a+r 94, ri;-,:'*t!EL: !+nG">Oa4 €g:4 REPUBLIC OF Tt.tE PHILIPPINE$ DEPARTMENT OF THE IIIITEHIOR AITID LOCAL govEHHMEiIT Frunciscs 6old Corrdorninium il EDSA Cr:r, Mapagnuhal5t,, Diliman Quezon City MEMORANDUM CIRCUTAR NUMBEH ETfi} .-66 FOR tOCAt CHIEF EXECUTIVES, CITY TNEASURERS AND OTHER CONCERNED tOCAt GOVERNMENT OTFIf,IAIS AND WITI{IN THE NA'TTONAI CAPITAT REGION $UBIECT COTTECTION OF FIRE CODE REVENUES DATE rt IANUARY 2011 In view of the neces$ity of maxirniting the resourc€$'of the Bureau af Fire Protection {hereinafter referred to as 'BFP', for brevity] in accordanre with Republic Act No. 9514 and its lmplementing Rules and Regulations, all local Hovernment officisls within the National Capital Region [hereinafter referred to as "HCR", f'or brevity] are hereby directed tCI recognize the authority of the EFP in tha assessment and collection of the Fire Code Revenues, particularly the FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION F'EE. r iiJ t'# The authority of the BFP in the assessment and collection of the Fire Code Revenues is clearlSr granLed in Section 13 and Section 13-A of Republic Act No 9514, atherwlse known as the "Fire Code of rh_e Philippines of Z00tl", to wit: iW .t( rli$ r); ,t1ih t,:ri iris "secHsn 13. collection of raxes, Fees and Fines. - All taxql, fees and fines provided in this code shall he collectad by thl gFp: Provided, That twenty percent (20Y0) of all such collections shall ,iT be set aside gnd retained t'or use by the city or municipal government concerned, which shall appropriate the same exclusivelV for the use of the operation a;d maintenance of its local fire station, including tlre construction and repair of fire station: Provided, further,, That tlre remaining eighty percent (80YoJ shall be remitted tq the National rreasiry rinder'a trust fund assigned for the rnoderrrization of the BFp. section L3-4. Assesnrent of Fire code Taxes, Feer'and Fines. The ar*gssnranf of fire corre taxasf fees and fines ls vested upan the BFP, The BFF shall subject, subiect to the approval of the DILG, prescribe the proceduril rules tor such purpose.r" The Fire Safety Inspection Fee is among the Fire Cotle Revenuesr which the BfrF is authorized to collect as a prerequirite to the grant$ of permlts and/or licenser l:y local governmenr. section " tAl{61 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. gE14 $tates, to wit: ,,,iil ,.1, "6, l'ire $afery Inspection Fee. Fee charged for the conduct of Fire Safeg' Inspection equivalent to ton per centnm {10%} -iTi r$lg:r:l]{ 'u lfr'* im llli ;iil$ :,r :j, 425381 ? of all t'ees charged hy the building otlluiiul, *r b[ the Local Goverrtnrent or hy orher Eoverrtment agelicies concerned in the granting of perrlnent permits or il**urssfi.? " Flased on the fi.rregoing, all concerned governti'r$nt officials within their respectivri territorialjuri"sdictions in the NCR are lrer*lr-v directed to abicle by the pertinent 1:rrovi.siorts of ttepublic t\,ct No. -cl51l4 anrl its ltnplenrenting Rules and Regulations qrr the authority of the BFP to asse$s aurl ctllect the necessary [rire Saleti, lnspeetion b'ees, required to Lle paid by the agrplicants prior to ilre issuance oi their ltusiness Permits. All collections marle pri*r' to the effectivity of tltis Circular are herehy ordered to be turned rrver t(i the pussession and custody of the CitSr Fire Marsltall concerned t'or proper rentittiurr:* ro the National 'Ireasury r:nder the tru$t fund assigned tcr the ISF[', 'lhe t)ity ltire Marshalls within the NCR are hereby directecl to coordlnate with tlre concerned local government ofticials of their lespective iurisdtctions as regards the efticient and expeditious procedur'e tnr the collection of the subJect fees. Please he guiclecl accorclitrgly. .#r"rr jEs3Eif,ir. RCIBREDo ierto*nru lm RepubllE qf th. Ptrilippha6 fJ[ffi,HHE"r' ffi,p# w l{tE tvlr€-llaar1E, slLGt2.0000s3 ffiiltHilfltflffiflfffiflfl