Special Applications - Port List http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm Search The Site! Get the Newsletter! my@email Power Search | Tips HTML Text Home | Networking | Backgrounders | Internet Sharing | Security | HowTo | Troubleshooting | Reviews | News | About | Tools | Forums Special Applications - Port List Trying to map Ping or Tracert? Better Read This! Configure Clients Secure LAN Troubleshoot Special Applications Guides: Router Hub/Switch Wireless Gateway Wireless AP Wireless NIC Network Storage Print Server Bluetooth Adapter KVM Switch internet.commerce Be a Commerce Partner Promote Your Website Business Search Find a Consultant CreditCard Processing Check Computer Prices Fax to/from Your PC Free BIOS Analysis Send a Press Release Anti-Virus Software CRM Software -Opening Ports -Port List -References Other Info Summary Special Application Port List Messaging & Conferencing Audio & Video Games Common Servers Other (including remote control) TIP: There's a reference list of port definitions here if you're curious (WARNING: it's ONE looonng page). Messaging & Conferencing Active Worlds (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 3000 IN TCP 5670 IN TCP 7777 IN TCP 7000-7100 [0000] Type=TCP Translation=NORMAL Port=5670 [0001] Type=TCP Translation=NORMAL Port=7777 [0002] Type=TCP Translation=NORMAL Port=7000-7100 [0003] Type=TCP Translation=NORMAL Port=3000 AIM Talk OUT TCP 4099 IN TCP 5190 Battlecom (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN UDP 2300 - 2400 IN TCP 2300 - 2400 IN UDP 47624 IN TCP 47624 Buddy Phone (only communication. No FTP) IN UDP 700 - 701 Calista IP phone 1 of 7 02-11-20 19.14 Special Applications - Port List OUT IN http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm TCP UDP 5190 3000 CuSeeMe (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) OUT UDP 24032 IN UDP 1414 [use H.323 protocol if available] IN UDP 1424 [use H.323 protocol if available] IN TCP 1503 IN TCP 1720 [use H.323 protocol if available] IN UDP 1812 1813 IN TCP 7640 IN TCP 7642 IN UDP 7648 IN TCP 7648 IN TCP 7649 7649 IN UDP 24032 IN UDP 56800 OUT UDP 1414 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT UDP 1424 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT TCP 1503 OUT TCP 1720 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT UDP 1812 1813 OUT TCP 7640 OUT TCP 7642 OUT UDP 7648 OUT TCP 7648 OUT TCP 7649 OUT UDP 56800 Delta Three PC to Phone (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 12053 [use CuSeeMe protocol if available] IN TCP 12083 IN UDP 12080 IN UDP 12120 IN UDP 12122 IN UDP 24150 - 24179 Dialpad OUT TCP IN UDP IN TCP IN TCP OUT TCP 7175 51200 51201 51210 1584 1585 8680 8686 Dwyco Video Conferencing (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN UDP 12000 - 16090 IN TCP 1024 - 5000 IN TCP 6700 - 6702 IN TCP 6880 Go2Call IN UDP IN TCP 2090 2091 2090 H.323 compliant video player, NetMeeting 2.0, 3.0, Intel Video Phone (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) (Incoming calls are not possible due to NetMeeting assigning ports dynamically.) OUT TCP 1720 IN UDP 1024 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT UDP 1024 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available] IN TCP 1024 1502 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT TCP 1024 1502 [use H.323 protocol if available] IN TCP 1504 1730 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT TCP 1504 1730 [use H.323 protocol if available] IN TCP 1732 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT TCP 1732 65534 [use H.323 protocol if available] OUT TCP 1503 1503 OUT TCP 1731 1731 IN TCP 1503 1503 IN TCP 1731 1731 Hotline Server IN TCP 5500 - 5503 IN UDP 5499 The TCP Ports enabled are 5500 - 5503 (This is for the standard 5500 Hotline port) If you change the default port, then you must enable the 3 ports after it (so if you choose 4000 then you must enable 4000 - 4003) The UDP port enabled 5499 is required only if you want to list your server on a tracker (the data stream is only outgoing so if you want to disable in bound on a firewall it would work fine) ICQ In ICQ under "Preferences & security", "Preferences" and Connections, click on "I am behind a firewall or proxy" then click on "Firewall Settings". Then select "I don't have a SOCKS Proxy server on my firewall" or "I am using another Proxy server". Click Next. Click "Use the following TCP listen ports for incoming event" and set the TCP ports for 20000 to 20019 for the first user, 20020 to 20039 for the second user, 20040 to 20059 for the third user, etc. OUT UDP 4000 IN TCP 20000 20019 for one user OR IN TCP 20000 20039 for two users OR IN TCP 20000 20059 for three users, etc. ICUII Client (Watch Out! OUT TCP IN TCP IN TCP IN TCP IN TCP 2 of 7 Opens a wide port range!) 2019 2000 2038 2050 2051 2069 2085 02-11-20 19.14 Special Applications - Port List http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm IN TCP 3010 3030 OUT TCP 2000 2038 OUT TCP 2050 2051 OUT TCP 2069 OUT TCP 2085 OUT TCP 3010 3030 ICUII Client (Version 4.xx) (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 1024 - 5000 IN TCP 2000 - 2038 IN TCP 2050 - 2051 IN TCP 2069 IN TCP 2085 IN TCP 3010 - 3030 IN TCP 6700 - 6702 IN TCP 6880 IN UDP 12000 - 16090 Internet Phone OUT UDP 22555 Ivisit IN UDP IN UDP 9943 56768 LIVvE (For pager file send only) IN UDP 8999 mIRC DCC / IRC DCC [mIRC Proxy/Firewall Help page] (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 1024 - 5000 mIRC Chat (The IRC port is usually 6667) IN TCP 6660 - 6669 mIRC IDENT IN UDP 113 MSN Messenger (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) NOTE: Shut off any personal firewall programs such as BlackIce, ZoneAlarm, etc. Ports 6891-6900 enable File send, Port 6901 is for voice communications Allows Voice, PC to Phone, Messages, and Full File transfer capabilities. Thnx to Brad King & Bill Finch Jr. IN TCP 6891 - 6900 IN TCP 1863 IN UDP 1863 IN UDP 5190 IN UDP 6901 IN TCP 6901 Net2Phone OUT UDP 6801 IN UDP 6801 One additional UDP and one TCP port in the range of 1 to 30000 must be mapped. Ports 6802 and 6803 are suggested. These ports must be mapped in your firewall, then set in the Net2Phone client as follows: 1) Click on Net2Phone's "Menu" button. 2) Select "Preferences". 3) Click on the "Network" tab. 4) Enter 6802 for the Client TCP Port. 5) Enter 6803 for the Client UDP Port. Pal Talk [support page] (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN UDP 2090 [voice] IN UDP 2091 [control stream] IN TCP 2090 [file transfer] IN TCP 2091 [video listening] IN TCP 2095 [file transfer- older versions] OUT TCP 5001 - 50015 [text messaging] OUT TCP 8200 - 8700 [Firewall / network mode group voice] OUT UDP 8200 - 8700 [Firewall / network mode group voice] OUT UDP 1025 - 2500 [outbound voice & control stream (user configurable)] The last 2 UDP outbound ports are usually set in pairs. 1024 - 1025, 1026 - 1027, etc... Most users never have to set these lower two ports. They are dynamically assigned if you leave the lower two boxes set to 0's on the 'paltalk port settings' tab. Outbound ports are usually not an issue but are listed here for network users who may need to manually configure for a proxy or NAT server or other hardware device. PhoneFree (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN UDP 1034 - 1035 IN UDP 9900 - 9901 IN TCP 1034 - 1035 IN TCP 2644 IN TCP 8000 This Mapping is needed to hear the audio from the incoming party, outgoing audio would work without it. ** According to phonefree the ports you need open are: 8000 TCP For Server access 1034 UDP Voice in/out 1035 TCP Voice in/out 2644 TCP Personal Communication Center I found that port range 9900-9901 UDP is also needed but not mentioned at phonefree support. Also shut off any other firewall programs you may have running. To make PC-TO-PHONE calls, it seems only UDP port 9900 must be opened (the fewer ports open, the better!). 3 of 7 02-11-20 19.14 Special Applications - Port List http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm Polycom ViaVideo H.323 IN TCP 3230 - 3235 IN UDP 3230 - 3235 NOTE: I needed to set these ports to dial out. Also enable on ViaVideo (under H.323 QoS) 'Use Fixed Ports' 3230-3235 TCP & UDP Roger IN IN IN Wilco [support page] TCP 3782 UDP 3782 UDP 3783 [only needed for RW Base station] Speak Freely IN UDP 2074 - 2076 Yahoo Messenger Chat IN TCP 5000 - 5001 Yahoo Messenger Phone IN UDP 5055 Audio & Video Audiogalaxy Satellite [updated 12/13/00] (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 41000 - 50000 IN TCP 1117-5190 Camerades IN TCP IN UDP 2047 2048 2047 2048 GNUtella IN TCP IN UDP 6346 6346 IStreamVideo2HP IN TCP 8076 - 8077 IN UDP 8076 - 8077 KaZaA IN TCP 1214 Napster OUT TCP 6699 IN TCP 6699 QuickTime 4 Server IN TCP 6970 IN UDP 6970 - 7000 QuickTime 4 Client & RealAudio on Port 554 (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) OUT TCP 554 IN UDP 6970 - 32000 RealAudio on Port 7070 OUT TCP 7070 IN UDP 6970 - 7170 ShoutCast Server IN TCP 8000 - 8005 Games Aliens vs. Predator (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN UDP 80 IN UDP 2300 - 2400 IN UDP 8000 - 8999 Anarchy Online (BETA) IN TCP 7013 IN TCP 7500 - 7501 IN UDP 7013 IN UDP 7500 - 7501 Asheron's Call [support page] [mapping info] OUT UDP 9000, 9004, 9008, 9012 IN UDP 9000, 9001, 9004, 9005, 9012, 9013 NOTE! You may also need to open the MSN Game Zone and DX ports Black and IN TCP IN TCP IN UDP IN UDP White 2611 - 2612 6667 6500 27900 Blizzard Battlenet This allows for -1- machine on the network to take advantage of Blizzard's BattleNet system for playing online games such as Diablo II and StarCraft. The 6112 port is needed in both TCP and UDP for StarCraft and Diablo II, and the 4000 port is needed for Diablo II. No other settings should be needed. IN TCP 4000 IN TCP 6112 IN UDP 6112 Bungie.net, Myth, Myth II Server IN TCP 3453 Dark Reign 2 IN TCP 26214 IN UDP 26214 4 of 7 02-11-20 19.14 Special Applications - Port List http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm Delta Force (Client and Server) OUT UDP 3568 IN TCP 3100 3999 OUT TCP 3100 3999 IN UDP 3100 3999 OUT UDP 3100 3999 Delta Force 2 IN UDP 3568 IN UDP 3569 Elite Force IN UDP 26000 IN UDP 27500 IN UDP 27910 IN UDP 27960 NOTE: If the server is behind the same router/firewall as other clients, then all of the clients will have to add "+set net_port 27961," "27962," etc. to their shortcut command lines. Otherwise, they will not be able to use the in-game internet game browser. This is due to the fact that EF uses the same port (27960) for both the client and the server. Everquest (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) See this Everquest page for more info IN TCP 1024 7000 IN UDP 1024 6000 Note: May have to open this last UDP range even wider F-16, Mig 29 IN UDP 3862 IN UDP 3863 F-22 Lightning 3 (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN UDP 3875 IN UDP 4533 IN UDP 4534 IN UDP 4660 - 4670 (for VON) F-22 Raptor IN UDP 3874, 3875 Fighter Ace II (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 50000 - 50100 IN UDP 50000 - 50100 for DX play also open these ports: IN TCP 47624 IN TCP 2300 - 2400 IN UDP 2300 - 2400 Half Life IN UDP IN UDP IN UDP IN UDP IN UDP 6003 7002 27010 27015 27025 Half Life Server IN UDP 27015 Heretic II Server IN TCP 28910 Hexen II Each computer hosting Hexen II must use a different port number, starting at 26900 and incrementing by 1. IN UDP 26900 (for first player) KALI Each computer using KALI must use a different port number, starting at 2213 and incrementing by 1. IN IN UDP UDP 2213 (for first player) 6666 Kohan Immortal Sovereigns This allows you to host a Kohan game and have it show up on Gamespy, otherwise no one will be able to see your game outside of your lan. Only the ICS server can host games and have them show up however. IN UDP 3855 IN UDP 17437 IN TCP 3855 IN TCP 17437 Motorhead server IN UDP 16000 IN TCP 16000 IN TCP 16010 - 16030 IN UDP 16010 - 16030 The ports 16010-16030 are ports I specified in the MotorHead dedicated server client ports section. You need to specify client ports so that Motorhead does not assign client ports randomly. MSN Game Zone [support page] [DX support page] (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 6667 IN TCP 28800 - 29000 for DX play also open these ports: IN TCP 47624 IN TCP 2300 - 2400 IN UDP 2300 - 2400 5 of 7 02-11-20 19.14 Special Applications - Port List http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm Need for Speed - Porche IN UDP 9442 Need for Speed 3- Hot Pursuit IN TCP 1030 Operation FlashPoint TCP 47624 ~ 47624 TCP 2234 ~ 2234 BOTH 6073 ~ 6073 Outlaws IN UDP IN TCP 5310 5310 Quake2 (Client and Server) IN UDP 27910 QuakeIII Each computer playing QuakeIII must use a different port number, starting at 27660 and incrementing by 1. You'll also need to do the following: 1. Right click on the QIII icon 2. Choose "Properties" 3. In the Target field you'll see a line like "C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\quake3.exe" 4. Add the Quake III net_port command to specify a unique communication port for each system. The complete field should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\quake3.exe" +set net_port 27660 5. Click OK. 6. Repeat for each system behind the NAT, adding one to the net_port selected (27660,27661,27662) IN UDP 27660 (for first player) Rainbow Six (Client and Server) OUT TCP 2346 IN TCP 2346 Rogue Spear OUT TCP 2346 IN TCP 2346 Soldier of Fortune IN UDP 28910 - 28915 Starcraft IN UDP 6112 Starfleet Command (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 2300 - 2400 IN TCP 47624 IN UDP 2300 - 2400 IN UDP 47624 SWAT3 IN TCP 16639 IN UDP 16638 Ultima IN TCP IN TCP IN TCP IN TCP IN TCP IN TCP 5001-5010 Game 7775-7777 Login 8888 Patch 8800-8900 UO Messenger 9999 Patch 7875 UOMonitor Port 7875 is not used by the game, but by UOMonitor, which many players use to monitor server status. Unreal Tournament server IN UDP 7777 (default gameplay port) IN UDP 7778 (server query port IN UDP 7779+ (UDP 7779+ are allocated dynamically for each helper UdpLink objects, including UdpServerUplin objects. Try starting with 7779-7781 and add ports if needed.)) IN UDP 27900 (server query, if master server uplink is enabled. Some master servers use other ports, like 27500) IN TCP 8080 (Port 8080 is for UT Server Admin. In the [UWeb.WebServer] section of the server.ini file, set the ListenPort to 8080 (to match the mapped port above) and ServerName to the IP assigned to the router from your ISP.) Westwood Online - C&C Tiberian Sun & Dune 2000 Note: Westwood Online supports only one user per public IP address at any given time. Apprule courtesy of Quantus' World OUT TCP 4000 IN TCP 4000 IN UDP 1140 1234 IN TCP 1140 1234 OUT UDP 1140 1234 OUT TCP 1140 1234 ZNES IN UDP 7845 [Use Quake Translation if you can set it] Common Servers FTP Server on your LAN IN TCP 21 POP3 Mail Server on your LAN IN TCP 110 6 of 7 02-11-20 19.14 Special Applications - Port List http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/app_port_list.htm SMTP Mail server" on your LAN IN TCP 25 TELNET Server on your LAN IN TCP 23 WEB Server on your LAN IN TCP 80 Other BAYVPN OUT UDP 500 CITRIX Metaframe / ICA client (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 1494 IN UDP 1604 IN TCP 1023 - 5000 (NOTE: Depending on the number of clients/sessions, you can try decreasing this range, or you may need to increase it.) CarbonCopy32 host on your LAN (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 1680 IN UDP 1023-1679 Deerfield MDaemon Email Server IN TCP 3000 IN TCP 3001 Direct Connect (Watch Out! Opens a wide port range!) IN TCP 375 - 425 FW1VPN OUT UDP 259 Laplink Host IN TCP 1547 Lotus Notes Server IN TCP 1352 NTP (Network Time Protocol) OUT UDP 123 IN UDP 123 pcANYHWERE host on your LAN IN TCP 5631 IN UDP 5632 RAdmin (Fama Tech) IN TCP 4899 Remote Anything FAQ page IN TCP 3999 - 4000 IN UDP 3996 - 3998 Remotely AnyWhere IN TCP 2000 Remotely Possible Server IN TCP 799 Shiva VPN (set the mobile option in the Shiva VPN client software to be your public IP address) OUT UDP 2233 IN UDP 2233 Timbuktu Pro IN TCP 407 IN TCP 1417 - 1420 IN UDP 407 IN UDP 1417 - 1420 Virtual Network Computing (VNC) IN TCP 5500 IN TCP 5800 IN TCP 5900 Windows 2000 Terminal Server (probably also works for NT Terminal services) IN TCP 3389 IN UDP 3389 EarthWeb is a service of Jupitermedia Corporation. Copyright © 2002 Jupitermedia Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Got a comment? Use the feedback form. Advertising Info| Legal Notices| Feedback| Licensing| Reprints| Permissions| Privacy Policy http://www.internet.com/ 7 of 7 02-11-20 19.14