Terms of Reference Designing and Development of Program

Terms of Reference
Designing and Development of Program Database
Livelihoods and Self-reliance Activities for Refugees In Tongogara Refugee Camp
GOAL Zimbabwe is implementing a self-reliance program in Tongogara Refugee Camp, Chipinge
district and has adopted a Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation system that should be
strengthened by adoption of an operational database to manage all data collected during routine
program implementation and monitoring. This approach will enable GOAL Zimbabwe to manage
process monitoring and impact measurement data, thus enabling the GOAL M&E function to track
real-time and historic information on program performance.
GOAL Zimbabwe M&E framework is premised on tracking the activities, outputs and outcomes of the
various projects. This will be done by collecting and analysing data on all the activities, outputs and
outcome indicators. Most indicators for outputs and outcomes are already outlined in the DRAFT
UNHCR Livelihoods Indicators. The outputs are access to agricultural / livestock / fisheries production
enabled, access to financial services facilitated (formal and informal), access to self-employment /
business facilitated and access to wage employment facilitated. Data will be collected, analysed and
reported quarterly, bi-annual and annually for the indicators. GOAL Zimbabwe program staff will have
the responsibility for collecting monitoring data on all indicators. .
As such, there is huge amount of monitoring data that is collected regularly and is analysed and
reported on quarterly, bi-annual and annual basis thus necessitating the adoption of a database to
support data management, analysis and reporting on program performance. GOAL’s program in
Tongogara refugee camp requires a database that facilitates and enhances management of program
performance through measurement of common program performance indicators. Information on
indicators, baseline figures, targets, planned and completed activities will be captured in the database
at program level. Reports from the database will be shared and discussed with UNHCR and other
GOAL Zimbabwe seeks to develop a database to enhance learning across the program and within
GOAL as an organisation. The database will be used primarily for GOAL Zimbabwe livelihoods program
as a hub for all information management under UNHCR program and across GOAL Zimbabwe. That
means the data that will be captured in the database will be analysed monthly by the Livelihoods and
Markets Advisor and MEAL Manager to generate reports for use by staff and management. The
Program Manager will use the reports to make informed decisions on program performance. These
reports will be shared in program review meetings that are held on monthly basis by GOAL senior
leadership and on quarterly basis in program review meetings with GOAL program partners, UNHCR
and relevant stakeholders. Reports generated from the database will be consolidated in the Quarterly
and Annual Progress Reports that will be submitted to the donor.
Key objectives of the design and development of the database
GOAL seeks to engage a consultant to design the program database. Specific tasks for the consultant
will be:
1. To produce a conceptual data model that reflects the structure of the information to be held in
the database. Producing the conceptual data model involves input from the M&E data collection
tools which are already in use.
2. Share the conceptual data model with GOAL Zimbabwe Livelihoods and Markets Advisor, MEAL
Manager and key GOAL staff for review and improvement if need be.
3. Translate the conceptual data model into database formulas and other elements (schema) that
implement the relevant data structures within the database.
4. Use Microsoft Access for designing and developing the database. Microsoft Access comes with
Microsoft Office since it is available for Windows and is a relational-based database that
understands SQL. The most popular database model for general-purpose databases is the
relational model as represented by the Structured Query Language (SQL).
5. Design database ensuring that security features are included to protect and secure database
6. Pre-test the database for data analysis and produce reports for their immediate use.
a. Working with field staff, the consultant will capture data collected from the field into the
database at district level.
b. Implement security features to protect and secure database systems.
7. Consultant will train GOAL Staff on database design, development and maintenance activities.
8. Commission the use of the database.
GOAL will retain 10% of total payment for a period of six months following commissioning of the
database. During this period the consultant will provide technical back stopping support to
database users, ensuring that any problems that arise with the database are resolved timeously
and efficiently.
NB: When rolling out the database for GOAL program M&E, it is will not be necessary all levels of
program staff to have a detailed knowledge of how the database works. Junior Program staff should
know the main overall purpose(s) of the database. The Program Manager at district level and M&E
Officer will have access and user rights to the database so that they are able to support the data
capture clerks enter the data and run project reports when needed. The MEAL Manager and Markets
& Livelihoods Advisor will have access and user rights to the database.
Timeframe and Tasks for designing and developing the database
The duration for the entire task will be 30 working days.
1) Refined data collection tools
2) Conceptual model Design
3) Physical database design
4) Presentation of model database to GOAL
5) Pre-test run of database
6 Presentation of final functional database to managers
8) Training of Field teams on database utilisation and management
9) Roll out of the database
Profile for the consultant or consultancy firm
The consultant should have the following expertise:
 A minimum of 5 years of experience in database design and roll out for development projects
 Proven experience to lead in the structural design of a database according to various system
 Education in IT especially SQL server 2008 database development
 Analytical and Documentation skills, presentation of reports
 Excellent command of English
 Familiar with and sensitive to the local Zimbabwean culture