Evaluation, When and How

Wrestling with the question
• in private: ponder on case-by-case basis
Evaluation, When and How
- as an author
- as a reviewer
• in public: series of 4 meta-papers
“She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it).”
- Lewis Carroll
Tamara Munzner
University of British Columbia
- process and pitfalls Dagstuhl07
- nested model of design and validation InfoVis09
Evaluation: How Much Evaluation Is Enough?
• NM revisited: blocks & guidelines BELIV12, Inf Vis Journal 13
- design study methodology InfoVis12
Victories and challenges: I
User studies: tricky to do right
• evolving sophistication: the user study pendulum swings
- a few dubious ones, lacking rigor
- ideal: collaborate with experts... several times!
- some good ones appear
- some authors do user studies without understanding why
or how
http://www.biologycorner.com/resources/pendulum.jpg 5
Of course...
• ... you should evaluate your work
- use appropriate methods!
• ... you should not have a user study in every paper
- avoid litmus test and cargo cult thinking
• as you go, to make it better: formative
• iterate!
personal validation
inward-facing validation
outward-facing validation
[Design Study Methodology: Reflections from the Trenches and from the Stacks. Sedlmair, Meyer, Munzner.
IEEE TVCG 18(12): 2431-2440, 2012 (Proc. InfoVis 2012).]
Victories and challenges: III
• post-deployment studies with target users
- we’ve moved beyond “my friends liked it”
- we’ve moved beyond “I’m the only one who’s used it”
- new frontier: multiple regression for comparison
- new frontier: post-adoption studies
[Cognitive measurements of graph aesthetics. Ware, Purchase, Colpoys, and McGill.
Information Visualization, 2002. 1(2): p. 103-110.]
• Seven Scenarios: only 5 out of 800!
[Empirical Studies in Information Visualization: Seven Scenarios.
Lam, Bertini, Isenberg, Plaisant, and Carpendale.
TVCG 18(9):1520-1536, 2012.]
• what happens after you get that first paper out?...
- different axis from lab/field
• BELIV workshops
- Experimental Human-Computer Interaction,
Helen Purchase, Cambridge Univ Press
- some reviewers expect all papers to have user studies
observe target users post-deployment (“field study”)
measure adoption
• mismatch: cannot show technique good with system timings
• mismatch: cannot show abstraction good with lab study
• at the end, to show you got it right: summative
• qualitative vs quantitative
- How to Design and Report Experiments,
Andy Field & Graham Hole, SAGE
• but pushes to change culture often overshoot...
problem domain:
observe target users using existing tools
data/task abstraction:
encoding/interaction technique:
justify design wrt alternatives
measure system time
analyze computational complexity
analyze results qualitatively
measure human time with lab experiment (“user study”)
- new frontier: thinking beyond time and error
• good resources
- rigorous studies are common
“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.”
- Lewis Carroll
• significance testing with controlled experiments
• many ways to go wrong that are not obvious from
reading finished papers
- no user studies at all
When to evaluate?
[A Nested Model for Visualization Design and Validation. Munzner. TVCG 15(6):921-928, 2009
(Proc. InfoVis 09).]
Victories and challenges: II
“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
- Lewis Carroll
• we’ve come a long way!
Evaluation: broadly interpreted
- 06 AVI, 08 CHI, 10 CHI, 12 VisWeek