Chapter 7: Polarization

Chapter 7:
Joaquín Bernal Méndez
Group 4
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Vector
The Electric Displacement Vector
Constitutive Laws: Linear Dielectrics
Energy in Dielectric Systems
Forces on Dielectrics
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Conductors: contain a great amount of free charge
Dielectrics: all charges are attached to specific
atoms or molecules
Examples: wood, plastic, stone...
Then ¿How does a dielectric substance respond to an
external electrostatic field?
Charges attached to molecules or atoms undergo
microscopic displacements
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Induced Dipoles
An atom has a positively charged core (the nucleus)
and a negatively charged electron cloud surrounding it
The nucleus is pushed in the direction of the field and
the electrons the opposite way:
The atom gets polarized
Induced dipole moment:
If the electric field is too strong this relationship can
become nonlinear and the atom can even be ionized
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Alignment of Polar Molecules
Some molecules have permanent dipole moments that
are not due to the action of an external electric field
Example: water molecule
Polar Molecules
This polar molecules tends to rotate to line up its
dipole moment parallel to the external electric field
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Dielectrics with neutral atoms or nonpolar molecules:
A dipole moment parallel to the field is induced in each
atom or molecule by the applied electric field
Dielectrics with polar molecules:
The external electric field exerts a torque on each
molecule that tends to line it up along the field direction
This will not be a complete alignment due to the effect of
random thermal motion
In both cases we obtain a polarized dielectric: a lot of
little dipoles aligned with the external field
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Vector
The Electric Displacement Vector
Constitutive Laws: Linear Dielectrics
Energy in Dielectric Systems
Forces on Dielectrics
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Vector
We are going to study the field due to a piece of
polarized material
We will forget for a moment about the cause of the
Each molecule has a dipole moment:
From a macroscopic point of view we define the
polarization vector:
Dipole moment per unit volume
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Electric Field Due to a Polarized
Let's suppose that we know the
polarization vector. ¿Can we calculate
the the electric field created by the polarized material?
Idea: the total field can be obtained as a superposition
of the fields of all the tiny dipoles inside the material
Potential due to a dipole at the origin:
If the dipole is located at an arbitrary point
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Electric Field Due to a Polarized
Dipole moment due to a volume
element :
Potential created by this volume
Integrating over the volume of the polarized material:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Electric Field Due to a Polarized
This potential can be expressed in a different way
By using:
We can write down the integrand as:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Electric Field Due to a Polarized
And we arrive to:
By applying the Divergence Theorem:
: Volume of the polarized material
: Surface boundary of the
polarized material
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Charges
Potential created by a volume and a surface charge
By analogy we van define:
Surface density of polarization charges
Volume density of polarization charges
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Charges
We can calculate the electric field produced by the
polarized material by finding the polarization charges
and calculating the field that they produce
We get to a problem of electrostatics (chapter 3)
We must know the polarization vector to apply this
Questions about polarization charges:
¿Are they actual charges or just a mathematical tool?
If they are true charges, ¿How does polarization lead to
such accumulation of charge in a neutral material?
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Physical Meaning of the
Polarization Charges
Uniformly polarized material:
The head of a dipole cancels the tail of its neighbor
But at the ends are two layers of charges left over:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Physical Meaning of the
Polarization Charges
Piece of material with nonuniform polarization
There is not complete compensation between adjacent
positive and negative layers
net bound charge
within the material
Polarization charges are real accumulations of charge
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Total Polarization Charge
The total charge can be calculated by summing the
surface and volume polarization charges:
Divergence Theorem
There is no total polarization charge in a polarized
material (unless free charge has been deposited)
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Vector
The Electric Displacement Vector
Constitutive Laws: Linear Dielectrics
Energy in Dielectric Systems
Forces on Dielectrics
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
The Electric Displacement Vector
We have already calculated the field crated by a
polarized material: polarization charges
The total electric field is that produced by both the
polarization charges and the free charges. This field
obeys the Gauss's Law:
Electric displacement vector
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
The Electric Displacement Vector
Gauss's Law can be written in terms of the electric
displacement vector:
Differential form
Integral form
This is an auxiliary field: it can not be measured
Units: C/m2 (same as
Its scalar sources are only the free charges
Boundary condition:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Vector Sources of the Electric
Displacement Vector
A vector field is determined by its divergence (scalar
sources) and its curl (vector sources)
From the definition:
We get to:
The curl of the polarization vector is the vector source
of the electric displacement vector
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Usefulness of the Electric
Displacement Vector
The parallel between
is subtle:
The electric displacement vector can NOT be obtained
in the same way as the electric field but forgetting about
the polarization charges
However for highly symmetric situations we usually
and then the electric displacement
vector can be calculated in terms of the free charge
from the Gauss's Law:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Parallel-plate capacitor filled with a dielectric slab
Plane symmetry
By applying Gauss's Law:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Infinite straight line with a uniform line charge λ
surrounded by a dielectric cylinder
can be expressed in terms of the free charges:
If we knew
we could calculate
by using:
we need to know the
functional form of this relationship (constitutive equation)
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Vector
The Electric Displacement Vector
Constitutive Laws: Linear Dielectrics
Energy in Dielectric Systems
Forces on Dielectrics
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Constitutive Laws
A dielectric is usually polarized due to an external
electric field
For many substances the polarization is proportional
to the field:
: electric susceptibility (dimensionless)
In vacuum:
is the total electric field (due to free and polarization
charges), not the externally applied electric field
Substances verifying this constitutive
equation are referred to as linear dielectrics
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Linear Dielectrics
Homogeneous: its susceptibility is independent of
Isotropic: its susceptibility is a scalar magnitude (in
instead of a tensor)
Linear: polarization is proportional to the field
This is true as long as the field is not too strong
There exit substances not obeying this law:
Ferroelectric materials: the polarization depends on the
history of the particular chunk of material
Electrets: materials which are able to hold a permanent
electric polarization in absence of an external field
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Linear Dielectrics
Relationship between the electric displacement and
the electric field:
We define:
Permittivity of the material:
Relative permittivity:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Dielectric Constants for Some
Common Substances
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ethyl Alcohol
sodium chloride
Sea water
Distilled water
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Parallel-plate capacitor filled with a linear dielectric
We have already obtained:
The capacitance is increased by a factor of
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Parallel-plate capacitor: polarization charges
In general, for linear dielectrics:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Capacitor filled with Insulating
For a given free charge, the potential difference is
smaller when the capacitor is filled with a dielectric
Because the electric field between the plates is partially
shielded by the polarization charges and hence its
magnitude is smaller than in the vacuum case
For a given difference of potential, the accumulated
free charge is larger when the capacitor is filled with a
dielectric material:
Because an extra amount of free charge is needed to
counteract the effect of the polarization charges in order
to attain the same electric field between the plates
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Parallel plate capacitor partially filled with a dielectric
Applying Gauss's Law:
Capacitance of two
capacitors connected
in series
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Parallel-plate capacitor partially filled with a dielectric
In both regions must be verified that:
Capacitance of two
capacitors connected
in parallel
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Conducting sphere carrying a charge q surrounded by
a dielectric sphere
Gauss's Law:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Conducting sphere carrying a charge q surrounded by
a dielectric sphere: polarization charges
Inside the material:
(linear dielectric)
Exercise: check that the total polarization charge is zero
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Polarization Vector
The Electric Displacement Vector
Constitutive Laws: Linear Dielectrics
Energy in Dielectric Systems
Forces on Dielectrics
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Energy in Dielectric Systems
We already know:
This equation give us the work that it takes to bring all
the charges from infinity to their final positions
When dealing with dielectric systems it is more
convenient to use this formula:
This equation give us the work that it takes to bring the
free charges from infinity to their final positions
Both formulas are correct, but they represent different things
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Energy Stored in a Parallel-Plate
For a parallel-plate capacitor filled with a dielectric:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
We have calculated:
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Forces on Dielectrics
The force exerted on the dielectric material in a
direction can be calculated by using the principle of
virtual work:
Example: dielectric slab partially inserted between the
plates of a parallel-plate capacitor:
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Summary (I)
Polarization is the response of dielectric materials to
external electric fields:
The dipole moments of the molecules of the dielectric
tends to line up in the direction of the electric field.
The polarization vector describes the polarization of
the material from a macroscopic point of view.
Polarization charges account for the electric field
created by the polarized material.
The electric displacement vector is an auxiliary
vector field whose scalar sources are the free
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization
Summary (II)
In highly symmetric distributions the electric
displacement vector can be calculated as a function of
the free charges by using Gauss's Law.
To calculate the total electric field we also need a
constitutive equation of the medium, which gives us
the relationship between the polarization vector and the
electric field.
For linear media the polarization vector is proportional to
the electric field.
To calculate the energy of dielectric systems we have
introduced an alternative formula of the energy that
does not include the work required to bring the
polarization charges from infinity.
Campos Electromagnéticos
Class year 2008/2009
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto. Física Aplicada III
Chapter 7: Polarization