Curriculum Newsletter for Year 6 Leopard and Panther Class Dear Parents and Carers, In order to keep you informed and help you support your children, we thought it would be useful to share with you some of the arrangements in year 6. SATs are fast approaching and the children have been working really hard over the last few weeks in preparations. Thank you again for all of your support. Class Class Teacher Other teachers teaching the class Support staff working in the classroom Home learning Reading books PE kits Planned trips this year Topic work this half term Year 6 – Leopards/ Panthers Miss Beacham Mrs King Mr Dodman (Daily set groups and Leopard class) Mrs Tomson (Thursday afternoon and all day Friday) Mrs Petre (Leopards and group work) Mrs Matthews (Panthers ) Mrs Jackson (Panthers) All projects and handwriting will be sent home on a Friday. Our online home learning will be up and running shortly, with year 6 taking home additional projects. Children are given the opportunity to change their reading books every day, as long as they have read the book at home. Please try and ensure that your child is reading for at least 20 minutes each day. Also, remember to sign the reading record when you have read with your child, indicating the page number reached. Again, any brief comments about how your child read the book or about any questions / conversations you had about the book are very useful for continual assessment. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ensure PE kit is in school on these days. Jewellery should be removed and children with long hair should have it tied back for health and safety reasons Residential to PGL Barton Hall 8th June Bikeability 22nd June and 6th July Summer Term Stairway to Devon – A sports science theme looking at our bodies, healthy lifestyles and exercise. We will be linking our residential trip experiences with designing our own adventure sports centres and studying the history and geography of Devon. Christian Value Our Christian value for this half term is Wisdom. We will be exploring ideas around this during our in class worships, RE and PHSE sessions. English This term’s fiction work will include looking at short stories and genre types. We will read stories from a range of cultures and study the use of language used for dramatic effect. We will also look at how to write extended stories over a longer period of time. Maths In Maths, we are currently focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages, giving the children the opportunity to revise key skills and develop their methods to apply to problem solving. We will be giving children the opportunity to work on real SATs questions from previous years in order teach them the skills to tackle them methodically. Children take part in a weekly times tables challenge, and practice key mental maths under timed conditions. Our next focus in numeracy will be measures and how to convert between these (grams to kilograms, etc.) RE In R.E. we have been looking at Buddhism and places of worship. The children will be looking at the traditions, morals and rules of the religions, as well as meditation and reflection. To link in with the work we have already done on Arabian Nights, the children will be studying the contrast between different places of worship, concentrating on mosques and the key belief of Islam. PE Children have the opportunity to learn a new sport. This term, Year 6 have been developing their skills in badminton, cricket and rounders. The children will also be working on areas of fitness work through multi-skill challenges and athletics. ICT/ Computing As well as using ICT throughout the curriculum, the children will be introduced to data handling using computing. We will use computer software to create graphs and charts to show information in an easy to understand way. The children are currently working on a unit on programming and coding, creating a basic APP. Theme Work This term our theme is a Stairway to Devon, based on our upcoming visit to Torquay during our residential. We will be improving our map using skills, tracking weather and temperatures, researching famous landmarks and historical events. The children will be carrying out cross-curricular lessons and looking at how exercise and a healthy lifestyle is essential focusing on diet, heart rates, digestive system and the effects of poisons and smoking. Music This term the children will be continuing to learn a variety of songs during hymns of praise, along with topics about rhythm and pulse. French The children are continuing with their weekly session of French with Mrs Tomson. They have been revising key vocabulary from the previous year and developing their conversational skills. If you have any questions about this, feel free to catch one of the Year 6 team and we will be happy to help. Many thanks again for your continued support. Kind regards, Mrs King, Miss Beacham and the Year 6 team.