Discovery Your Way, Since 1959!
Tel: 86-773-2885358; Fax: 86-773-2827424\2885308
Summary: 15-Day China Tour to Urumqi, Kashgar, Turpan, Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Zhangye, Wuwei, Lanzhou.
Tour Type: Land tour + well selected hotel + domestic flights/trains + authentic Chinese food, private guided
with your own English speaking guide (unless otherwise specified), your own driver at your own pace and
Highlights for this package
Erdaoqiao Market: Meander through the Erdaoqiao Bazaar, a bustling market with almost everything imaginable.
Kashgar Old Town: Explore the maze of narrow streets in Kashgar Old Town ,the oldest residential area there.
Zhiren Street: Walk on Zhiren Street, an old street with an amazing range of hand made goods being for sale.
Livestock Market: Have a fascinating experience in Livestock Market full of various animals on Sundays.
Suleiman Minaret: Take time to visit Suleiman's Minaret, the only ancient Islamic pagoda in the country.
Tuyoq Village and Tuyugou Canyon: Visit Tuyoq Village, a traditional village featuring vineyards & orchards, and
enjoy the majestic natural landscape in Tuyugou Canyon at Flame Mountain.
The Ruins of the Ancient City of Jiaohe: Walk along the Jiaohe Ruin lying between two rivers and imagine it in
ancient times.
The Karez Wells: Marvel at Karez Well, famous for its irrigation systems and explore the intriguing history and
construction in the nearby museum.
The Singing Sand Mountains and Crescent Spring: See the mysterious murals and Buddha sculptures with a
history of thousand years.
1. Tour Itinerary
Day 1
Destination: Entrance City to Urumqi
Travel: Flight No. TBA (Your arrangements)
Services & Highlights: Airport to Hotel Transfer (Urumqi), A Free CH cell phone package (one cell phone for
one group)
A Free CH cell phone package (one cell phone for one group):
A Free CH cell phone package (one cell phone for one group) includes free rental for the cell phone
and SIM card (Includes prepaid value of CNY 50), delivery and collection in China. Return the phone to
your guide when you depart. For more about the cell phone rental service, please click cell phone rental
China Highlights can also provide a Wi-Fi package so that you can stay connected in China anytime and
anywhere without relying on hotel for other hotspots. Our 3G service provides speeds of up to 21Mbps on your
smart phone, pad or laptop, so you can stay in contact. For more detail please visit Wi-Fi rental information.
Day 2
Destination: Urumqi
Services & Highlights: The Xinjiang Museum, Heavenly Lake, Erdaoqiao Market, Boat for Cruise on the
Heavenly Lake, Souvenir Shop of the Great Hall of the People
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at Jiamu Restaurant
The Xinjiang Museum (2 hours): The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Museum has collections of silver
works of art, stone steles, coins and currency, ceramics, wooden articles, and paintings. One of the highlights
is the well-preserved collection of 4,000-year-old corpses, unearthed along the Silk Road. A modern-style
building occupying 11,000 square meters, it is located on Xibei Road, 2 km north of People's (Renmin) Park.
Heavenly Lake
: Heavenly Lake (Tian Chi) is a beautiful blue mountain lake. The blue lake water is finely
contrasted with steep forested hills, high meadows and snowy Heavenly Mountain peaks behind. There you can
walk, take electric carts, cable cars and a boat cruise on the lake.
Erdaoqiao Market (1 hour): The Erdaoqiao Bazaar is the largest in Urumqi. You'll find a bustling market filled
with fruit, clothing, crafts, knives, carpets and almost anything that you can imagine. On Sunday, there are
more stalls and more goods to buy than any other day. The old streets around the bazaar are really worth
seeing.Here is the most welcomed place by tourist especialy by ladies where they can buy some traditional
yugur make up cosmetic.
Boat for Cruise on the Heavenly Lake (40 minutes)
: It is a different way to visit Heavenly Lake by boat.
Souvenir Shop of the Great Hall of the People : This factory manufactures and sells many kinds of jade articles,
including Xinjiang Hetian jade, jade jewelry, and Xinjiang jade sculptures. There are also many woven rugs on
sale with beautiful traditional designs.
Tel: 0991-4835598
Address: 45 North Youhao Road, Urumuqi, Xinjiang
Jiamu Restaurant : Jiamu Restaurant is a Uygur style restaurant, mainly providing Uygur cuisine but no wine
allowed while dining. The restroom is in good decoration and there is a short time for live performance during
lunch time.
Day 3
Destination: Urumqi to Kashgar
Travel: China Southern Airlines CZ6805 Dep 12:20 - Arr
14:05 (Economy class)
Services & Highlights: Hotel to airport Transfer (Urumqi),
Airport to Hotel Transfer (Kashgar), Abakh Khoja Tomb
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Abakh Khoja Tomb (40 minutes): It is a tiled mausoleum holding the tomb of Abakh Khoja, who is a revered
sufi preacher and political leader in the 17th century. There are 58 other tombs remaining of the original 72,
including that of 'the Fragrant Concubine', a descendant of
Abakh Khoja , who was so loved by the Emperor Qianlong
that he even built her a special Uighur style house in the
Forbidden City. Her body was brought back to Kashgar by her
sister-in-law, according to Uighur custom. This is a must visit
place for tourist in Kashgar .
Day 4
Destination: Kashgar
Services & Highlights: Zhiren Street, Livestock Market, Id Kah Mosque, Kashgar Old Town
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at Orida Culture Restaurant
Zhiren Street (1 hour): It is close to Id Kah Mosque, an old street with an amazing range of goods being
crafted for sale by hand , from strictly utilitarian cookware to exotic musical instruments. There's not much
light industry in Kashgar, so everything is hand-made or imported from a very distant place. Copper, metal,
porcelain, woodwork, jewellery and other goods are seen to be made and you will marvel at incredible devices
like the wooden objects that prevent babies from wetting the bed.
Livestock Market (1 hour): Streets near this big market are choked on Sundays with farmers and buyers
arriving by donkey cart, truck, bicycle, horseback, ute, motorbike or on foot, with their animals. It's loud, lively
and cheerful as they arrive, eat breakfast, set up their animals and check out the action. Cattle, sheep (they
definitely look different), goats, donkeys, horses have their own sections; sellers show their animals are "good
eaters" (most go as livestock not meat) and the entire experience is fascinating and fun.
Id Kah Mosque (40 minutes)
: This 15th century mosque is one of the largest and busiest in China. At
midday on Fridays around 10,000 people will gather to pray and study the Koran, and prayer 5 times/day on
other days. You'll be asked to remove your shoes before entering the Main Hall, which has traditional Islamic
pillars, carvings and rugs strewn over the floors. Women are adviced to cover upper arms and legs, a scarf is
not compulsory, but is seen as a mark of respect. This is a must visit place for tourist in Kashgar .
Kashgar Old Town (1 hour): Explore the maze of narrow streets in this oldest residential area of Kashgar.
Houses were originally built along a natural slope, and extended over the years with many streets either fully
or half-covered. Traditional Uighur life continues here in time-honoured fashion. Visit local families, see
potteries, bakeries, embroidery, and local skills. There's a local Folk Museum, and yes, souvenirs are for sale
but these are not rich people, a purchase is better than a gift.
Orida Culture Restaurant : The restaurant is located near the Id Kah Mosque. It specializes in Moslem food. It
is well decorated in a Uygur' style. Wine is not provided here.
Day 5
Destination: Kashgar to Urumqi to Turpan
Travel: China Southern Airlines CZ6885 Dep 12:00 - Arr 13:40 (Economy class)
Services & Highlights: Hotel to airport Transfer (Kashgar), Our guide and driver will escort you from Urumqi
to Turpan
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Day 6
Destination: Turpan
Services & Highlights: Suleiman Minaret, Tuyoq Village and
Tuyugou Canyon, Astana Tombs
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at Red Rose
Red Rose Restaurant: Red Rose Restaurant is located near
the Turpan Museum. It is an authentic Uygur restaurant
mainly providing Uygur cuisine in local. Dishes like Xinjiang
rice and lamb chop are recommended.
Suleiman Minaret (40 minutes): Also known as Sugong Tower, it is the biggest ancient tower existing in
Xinjiang and the only ancient Islamic minaret in the country. It is located 2 kilometers southeast of Turpan's
Tuyoq Village and Tuyugou Canyon (1.5 hours): The Tuyugou Great Canyon is 46 kilometers away from
Shanshan county in the east, 47 kilometers from Turpan city in the west and 13 kilometers from the Gaochang
Ancient City in the southwest. Tuyoq is a traditional village of vineyards, orchards, narrow streets and irrigation
channels tumbling between ancient mudbrick houses and shady trees against the backdrop of the bare, red
Flaming Mountains. An easy and pretty walk takes you to a group of very ancient caves carved into the
mountainside. You can stop and enjoy the surroundings, or climb the steep stairways to view some of the
caves, parts of their frescoes still visible, with both Buddhist and Nestorian connections.
Astana Tombs (40 minutes): It is located in the Gobi Desert in the north of Gaochang, 40 kilometers away
from Turpan city. At the Ancient Tombs of Astana, thousands of treasure historical relics had been unearthed,
including mummy, writing, inscription, painting, earthen figurine, stone wares, pottery wares, wood wares,
bronze wares, iron wares, gold wares, silver wares, cotton, silk, wool, ancient coins and so on. Therefore, the
Ancient Tombs of Astana is called the "Gaochang's live history record and underground museum in the Turpan
area." Although there are almost 500 tombs in this area only three tombs are open to tourists. One has two
and the other two have murals.
Day 7
Destination: Turpan to Dunhuang
Travel: Train No. T296 (Turfan Railway Station - Liuyuan Railway Station) Dep 16:43 - Arr 00:01 (Soft sleeper)
Services & Highlights: The Ruins of the Ancient City of Jiaohe, The Karez Wells, Hotel to Train station
Transfer (Turpan), Train station to Hotel Transfer (Dunhuang)
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at Red Rose Restaurant
The Ruins of the Ancient City of Jiaohe (2 hours): Jiaohe was built by the ancient Cheshi people in the Qin
Dynasty (221–206 BC) and the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). Located in the Yarnaz Valley, 8 km (5 mi) west
of Turpan, it was dug out of and constructed from the yellow-gray parched ground of a narrow 30-meter-high,
1.5-km-long vertical sided island in a river. It is a good vantage point for seeing the surrounding landscape of
vineyards and orchards followed by desert and mountains.
Red Rose Restaurant: Red Rose Restaurant is located near the Turpan Museum. It is an authentic Uygur
restaurant mainly providing Uygur cuisine in local. Dishes like Xinjiang rice and lamb chop are recommended.
The Karez Wells (40 minutes): This irrigation system of wells connected by underground channels is considered
to be one of the three great ancient projects in China. The Karez Wells Folk Garden and Museum is located
adjacent to Turpan, 3 kilometers west of the city center. The famous fruit and vineyards of these hot, dry
desert communities owe their existence to the Karez wells, ancient underground irrigation channels fed by
wells that tap into the snowmelt from surrounding mountains. These systems are still maintained and
functioning today. A small museum provides an insight into their intriguing history and construction, and takes
you below ground for a first-hand view.
Day 8
Destination: Dunhuang
Services & Highlights: Riding on a Camel, The Singing
Sand Mountains and Crescent Spring, Mogao caves
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at Fengqingyuan Restaurant
Fengqingyuan Restaurant: The restaurant is near the Moon
Spring in Dunhuang. It is courtyard-style and the cuisine is
based on local flavors. It is very popular with the locals.
Riding on a Camel
: Riding a camel on the desert of the
Singing Sand Mountains is a great experience. You can enjoy
the beautiful wavy shapes of the smooth yellow dunes
against the deep blue sky, and imagine you are traveling the
ancient Silk Road. Step off the camel and listen for the
singing of the sand.
The Singing Sand Mountains and Crescent Spring (2
: Crescent Spring (Yueya Quan) is in the Singing
Sand Mountains (Mingsha Shan), 6 km (4 mi) south of
Dunhuang. It is an oasis in the desert. The spring's name
derives from the crescent-shaped lake formed by the spring water between two huge sand dunes. Although the
area is very dry, the pool doesn't dry up as one might expect.
Mogao caves (3.5 hours)
: Tours of Mogao caves are conducted by a guide (English, German, French and
Japanese speaking guides are available) who you will share with other tourists. There are about 30 caves open
to the public, but usually the tour consists of 10 which provide a representation of the total. The selection is at
the discretion of the guide.
Day 9
Destination: Dunhuang to Jiayuguan
Services & Highlights: Our guide and driver will escort you
from Dunhuang to Jiayuguan, The Great Wall on the Cliff, The
Jiayuguan Pass(including Great Walls Museum)
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at JiaYuGang Hotel
The Great Wall on the Cliff (1.5 hours): This spot is 11 km
northwest of Jiayuguan city center, and 7 km north of Jiayu
Pass Fort. The Suspended Wall is part of the Great Wall. The wall there was built on a ridge with a gradient of
45 degrees. It is very steep and it looks as if it should fall down from the side of the mountain range, so people
refer to this section of the Great Wall as "the Suspended Wall".
JiaYuGang Hotel: The Jiayuguan Hotel is near the Jiayuguan Pass.The cuisine served is based on local flavors.
The Jiayuguan Pass(including Great Walls Museum) (3.5 hours)
: The "First Pass Under Heaven" is at the
western end of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) Great Wall. It is the most magnificent and best-preserved pass
among over a thousand Great Wall passes. This fort commands an awesome position straddling the Gansu
corridor between two mountain ranges. The adjacent Great Wall Museum is full of artifacts tracing the history
of the world's longest wall.
Day 10
Destination: Jiayuguan to Zhangye
Services & Highlights: Our guide and driver will escort you from Jiayuguan to Zhangye, Grand Buddha
Temple, Wooden Tower of Sui Dynasty
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Grand Buddha Temple (2 hours): The Grand Buddha Temple is located in Shandan County, Zhangye, which is
on the side of 312 National Highway and 66 kilometers away from the east of Zhangye City.The largest indoor
reclining Buddha of China – the Nirvan Buddha lies in this temple, which was built in Western Hsia period
(1098). It is recorded that the premier of Western Hsia once discovered a Buddha covered by a bluish-green
tile, thus the Grand Buddha Temple was initially built.Giant Buddha Temple (Dafo si):The Giant Buddha
Temple, in the southwestern corner of the Zhangye city, is home to China’s largest indoor reclining Buddha.
Wooden Tower of Sui Dynasty (30 minutes): Originally built in the Sui Dynasty and restored in 1926, the
wooden tower is 9 storied with a height of about 40 meters. It is an essence among the wooden towers in
China. Buddhist relics were once stored in this tower.
Day 11
Destination: Zhangye to Wuwei
Services & Highlights: Our guide and driver will escort you
from Zhangye to Wuwei, Wuwei Wen Temple (Wen Miao), Lei
Tai, Tiantishan Grottoes
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Wuwei Wen Temple (Wen Miao) (2 hours): Wuwei Wen
temple is located in the southeast of the city.Wuwei Wen
temple became key provincial level historical reservation approved by Gansu Municipal People's Government on
September 1st, 1981.
Lei Tai (2 hours): Leitai Han Tomb is located in north of downtown area in Wuwei.Being a large brick tomb of
the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Leitai Han Tomb is famous for excavating the cultural treasure bronze galloping
horse, which is the symbol of Chinese tourism. Now Leitai Han Tomb is one of important scenic spots in Wuwei
Tiantishan Grottoes (1.5 hours): The Tianfo Temple Grottoes is located in Dengshan Village of Zhonglu Town,
which is 50kms south of Wuwei City.Tianfo Temple Grottoes, first constructed during Northern Liang of Sixteen
Kingdoms Period and carved dynasties and dynasties, forms a grand-scale and owns much magnificent
architecture. It is one of earliest grottoes carved in China and regarded as the "forefather of grotto" by
researchers. The grotto still preservers 3-story grottoes, 17 different Buddhist shrines, hundreds of square
meters of murals and over 100 painted Buddha.
Day 12
Destination: Wuwei to Lanzhou
Services & Highlights: Our guide and driver will escort you
from Wuwei to Lanzhou, White Pagoda Hill, Waterwheel
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at Golden Beach Hotel
White Pagoda Hill (1 hour): It is located on the north bank of
the Yellow River in Lanzhou. It is named after the white
pagoda on top of it, which was originally erected in the Yuan
Dynasty (1271–1368). A half hour climb (that could be
shortened by a cable car ride over the Yellow River) offers a
great view of Lanzhou and the surrounding mountains.
Waterwheel Garden (20 minutes)
: There are giant steel
and wood, once used to lift precious water from the Yellow
River to supply the needs of this dry region. There is also a
chance to ride on a raft of inflated sheep skins. It is located
on South Binhe East Road, the opposite side of the river from White Pagoda Hill, 1 km west of Zhongshan
Golden Beach Hotel: The Golden Beach Hotel is considered to be on the best restaurants in Lanzhou city.
Cantonese food and Sichuan food are their specialties.
Day 13
Destination: Lanzhou to Xiahe
Services & Highlights: Our guide and driver will escort you
from Lanzhou to Xiahe, Labrang Monastery
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch at Xilin Hotel
Xilin Hotel: the Xilin Hotel is near the Labrang Monastery. It
serves Sichuan style and Tibetan style food. Tsampa (roast
barley) with butter and boiled mutton is one of the famous
Labrang Monastery (2 hours): Labrang Monastery, is one of the six important temples of Gelukpa or the Yellow
Hat Sect of Tibetan Buddhism and the most important temple outside Tibet. It’s now home to over a thousand
monks who have come to attend one of the six institutes of learning.
To tour the monastery, you must be accompanied by an English speaking monk from the monastery. The
service is only available twice a day at 10:15am and 3:10pm. The guide will usually show you 6 halls. One of
the most interesting stops is an exhibit of colorful sculptures — made of yak butter! The brightly colored
sculptures, some more than 3 feet wide and 3 feet tall look more like Fimo clay than butter. They take two to
three weeks to make, and are used in parades to celebrate Tibetan New Year.
Day 14
Destination: Xiahe to Lanzhou
Services & Highlights: Songke Grassland, Our guide and driver will escort you from Xiahe to Lanzhou
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Songke Grassland (30 minutes): Songke Grassland is located in southwest of Xiahe. Being a natural pasture of
Tibetan nomadic peoples, Songke Grassland is famous for its superb grassland scenery. As you ride on horse
you can listen to the pastoral song, and feast your eye on the beautiful flowers and blue sky.
Day 15
Destination: Lanzhou to Departure City
Travel: Flight No. TBA (Your arrangements)
Services & Highlights: Hotel to airport Transfer (Lanzhou)
Meals: Breakfast
2. Featured Hotels and Price Details (Our Net Rates for Travel Agency, Per Person in US$):
a. Prices are valid between December 1st, 2013–November 30th, 2014, but may vary according to
your travel time and tour availability (e.g.: Internal Labor Day: May 1 st -5th; Chinese National
Holiday periods: Sep 30th to Oct 7th). Contact us to save more.
Travel in Party of
Deluxe Class
1 Persons
2-5 Persons
6-9 Persons
Over 10
Single room supplement
Bingtuan Grand Hotel
Barony Hotel Kashgar
Huozhou Hotel
Dunhuang Hotel
Jiayuguan Hotel
Huachen International Hotel Zhangye
Xi Liang Hotel
Wangfu Hotel
JJ Sun Hotel
3. Price Includes
Entrance fees:
To scenic spots as listed in the itinerary.
All meals as specified in the itinerary.
If the restaurant indicated is not available on the day, your guide will arrange another restaurant from
our list of approved restaurants. Breakfast is usually a western style buffet. We endeavor to ensure
that a choice of western and Chinese breakfasts is supplied, however there may be occasions when
only a Chinese breakfast is available in some remote locations.
Private Transfers:
Transfers between airports, railway stations, hotels and scenic spots while sightseeing in Urumqi,
Kashgar, Turpan, Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Zhangye, Wuwei, Lanzhou by private air conditioned vehicle
with a driver and English-speaking guide (as listed above).
Your comfort is our priority! Click here to get a description of the vehicles that we use for our tours
Luggage Transfers:
Between airports, railway stations, hotels and scenic spots.
As outlined in the itinerary; a local English-speaking guide and driver will be provided in each city. Our
full day private tour packages provide a guide and van for a maximum of 8 hours.
Hotel fees are based on two people sharing one room with twin beds. All hotels as listed in the above
itinerary serve daily western or Chinese breakfast. All rooms are air-conditioned with private facilities
unless specified.
Deluxe Class
Bingtuan Grand Hotel ****
Hotel: 乌鲁木齐兵团大饭店
Tel: 0991-2800888
Fax: 0991-2800777
Address: No.551 Youhao South Road, Shayibake District, Urumqi
Address: 乌鲁木齐 沙依巴克区 友好南路 551 号
Barony Hotel Kashgar****
Hotel: 塔西南邦臣酒店(日本团推荐)
Tel: 0998-2586888
Fax: 0998-2582383
Address: 242 Seman Road,Kashi
Address: 新疆喀什市色满路 242 号
Huozhou Hotel****
Hotel: 火洲大酒店(日本团推荐)
Tel: (0995)8666999
Address: 东环路水韵广场
Dunhuang Hotel****
Hotel: 敦煌宾馆
Tel: 0937-8859128
Dunhuang Fax: 0937-8821249
Address: 14.Yangguan East Road, Dunhuang, Gansu
Address: 中国甘肃敦煌市阳关中路 16 号
Jiayuguan Hotel****
Hotel: 嘉峪关宾馆
Tel: 0937-6226983
Fax: 0937-6225406
Address: 1, Xinhua Bei Road, Jiayuguan
Address: 嘉峪关 新华北路 1 号
Huachen International Hotel Zhangye****
Hotel: 华辰国际大酒店
Tel: 0936-8277655
Fax: 0936-8251111
Address: NO.162 East Street, Zhangye
Address: 甘肃省张掖市东街 162 号
Xi Liang Hotel***
Hotel: 西凉大酒店
Tel: 0935-5965599
Fax: 0935-5965555
Address: No.58 Jianshe South Road, Chezhan Street, Wuwei
Address: 甘肃省武威市车站街建设南路 58 号
Wangfu Hotel**
Hotel: 夏河王府饭店
Tel: 0941-7121186
Address: Ren Min Dong Street,Xiahe
Address: 夏河县人民东街
JJ Sun Hotel ****
Hotel: 锦江阳光酒店
Tel: 0931-8805511
Fax: 0931-8854700
Address: 481, DongGang Xi Road, Lanzhou
Address: 兰州东岗西路 481 号
Transportation(E-ticket, you only need to show your passport when check in):
URUMQI To KASHI Transfer via Flight, CZ6805 (Economy class) (Our arrangements)
KASHI To URUMQI Transfer via Flight, CZ6885 (Economy class) (Our arrangements)
Turfan To Liuyuan Transfer via Train, T296 (Soft sleeper) (Our arrangements)
Lanzhou To Departure City Transfer via Flight, TBA (Economy class) (Your arrangements)
Note: Airline policy is that seat assignments are given at the time of check-in.
Rail Travel
Railway booking offices do not accept reservations until 2 days (or longer in some special periods, like
National Day, Labour Day) before departure. China Highlights is normally able to secure all proposed
tickets (98%), but occasionally government action (eg train charter) or other forces intervene, making
tickets unavailable. China Highlights reserves the right to change your tickets to other means of
transport if appropriate, which may result in some changes to your schedule.
Note: Please take good care of your train ticket stub as it will be checked when you leave the train
For train travel information:
Airport Tax for Domestic Flights
Airport Tax and Fuel Fee for Flights if applicable.
Service Charge & Government Taxes:
The insurance is China Life Tourist Accident/Casualty Insurance. Click here to learn more about the
insurance coverage and the sum insured.
Luggage Transfers:
Between airports/cruise piers and hotels.
The tour cost includes planning, handling, operational and communication charges.
Price Excludes
International Airfare or Train Tickets to enter or leave China.
China Entry Visa Fees
Excess Baggage Charges.
Passengers holding an adult fare or half fare ticket are entitled to a free baggage allowance of 20kg, for
economy class. Total weight of carryon baggage for each passenger may not exceed 5kg. The size may
not exceed 20x40x 55cm. More
Personal Expenses:
Expenses of a purely personal nature such as laundry, drinks, fax, telephone call, optional activities,
sightseeing or meals which are not included in the tour itinerary.
Any meals which are not specified in the tour itinerary.
Gratuities, Tips to Guides or Drivers
Unlike other travel agencies in China we pay the guides and drivers a base salary, and so you have no
obligation to tip. However in China guides and drivers often do expect tips. We also realize that you
might like to tip your guide or driver for their outstanding service. Those customers wishing to tip often
ask us what they should give. The usual tip would be in the region of 80 to 150 RMB per day to a guide
and half the amount to a driver; a separate offer to each is best. Of course, only tip if the service has
truly satisfied you. Hotel bell boys require a tip of about CNY10 per bag.