The University of British Columbia. Department of Art History, Visual

The University of British Columbia.
Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory.
VISA 240-001
Introductory Photography.
Winter 2006
Fridays 9 -12 pm
Manuel Piña –
Hut M17 rm. 207
Office hours; Tuesdays 2- 3 pm. Or by appointment.
Tel. 604 822 2486
Course Description
It is hard to imagine our contemporary world without photography. For more than 150
years now, we have created an immense amount of photographic images that have, in
turn, changed the way we perceive ourselves and the universe we are part of.
This course will look at some moments in this development while exploring some
fundamental notions and techniques.
It is designed as an introduction to concepts and practices essentials to photography,
which today is, at once, a most relevant artistic medium, a most powerful means of
communication and ultimately, a key tool for the exploration of our reality.
Attendance / Participation
The class will function as an ongoing workshop. In each meeting we will discuss
technical and theoretical issues related to photography. We will also discuss each
individual’s ideas and approaches to assignments. Therefore attendance is crucial. It is
expected that students will come to class on time and be prepared to participate in
class discussions.
There will be 4 assignments and a one final project. A short statement shall
accompany each presentation.
Readings and reference works.
The readings will be delivered as we go through different themes.
Supplies and materials.
You are expected to use a 35 mm camera. Film and photographic paper (back and
white) will have to be purchased regularly. There will be chemicals available at the
school darkroom. It is highly recommended the purchase of a set of multigrade filters.
Use of the laboratories
Prior to the use of our facilities you must familiarize yourselves with the rules and
safety regulations. Please find them posted in the webct site.
Our class will have a web space that will function as an extension of the classroom.
There you will find updated useful guidelines about assignments, continue our class
discussions, links to online texts and last minute information. Please make sure you
check it at least twice a week.
(For more detailed information refer to the webct site)
09.08. Intro to the course. Intro to the history of photography.
09.15. Photo sensitive materials. Photographic film and paper. The darkroom. History
of photography.
09.15. The camera, the lens, the film. History of photography.
09.22. The enlarger. Assignment 1
09.29. Presentation 1 assignment.
11.06. Landscape photography. Intro landscape assignment.
11.13. In class discussion of the landscape assignment.
11.20. Presentation landscape assignment. Portrait photography
10.27. Presentation portrait assignment.
11.03. Documentary photography. Reading: On Photography
11.10. In-class discussion documentary assignment.
11.17. Presentation documentary assignment.
11.24. Final meeting. Presentation any past due assignment.