documentation checklist

Validation event checklist
Programme title……………………………………………………………………….
Date of validation …………………………………………………………………….
Programme details
Award and levels
Mode(s) of delivery
Details of modules forming the award
Rationale for programme, incl. 3 year cohort projections, market, and competitors
Programme team listing
Programme structure
Fit with QAA subject benchmark statement (if appropriate)
Match with FHEQ descriptors
Mapping document – module outcomes against programme outcomes
Assessment strategy
Assessment detail, ie. mapping of types/weightings/spread
Adherence to requirements of PSRBs if appropriate
Reference to employability/further study opportunities for graduates of the programme
Programme-specific regulations (if applicable)
Acknowledgement in programme design of needs of disabled students (QAA Code of Practice for
Students with Disabilities / Learning Differences)
Present: / 
Staff CVs
Physical resources
Human resources, incl. staff development needs
Learning resources
Present: / 
Programme management
Arrangements for programme management
Roles and responsibilities of senior staff/programme team
Student guidance/support
QA mechanisms, including external examiner arrangements (particularly if the subject is
niche/potential examiners likely to be in short supply)
Present: / 
Evidence of external input
Agreement with any external agent/training agency if appropriate
E-learning programme checklist
Equality Impact Assessment checklist
Present: / 
Student/programme handbook (including templates)
The programme of study available
The relevant services, facilities, support and procedures
Details of institutional publications as references
Course template
Module templates for all modules (new and existing)
Present: / 
Documentary variations
Distance learning programme
50% (60 credits) worth of Distance Learning materials
Timetable/development plan for production of remaining materials
Present: / 
A critical appraisal document, including an action plan
Information on action taken in response to the conditions and recommendations identified at the
initial validation
External examiner’s reports (cover the last 3 years)
Evidence of programme monitoring (cover the last 3 years)
A statement identifying impact the new programme will have on existing students (if applicable)
Present: / 