students on sessions presented late last year at the Singapore Institute of Management was very positive and generated interest in studying at Wollongong. A survey of students who completed information skills classes found that 83.3% had never used a SIM or UOW database to obtain information resources for their assessment tasks. Clearly much more needs to be done in terms of information skills tuition both in Singapore and UEC Agenda 190809 1 93 University of Wollongong Library Consultative Committee 22 May 2009 other locations. This will partly depend on whether the relevant faculties are able to fund the additional workload. 3. Facts and figures In commenting on the agenda paper which provided a statistical summary of Library operations, the Chair noted that the library is very busy. During the first quarter of 2009, visits increased by 20.5% compared with the same period last year. In 2008 visits increased by 88% over 2007 (construction year). The additional workload has been managed with the same number of staff. A more comprehensive training program may be the reason that there have been no complaints about staff during this period. 4. ILIP Review Education Faculty Librarian, Bernadette Stephens presented a brief update on the review of the Independent Learners Introductory Program (ILIP). The review included a revision of the content of the learning modules and the assignment which is a compulsory zero credit assessment task. Bernadette outlined changes to date which include: a. Communication of learning outcomes within the modules b. Greater use of learning objects to demonstrate principles of information skills c. Creation of a skills checklist prior to launching the assignment page so that the student can return to the relevant learning activity if confidence level is low d. Improved assignment and introductory pages She also presented the results of a survey conducted during the 2009 enrolment periods aimed at improving understanding of respondents’perceived skill levels and then testing their ability to apply information skills in an academic setting. While confidence in ability was rated highly, application of information skills revealed that incoming students had limited information retrieval skills. Committee members asked how mature age, postgraduate and international students were being considered as part of the review. In response, it was noted that student focus groups are planned to elicit information to inform profiles of student cohorts. Members commented on the need for a scaffolded approach to information skills development throughout a student’ s degree. Action: Committee members are encouraged to contact their Faculty Librarian to investigate strategies for ongoing integration of information literacy skills. 5. Searching success LibGuides were demonstrated by Kristen Blinco, Faculty Librarian, Wollongong College Australia. The Guides were developed using Web 2.0 technology to enhance the usability of the Library’ s Resources for Assignments pages. Students and staff can use the Guides as an attractive, easyto-use resource for locating the appropriate materials for assignments, or for teaching purposes. LibGuides enable the integration of learning objects such as videos to convey information in students’preferred format. They are extremely flexible in the management of content. Kristen demonstrated a site specific application and a topic specific guide. It was suggested that LibGuides could be linked from the elearning space. Action: Faculty Librarians to work with academic staff to discuss linking to elearning and development of customised guides. Search Guru was demonstrated by Helen Mandl, Associate Librarian, Client Services. Search Guru provides a Google style interface to the catalogue - a single search entry box. The search results are then displayed surrounded by options to refine the results by year, location, format, or UEC Agenda 190809 2 94 University of Wollongong Library Consultative Committee 22 May 2009 by selecting a more relevant term from a tag cloud. This highly visual style appeals to a generation accustomed to scanning a page and will assist in making the Library's collections more accessible and discoverable. Try it at: Helen also demonstrated the prototype for a federated search interface that will allow clients to search multiple databases concurrently and which will be available in Spring Session 2009. It will probably be badged as Article Finder. Students confused about which database to search should be able to more easily locate scholarly and relevant journal articles. Academics and researchers may use the search to find the most relevant databases for that term or subject. Some may want to identify useful databases and search in the original interface, utilising more complex features not available in the federated search engine. Recognising the Google mindset that is prevalent in students, these advances should assist clients to easily discover and interact with journals and scholarly literature and improve the assignments received by academic staff. 6. Collection initiatives Lisa McIntosh, Associate Librarian, Resources presented information on a recent 4 week trial of patron driven acquisition of ebooks. The intention of the trial was to determine library clients’usage of electronic monographs if large scale, unmediated, access to content in this format were made available. The platform, EBL, was selected because of its user friendly interface, breadth of titles, and existing partnerships with UOW major vendors. The ebooks were not promoted and were made available via the catalogue only. A total of 996 ebooks were loaned during the trial, which then resulted in 79 ebook purchases of high use material. Patron driven acquisition has been shown to be an effective method of collection development. It satisfies a “point of need”resource demand that compares favourably to the standard 4-6 week turnaround for print monographs. From a collection development perspective the only content being acquired is that which is actually used by clients. Committee members raised issues such as copyright management, difficulties encountered in using ebooks and preference for print in some subjects. Information in response included: EBL has in place a good practice model for the management of Copyright; it supports concurrent users; it is able to overcome many of the barriers that were present in earlier ebook models. Action: Committee members are asked to discuss the purchase of ebooks within their faculties and forward feedback to Lisa McIntosh ( This information will be used to inform selection policy. Electronic selection slips. Lisa informed the Committee that print ‘ blurbs’will be phased out by most suppliers and replaced with eslips. Faculty selection profiles will ensure that eslips present relevant items for selection. As well as reducing waste, eslips will improve turnaround time for orders in a publishing environment that is producing shorter print runs. Action: The Library will be contacting faculties over the next 6 months to determine the best process for dissemination of new title information. 7. Digitisation The agenda paper was briefly discussed. Committee members are encouraged to consult with their faculty and forward feedback on additional collections that could be digitised to improve access to archival resources. Projects completed to date include: Annual Reports (from 1975) and Handbooks (from 1965). To view the content see: and click on Digital Archives. Other UEC Agenda 190809 3 95 University of Wollongong Library Consultative Committee 22 May 2009 collections that are being targeted include: UOW statistics, Campus News, Graduate Gazette, research reports, Teachers’College handbooks and print theses. 8. Impact of the Global Economic Crisis The University Librarian presented CAUL’ s (Council of Australian University Librarians) Statement on the Global Financial Crisis. Subscriptions for 2009 were finalised by the time of the ‘ crash’ hence renewals have not been severely affected although the Information Resources Fund is currently overspent. The exchange rate will be critical when subscriptions are due for renewal in September/October. A number of CAUL institutions are identifying major cancellation programs for 2009. The outlook remains uncertain for 2010. Requests for new/additional subscriptions at Wollongong are unlikely to be possible and usage of existing resources will be carefully monitored. The Committee asked if journal usage reports can be distributed to faculties and this will be investigated. 9. Other business The University Librarian noted that the Library can provide faculties and units with relevant promotional and marketing materials to support the dissemination of academic support information to students, both current and future. It was suggested that orientation, induction and promotional activities should be weighted in favour of academic support and not be dominated by social and administrative activities. PowerPoint presentations can be viewed at: Margie Jantti Secretary 25.05.09 UEC Agenda 190809 4 96 AGENDA ITEMS C1, C2, C3 & C4 PART C GENERAL BUSINESS ATTACHED ARE THE ITEMS LISTED ON THE AGENDA SHEET Catriona Taylor Executive Officer, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 97 UEC Agenda 190809 98 PC/PR AND SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENTS PROPOSAL AGENDA ITEM C1 At its meeting on 20 May 2009, UEC agreed to seek further feedback from Faculties on the proposal to discontinue the grades of PC (Pass Conceded) and PR (Pass Restricted) and to introduce provisions to allow the offer of discretionary supplementary assessments to eligible students who have achieved a mark of 45% to 49% or a TF (Technical Fail) in 100, 200, 300 or 400 level subjects. A consultation package was circulated to Deans and Faculty Education Committee Chairs on 5 June. Three submissions were received by the closing date of 31 July. Of these submissions: • One was in favour of the proposal (Faculty of Law) • One was against the proposal (Faculty of Commerce) • One was in favour of discontinuing PC and PR grades, but was not in favour of the proposal to introduce supplementary assessments (Faculty of Engineering) The submissions are attached to this paper for the Committee’ s consideration. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee recommends to Academic Senate the proposal to abolish the grades of PC and PR, with Faculties to decide on the issue of supplementary assessments on a Faculty-byFaculty basis, noting that the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will continue to work with Faculties on these arrangements. ATTACHMENT Faculty Responses to PC/PR and Supplementary Assessments Proposal Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Executive Officer, UEC UEC Chair’ s Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 99 UEC Agenda 190809 100 FACULTY OF LAW Response to EPRS Review of PC/PR grades Date: 31 July 2009 Dear Professor Castle, The Faculty of Law has considered the EPRS recommendations and our response is as follows: 1. PC and PR grades be discontinued The Faculty is in favour of the discontinuation of PC/PR grades. 2. Where a student achieves a final marks in the range 45% to 49% there is a discretion for the Faculty Assessment Committee (on advice, if relevant, from the Unit Assessment Committee) to offer supplementary assessments to give eligible students the opportunity to pass a subject. The Faculty has considered a range of issues, including those of • determining who will have supplementary assessment • what form the supplementary assessment will be. This would typically be an exam, but, in some cases, the task that students have failed may not be the exam, but an assignment or other task (on the merits, or due to issues such as plagiarism. This may be relevant in determining whether such a student should have supplementary assessment and, if so, what form that supplementary assessment should take. • workload implications of setting supplementary assessments and marking supplementary assessments These issues may need to be weighed against the issues we currently face, which include dealing with requests, particularly from LAW students, wanting review of their exam and/or other tasks after release of final results; and requests for ‘ bumping-up’their marks and/or supplementary assessment because they are in the 45-49% range. Overall, the Faculty is in favour of the recommendation to allow the Faculty Assessment Committee to offer supplementary assessments in appropriate circumstances. 3. Such an opportunity [for supplementary assessment] may also be extended on a discretionary basis to eligible students who receive a Technical Fail (TF). The Faculty has no objection to this part of the proposal. The Faculty Assessment Committee would typically seek information from the subject coordinator and make a decision based on the reason for the TF and any other relevant circumstance. 4. Students who are offered, accept and undertake a supplementary assessment task to the required standard would receive the grade Pass Supplementary (PS) and a mark of 50% for the subject. The Faculty is in favour of this proposal as an appropriate reflection of the students overall performance in the student. The Faculty of Law is therefore in favour of the EPRS recommendations on PC/PR grades. Judith Marychurch FEC Chair and Sub Dean, Faculty of Law Page 1 of 1 UEC Agenda 190809 101 Pass Conceded/Pass Restricted and Supplementary Assessments Proposal Draft Faculty of Commerce Response - July 2009 Consultations on the above proposal have now been held within the Faculty. The FEC, Heads of Schools, senior members of the Faculty, and academics in Schools have provided input to our response which follows. Commerce Response A. The Faculty is not in favour of the proposal. Our reasons are: 1. The Faculty of Commerce awards the largest number of PC/PR grades and TFs in the University. In 2008 there were 1373 instances (3324 for total University). Consequently, we would most keenly feel the adverse administrative, workload and student retention effects of the proposal. 2. As has been mentioned elsewhere, it is likely that marking behaviour will change with the introduction of the proposal. Marks that fall close to the upper and lower limits of the 45 to 49 range will tend to be driven up or down. Since most marks awarded are 45 or 46, there will be a tendency to drive these down and declare them as fails. This would increase fail rates in the affected subjects (mainly 100 level) and probably reduce our student retention rates, and of course our revenue stream. 3. The additional staff (academic and administrative) workload implications would be significant in terms of time, financial and opportunity costs. These would arise out of activities such as setting the criteria for resit entitlement (a problematic issue in itself), determining student entitlement, communicating the determination, dealing with appeals/queries on unfavourable determinations, setting additional supplementary exams, marking, student consultations and handling student appeals. We estimate that this would conservatively cost an additional $58,000 (excluding setting any additional supplementary exams plus marking templates and invigilation). This additional work would be at times when academics would typically be engaging more intensely with research and then preparing for the roll out of the next session’s subjects 4. Since supplementary exams are conducted centrally rather than by Schools, the holding of these exams and the release of marks has been moved further into teaching sessions, especially at the cusp between Autumn and Spring sessions, and Summer and Autumn sessions. This timing currently causes issues for students, particularly those who are seeking to undertake subjects that require pre-requisites from ‘supplementary’subjects, where marking of the prerequisite subject has not been finalised by the start of the new session. UEC Agenda 190809 102 This issue would be greatly exacerbated by an influx of students doing resits who otherwise would have been awarded a PC or TF. B. The Faculty favours the retention of the existing grading system, with resits being made available to students in their final year who, but for one subject, would be able to complete their degree. Professor Shirley Leitch, Dean Associate Professor Michael Zanko, Associate Dean (Academic Programs) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING RESPONSE -----Original Message----From: Rodney Vickers [] Sent: Monday, 22 June 2009 5:02 PM To: Rob Castle Cc: Ian Porter Subject: Re: [Fec_chairs] Pass Conceded/Pass Restricted and Supplementary Assessments Consultation with Faculties Rob this was discussed at the last Engineering Faculty Committee. The consensus was that we agreed with the deleting of PC's and PR's but we did not agree with the idea of introducing supplementary assessments. regards Rodney ---------------------------------------------------------Assoc. Prof. Rodney Vickers, Head of Physics, Sub Dean of Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, Northfields Avenue, Wollongong NSW 2522, AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 2 42 213502 Fax: +61 2 42213238 Email: --------------------------------------------------------- UEC Agenda 190809 103 UEC Agenda 190809 104 TUTORIAL ENROLMENT SYSTEMS AT UOW AGENDA ITEM C2 At its meeting on 20 May 2009, the University Education Committee asked the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee to review concerns raised at the Student Representative Forum meeting in April regarding online tutorial enrolment systems. A summary of the systems can be found at: Student concerns included: • There are currently four different tutorial enrolment systems being used across the University of Wollongong • Students completing double degrees may be using more than one system • The main tutorial enrolment system via SOLS has experienced technical problems as a result of the increased ‘ load’or user ‘ traffic’at peak times • There can be a slow turn around time for the confirmation of tutorial enrolment from the Tutorial Preference System (TPS) In this review the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee identified two key issues that relate to students using more than one tutorial enrolment system: 1. Student familiarity with the online enrolment systems 2. The timing of confirmation of tutorial enrolment This report summarises the issues and provides recommendations for action to address the student difficulties with the use of multiple enrolment systems. The following were consulted by eLTS: Ms Debbie Sartori, ARD Mr Louie Athanasiadis, Faculty of Commerce Mr Phil Testa, Faculty of Commerce Ms Teresa Hoynes, Faculty of Commerce Assoc Prof Ann Hodgkinson, Faculty of Commerce Assoc Prof Michael Zanko, Faculty of Commerce Ms Christine Anderson, Faculty of Arts Mr Peter Thomas, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science Students enrolled in Bachelor of Communications and Media (Advertising and Marketing) The majority of Faculties use the SMP Online Tutorial System, with three key exceptions: 1. 2. 3. The Faculty of Commerce uses the Commerce Tutorial Preference System (TPS) The Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences uses manual systems for Nursing and the Graduate School of Medicine The Faculty of Law uses a manual preference system for its Autumn 100 level LLB program, after which time students revert to the SMP Online Tutorial System. Each system has its own benefits and costs for the Faculty concerned, for their students, for their administrative and academic staff, and for the University. We also note that the Faculty of Commerce is currently undertaking a cost/benefit analysis of the TPS. eLTS has been asked to consider the problems faced by students who need to use more than one system. We note that these are slightly less likely to affect students enrolled by manual or manual preference systems, as these students are in substantially compulsory programs contained within one Faculty, and manual systems are used because that Faculty can predict the student’ s overall enrolment for the relevant semester. UEC Agenda 190809 105 In both the TPS and SMP Online Tutorial Systems students who enrol early are more likely to be allocated their preferred tutorial time; and in practice both systems enable students to express preferences, as students using SMP who miss out on their first choice can then seek out their second choice, and so on. There are therefore two key issues for students using SMP Online Tutorial System, and the TPS. 1. Familiarity with two systems It is very unlikely that a UOW student will be completely unfamiliar with the SMP Online Tutorial System; but it is possible for a student who normally uses the SMP Online Tutorial System to be less familiar with the TPS, and thus to feel at a disadvantage compared to students who use this system for the majority of their tutorial enrolments. Recommendation 1: Faculties that operate double degree programs with the Faculty of Commerce, or whose students are likely for any other reason to enrol in subjects offered by that Faculty, should include a note about the TPS in their Faculty handbooks and orientation advice to students, with a link to the webpage where the TPS system is very clearly explained: 2. System timing The TPS allows students to indicate both preferred times and times to avoid, and then remains open to leave time for adjustments before tutorial allocations can be viewed, currently at 4pm on the Friday prior to week 1 of session. Faculties using SMP Online Tutorial System determine when they will open tutorial enrolments to students; Spring 2009 session enrolments have been operating in some Faculties from the beginning of July, while others will not open until late in the week prior to Week 1. SMP Online Tutorial System releases results instantly to students, and operates outside of core business hours in order to minimise load on university systems. Students therefore typically need to make SMP choices before knowing the outcome of their TPS preferences. This can result in students using SMP to hedge against TPS outcomes, which has some potential to cause difficulties for other Faculties in allocating last minute teaching and room resources, and this problem may increase as more students enrol after 2012. Recommendation 2: If the Faculty of Commerce could enable students to view preference allocations earlier in the week before week 1, then other Faculties could consider the timing of their SMP tutorial enrolment intervals to enable students to plan their timetables on the basis of alreadyknown allocations in the Faculty of Commerce. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee note the Tutorial Enrolment Systems at UOW report prepared by the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee and endorse the report’ s recommendations. Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Kate Bowles (Chair) & Reetu Verma eLTS UEC Chair’ s Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 106 Review of UOW Teaching and Learning Policies and their Appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning AGENDA ITEM C3 A planned action of the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee Work Plan 2009 is to review and provide advice on UOW teaching and learning policies, in terms of their appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning. A working party of the eLearning and Teaching Sub-Committee found that a number of key UOW policies were drafted before eLearning and eTeaching became an integrated part of the educational experience at UOW. A report has been prepared that includes the following summary recommendations: 1. Reviewing and amending, where appropriate, aspects of the following policies and related documents: Code of Practice Teaching and Learning; Good Practice – Assessment; Good Practice - Case Studies; Web Management Policy; The Curriculum Review Procedure; Subject Preparation, Approval and Development; Graduate Qualities Policy; Disability Policy. 2. Making explicit reference to eTeaching and eLearning in the Teaching and Assessment policy and all relevant UOW policies. 3. Amending references to specific eLearning products and systems (such as Vista Blackboard) wherever possible, in favour of a generic terminology. The following report details observations and key recommendations with specific reference to individual policies and the relevant policy custodians, groups and committees. Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee refer the Review of UOW Teaching and Learning Policies and their Appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning report to the following groups and committees: Education Policy Review Sub-Committee; Quality Assurance Sub-Committee; Course Approval Management Group; Policy and Governance Unit; Academic Registrar’ s Division; Academic Services Division. ATTACHMENT: Review of UOW Teaching and Learning Policies and their Appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning Report Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: eLTS Executive Officer UEC Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 107 UEC Agenda 190809 108 Review of UOW Teaching and Learning Policies and their Appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning Christian Ritz, Grace McCarthy, Emily Purser, Karen Walton, Kate Bowles eLearning and Teaching Sub-Committee (eLTS) 1 Executive Summary A review of UOW Teaching and Learning Policies and their appropriateness to eTeaching and eLearning was conducted by a working party of the eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee. The working party found that a number of key policies had been drafted before eLearning and eTeaching became an integrated part of the educational experience at UOW. We therefore recommend reviewing and amending where appropriate some aspects of the following policies and related documents in the light of this shift in our teaching practice: Code of Practice Teaching and Assessment; Good Practice - Assessment and Good Practice Case Studies; Web Management Policy; the Curriculum Review Procedure; Subject Preparation, Approval and Development; Graduate Qualities Policy; Disability Policy. We would also endorse explicit reference to eTeaching and eLearning in the Teaching and Assessment policy and all relevant UOW policies. Finally, we recommend amending references to specific eLearning products and systems (such as “Blackboard”) wherever possible, to avoid having to change all of these whenever UOW academics use different systems. 2 Background One of the key strategies in the UOW strategic plan [1] is to “Promote the development and dissemination of best practices in learning and teaching”. Linked to this is the relevant strategy of the 2008-2010 eLearning and eTeaching plan [2] to “Promote the development and dissemination of best practices in eLearning and eTeaching”. This report reviews and provides advice on UOW teaching and learning policies in order to achieve the outcome of enabling UOW to promote good practice in eTeaching and eLearning as a mainstream activity at UOW. 3 Methodology There are many policies relevant to learning and teaching for which eLearning and eTeaching are relevant. The working party decided to review the following nine policies: • Teaching and Assessment Policy [3] • Code of Practice –Teaching and Assessment [4] • Good Practice –Assessment [5] • Curriculum Review Procedures [6] • Subject Preparation, Approval and Development [7] • Graduate Qualities Policy [8] • Tertiary Literacies Policy [9] • Good Practice –case studies [10] • Disability Policy –students [10] • UOW Web Management Policy [13] Results and recommendations are summarised in the following sections. UEC Agenda 190809 1 109 4 Teaching and Assessment Policy This policy was due for review in 2007 and appears to be a general overview that references other documents including the relevant policies and codes. There is no explicit mention of eLearning and eTeaching, but this document may have been deliberately left generic so as to encompass all forms of teaching and learning. 5 Code of Practice – Teaching and Assessment The following observations were identified: • Section 5.1 (e): Regarding reviewing of examinations and tests that are to be conducted by ARD, it assumed this also applies to eLearning based examinations. What procedures could be used for assessing the quality of eLearning based formal exams? • Section 5.4 (e) Consultation – many staff respond to questions on eLearning 7 days a week. To what extent does this substitute for the 4 hours physical presence? Reference could be made to the current review of staff consultation hours being conducted by the University. • Section 7.7. Does the definition of student attendance extend to actively logging in to an eLearning site (e.g. for subjects that are primarily delivered online)? The policy states that “marks cannot be awarded for attendance per se”but it might be useful to suggest some examples of acceptable forms of record keeping for eLearning and eTeaching based activities. • Section 8.2. Is the retention of assessment records required by the Academic Unit easily applicable to eLearning-based assessment activities? 6 Good Practice – Assessment The following observations were made: • Table 1 of Part A, comparing different assessment methods, has no example for online assessment. • Section 10 of Part B refers to online assessment. One issue raised is the question of authenticity and whether the academic can be sure the work submitted was completed by that student. There is a statement that “Online examinations and tests would need supervision”, however this perhaps needs clarification. • Weightings. Should there be limits on the total percentage of assessment that can be conducted online? One relevant statement in the Examples of Good Practice, p29, is “As a general guide, multiple-choice or short answer quizzes should not comprise a majority of the overall mark”. Should this be more tightly specified? • The eLTS strategic plan refers to about 5% of subjects being delivered wholly online. If 100% online is acceptable, perhaps there should be some good practice examples for this mode of delivery. • References to WebCT and other specific eLearning packages should be removed and generic terms used for eLearning applications (this should apply to all relevant L&T policies). • Should all marking criteria be available on eLearning? Clause 7.3 of the COPTA states that “clear criteria must be developed for marking all assessment tasks in a subject and details of the criteria must be communicated to students in the Subject Outline”. However there are typically more detailed versions of the marking criteria available than are included in the subject outline, i.e. guidelines to help the students understand what is required of an assessment task. Those additional guidelines may be given to students in a variety of formats e.g. hand-outs, presented orally by the lecturer or online. Should all assessment related information be delivered via eLearning regardless of whether the assignment is online? UEC Agenda 190809 2 110 • Section 11 Disabilities Support has a statement in the Examples of Good Practice indicating that consideration should be given to disability support when designing online environments for assessment. This may need some good practice examples. 7 Good Practice – case studies The following observations were made: • There are no case studies for eLearning and eTeaching on the website ( This may be due to lack of incentives or process for staff developing eLearning practice to add material. Examples of eLearning and eTeaching templates are likely to be helpful for academics, including those preparing evidence of teaching performance in promotion applications. 8 Curriculum Review Procedures The following observations were made: • The Curriculum Review Procedures Policy took effect from January 1 2009, and is marked for review again in 2011. • There is no explicit mention of eLearning in the document. This may have been deliberate, as was indicated in the discussion about Teaching and Assessment Policy [2]., so as to keep the policy generic. • Reference to the articulation of eLearning and eTeaching to professional outcomes including capacity to participate in virtual teams could be incorporated into Section 12, particularly with regard to: o 12.1c “UOW Graduate Qualities and the Learning-Teaching-Research Nexus” o 12.1e “Assessment at an appropriate standard and clearly linked to outcomes” o 12.1f “Engaging learning experiences which include integrated workplace experiences, international focus and research focus” o 12.1g “Appropriate resources and facilities” o 12.3b “Alignment with Faculty objectives and strategies and the profile of the overall faculty curriculum” o 12.3c “Meeting the needs of external stakeholders by producing qualified, employable graduates, both nationally and internationally” • The Curriculum Review Report Template includes sections very relevant to eLearning and eTeaching: o “Mode of delivery” o “Curriculum consistent with sector and relevant professional standards and clearly embedding development of the UOW Graduate Qualities” o “Clear, appropriate and developmental learning outcomes” o “Assessment at an appropriate standard and clearly linked to outcomes” 9 Subject Preparation, Approval and Development There is requirement to specify that the subject delivery mode is online. This could be relevant to the teaching and strategies section, learning outcomes and assessment method components of Section A as well as the resources impact statement, CEDIR Resources, Library Resources and Information Technology Services Resources of Section B. In particular, if the subject is planned to have substantial eLearning and eTeaching components, there could be extra resources required for example by CEDIR and also to assist with support for disabilities. There is however very little detail on the nature or scope of “online” in the UOW teaching context, and no requirement to specify whether “online”includes assessable components. There is also reference to WebCT under the CEDIR Resources heading in Section B. UEC Agenda 190809 3 111 10 Graduate Qualities Policy The following observations were made: • Should there be more explicit reference to eLearning? As part of ‘Effective Communicators’, graduates are expected to ‘Articulate ideas and convey them effectively using a range of media’. However, eLearning is being widely used at UOW in support of all five UOW Graduate Qualities. 11 Tertiary Literacies Policy No recommendations are made in relation to the Tertiary Literacies Policy, since Clause 6 of the Frequently Asked Questions Guidelines for Faculty Implementation of Graduate Qualities indicates that this and other related policies have been repealed/superseded by the Graduate Qualities Policy. 12 Disability Policy – students The following observations were made: • Is there adequate support for students in relation to access to eLearning and eTeaching? Numerous areas relating to this are included in the UOW Disability Action Plan, and we would welcome the opportunity to provide further assistance on eLearning and disability if required. • Is there adequate support for staff, including availability of examples of adjustment using eLearning, or to eLearning, for students with a disability. Examples of potential adjustments across a range of activities (quizzes, online assignment submission, online discussion, Lectopia access) would be helpful to academics. 13 UOW Web Management Policy The following observations were made: • Since 2007, there has been considerable expansion of UOW teaching related activities in externally hosted environments (e.g. online social networking, wiki sites, other online-learning websites). • Section 5, Part 6.a states: “the UOW public domain must not accommodate any content that should be held within the UOW Learning Management System (LMS), such as assignment information, exams and subject outlines.”It is not clear if there is a definition of “content that should be held within the UOW Learning Management System (LMS)” in any University policy and this could be reviewed. One of the guidelines for Personal Webpages on the Web Support Services of the staff intranet states: “3. Personal pages are not to be used for publishing lecture notes or any other course material.”Could this policy provide more clarification for academics on the appropriateness of materials distributed across the main LMS, personal pages and externally hosted materials? Section 11 “Inclusion of External Links on the University’s public website and staff intranet”, Part 1 states: The University website will support links to other websites where they provide relevant and useful information additional to the content of the page. Any link must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:”… Here, it is assumed that this should not include links from e.g. subject pages of the University Learning Management System (LMS). This should perhaps be clarified. UEC Agenda 190809 4 112 14 Other issues identified The following observations were made: • A definition of eLearning is provided in the eLearning strategic plan but is not commonly referenced throughout other key UOW plans and policies. • Orientation to eLearning for first year (and new) students. This was brought up in discussions preparing rankings within a UOW/University of Tasmania Benchmarking project regarding the first year experience. It seems that eLearning orientation at the main UOW Wollongong campus is limited to a brief SOLS discussion on enrolment day, although more substantive orientation is offered at other campuses or education centres where eLearning is recognised as a core UOW activity Discussions with CEDIR and ITS indicate that there is no generic eLearning orientation at Wollongong for new students as it is felt that different Faculties may have different functionality requirements for eLearning; and that students are likely to adapt to it quickly. This is a potentially significant barrier to effective engagement for new students, particularly in their early university experience. In 2007, it was estimated that 60% of subjects had some eLearning component, and that by 2010, 80% are likely to incorporate eLearning [2]. • The increasing use of online submission of assessment tasks is appreciated by students but has created some workload and resourcing issues for Faculties, particularly in terms of the printing of hard copies e.g. for marking of large reports or assignments. • Staff development and skills maintenance: ULT represents a significant opportunity to provide substantive training for new UOW staff in good practice in eLearning across a wide range of tools and platforms, and to ensure that we establish that the quality of UOW eLearning is as critical as the quality and reputation of our face to face teaching. Given the very dynamic nature of eLearning developments, UOW could also consider providing more effective support for staff to to access training and development in new eLearning applications. Student expectations: UOW could give greater consideration in its discussion of academic workloads to the increasing expectation by students of active academic participation in online discussion, and the preparation of web quality lecture notes, links, podcasts and other learning objects, not all of which can be outsourced by academics using current systems for service support in a timely fashion. 15 Key Recommendations Table 1 below summarises the key recommendations of this review and provides suggested contacts for follow up actions. Policy Teaching and • Assessment Policy Code of • Practice – Teaching and Assessment • Recommendations Suggested Contact In any future review of this policy, we strongly encourage • EPRS explicit reference to eLearning and eTeaching. Consider amending the Code to define what types of procedures should be used for assessing the quality of eLearning based formal exams. Consider amending the consultation hours statement following completion of the consultation hours review. We would endorse the inclusion of specific references to eLearning and eTeaching. E.g. commentary about usual response times to students engaged with eLearning and eTeaching activities. UEC Agenda 190809 • • • • QAS EPRS Policy and Governance Unit Dean of Students 5 113 • • Good Practice • –Assessment • Consider amending the Code to provide a definition of attendance that encompasses accessing eLearning and eTeaching activities. Consider amending the Code to provide (or refer to) procedures for how retention of assessment records should be achieved in relation to eLearning and eTeaching , with reference to a new item in the Good Practice – Assessment policy. Consider review of this document • Consider expanding Table 1 “Comparison of assessment • methods”to include online options, e.g. online role play. • Consider the question of supervision for examinations and tests conducted online. Consider providing commentary about methods of checking authenticity of assessments submitted online (e.g. stat dec). Removespecific references to WebCT. Consider reviewing whether there should be a maximum weighting defined for assessment conducted online within a subject that is not defined as wholly online Include good practice guidelines for subjects delivered wholly online.Include good practice examples for designing online assessment tasks ,Include good practice examples relating to eTeaching and assessment for studentswith a disability. See below for further recommendations related to disability support. EPRS QAS Policy and Governance Unit Good Practice • –case studies Review this documentDevelop a process to encourage • regular contributions from academic staff of good practice examples specifically related to eLearning and eTeaching. This could perhaps require formation of a working party, project or otherwise to coordinate this activity. EPRS • Consider amending the policy to consider incorporating • more explicit reference to eLearning and eTeaching. Consider amending the policy to provide a checklist that may guide subject coordinators and reviewers regarding the eLearning and eTeaching potential within subjects and courses. CAMG Consider amending the policy to require new subject • proposals to indicate if they will have substantial eLearning and eTeaching components, and to relate these to Graduate Qualities.. Consider amending the policy to make more explicity reference to eLearning and eTeaching in relation to the other relevant sections of the document (teaching and strategies section, learning outcomes and assessment method components of Section A as well as the resources impact statement, CEDIR Resources, Library Resources CAMG • • • • • • Curriculum Review Procedures • Subject • Preparation, Approval and Development • UEC Agenda 190809 6 114 • • and Information Technology Services Resources of Section B). Consider amending the subject proposal forms relating to disability support in relation to subjects with substantial eLearning and eTeaching components. Remove references to WebCT and change these to generic terms used for eLearning applications. Graduate Qualities Policy • Consider amending Clause 5e of the Graduate Qualities • Policy to read: “implementing learning and teaching • strategies for face to face and online environments that foster the development of the Faculty/Discipline Graduate Qualities;” Tertiary Literacies Policy • No recommendations are made in relation to the Tertiary Literacies Policy, since it is superseded by the Graduate Qualities policy. • Consider whether there needs to be any involvement of • eLTS in the activities of the Disability Action Plan. Consider providing some good practice • guidelines/examples of how to support students with a disability for typical eLearning and eTeaching activities Disability Policy students – • Other Issues • Identified • • • • Web Management Policy • • We would endorse including the definition of eLearning as provided in the eLearning strategic plan, in all relevant UOW policies. We would endorse the development of more substantive orientation activities based around eLearning for commencing students. We would endorse the inclusion of more sessions relating to the use of eLearning and eTeaching across a wide range of tools and platforms within Unit 1 of the ULT course, and better ongoing support for academics seeking to maintain their eLearning skills as tools and platforms change We would endorse discussion on the impact on units and faculties of the increasing use of online submission of assessment tasks We would encourage consideration of eLearning and eTeaching in academic workloads Consider reviewing the current policy to clarify the position of teaching materials held on externally hosted websites in relation to the main LMS and personal staff pages Consider providing a definition of “content that should be held within the UOW Learning Management System (LMS)”and/or referring to relevant University teaching and learning policy. Consider consultation with e.g. the UEC as to whether restricting staff from placing course UEC Agenda 190809 EPRS Policy and Governance Unit Dean Students Student Services of • EPRS • ARD, Student Services • Academic Development Unit, ASD FEC Chairs • • Enterprise Content Management Unit, ARD 7 115 • • • material on UOW personal web pages is appropriate. Consider providing commentary on the definition of teaching material in relation to the material that can be posted on the UOW public website (such as staff webpages). Clarify whether the guidelines for externally hosted links should apply to pages within the UOW Learning Management System (LMS). Consider developing Good Practice guidelines for staff utilising externally hosted webpages within their teaching. Table 1. Key recommendations to consider. In the suggested contacts EPRS refers to the Education Policy Review Sub-Committee, QAS refers to the Quality Assurance Sub-Committee, CAMG refers to the Course Approval Management Group, ARD refers to the Academic Registrars Division and ASD refers to the Academic Services Division. 16 Conclusion The eLearning and Teaching Sub-Committee (eLTS) has reviewed nine UOW policies relevant to eLearning and eTeaching. While there are some references to eLearning and eTeaching in most of these policies; there is certainly an opportunity to incorporate further relevant commentary when each of these policies are reviewed. It is important that the UOW Strategic Plan for eLearning & eTeaching 2008-10 [2] is disseminated widely and that eLearning and eTeaching aspects are incorporated in key areas as identified in the key recommendations of Table 1 such as: • orientation for new students • good practice guidelines to support students with a disability • documented procedures to review and store online exams and assessments • documented procedures to review the authenticity of online assessments • recommendations regarding the amount of online multiple choice short answer questions contributing assessment in a subject • recommendations about what constitutes attendance in the online environment • recommendations about realistic response times by academics to questions in the online environment eLearning and eTeaching are key to the statement about best practice in learning and teaching within the UOW Strategic Plan [2]. It is important that all relevant policy documents embed eLearning and eTeaching aspects within them. The continued development and collaboration regarding objective, measurable resources and recommendations pertinent to eLearning and eTeaching are critical to shape it’s ongoing success. 17 References [1] UOW Strategic Plan 2008-10, Strategic planning and Quality Office, [2] UOW Strategic Plan for eLearning & eTeaching 2008-10, [3] UOW Teaching and Assessment Policy, Policy number 108/03, [4] Code of Practice –Teaching and Assessment, [5] Good Practice –Assessment [5], [6] Curriculum Review Procedures, UEC Agenda 190809 8 116 [7] Subject Preparation, Approval and Development, [8] Graduate Qualities Policy, [9] Tertiary Literacies Policy, [10] Good Practice –case studies, [11] Disability Policy –students, [12] University of Wollongong Disability Action Plan 2007-2010, Employment Equity and Diversity Unit, [13] Web Management Policy, UEC Agenda 190809 9 117 UEC Agenda 190809 118 RECENT LIBRARY INITIATIVES TO SUPPORT TEACHING AND LEARNING AGENDA ITEM C4 1. SEARCHING SUCCESS A key element of the Library’ s Vision statement is to structure systems and develop gateways to provide integrated, convenient and client-friendly access to resources. This aspiration of seamless access – enabling staff and students to locate, and effectively use, the resources of most value and relevance to their particular needs, regardless of resource format, medium or location underpins both innovation and continuous improvement initiatives. This paper summarises recent developments designed to improve access to both print and electronic information resources. Search Page Enhancements The Search page offers the following options: • Search Guru: Use this search option to locate books, e-books and other materials on a certain topic. Searches can be refined by selecting a material type, location, publication year. You can also refine by topic using the tags on the right. Key features of Search Guru include: o Tag clouds to provide a pictorial representation of the collection. Searches can be refined by selecting a ‘ tag’ o Facets used to limit the search, e.g. publication date, location, language or format o Relevance sorting (which can be changed to sort by date or title) o Suggestions for spelling variations or commonly misspelled words by asking ‘ did you mean?’ o Showcasing titles recently added to the collection based on the search criteria used. • Subject code: Use this tab to find e-readings and Short Loan items. • Classic catalogue: Use the different options (Title, Author, Call number, Journal title) to search for specific items; or click Advanced Search for multiple keyword searching and to apply search limits. • My Library: Log in to check your loans record, fines, holds, set up reading history or preferred search tools. Article Finder Article Finder is a federated search portal which offers the ability to search for journal articles across multiple databases simultaneously. Targeting students unsure of which database to search, this feature should enable them to more easily locate scholarly and relevant journal articles. Academics and researchers may use this search option to find the most relevant databases for that term or subject. Some may want to identify useful databases and search in the original interface, utilising more complex features not available in the federated search engine. It is anticipated that students will be more successful in locating scholarly journal content and that their awareness of other databases and services will increase, enriching their learning experience. Resources for assignments Students have access to an unprecedented array of diverse information resources. While the scope of the collections is valued, it is acknowledged that navigating the scholarly information environment can be challenging. The Resources for Assignments web pages are designed to provide discipline specific information to assist students with their coursework, for instance, highlighting relevant databases, journals, websites, as well as providing search tips and more. A major revamp of these web pages has resulted in improved screen layouts, clear headings and sections (using tabbed pages) for the organisation and navigation of resources. A new feature is the use of Show Me tutorials. The Show Me movies offer brief, visual, step-by-step instructions on how to overcome commonly experienced problems, e.g. finding the full text of a journal article, and demonstrate time-saving UEC Agenda 190809 119 search techniques. For more information and to try a Show Me see 2. COLLECTION INITIATIVES Ebooks The uptake of electronic books (ebooks) has not yet matched the pace of electronic journals. Recent developments in ebook technologies are overcoming many of the barriers that were present in earlier ebook models. The newer models offer a user friendly interface, breadth of titles, and good practice approaches for the management of Copyright. EBL, a preferred provider of ebooks has established relationships with the major vendors used by the Library. Other advantages of EBL ebooks include: • Resources are purchased in perpetuity • Support concurrent users • Online and offline options for viewing content • Improved print options, e.g. current page, range of pages, or selected chapter The Library will liaise with faculties to discuss the purchase of ebooks and this information will be used to inform selection policy. For more details on ebook purchasing, please contact Lisa McIntosh, Associate Librarian Resources ( Electronic Selection Slips Publishers’approaches to promoting new information resources have traditionally been based on the use of print slips; providing a brief description of the resources to aid the selection process. Over the next 12 months print ‘ blurbs’will be phased out by most suppliers and replaced with eslips. Faculty profiles will ensure that eslips present relevant items for selection. As well as reducing waste, eslips will improve turnaround time for orders in a publishing environment that is producing shorter print runs. The Library will be contacting faculties over the next 6 months to determine the best process for dissemination of new title information. Digitisation of publications Commercial digitisation services allow for the large scale digitisation of original texts, documents and images; facilitating online, simultaneous access regardless of location. The following criteria guide the selection of materials for digitisation: • Collections are in high demand (UOW students and staff, and the broader community) Students are increasingly expected to use UOW primary and secondary resources to fulfil assessment requirements. Former students frequently request access to UOW Handbooks for professional accreditation purposes or for recognition of prior learning when enrolling in other universities’programs. • Material that may otherwise be restricted due to its condition, value or location Access to primary and secondary resources held in the Archives is limited to the opening hours of the Library (further limited on weekends) and the willingness of students and staff to travel to the Wollongong Campus. • Cost and affordability Costs associated with digitisation have become increasingly competitive through commercial providers offering high volume and high speed processing. Resources identified for digitisation are assessed on affordability and perceived return on investment (e.g. access and use) Initial digitisation projects have focussed on high demand UOW publications. Projects completed to date include: • UOW Calendars/Handbooks (1965 to 2003 – complete set) UEC Agenda 190809 120 • • • UOW Annual Reports (1975 to 2003 – complete set) UOW Research Reports (1962 to 1993 – most publications) UOW Statistics (1975 to 1992 – complete set) Preparation is underway to digitise: • Graduate Gazette • Institute Calendars • Print theses To view the collections see: Draft Resolution that the University Education Committee notes the presentation and report on Recent Library Initiatives to Support Teaching and Learning. Drafted by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Associate Librarian, Planning & Human Resources UEC Chair’ s Coordinating Committee Chair, UEC UEC Agenda 190809 121 UEC Agenda 190809 122