Remember to use the filter up the top of the

Remember to use the filter up the top of the watchlist view builder to find the relevant
criteria quickly.
Review View
This is a good all-round view that you can see income/growth properties all in one area. Start with
the Return 1yr inc div as this is the total return figure.
Share Price ($)
Financial Health rating
Price change 6 months (%)
Price change 1 year (%)
Return 1 year including dividends (%)
Lincoln Valuation
Consensus target
EPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
Grossed Dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
Last price sensitive announcement
PE (Price Earnings) ratio
EPS (Earnings per share) growth 1 yr (%)
Grossed Dividend yield (%)
Market capitalisation ($mill)
GICS industry group (level 2)
Star Stock status
Constituent of ASX200
Forecast Growth View
You will use this view to review a portfolio which has a growth bias. As discussed, if an investor is
looking for growth then sort by the forecast columns to ensure the company is expected to keep
Share Price ($)
EPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 1
EPS growth 1 yr (%) forecast year 2
EPS growth 2 yr (% pa) forecast year 1
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
Lincoln Valuation
Lincoln Valuation date
Price to Lincoln Valuation (%)
Consensus target
Consensus target date
Price to consensus target (%)
PE ratio forecast year 1
Dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
Year average franking %
Next ex-dividend date
Last price sensitive announcement
Period end
GICS industry group (level 2)
Income View
This view is ideal for looking at your income portfolios. Forecast dividends will obviously be
important. And we have included Market Capitalisation so if you are a retired income investor and
have some small companies be aware of potential for volatility.
Share Price ($)
Period end
Dividend yield (%)
Grossed dividend yield (%)
Days to next ex-dividend date
Ex-dividend date
Next ex-dividend date
Price change 1 year (%)
Dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
Grossed Dividend yield (%) forecast year 1
DPS (Dividend per share) growth 1 yr (%)
Dividend cover ratio
Market capitalisation ($mill)
Daily View
This is a good consolidated view for you staying on top of what has happened today. Sort first by
price change for the day (often a good something positive/negative has happened today). Often this
will accompanied by an announcement or a change in valuation.
Share Price ($)
Price change 1 day ($)
Price change 1 day (%)
Price change 1 week (%)
Price change 1 month (%)
Price change 3 months (%)
Price change 6 months (%)
Price change 1 year (%)
Period end
Last price sensitive a’ment
Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
Consensus target date
Lincoln valuation date
Health View
This view is designed to save time with regards to monitoring the health of businesses you are
interested in. You may wish to apply this view to quickly eliminate stocks that don’t have the health
characteristics you are seeking Eg remove companies with poor operating cash flow ratios
Share Price ($)
Period end
Financial Health rating
Financial Health score
TLTAI rating
OCFCL rating
OCFTAI rating
PDACL rating
RPTAI rating
CLTL rating
QACA rating
Debt to Equity
Interest coverage ratio
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Copyright © 2014 Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd