Morris Goding Accessibility Consulting
2nd April 2014
Access Review
Version Drawing No / Revision
DA01.0001, DA02.0001, DA02.0003, DA02.0004, DA05.0001,
DA05.0002, DA05.0003, DA05.0004, DA05.0005, DA05.0006
and DA05.0007.
DA01.0001, DA02.0001, DA02.0003, DA02.0004, DA05.0001,
DA05.0002, DA05.0003, DA05.0004, DA05.0005, DA05.0006
and DA05.0007.
This report prepared by:
Reviewed by:
John La Scala
Access Consultant
Morris Goding Accessibility Consulting
Elisa Moechtar
Senior Access Consultant
Morris Goding Accessibility Consulting
Access Review
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 5
2.1. General ................................................................................................ 5
2.2. Affected Part ....................................................................................... 5
2.3. Objectives............................................................................................ 5
2.4. Limitations .......................................................................................... 5
2.5. Statutory Requirements........................................................................ 6
INGRESS AND EGRESS ............................................................................... 7
3.1. Existing Entrances ............................................................................... 7
3.2. New Entrances..................................................................................... 7
3.3. External Linkages ................................................................................ 7
3.4. Emergency Egress ............................................................................... 8
PATHS OF TRAVEL ..................................................................................... 9
4.1. General ................................................................................................ 9
4.2. Doorways ............................................................................................ 9
4.3. Lifts ..................................................................................................... 9
4.4. Stairways ........................................................................................... 10
4.5. Travelators / Escalators ...................................................................... 11
4.6. Cafes / External Tenancies ................................................................. 11
AMENITIES AND FACILITIES .................................................................. 13
5.1. Accessible Toilets.............................................................................. 13
5.2. Ambulant Cubicles ............................................................................ 13
5.3. Bus Interchange ................................................................................. 14
CAR PARKING ........................................................................................... 15
6.1. General .............................................................................................. 15
6.2. Concierge .......................................................................................... 15
MISCELLANEOUS ..................................................................................... 17
7.1. Lighting ............................................................................................. 17
7.2. Signage.............................................................................................. 17
Access Review
The Access Review Report is a key element in design development of Knox
Shopping Centre and an appropriate response to the AS1428 series, Building
Code of Australia (BCA), DDA Access to Premises Standards (including
DDA Access Code) and ultimately the Commonwealth Disability
Discrimination Act (DDA).
Morris-Goding Accessibility Consulting has prepared the Access Report to
provide advice and strategies to maximise reasonable provisions of access for
people with disabilities.
The development has been reviewed to ensure that ingress and egress, paths
of travel, circulation areas, car-parking and toilets comply with relevant
statutory guidelines.
In general, the development has accessible paths of travel that are continuous
throughout. In line with the report recommendations, the proposed
development has demonstrated an appropriate degree of accessibility. The
Planning Permit Application drawings indicate that compliance with
statutory requirements, pertaining to site access, common area access,
accessible parking and accessible sanitary facilities, can be readily achieved.
The recommendations in this report are to be developed in the ongoing
design development and should be confirmed prior to construction certificate
stage. As the project proceeds, further review of documentation is strongly
recommended to ensure that appropriate access is provided to and throughout
the development.
The main recommendations that have arisen from the access review include:
As per table D3.5, Car parking spaces for people with a disability, a
class 6 building (car park) shall provide 2% accessible car parking
spaces for new parking bays up to 1000 spaces, and 1% for each 100
car parking spaces or part thereof in excess of 1000 car parking spaces.
Ensure the affected part of the building is upgraded to comply with
AS1428.1 (existing entrances and accessible path of travel including
existing lifts to new works).
(iii) New accessible toilets to comply with AS1428.1.
Access Review
Westfield Design & Construction has engaged Morris-Goding Accessibility
Consulting, to provide a design review of the proposed Knox Shopping
Centre located at 425 Burwood Highway, Wantirna South, Victoria.
The development consists of 3 levels of new retail and food shopping space
with 1 basement level of common car parking below.
The requirements of the investigation are to:
Review supplied drawings of the proposed development,
Provide a report that will analyse the provisions of disability design of
the development, and,
Recommend solutions that will ensure the design complies with the
Federal Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), DDA Access to Premises
Standards (including DDA Access Code), Building Code of Australia
(BCA) and AS 1428 series.
Affected Part
The proposed new works involved in the redevelopment of Knox Shopping
Centre are classified as new parts of the building, in accordance with DDA
Premises Standards Part 2.1 (3) and (4).
A new part in the building triggers the requirement of the ‘affected part’ to
be accessible for people with a disability, in accordance with AS1428.12009.
In accordance with the DDA Premises Standards Part 2.1(5) the ‘affected
part’ is the principal pedestrian entrance of an existing building that contains
a new part and the continuous accessible path of travel from this entrance to
the new parts.
The Access Review Report considers user groups, who include staff and
visitors. The Report attempts to deliver equality, independence and
functionality to people with disabilities inclusive of:
1. People with sensory impairment
2. People with mobility impairments
3. People with dexterity impairments
The Report seeks to provide compliance with the DDA. In doing so, the
Report attempts to eliminate, as far as possible, discrimination against
persons on the ground of disability.
This report is limited to the accessibility provisions of the building in
general. It does not provide comment on detailed design issues, such as:
Access Review
internals of accessible/ambulant toilet, fit-out, lift specification, slip resistant
floor finishes, door schedules, hardware and controls, glazing, luminance
contrast, stair nosing, TGSI’s, handrail design, signage, hearing
augmentation etc. that will be included in construction documentation.
Statutory Requirements
The following standards are to be used to implement the Report:
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
DDA Access to Premises Standards 2010 (including DDA Access Code)
BCA 2013 - Building Code of Australia
AS 1428.1 – 2009 (General Requirements for Access)
AS 1428.4.1 – 2009 (Tactile Ground Surface Indicators)
AS 1735.12 - (Lifts, Escalators, & Moving Walks)
AS2890.6 – 2009 (Car parking)
Access Review
Existing Entrances
There are 5 existing building entrances, located over levels 1 and 2 toward
the north, south and west of the Knox Shopping Centre, are going to be
These 5 existing entrances will need to be upgraded to comply with BCA
2013 and AS1428.1 under the affected part rule.
In general, drawings show that the new footpaths and walkways have
sufficient clear width (1800mm or greater) to the existing entry doors, are
compliant with AS1428.1 and the DDA Premises Standards.
However, the new footpath leading to the southern existing entrance of level
2 (near Proposed DDA, Target), has a maximum width of 1600mm.
Ensure the new footpath/walkways leading to each existing entrance
into the Knox Shopping Centre has a maximum of 1:40 cross fall
gradient and be a minimum width of 1800mm.
Ensure the existing entrance doors to the Knox Shopping Centre have
appropriate clear width of 850mm (920mm door leaf) and circulation
spaces, in accordance with AS1428.1 (affected part).
(iii) Ensure kerb ramps on the accessible path of travel to the existing
shopping centre entrances are compliant with AS1428.1
New Entrances
Apart from the existing Knox Shopping Centre car parking entrances, there is
proposal for a number of new entrances from the new multi-level car park
and altered car parking lots. In total, there are 12 new entrances into the
shopping centre over 3 levels of car parking.
From the drawings provided, there appears to be sufficient circulation spaces
to the shopping entrances from the car parking lots in line with the DDA
Premises Standards and AS1428.1.
From the proposed entrances from the car parking lots, access to and within
the mall areas is appropriate for wheelchair users in accordance with BCA
and DDA Premises Standards.
Ensure entry doors to the shopping centre have appropriate 850mm
clear width (920mm door leaf) and circulation spaces, in accordance
with AS1428.1.
Ensure entry threshold is level to assist wheelchair users, compliant
with AS1428.1.
External Linkages
Access Review
The drawings indicate that there are new external linkages from the site
boundary to the Knox Shopping Centre.
These linkages lead from Burwood Highway to the new concierge and to the
existing entrance to the shopping centre from car park C, from Melbourne
Street to the existing main entrance of the shopping centre.
The above mentioned external pathways, in general, appear to have the
correct clear widths. However, it is unclear as to the gradients of the external
Provide an accessible path of travel from site boundary to new building
entrances (for example, ensure walkways have a maximum gradient of
1:20 and be no more than 15m in length) in accordance with AS1428.1.
Ensure all external linkage has a maximum cross fall gradient of 1:40
in accordance with AS1428.1.
Emergency Egress
The main entry point to the shopping centre within the existing part of the
building (via Melbourne Street) appears to be the most appropriate means of
accessible emergency egress from the shopping centre on level 1.
The concierge entry/exit from the building appears to be the most appropriate
means of emergency egress from the building on level 2 of the building.
From the upper levels of the shopping centre, the existing fire stairs will give
people with ambulant disabilities access to the lower levels in an emergency
situation. It is unclear if there are any new fire stairs to the extension of the
Knox shopping centre.
For people in a wheelchair, the most appropriate means of emergency egress
from the upper levels of the shopping centre would be the use of a lift (if
operational in an emergency situation).
Provide at least one accessible handrail in egress stairs from a required
exit, compliant with AS1428.1:2009 as required under BCA 2013 part
Ensure the emergency alarm systems have provision for visual and
audio warnings and signals (best practice).
Access Review
In general, all circulation spaces and paths of travel to and within all floor
plates are accessible and continuous in line with the DDA Premises
The new entrances into the shopping centre via the car parks on basement
level through to level 3, give people using a wheelchair access to the
proposed retail tenancies, specialty shops, food outlets, mini-major stores,
supermarkets and major retail outlets throughout the shopping centre.
Retail levels 1 and 2 have continuous accessible paths of travel leading to
them from all areas of the floor plate. The paths of travel have appropriate
circulation areas that will allow two wheelchair users to easily pass one
another and turn 180 degrees in accordance with AS1428.1 and the DDA
Premises Standards.
The shopping centre has 2 new passenger lifts. The circulation space around
the two new lifts are sufficient and in line with the DDA Premises Standards.
There are new paved and footpaths to external areas (Melbourne Street,
proposed location of bus interchange, external café area near concierge).
Ensure the external paving and footpath areas are level and can achieve
continuous access between internal and external areas.
Ensure all floor surfaces are compliant with slip resistant ratings in
accordance with AS1428.1.
Ensure all external areas and walkways have a cross fall gradient of no
greater than 1:40 in accordance with AS1428.1.
(iii) Ensure the new outside paving areas and indoor FFL have a level
threshold at doorways in accordance with AS1428.1.
(iv) Ensure continuous accessible paths of travel from existing entrances to
new works is compliant with AS1428.1:2009 (affected part).
At this stage of the design, doors have not yet been detailed.
Ensure all common use doorways have 850mm clear widths (920mm
door leafs), with a 530mm latch side clearance for doors that swing
toward the user and 510mm latch side clearance for doors that swing
away from the user, compliant with AS1428.1.
Ensure entrances to tenancy doors are located on a level surface
compliant with AS1428.1
Access Review
The Knox Shopping Centre has provision for 2 new passenger lifts and also 2
new lifts shown within the existing lift core.
One new lift is located close to the existing Myer department store and will
create an accessible path of travel for people coming to/from the shopping
centre to the new multi-level car park (levels).
The other new passenger lift is located adjacent to the proposed DDS (Target
– level 2). This lift will provide an accessible path of travel for users in a
wheelchair to retails levels 1 and 2 of the shopping centre.
Both lifts are suitably located next to travelators and escalators to give people
using a wheelchair vertical access, in accordance with the DDA Premises
The lobby areas outside the two new passenger lifts provides appropriate
circulation areas to enable 2 people using wheelchairs to pass each other and
also turn 180 degrees compliant with AS1428.1.
The drawings indicate that both lifts have appropriate internal dimensions of
approximately 2300mm x 2300mm, which will satisfy the DDA Premises
Standards for the floors in which they serve.
Access to the new passenger lifts within each floor plate has been provided
throughout the shopping centre in accordance with AS1428.1.
Drawings indicate there to be 3 existing lifts. These lifts are located to the
east (near main shopping centre entrance), to the north (near Harris Scarfe)
and to the south (near K-Mart) of the Knox Shopping Centre.
The controls to the existing lift within the new work area (south – near KMart) are to be upgraded to comply with AS1735.12.
Ensure the new lift cars and existing lifts located with the new works
areas (affected part) to include appropriate access features installed
(including grabrails, controls and lighting), compliant with AS1428.1.
Consideration for the existing lift cars located outside of new work
areas to be upgraded to comply with AS1735.12 (advisory).
From the drawings provided, there appears to be 1 new common stairway
proposed to the Knox Shopping Centre.
The stairway is located within close proximity to the new multi-level car
park on the western side of the building.
It provides vertical access from levels 1 to 2 of the shopping centre for
people with ambulant disabilities in line with the DDA Premises Standards.
The stairway has appropriate clear width (approximately 3200mm) and level
landing areas compliant with AS1428.1.
Access Review
Ensure the stairway has handrails provided on both sides of the stair
and tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs) compliant with AS1428.1
and AS1428.4.1.
Ensure the stairway is suitably recessed at the top and bottom so that
handrail extensions do not traverse into the path of travel of the
adjacent corridors, in accordance with AS1428.1.
Travelators / Escalators
From the drawings provided there appears to be 5 new travelators and 1 new
escalator to the Knox Shopping Centre.
The travelators are located toward the south, east, west and central to the new
areas of the shopping centre and within the proposed level 2 mezzanine car
park to the north of the building. The new escalator is located to the south of
the existing Myer Department Store.
Of the 5 escalators, 3 (western, eastern or centrally located) will provide
vertical access for ambulant users from level 1 to level 2. One escalator,
located toward the south of the building, will provide access from the
basement car park to the level 3 car park (south), with the final escalator
located on the new level 2 mezzanine car park (north) which will provided
access from the existing level 2 car park to the proposed level 2 mezzanine
car park.
The travelators and escalators are located within close proximity to lifts and
will provide vertical access for people with ambulant disabilities in line with
the DDA Premises Standards.
Please note, escalators and travelators, under BCA, are not considered to be
an accessible path of travel.
BCA part D3.8 requires tactile indicators (as specified in
AS1428.4.1:2009) at the top and base of travelators to assist people
with vision impairment.
Ensure the bottom and top of the escalators are recessed so that the
moving handrails are not exposed and do not protrude into the path of
travel, this may cause a safety issues (advisory).
(iii) Consideration to provide an additional lift in close proximity to new
travelator located to the central angled thoroughfare to minimise travel
distances for people with disabilities (advisory).
Cafes / External Tenancies
From the drawings provided, it can be seen that there are 10 new café /
external food tenancies located on level 2 near the concierge service.
There is appropriate circulation space and clear width to the pathway
(minimum 5200mm) around the cafes for people in a wheelchair to easily
pass each other and turn 180 degrees in line with the DDA Premises
Access Review
Ensure cross fall gradient of pathway is no greater than 1:40 in
accordance with AS1428.1.
Ensure external seating cells have a minimum of 1000mm between
then to enable a person using a wheelchair to easily through.
(iii) Ensure the entry and / or service counters to the café / food tenancies
are level for the full width, in accordance with AS1428.1.
Access Review
Accessible Toilets
From the drawings provided, there appears to be no new accessible toilet
facility to the Knox Shopping Centre.
There appears to be provision of an accessible toilet within the potential new
area for the relocation of the auto repair shop (located near existing K-Mart
There also is provision for 2 accessible toilets within the relocated library
(Hughes Street).
The design of the above mentioned accessible toilets, at this stage, is unclear
as to room sizes, item locations and circulation spaces.
If any new sanitary facilities are provided, ensure there is at least one
accessible toilet to every bank of male and female toilets is provided, in
line with the DDA Premises Standards.
Ensure the accessible toilets have a minimum circulation apace around
the pan of 2300mm x 1900mm (minimum overall size of room to be
2650mm x 1900mm) in accordance with AS1428.1.
(iii) Ensure the items (toilet pan, basin, grabrails etc.) within the accessible
toilets have the appropriate circulation spaces (basin to encroach a
maximum of 100mm into toilet pan circulation space) in accordance
with AS1428.1.
Ambulant Cubicles
Drawings indicate that there is no new ambulant cubicles to the Knox
Shopping Centre.
There appears to be new male and female toilet facilities to the relocated
library (Hughes Street) as shown on the drawings. However, the drawings
are unclear as to whether or not an ambulant cubicle has been provided to
each the male and female toilets.
If any new sanitary facilities are provided, ensure there is at least one
ambulant cubicle to male and female toilets in line with the DDA
Premises Standards.
Ensure at least one ambulant cubicle to the male and female toilet is
provided within the library in accordance with AS1428.1.
(iii) Ensure the clear door widths of all ambulant cubicle doors to male and
female toilets are a minimum of 700mm in accordance with AS1428.1.
(iv) Ensure the widths of all ambulant cubicles to male and female toilets
are between 900mm – 920mm in accordance with AS1428.1.
Ensure all fixtures and items within the ambulant cubicles (grabrails,
toilet paper holder, coat hook etc.) are complaint with AS1428.1.
Access Review
Bus Interchange
Drawings indicate that there is a proposed bus interchange, located off
Melbourne Street.
The proposed bus interchange will allow for 7 busses to stop and pick
up/drop off passengers at any one time.
There appears to be appropriate circulation areas (minimum 3200mm clear
width) along the pathways around the bus bays for wheelchair users to easily
pass each other and turn 180 degrees.
Bus bay number 1 is approximately 130 metres from the main entrance to the
Knox Shopping Centre. An accessible path of travel from the bus bays to the
main entry point into the shopping centre in line with AS1428.1 is
Bus interchange and connecting path to shopping centre to comply with
Part H2 of DDA Access Code.
Ensure boarding points to bus bays comply with Disability Standards
for Accessible Public Transport (DSAPT).
Access Review
The new Knox Shopping Centre development proposes to re-configure the
existing car parks and provide additional car parking levels.
The car parking facilities will be located over the basement, level 1, level 1
mezzanine, level 2, level 2 mezzanine, level 3 and level 3 mezzanine levels.
Drawings show that there are currently existing accessible car bays located to
the following car parking lots (proposed to be retained):
6, level 2 Car Park A
8, level 2 Car Park C
6, level 3 Car Park A
At this stage the overall number of new car parking bays is unclear. At
present, no new accessible car bays have been allocated to the new/altered
car parking lots. Ensure the number and design of the accessible car bays are
appropriately distributed from basement to level 2, with the location of the
accessible car bays being within close proximity to lifts and entrances to the
shopping centre.
As per table D3.5, ensure new accessible car parking space associated
with a class 6 building shall provide;
Up to 1000 car parking spaces; 1 accessible space for every 50
car parking spaces or part thereof.
For each additional 100 car 1 accessible space.
parking spaces or part thereof in
excess of 1000 car parking
Ensure accessible car bays have dimension of 5400mm (L) x 2400mm
(W) with an adjacent 5400mm (L) x 2400mm (W) shared area on one
side, compliant with AS2890.6:2009.
(iii) Ensure the vertical clearance leading to the accessible car bays is not
less than 2200mm above the FFL, in compliance with AS2890.6:2009.
(iv) Ensure there is a clear space of 2500mm above the FFL for the entire
width of the accessible car bay, compliant with AS2890.6:2009.
If applicable, ensure kerb ramps are provided in compliance with
(vi) Consideration to provide designated pedestrian pathway/crossing
points from the accessible car spaces to the lift/entrances where the
crossing of a vehicular driveway is required.
From the drawings, it can be seen that there is provision for a new concierge
service on the basement level of the shopping centre.
Access Review
The concierge area provides a porte cochere for drop off and pick up of
The pathways around the above mentioned area have the appropriate
circulation spaces for a wheelchair users to easily pass each other and turn
180 degrees.
Ensure appropriate kerb ramps (at least one) are provided to enable a
person using a wheelchair to disembark from their car and up onto the
pathway in line with the DDA Premises Standards and AS1428.1.
Ensure cross fall gradient of pathway is no greater than 1:40 in
accordance with AS1428.1.
Access Review
In general the maintenance illumination levels should be 150 lux for
paths of travel, corridors and stairs, 250 lux for counters. All lighting
levels in retail areas to comply with AS1428.2.
Provide directional signage to assist people to centre facility
entrances, accessible toilets, lifts, and accessible car parking areas.
Signage to comply with BCA part D3.6.